Eight Things

Little Miss Sunshine

Title: Eight Things
Genre/Rating: fluff
Pairing: Luna/Daehyun
Summary: Eight interactions. Eight things Daehyun likes about Luna.
Chapter Song: BAP's Angel/1004 [http://youtu.be/VUwatll4DoU]
A/N: WARNING. SUPER SUPER CRACK PAIRING. I just really really like Daehyun. And I really really like Luna so this story was born. I tried to find every event they might have been together in… so enjoy. And let me know what you think about this pairing. Haha ^_^

One. He likes her beautiful voice
June 2011
Daehyun couldn’t believe that he was going to debut in six months. Six short months and his dreams of being a singer will be fulfilled. It’s barely been a couple months since he joined TS entertainment, but the CEO already announced their debut date to the public. Not that Daehyun was complaining or anything. He just couldn’t believe that his dreams were only that much closer.
It’s funny though, Daehyun was never a boy group kind of guy. He always thought that he would sign with an unknown company that debuts solo, ballad artists. It’s not that he didn't like Kpop or anything. Sure, he knows some of the popular girl groups like Girls’ generation and 2ne1. Daehyun didn’t think he would join their world. So yes, being in a boy group was different. Yet, Daehyun had come to love the random group of boys he would debut with. Their strong and fearless leader Bang Yongguk of few words and kind gummy smile, the loud and obnoxious Himchan, the humorous and ridiculous Youngjae, the shy and humble Jongup, and their tall and talented maknae. Yup, their group was pretty crazy, but with all the time they spend together training, of course they would come to love each other.
“Daehyun!” Youngjae yelled, breaking his train of thought. Daehyun looked at Youngjae who just pointed in front of them and said, “The line is moving.”
Daehyun sheepishly grinned and started walking inside the theater. Him and Youngjae were the vocals of the group, so their trainers made them practice singing a lot. Recently, however, the trainers made them go watch people sing. And thus, Daehyun and Youngjae were here to watch a musical. They comfortably sat down on their seats that were pretty close to the stage.
“Wow, what a perfect view!” Youngjae said excitedly, “I just wish I had some popcorn.”
Daehyun laughed, “This is a musical not a movie.”
Youngjae just shrugged and looked through the pamphlet, “What is this play even about?”
Daehyun shook his head, “I’m not sure. It’s based on that one American romantic comedy. Legally Blond. Never watched it though.”
“Oh shoot!” Youngjae said, “It doesn’t matter! Look!”
Youngjae brought the pamphlet closer to Daehyun so he could look at the picture. Youngjae was pointing at a girl who had a bright smile and blond hair.
“Who’s that?” Daehyun asked. Youngjae looked at Daehyun incredulously, “Are you serious? It’s Luna from F(x)!”
Daehyun blinked, “Is that the group that sings Hot Issue?”
Youngjae shook his head, “Bro, we need to educate you in the Korean pop culture before we debut. You’re gonna be an embarrassment!”
Daehyun grinned, “Hehe. Sorry. So who are they? Er who is she?”
“F(x). The group that sings NU ABO. Chu. La Chata. No? Don’t ring a bell?” Youngjae said. Daehyun thought for a minute before saying, “Mmm, I think I know them…maybe?”
Youngjae shook his head in disbelief, “ANYWAY. The point is Luna is the main vocal for the group. And she’s SO GOOD! She’s easily one of the best female singers of the girl groups. And she’s really pretty! I’m so glad manager hyung got us great seats!”
Daehyun laughed, “Well, I look forward to hearing her voice.”
The lights then turned off and the light illuminated on the stage as loud cheers erupted from the audience. Youngjae cheered loudly next to him, too. Daehyung just clapped as the curtains opened and a girl was standing in the middle. It was the girl that Youngjae was pointing out in the pamphlet. Luna. She was smiling, with her blond hair in pigtails, donning a cute pink dress. Luna excitedly skipped closer to the edge of the stage, the crowd cheering even louder.
“You guys just won’t believe what’s about to happen!” Luna exclaimed excitedly, “Warner is taking me out on a date, but I just have this feeling that he might propose!”
Girls started popping out from the back as they exclaimed, “Omigod!”
The lights started flashing and a musical number started.  The music blared obnoxiously and the trumpet horns sounded loudly, not quite fitting Daehyun’s taste. This was probably going to be one horribly cheesy musical. But then he heard her voice and it was like the loud noise disappeared and her angelic voice floated into his ears. Her voice was so melodic and beautiful. Almost soothing amidst all the clanging noise.
And as quickly as it started, the whole show ended. Daehyun didn’t really remember the plot of the storyline at all. The only thing he remembered was how clear and powerful Luna’s voice was.
“Wow, that was amazing!” Youngjae said excitedly, “Luna sunbae is seriously the best!”
Daehyun nodded, “Her voice is really pretty.”

