No Words

Little Miss Sunshine

Title: No Words
Genre/Rating: K+
Pairing: Luna/Taemin
Summary: Sometimes, words aren’t needed to express how they feel.
Chapter Song: Primary’s Settling Stances []
A/N: I was gonna update my other story, but then I was watching old SHINee and F(x) videos and then, yeah. So this is a Tuna fic. YUY! It's dedicated to 
superman_ who requested this storyline and also to chemistrykim who made me into a Tuna fan! ^____^

Taemin stared.
That was the only thing Taemin could do. There was nothing else for him to do. He just watched as Luna was dancing her heart out in the practice room. When was the last time he saw her dancing like this? Years ago, maybe. She was completely immersed in the music, oblivious to anything or anyone around her. It was just her and the music. Taemin could see everything she was feeling through her dancing. Her sharp movements, flexible waves, the way her body rhythmically moved to the beat of the song. He hadn’t seen her dance this tantalizing in forever.
He didn’t have to ask her anything, question anything, or wonder. Her movements said it all. She was hurting. With every intricate foot work, with every popping movement in her chest, with every detailed motion, with every expression on her face, Taemin could see it all. He could feel it all. She was hurting so much.
And all Taemin could do is watch.
“You're skinny.”
Those were the first words twelve year old Sunyoung told twelve year old Taemin when they first met.
“What?” He asked, offended.  A young boy did not want to hear that he was skinny. Sunyoung cocked her head to the side and said, “Do you eat?”
Little Taemin scoffed. He was so excited when he heard that there was a new trainee who was his age. Dancing and training with all the older hyungs was super awesome, since Taemin always had things to learn, but he felt out of place a lot of times. They were like five years or more older, so they treated him like a little boy. Plus his hyungs were so good at everything. The DBSK hyungs recently had their big break through and the other hyungs were about to debut soon in a 12 member boy group. It also left Taemin wondering when will he ever be able to reach that state. When will he be able to receive the recognition? When will he be able to fulfill his dream as a singer?
Anyway, so Taemin always wished there was someone who was his age. Or at least near his age to hang out with and practice with. Thus, when Sungmin hyung said there was a new trainee his age, Taemin got super excited. Of course, he would never show it on his face, but Taemin was extremely happy. Sungmin hyung took him into a practice room that was blasting music and a small girl was dancing her heart out there. Taemin just stared in fascination. Someone his age. And she was good, too.
“Sunyoung-ah!” Sungmin called out once the song ended. The girl smiled brightly as she went over and gave Sungmin a hug, “Hi oppa!”
Taemin awkwardly followed behind him and was introduced to the girl who insulted him at their first meeting.
“Yes, I eat.” Taemin replied, offended by her comment. All excitement flew out the window. She just insulted his twelve year old manhood.
“Okay, then!” Sunyoung said with a smile, “Let’s go eat then, dongap chingoo!”
With that she breeze past him and started toward the cafeteria. Taemin just stared at her in confusion. First she insulted him and then now she acts like they’re friends? Sunyoung turned around once she realized Taemin wasn’t following, “Aren't you gonna come?”
Taemin just nodded as he followed her to the cafeteria.
Taemin didn’t know how it happened, but he soon became good friends with Sunyoung. Despite their odd first encounter, Taemin found Sunyoung to be good company. It was a weird relationship that started off with insults to one another.
“You eat too much. Are you sure you’re a girl?” He would say to her.
“You’re freaking skinny, you must be a girl.” She would fight back.
“I’m NOT a girl!”
“Are too. You look like one!”
This evolved to actual pranks. One time Taemin gave her an energy drink that was replaced with hot sauce inside. Sunyoung was at the water fountain for an hour that day and rejoiced in his victory. Although he celebrated too early. The next day, he took a quick nap at the resting area of the building because he was tired. Taemin woke up and went to the cafeteria to eat, but all his sunbaes were laughing at him. It wasn’t until one of the hyungs showed him a mirror that he saw his face lathered in makeup. It was funny that even though Taemin and Sunyoung acted like this, they knew they were friends. Who else would they be young and immature with?
She understood his feelings of missing home, friends, and wanting to be where the hyungs and noonas were. They practiced together quite often, dancing till their feet bled. Maybe it was just the comfort of having someone who makes him feel like he has a normal life. Maybe it was just knowing that he wasn’t the only crazy fool who was forsaking a regular school life to chase after some crazy singer career.
“Do you regret it sometimes?” She suddenly asked him. They just had another crazy dance session and both were lying flat on the ground of the empty practice room.
“Regret what?” Taemin asked. Sunyoung shrugged as she sat up, “I don’t know. Leaving your friends. A normal childhood.”
Taemin shook his head, “Nope. I always wanted to be a singer. That’s my dream. So if this will get me there, then no, I don’t regret.”
Sunyoung nodded, “But trainee life is harder than I imagined.”
Taemin looked over at the girl who brought her to her chest and rest her arms over them.
“I mean,” she continued, “You’ve been here for two years now? Almost?”
Taemin nodded, “Yup. It’s okay, the first couple months are the hardest. But you get used to it. And the hyungs and noonas are nice. Cuz they know exactly what you are going through. It’ll get better, Sunyoung. You just have to look forward. And remember why you signed in the first place.”
Sunyoung softly smiled and said, “I can’t believe it’s only been three months. I feel like I’ve been here forever. I feel like I’ve known you forever.”
Taemin laughed, “You’re so sappy. Get up now so we could sharpen our moves.”
Things were somewhat the same since Sunyoung came in. Except for a new wave of fresh trainees that just joined SM. Most of them were guys, only a couple years older than Taemin. He loved that their SM family was growing and that there were more  and more people around his age. Plus, Taemin had Jongin now, who just recently joined the company. Even though he was technically younger in terms of the birth years, Taemin considered him a same age friend. Plus they both share passion for dance. So Taemin would now always practice with Jongin and they became like best friends, buddies. It was like something clicked for the two boys. Taemin kind of felt bad, because he felt like he was replacing Sunyoung with Jongin, but she didn’t really seem phased. If anything, that outgoing girl became friends with the other older guys and hung out with them and sometimes the noonas (although they were busy for their debut as Girls’ Generation).
Taemin’s dream of becoming a singer still burned passionately. And so he practiced hard in improving his vocals as well. It was something he wasn’t very confident in, as much as his dancing. But what he heard from the vocal trainer today just shocked him. Dejected, Taemin sat in the empty practice room, staring at his reflection in the large mirror. He cleared his voice and started singing scales, “Ah ah ah ah AH.” Up one scale “Ah ah ah ah ah” Another scale “Ah ah ah ah aH.” Taemin groaned as his voice cracked at the higher scale. “AH!” He screamed in frustration.
Taemin looked at the door and saw Sunyoung standing there, “Are you okay?”
He just sighed and looked away, “I’m fine, Sunyoung. I just want to be alone right now.”
He heard the girl sigh as she moved to take a seat next to him. Oh my goodness, did she not get the message that he wanted to be alone?! There was a long silence shared between the two. Sunyoung decided to break it by walking over to the stereo and turning the music on. It was bumping loudly through the speakers and Sunyoung smiled at him while slowly dancing along, “Come on Taemin. Show me what you got.”
Taemin couldn’t help but crack a small smile while Sunyoung over exaggerated her movements. It was a H.O.T. song that was playing and Sunyoung was expertly copying the moves to candy. Taemin laughed and got up to join her. He couldn’t help but show off his dance moves. Sunyoung laughed as Taemin started getting really into the dance moves of the song. The hammer dance part of the song came out and Sunyoung started hitting at his body parts as he popped it (just like Jang Woohyuk sunbaenim did).
They laughed as the song ended and Sunyoung said, “Well, I haven’t danced that in forever.”
Taemin just smiled at her, feeling tenfold better. Sunyoung took out drinks from her bag and tossed one to Taemin who caught it was ease. They sat back down on the same spot and stayed silent. This time Taemin broke it.
“They said that I’m tone deaf.”
He could slightly see Sunyoung’s eyes get wider. She probably didn’t know what to say, so he continued, “Vocal coach said that I can’t sing. That I won’t sing. That I should try rapping instead if I want to debut.” Sunyoung remained silent but he small hand started patting his shoulder. “How can he say that to me?” Taemin continued, “Training for three years and then they say you can’t achieve your dream? What was I doing here then? My dream is to be a singer, not a rapper. I don’t understand.”
More silence. Sunyoung took a deep breath before saying, “The coach was probably having a rough day and needed someone to project his anger on to. I’m sure he didn’t mean it.”
Taemin shrugged, “I don’t know. Maybe I can’t be a singer, Sunyoung. Maybe it was a mistake for me to be here instead of pursuing an education.”
“NO!” Sunyoung said, “Lee Taemin, listen to yourself! What happened to you!? You said that you’ll do anything to accomplish your dream. And this small little thing that the coach said on his off day is gonna deter you? That’s not the Taemin I know. The Taemin I know would accept the challenge and practice hard so that he’s not tone deaf and that he has the qualities to be an amazing singer. Is the Taemin I know still in there?”
Tears almost flooded into Taemin’s eyes. But because he was a man, he willed everything in him to it back in and said, “You’re right, Sunyoung. I won’t give up. Nope, not when I came this far!”
Sunyoung smiled, “Yeah, that’s the Taemin I know!”
Taemin mirrored her smile, “Thanks, Sunyoung. You somehow know exactly what to say.”