Two. He likes her breathtaking smile
February 2012
BAP finally debuted. After practicing so hard non-stop for the past 8 months, the boys went blond and performed their very first stages. Daehyun didn’t really like his blond hair, but the response from fans weren’t so bad. Yongguk hyung was already pretty popular from his featured songs, so BAP had a pretty solid fan base to begin with. What was most exciting was that Daehyun could finally see all these famous idols after performing on the music shows.
Everyone, 8 months can make the greatest of changes in a person. Youngjae had Daehyun religiously study the different idol groups and their famous songs and each person’s name. Daehyun’s head was spinning as he tried to memorize all those names to faces and songs. But, Daehyun always believed he was on the smarter side…which he proved correct with his excellent memory skills. Yup, he could confidently match every girl’s generation and super junior member to their face.
After their debut performance, BAP sat in their tiny little resting room until their manager came into the room and said, “Hey, it’s time to go greet the sunbae idol groups.”
Jongup and Zelo immediately got up, excited to meet the artists. Daehyun and the older boys followed suit. Apparently it’s some sort of idol artist’s tradition and respect thing for the new group to introduce themselves to the older artists. And give a CD for the sunbaes to support them. They went in many different rooms, meeting 2ne1 (Jongup excitedly exclaimed that he shook Sandara’s hand), Miss A (Zelo’s personal favorite group), and 2PM (Youngjae strangely fanboyed over them).
The next group they met was SHINee. What Daehyun did not expect, however, was for Luna (whom Daehyun now knew as the vocal of F(x)) to be sitting in the room with them. The five boys and Luna immediately got up and bowed as their members bowed to them.
“Oh yes, new boy group from Ts. What was your guys’ name again?” Onew asked with a friendly smile. As if on cue they recited, “B.A.P. yessir. Anyeonghaseyo, BAP imnida!”
The SHINee members clapped and so did Luna who exclaimed, “We just saw your guys’ debut stage, it was really good!”
Himchan excitedly replied back and conversed with her while some SHINee members were talking with the other B.A.P. members. Daehyun doesn’t really remember how long their stay with SHINee and Luna was or what they even talked about. All he remembered was handing their EP track to Luna who smiled and said, “Thanks. I’ll be sure to listen to this a lot!”
And when she smiled, Daehyun couldn’t help but stare and smile back. He probably looked like a creep. But there was something so genuine in her smile that Daehyun couldn’t help but think that her smile was just as beautiful as her voice.

Three. He likes her friendly nature
July 2012
The next time Daehyun saw Luna again was at Music Core.
Daehyun was so exhausted. In a good way though. After their debut through warrior and their follow-up of Secret Love, BAP had yet another comeback with No Mercy. It was great, especially as their popularity started climbing up the charts. Yet at the same time, no rest for the poor boys.
After performing their comeback stage of No mercy, the members went back to their room to rest up before leaving to the next station. Daehyun decided to take a little detour around the area, hoping to find some junk food to satisfy his belly. (Of course behind his manager hyung’s back).
Daehyun sighed as he searched high and low for a vending machine that seemed to be nonexistent in this stupid building. He pouted and decided to give up when he saw Luna walking toward him from a distance.
Oh, yeah. F(x) was having a comeback with electric shock the same time as them. Luna didn’t have blond hair anymore, but instead donned long brown hair. She was still in her stage apparel so she probably just finished her performance. Daehyun blinked. Should he say hi to her?
Daehyun didn’t have another chance to think about it as Luna looked up and made eye contact with him. She immediately smiled and said, “Hey, you’re from that one rookie group, right? BAP?”
Daehyun smiled and nodded, a bit stunned that she remembered the name of his group or that she remember his face. Luna giggled and said, “I remember you guys walking in and giving me the CD last time! I actually listened to it and liked it! What’s your name again?”
Daehyun somehow found his voice and said, “Daehyun. Jung Daehyun.”
Luna grinned as she held out her hand, “Hi, Daehyun. I’m Luna of F(x). It’s nice to formally meet you!”
Daehyun awkwardly shook her hand and said, “It’s nice to meet you, sunbaenim. I really like your new song, by the way!”
Luna laughed and said, “Thank you. It's been a while since we performed in Korea, so we were nervous, but it seemed okay today.”
“The song is very catchy!” Daehyun blurted out. Luna smiled, “I’m glad. BAP’s song is great, too.”
Luna attempted to copy their dance while singing “no, no, no, no mercy.” Daehyun laughed at her cute interpretation of their song. Luna grinned at him, “Stop making fun of me!”
Daehyun shook his head in retaliation when Krystal’s voice resonated from no where, “Hey Luna! Manager Oppa is looking for you!”
Luna chuckled and said, “Well, I’ll probably be seeing you often on these shows. It was good meeting you for the second time. Although you are my competitor now.”
Daehyun shook his head, “Oh, no! We can’t even compare to F(x).”
Luna laughed, “I can feel it in my bones that you guys will get big. Anyway, I really should go before manager oppa gets really mad. Bye, Daehyun! BAP hwaiting!”
And she skipped away, leaving Daehyun alone in the corridor, his hungry stomach forgotten. She definitely was very friendly.