She nodded, “Well, I was pretty smart back when I was still in school. Anyway, I guess I learned something new today.”
"What?” Taemin asked. She grinned, “That even pretty girls look ugly when they cry.”
“I didn’t cry!” Taemin protested, “And I’m not a girl!”
Sunyoung giggled, “Whatever.”
“Speak what you want shortie,” Taemin said playfully, “At least I can see people’s heads.”
Sunyoung gave Taemin a playful glare and said, “We should get going now and get our sleep. Full day of practice tomorrow, whoo!”
Taemin just nodded as he followed after her. Sunyoung happily talked about random things while Taemin just listened and smiled.
Sunyoung was such a great friend. Even if she called him a pretty girl.
He debuted. It was like a dream, the first time he stood on that stage with the lights shining brightly on him. The cheering was unforgettable, the heat of the blaring lights, the feeling of his shoes gliding on the squeaky floors. When SM announced a new boy group, Taemin didn’t even think of getting chosen.  But low and behold, he was so shocked when they told him the good news. He just felt bad because Jongin couldn’t get in and they wanted to be in the same group. But Jongin took it like a champ and congratulated him like a good brother. Sunyoung was also so happy and supportive. Of everyone in their debut group, actually.
“Shinee is gonna do SO well!” She said enthusiastically to them, “Each and every member is so talented!! Jinki Oppa, you have such a beautiful voice! Jonghyun oppa, your vocal range is so insane, it’s gonna blow everyone away! Kibum oppa, you have such an amazing stage presence, everyone will be so drawn to you! Minho oppa, your rapping voice is just so cool! And Taemin, you got them moves! I’m so excited for you guys!”
Taemin’s hyungs gushed over her compliments and doted on their “little sister.” Taemin just shook his head as he watched them interact with Sunyoung. The hyungs then one by one started trickling out to sleep before their big night. But Taemin stayed until it was just him and Sunyoung.
“Tomorrow is your big night!” Sunyoung said with a grin, “How are you feeling?”
Taemin shook his head, “I don’t know. It seems surreal. That our music video is out and that people like the song… it’s so crazy to me.”
“Yeah, the song is catchy! You guys will do great at your debut stage!” Sunyoung said reassuringly.
“Thank, Sunyoung,” Taemin said with a smile, “for always being my encourager.”
“Well, I do like to think that I am like a vitamin that pumps everyone up. Hehe,” Sunyoung said bashfully. Taemin shook his head laughing, “Well miss vitamin, don’t you worry because you’ll debut soon, too.”
Sunyoung nodded, “Yeah, well, I hope so. Prepare a nice path for me out there, Taemin.”
Taemin stood up to leave when Sunyoung said, “Hey, let’s dance together one last time before you become Shinee’s Taemin. This is my last chance to dance with just Lee Taemin.”
And so, even though Taemin was performing his debut stage the next day, he danced the night away with his friend.
Taemin yawned as he lied on the couch. It had been one crazy year of debuting and promoting different songs. It was like one magical ride. The response their group got was unbelievable. Taemin seriously couldn’t believe that this was real life. He was living his dream. He was singing on that stage, he was dancing on that stage, people were looking at him. It gave Taemin just a thrilling feeling. But, life was so much busier as an idol than a trainee. Now he understood why it was so hard for him to see his debuted hyungs and noonas. It was hard for Taemin to see any of their SM artists besides his fellow Shinee members. It was even hard for him to see Jongin or even Sunyoung. As their popularity increased, the amount of free time decreased. He kept in contact with people he was close to, but it just wasn’t the same as being there and training with them.
One time, during one of his break days, Taemin went to visit the trainees. It was really good seeing them again, but he kind of felt like an outsider. Jongin and Sunyoung somehow got close, which rubbed Taemin in a wrong way but he couldn't really put his finger on why. Probably because his two best friends were becoming each others best friends and excluding him. Not only that but they seemed rather chummy with all the other trainees as well. Of course, Jongin and Sunyoung welcomed him with open arms, but it just felt… different.
Thus, when he found out Sunyoung… wait no, Luna was debuting, Taemin was so happy. Well, obviously first because she had been waiting for this moment for so long and also because now they can have more stuff to talk about and understand each other about.
“Sunyoung-ah!” Taemin called out. Luna was standing outside on the balcony of her dormitory and Taemin was standing on the ground outside. She looked shocked to see him there, waving his hands dramatically.
“Come down!” Taemin yelled. He saw the girl stumble back into her dorm and minutes later, emerge from the front door. She ran up to him, confused.
“What are you doing here, Taemin?” Luna asked, “Aren’t you supposed to be heading to another concert?”
Yes, he was. They were about to leave in a couple hours for the southern areas of Korea, but he had to see her before she debuted.
“Congratulations!” Taemin said as he patted Luna on the head, just as all his other hyungs did, “I told you you’d make it!”
She grinned, “Yeah, it’ so unreal!”
“Here,” Taemin said, placing something in her hands, “This is my gift to you.”
Luna laughed, “Shoelaces, really? They look used, too, Taemin. This is gross.”
Taemin shook his head, “No, it’s the shoelaces that I wore at by debut. And when we won. They’re lucky laces.”
Luna looked at him skeptically but laughed, “Okay. Thanks, Taemin. It’s the thought that counts, I guess.”
“What do you mean!?!” Taemin said, “I’m giving you my LUCK. Do you know how big of a feat that is?!”
Luna smiled, “You know, normal people just buy food or drinks or something. This is quite new.”
“Hey, give it back if you don’t want them,” Taemin said, reaching for them. Luna quickly moved the laces away from Taemin.
“I never said I didn’t want them!” Luna said, giggling. She sighed happily before saying, “Thanks for dropping by, Taemin. I was feeling a bit anxious.”
He just nodded, “Yeah, I know exactly how you feel right now. Don’t worry, it’s gonna be fine.”
Luna made a determined look and nodded, “Yeah, it’s gonna be great!”
Taemin smiled as he picked up a phone call from an angry mama Key, “I got to go, Shortie. Hwaiting, tomorrow!”
Luna excitedly waved back at the retreating Taemin until she realized what he said, “Hey! I’m not a shortie!”
The next day, when Taemin watched M! Countdown, he noticed that Luna’s shoelaces looked familiar and smiled.
Tired. That’s how Taemin always felt these days. It was insane how popular SHINee got. He seriously wasn’t expecting it, but after Ring Ding Dong, their popularity just hiked up the charts. Plus, his voice started opening up a little bit more, so his vocal range kept (although slowly) increasing.
F(x) also started rising in their popularity. Although it took a little bit to kick start, the girls were quite popular now. Watching them on TV was the only time Taemin really saw Luna anymore. In the past, Taemin used to call her a couple times, text consistently. Now that both of them were idols, they were way too tired to keep up. In fact, their calls and texts were almost at a minimum. He was much too busy to realize it, but when they had brief encounters, his heart felt funny that Luna would opt to talk to his other Shinee hyungs, rather than him.
Taemin was much too busy to even stop and notice that his friendships were falling apart. He didn’t even talk to Jongin that much anymore. It was only times like this when he was alone in the apartment when he realized how much he missed them, his friends. How much he missed the good old days of being a trainee.
There were only a couple SME wide stuff that happened this year. One of the biggest thing was the SM town concerts. It was honestly really fun for Taemin perform in. So much energy, so much dancing, so much passion. It was awesome performing with his hyungs and noonas, too.
Luna was also there. But she was always with Onew. Or one of the super junior hyungs. After trying to deter Onew’s attention from the younger girl and failing, Taemin just decided to ignore her the whole time. Why? Taemin had NO idea. But he decided it’s best to ignore her so funny feelings will go away.
Their last concert finally ended and everyone was waiting for their bus rides back home. Taemin waited for the buses with Eunhyuk and Donghae. They were talking about some sort of dancing, but Taemin didn’t really register their conversation. He only nodded his head pretending because he was trying to listen to Luna’s conversation with Sungmin and Ryeowook nearby.
“You did so well!” Sungmin said as he gave Luna a friendly hug. She beamed and said, “No, oppa. You were cooler! Super Junior is the best! Wow, I was so amazed and I’m sure the fans were, too!”
Taemin just rolled his eyes as he heard their laughter. So annoying.
“Taemin, are you even listening?” Donghae asked, waving his hand in front of Taemin.
“Oh, uh. Yes.” Taemin said, looking at them blankly. Eunhyuk and Donghae just laughed at the maknae being so blank. The older guys left Taemin as the Super junior bus arrived. Finally, they were leaving Luna alone, sheesh.
“Are you okay Taemin?”
He abruptly turned and saw Luna looking at him funny. Was she really talking to him?
“Huh?” He managed to spew out.
“You were murmuring to yourself,” Luna giggled. Taemin just blinked. How did she act like they were fine? When she obviously forsook their friendship to be friends with the older guys? How was she just laughing at him like the old times?
“You did really well at the concert today!” Luna said, eyes twinkling. He could tell that she was saying this genuinely, “Your dancing got better! I don’t even know how because it was so good to begin with! But wow, you were really amazing!”
All the anger from before disappeared and Taemin felt his heart soar, like he was going to melt into a puddle of goo. Wait, snap out of it. He just shook his head and said, “Uh, thanks, Luna, you did well, too.”
The F(x) van then pulled up and Luna smiled at him, “Good night, Taemin!” and she went into the van with her girls.
“Good night,” he mumbled to himself as he watched the van leave.