Four. He likes the way she moves
November 2012

Daehyun awkwardly stood in front of the door. To ring the bell or not. Apparently being a part of the 93 line had its great perks because Taemin loved to throw get togethers.
Daehyun wondered whose house it was and how Taemin got access to it, but then he realized some things are better left unknown. However, Daehyun was still standing in front of the door, feeling nervous.
Why? Well for one, he never went to one of these “line” parties before. And two, no one from BAP was 93. So poor Daehyun came alone. And he didn’t really know any other people from other companies. BAP was so absorbed in promoting song after song, that real relationships outside of their company couldn’t be established. Daehyun finally manned up and pressed the doorbell. A couple seconds later, the door opened and Taemin stood there with a smile.
“Hey, fellow brother!” Taemin said cheeriliy as he ushered Daehyun in, “Glad you could make it. You’re welcome to eat any of the food or drinks in the kitchen.”
Daehyun nodded with a thanks as Taemin moved along to another group of people, playing the nice host. Daehyun scratched his head as he awkwardly looked around. To his left, a group of teen top and infinite boys (Daehyun remembers them to be L.Joe, Chunji, and Sungjong) were drinking and talking. To his right, he saw a group of girls, IU, Jiyeon, and Minah giggling. Across in the other room, a group of guys were playing a rowdy game of ping pong. Hmm, maybe he shouldn’t have come. It’s not that Daehyun isn’t social or anything, but he was just a little shy? Okay, maybe a little tiny bit awkward.
Daehyun didn’t know what to do so he just went toward the punch bowl to act somewhat casual when he heard her laugh. He turned around and saw Luna laughing while talking to D.O. and Tao, the 93-liners from Exo. Luna looked up and made eye contact with Daehyun and smiled.
Daehyun blinked and then awkwardly smiled and waved back. Luna brought the other boys over as she went up to Daehyun.
“Daehyun!” she chirped happily, “You came!”
He nodded and smiled, “Yup, I did. I’m surprised I was invited, actually.”
“Oh, nonsense!” Luna said, “Of course you’d be invited. Oh, by the way, have you guys met?”
She motioned at the two guys behind her and Daehyun shook his head no, “I don’t think we’ve ever formally been introduced.”
“Oh well, Daehyun, this is D.O. and Tao from Exo K and M, respectively. And D.O, Tao, this is Daehyun from BAP!”
Daehyun exchanged greetings with the other two boys.
“Nice to meet you,” D.O. said with a grin to which Daehyun replied with a “likewise.”
They debuted around the same time, so the three of them talked about debuting and stuff until Taemin called D.O. and Tao over, leaving Daehyun alone once again. He smiled, they were nice people. Just then Luna popped up next and smiled, “What did you guys talk about?”
Daehyun smiled and shrugged, “It’s a secret.”
Luna fake gasped and playfully hit him, “I introduced you guys, you can’t have secrets with them and not with me!”
Daehyun laughed, feeling a little red from the alcohol that slowly invaded his system. Just then the music died down and Taemin said through the mic, “Thanks everyone for coming! We’re gonna start up the karaoke and dance floor, so feel free to go crazy tonight!”
People cheered, including Luna who was still sitting next to Daehyun. Some ratchet music started blasting through the speakers as people started getting down and dirty on the dance floor. Luna giggled as she got up and said, “Come on, let’s go!”
Daehyun shook his head, “No, no. I think I’m okay just watching.”
Luna shook her head and grabbed his hand, sending some strange electric jolt down his arm.
“No!” she said, “You have to dance!”
Luna pulled at his hand a little harder and Daehyun reluctantly gave in and went to the dance floor. She started moving her body to the rhythm of the music while Daehyun awkwardly stood there, shifting his feet. Luna giggled and said something which Daehyun couldn’t hear. “What?”
Luna got on her tippy toes and leaned in way too close for Daehyun’s comfort. Her lips were mere millimeters away from his ear and her body was just as close to his body. “I said loosen up a bit!”
She backed away and smiled as she started to pick up on the beat again and move her small body in dangerously seductive ways. Daehyun could just stand there and watch her, mesmerized. And then the alcohol in his system probably kicked in as he let his rationale go and Daehyun started to dance along to the music as well.