Taemin refused to acknowledge that he liked Luna. He absolutely refused. But it was really hard to when Shinee had so many things with F(x) this year. Like, seriously? They were at like so many variety recordings and shows together, they had like three special stages, and not to mention promoting at the same time.
But it was annoying. Why? Taemin NEVER got paired with Luna. She was always with Onew or Jonghyun, although it was mostly Onew hyung. And he was always paired with Sulli or Krystal. It just seemed like SM wanted to promote these couples. Taemin started to believe that SM was pushing for Luna and Onew to date (which he knew couldn't be true because of their dating rules). But, seriously. How did Luna and Onew have SO MANY stinking things together!?! Yeah. Taemin was annoyed.
And what was even more annoying was that she was close to his hyungs. She was constantly talking to Onew and Key. She even sometimes talked with Minho about sports or something. But never him. Maybe it was too awkward for them to be friends again. But anyway, the point was that his Shinee hyungs ALWAYS talked about her. Luna this, Luna that, Luna said.
Oh, Luna and Onew even had a fanclub. Lunew. Ew, it sounded so gross, in Taemin’s opinion. He almost threw up watching their chuseok performance. And then there was that incident at the Idol Sports when Onew ram hugged her in front of the whole world. Lunew started raging even more after that. Taemin shook his head. What was wrong with him? Who cares!? Him and Luna aren’t even friends anymore. He was friends with Sunyoung. But she was gone now.
Taemin sighed as he went into an empty practice room and started dancing. These days, whenever he had the chance, he would spend time refining his dance moves.
“Wow, bravo!” Taemin heard once he finished his dance. He turned and saw Luna happily clapping at the door.
“Luna, what are you doing here?” Taemin asked. Luna smiled, “What do you mean, old friend? I came to practice but you were already here!”
“I was just about done,” Taemin lied, “I’ll just go now…”
“Wait, Taemin!” Luna said, “Let’s practice together! Just like the old days!”
Taemin knew it was a bad idea, but he couldn’t resist spending time with her like before, so he just nodded. Luna popped in a CD and a song started playing. Luna started moving her body in ways Taemin completely did not know she could move. She definitely wasn’t that same little girl from before anymore. Her cute face became much more mature and defined, her body was nice and curvaceous, just that aura around her was different. She was a woman now.
Taemin started moving to the music as well, following the beats. He just his body go and dance freely. He hadn’t been able to do that for a long time, since they always had intense choreography. Taemin started moving closer to Luna and they were so engrossed in the music. It was just Taemin, Luna and the song. Her body was dangerously close to his, but he wasn’t gonna back down now. The song came to an end and their faces were extremely close to each other.
Taemin’s heart was beating fast and his breathing was fast. Luna’s face was flushed pink from the dancing, slight sweat glittering her face, breathing quickly.
Did she feel this, too? This magnetic pull that Taemin was feeling? He was about to lean in for the kiss, when Luna smiled brightly and exclaimed, “Wow, Taemin, I haven’t danced like that in forever!”
She bounced away from their proximity and went to drink her water.
“Thanks, Taemin. I haven’t had that much while dancing in a long time!” Luna said happily. Taemin was still not recovered from their close encounter and just replied, “Uh, yeah.”
“Anyway,” Luna said, “How’s life now, huh? Is everything going okay with Shinee? How’s Onew oppa? Does he talk about me?”
Taemin blinked. Luna mumbled to herself, “Of course he doesn’t. Aish, stupid question, Sunyoung.”
Frick. She liked Jinki hyung. Luna liked Onew. Lunew was real. Then what was that magnetic pull he just felt? Was it seriously just him who felt it? He looked over at Luna who was still mumbling something about Onew. Taemin felt so stupid now.
He liked a girl who would never like him back.
You know it’s funny. You like a girl who likes another guy. But life goes on. At least it did for Taemin. Okay, so life did go on, but only because he completely avoided her. For like the whole year. Well, what was he supposed to do? They say that distance breaks the fondness, so that’s what Taemin was doing. You know, to ease his heart break. And he couldn’t say anything to his Shinee hyungs because… well, he just couldn’t. Especially to Jinki hyung. What was he gonna say? The girl I like likes you?
The only person he told was Jongin who said that he so saw that coming. Which Taemin didn’t understand. He didn’t see this coming at all.
“You always talked about her,” Jongin told him, “Even if wasn’t always good things, you just always talked about HER. It was so bound to happen.”
But of course, Jongin couldn’t have been much help because he was debuting with Exo. With his best friend busy, Taemin just shoved the thoughts and feelings aside and really focused on improving his singing and practiced for Shinee’s concerts and comebacks.
So, yeah, life was busy. With or without Luna. She called him a couple times and asked to hang out, but Taemin rejected as coldly as possible and then she just completely stopped trying. She probably got the message.
Thus, Taemin was really surprised when he got a phone call from her one day. Taemin debated whether or not he should pick up. But of course, after the fourth ring, he cleared his voice and answered, “Hello?”
He heard a sniffle from the other line before Luna said in a shaky voice, “T-Taemin?”
“Sunyoung?” He said. He immediately knew she was crying. Oh, no. “What’s wrong?”
More sniffling, “I… can we meet up, taemin? I know we haven’t talked in a while and that you might be mad at me, but… but I really don’t know who to talk to.”
Taemin sighed and said, “Okay. Come over to my dorm then, I end my schedule around 10.”
“NO!” She replied rather quickly, “Er, I mean. Can we meet at a park or something?”
Taemin just sighed, “I’ll pick you up after I finish.”
“Thanks, Taemin.”
The whole day, Taemin couldn’t concentrate. It was just Taemin at a photoshoot for one of the endorsement brands he had, but Taemin was out it. He was worried. What was going on with Luna? The director had to cut like 3 breaks so that Taemin could concentrate better. When the shoot finally ended, Taemin fled out of there and drove to Luna’s apartment. The small girl came out of her apartment wearing a cap an oversized hoodie and quickly got in the car. She kept her head down and said in a small voice, “Thanks for picking me up.”
Taemin just nodded as he drove off toward a nearby park. They remained silent during the whole ride. But strangely, it was a comfortable sort of silence.
“We’re here.” Taemin said, once he parked at the park. They got out of the car and started walking around the dark streets.
“Sorry, Taemin,” Luna said, “You’re probably wondering what the heck this is all about and stuff, huh?”
Taemin shrugged, “I mean, it did take me a little bit by surprise.”
Luna took a deep breath before she stopped walking and sat on a bench. Taemin just followed suit as Luna said, “I confessed to Jinki oppa.”
Taemin froze. She liked him enough to confess? Taemin felt his heart tightening as she continued to speak, “He said he liked me too… but not as a woman, but as a younger sister.”
He saw tears running down her cheeks. This was the first time Taemin was able to get a good look at her face. Her eyes were red and swollen and her skin looked pale and ashen.
“Sorry, Taemin,” Luna said, wiping her tears, “I just. I just had no one to talk to. The F(x) girls are all gone doing their own thing and I can’t really talk to the oppas, and I don’t know. I just thought of calling you.”
He just sighed and said, “So what happened after he said that?”
“He said let’s just keep our sibling relationship. And then I laughed it off and went running.” Luna said. Her tears kept flowing, “It was foolish of me to think that he liked me, huh? Oh gosh, I’m so stupid. I’m not pretty like the other unnis or charming as the other girl idols.”
Taemin started getting angry. She got her heart broken but she was still protecting Onew and put herself down instead?
“Are you serious?” Taemin said, “Yeah, you and hyung are close and have that sibling relationship, but he’s not blind to see that you like him. Jinki hyung is not that dumb. He hurt you, Sunyoung, just cry and let it out. Be angry. Why are you bringing yourself down?”
Luna sniffled as she looked at Taemin in confusion, “What do you mean?”
“You’re fine, okay?” Taemin said, “You're beautiful, talented and you have a lot of charm. Why are you letting Jinki hyung break down your confidence? If anything he’s the stupid one for not noticing you in that way, okay?”
Tears started welling in Luna’s eyes again as she threw arms around Taemin’s neck and flung herself on him. Taemin jumped a little in surprise, not expecting this close of a contact with her. He wrapped his arm around her back and patted her.
“Thanks, Taemin,” Luna whispered in his ear. She was so close to him, Taemin could smell her sweet scent of jasmine and mint. He could feel her steady heartbeat on his chest. He could feel her warm breath tickling his neck. And he could definitely feel her soft lips barely grazing his ear. Taemin thought his heart was gonna jump out of his ribcage, the rate it was beating.
She pulled away a second later and gave him a bright smile, one that Taemin hadn’t seen in forever.
“I’m so thankful to have you as my friend.”
Taemin’s heart sunk. He forced a smile back, “Yeah, me too.”
This was a good year for Shinee. They snagged a lot of wins, trophies, and titles. It was definitely the year they improved musically as well. It was also the year that Taemin and Luna became friends again. As in friends like the way they were before debut. Ever since Luna called him that one time about Onew, it was as if that weird three year gap of not being close never happened. They would text and call each other frequently and meet up occasionally as well.
Taemin also started shooting We got married this year, and he was paired with Naeun from Apink. It was weird because Taemin never had to “act” before, but essentially the premise of the show was to act like her husband. And so, it was a new experience for him, since he never actually really dated before.
“Oppa!” Naeun called out to him one day after filming an episode.
“Yeah, what’s up, Naeun?” Taemin replied, grabbing his coat and getting ready to leave the site.
“Are you free to meet up sometime this week?” she asked. Taemin blinked. They never met outside of filming before, so it was strange that Naeun was asking him.
“Um, yeah. I think so, why?” He asked. She smiled, “There’s a new coffee shop that’s open and I wanted to try it.”
Taemin wondered why she didn’t just save it for their next filming, but just ignored that thought. “Sure, text me when you’re free.” He replied.
Later that night he was hanging out with Luna and she clucked at him, “She totally likes you.”
“You’re ridiculous,” Taemin retorted, “She doesn’t like me.”
Luna rolled her eyes, “Um, she basically asked you to go on a date with her.”
Taemin shrugged, “Whatever.”
“What do you mean whatever?” Luna said, “Do you like her back?”
“No.” Taemin replied.
“Wait, why not?” Luna asked in confusion. Because I like you.
“She’s so cute!” Luna said, “And she’s friendly and pretty. What’s wrong with you, Taemin?!” I think you’re cuter and friendly and prettier.
“What, I don’t like her. What am I supposed to do about that?” Taemin asked. Luna just shook her head, “Anyway, then you shouldn’t lead her on.”
Taemin nodded. Luna and Onew were okay now. It took a while, but thankfully their relationship got restored, although there will always be a sensitive spot in her heart.
“But I’m guessing things with her are going well?” Luna asked nonchalantly. Taemin couldn’t tell if she was playing off cool or if she really didn’t care.
“Yeah, as far as acting goes.” He curtly answered.
So when he went on that coffee “date” with Naeun, Taemin hoped that nothing weird was going to happen.
“Oppa!” Naeun called out as she sat down at his table. He smiled, “Hi Naeun. You wanna order?”
She nodded and they ordered their drinks to the waiter.
“This place is so nice,” Naeun said with a chirpy grin, “I always liked these calm, homey cafes.”
Taemin nodded, “It’s nice.”
Naeun smiled and said, “Oppa. Truth is… I think I like you. At first I thought it was fluttery feelings from our virtual marriage, but… but I don’t think it’s that. I like you, and I want more than just a virtual marriage.”
Taemin was at a loss of words. Dang it, Luna was right. He opened his mouth but closed it, not knowing what to say. He just remained silent and was lost in his thoughts.
“Say something, oppa,” Naeun said, looking a little nervous. Taemin smiled, “I’m really honored that you like me, Naeun. But, I don’t like you in that way. I’m sorry.”
Naeun let out the breath she was holding and gave a weak smile, “I figured. You always changed so much when the camera was on and off.”
He reached out to hold her hand, “I’m really sorry, Naeun.”
“It’s okay,” Naeun said, “It’s not like we choose the people we like. Is it because you have someone else?”
Taemin wondered how much he should share, so he just nodded.
“Does she know?” Naeun asked. Taemin shook his head no.
“Oppa, why don’t you tell her?” Naeun asked. Taemin smiled, “I just can’t. We’re too good of friends with too many mutual people around us to try to change anything.”
“But then you’re never gonna know,” Naeun said, “And you’re gonna always regret never finding the answer.”
That is true. But was it worth taking that chance?
“Of course it is!” Jongin said when Taemin asked him the question. Taemin went to Jongin’s place afterward to chill. Jongin threw Taemin a coke can as he also sat on the couch with a soda.
“Honestly,” Jongin said, “Just grow some balls. It’s starting to get pathetic.”
“Gee, thanks, friend,” Taemin replied.
“No, really, everyone knows you have like a thing for her,” Jongin said, “I’m sure she knows by now, too.”
“What?!” Taemin said, “Everyone doesn't know!”
“Everyone doesn't know what?” DO asked as he passed through the living room with an apple in his hand.
“That Taemin like Sunyoung.” Jongin replied nonchalantly. Taemin looked at Jongin alarmingly. How dare Jongin just throw out his secret like that!
“Oh,” DO replied, “Yeah. Everyone knows that.” And he walked back into his room.
Taemin groaned in defeat. Whatever, Jongin was too immature to understand. So Taemin went to his Shinee hyungs and for the first time ever he finally confessed to Key and asked for his advice.
“YES!” Key shouted victoriously. Taemin looked at him strangely, “Why are you so excited that I like Sunyoung?”
Key laughed, “That’s not why I’m excited. It’s cuz I won the bet! Whoo!”
Taemin didn’t like the sound of this, “What bet?”
Key gave Taemin a guilty smile, “Shinee hyungs bet on which one of us you would talk to about Sunyoung first. AND I WON!”
Taemin twitched.
“I don’t know if I should be shocked because you finally decided to tell me after all those years or because you still haven’t confessed to her,” was Key’s reply.
“How does everyone know?!” Taemin asked, confused.
“You’re so obvious,” Key said, “it was practically written on your forehead ‘I like Sunyoung.’”
“Oh, gee, thanks, hyung,” Taemin said.
“I don’t understand why you never told us,” Key said, “I mean even though we all know.”
“I don't know,” Taemin replied, “I thought if I ignored it and pretended it wasn’t real that I’d stop liking her or something.”
Key shook his head, “Oh, little young one. It will never go away unless you have closure. You have to let her know, or you will be at unrest forever.”
Taemin groaned.
“Just be a man, you little baby!” Key snapped, “Its not that hard. Be like ‘Yo, Sunyoung. You be one blind chic, not noticing the smoky looks that I’ve been sending you through my eyes. Let’s date and marry and make babies.’ And there, done deal.”
Taemin sweatdropped, “How can you say that so nonchalantly to your dongseng?”
“Because,” Key said, “You make things harder than they need to be. Start taking risks. That’s the sign of a man. Even if you don’t know the outcome, go for it.”
Taemin sighed and nodded. Maybe Luna was right… he was a freaking girl who was too scared to man up about his feelings.
Taemin stared.
That was the only thing Taemin could do. There was nothing else for him to do. He just watched as Luna was dancing her heart out in the practice room. When was the last time he saw her dancing like this? Years ago, maybe. She was completely immersed in the music, oblivious to anything or anyone around her. It was just her and the music. Taemin could see everything she was feeling through her dancing. Her sharp movements, flexible waves, the way her body rhythmically moved to the beat of the song. He hadn’t seen her dance this tantalizing in forever.
He didn’t have to ask her anything, question anything, or wonder. Her movements said it all. She was hurting. With every intricate foot work, with every popping movement in her chest, with every detailed motion, with every expression on her face, Taemin could see it all. He could feel it all. She was hurting so much.
And all Taemin could do is watch.
With a step, he can see that she was disappointed in herself for not getting that musical she wanted. With a chest pop, he can see that she was angry for not getting picked for SM ballad. With a spin in the air, he can see that she felt neglected by SM since she did practically nothing since F(x)’s last comeback. With each movement, each motion, Taemin can see her frustration with everything.
He didn’t even notice when his feet started moving and she was dancing with her. She looked surprised to see him, but she didn’t stop dancing. They started moving together.
What are you doing here?
I’m here to comfort you.
Because I want to be there for you. I don’t want you to feel pain anymore. I want to wipe away your tears and hold you in my arms.
The song ended and they were face to face, breathing rapidly from the dancing.
And he dove in for a kiss. Finally, after waiting 8 years. Their lips crashed and he held her in his arm. She started responding to the kiss and wrapped her arms around his neck. Tongues collided as they hungrily expressed their pent up feelings for each other. All those years of not sharing how they really felt.
They soon pulled apart, gasping for air. Luna looked away bashfully, cheeks showing a hint of pink. Taemin tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and said, “I’m sorry it’s so late. But I like you, Sunyoung. More than a friend. Will you be mine?”
Luna looked at Taemin in the eyes and smiled, “I’ve been waiting quite a while to hear that now. Cuz I like you, too.”
Luna giggled as Taemin wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her in for another kiss. And then to kill the moment, H.O.T’s Candy started blasting from the stereo. Luna and Taemin bursted out laughing as they danced along to it just like their pre-debut days.
Sometimes, words aren’t necessary to express their feelings.

A/N: I hoped you guys liked it! Sorry, it didn't exactly come out as I wanted, but I hope it was decent enough. Going through a little dll for Chiaroscuro. I will try my best to update soon though! Please leave a comment and let me know what you think! :)
Also, feel free to post who want her to be paired with along with a storyline. It will take a while but I will get to it! It helps me get my brain rolling for new ideas. 

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victory00 #1
Chapter 13: will u update this one shot again..missing your stories lots..pls comeback authornim,fighting...
dhozhee_1208 #2
Chapter 13: Wahhh you're back!!!! It's always nice to read great one shot like this!!! It was a great part 2 author-nim
Chapter 13: Awww this story made my heart flutter. Loved it 2nd part was totally worth the wait HAHAH
Chapter 12: Oh Lunew! My only OTP! It's so sweet, authornim, though i wished Suho will get beat up some more. Maybe by Suju this time? Coz you know they're all Luna's oppa, haha~
Chapter 12: i know it's not supposed to be funny but the sulli and choiza part made me laugh.. just wanna let you know that.. kekeke.. but hey i enjoyed reading this... i love oneshots because i can't write...
whitepaper #7
Chapter 12: LUNEW~~~~ MY OTP!! Love it~~
Squiggles #8
Chapter 12: Awww this is so cute ;; but that stupid suho was such an he and choiza are secretly brothers or something asfgjfkdodn /slaps them in this story
Chapter 12: Oh... You... Omg... What.... Like I don't even know what to say I think you're like the best writer ever like I can't do this your one shot stories are wayyyy better then mine like write a book or something.