Five. He likes her amazing stage presence
January 2013
Daehyun grinned as he watched F(x) performing the Japanese version of Electric shock. The whole time, his eyes were on the one girl he had come to call his friend. Just everything about her was perfect, like she was created to be on that stage. From her voice to her dancing, Luna embodied everything that a kpop idol should have.
“Yah, stop drooling over Luna,” Himchan said, “And get ready to practice.”
Daehyun broke his gaze on the screen and said, “I was not drooling over anyone.”
Himchan laughed, “Sure you weren’t. You were only staring intensely at Luna as if that would somehow let her know you were watching her or something.”
Daehyun’s ears turned a little red, “I did not.”
Himchan smirked, “It’s okay. We all have crushes like those. It’s normal!”
Daehyun refused to acknowledge anything Himchan said, so he ignored the older boy. Enjoying a great challenge, Himchan kept provoking him, “And I know you text her. You always grin like an idiot when you do.”
“No I do not!” Daehyun said, offended. He shook his head as he got up, “Whatever. I’m gonna go practice before Yongguk hyung starts yelling at us.”
Himchan smiled as he got up and followed the boy. He put his arm around Daehyun and said “Don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone about your little secret. It’s safe with me.”
The next day his whole group about Luna.

Six. He likes how his hearts beats so fast when she’s around him
February 2013
Daehyun was excited for their comeback stage. BAP had been working every hard for their new song One shot. But that wasn’t the only thing Daehyun was excited about. Luna was apparently going to emcee M! Countdown as a special MC. He would finally see her again! When Youngjae told Daehyun the news, he tried his best to remain composed about it, but inside, Daehyun was ecstatic.
B.A.P. went on stage for their rehearsal run through and he saw Luna and Amber talking to the camera at the bottom of the stage. He smiled. She really was here! After their rehearsal ended, Daehyun debated whether or not he should approach her, but his group members all flocked over to them, dragging Daehyun along for the ride.
The two parties bowed to each other and exchanged greetings.
“Congrats on your comeback!” Amber said to them with a large grin. Because their automatic spokesperson of the group Himchan wasn’t here, Youngjae spoke up, “Thank you Amber sunbaenim! Please take good care of us today!”
Amber nodded and patted the boy on his back, “Of course, of course my talented little hoobaes.”
Luna nodded, “Your rehearsal seemed really good! I’m excited to see your real performance!”
“Well we better not let you down, then,” Daehyun finally piped up, wanting to join in the conversation with Luna. The producer then called Luna and Amber over so the two girls left and BAP went back to their room.
Their performance finally happened, and Daehyun would gladly say that they nailed their comeback performance. They filmed the ending of the show with SHINee taking the win and performing their encore performance. Daehyun clapped and stepped off the stage when someone popped up next to him.
“Good job today!” Luna said with a grin. Daehyun smiled back and said, “Thanks, Luna. We’ve been practicing really hard.”
“I never realized how nice your voice is!” Luna said, “It might actually be better than Jognhun oppa’s. Which is pretty impressive. We should sing together sometime.”
Daehyun blinked as he looked down at the smaller girl who’s smiling face was glowing. He couldn’t hear anything around him except for the quickly beating sound of his heart.
That’s when Daehyun knew that his crush on Luna has evolved into something more.

Seven. He likes how brightly her eyes twinkle
July 2013
Daehyun frowned as he thought about what he just saw. He was back at the music station, this time promoting their new song Badman. Daehyun also knew that F(x) was promoting Rum Pum Pum Pum since a couple weeks ago, so he would definitely see Luna. Sure, they’ve been texting here and there, but there was nothing as refreshing as seeing Luna and her bright smile face-to-face. 
Daehyun excitedly went over to F(x) room to say hi when he saw Luna talking with Chen from Exo outside of her room. She was laughing at something he said and playfully hit him on the arm. They seemed extremely close to each other as they carried a playful conversation. Daehyun suddenly had a pang of understanding that… she was Luna. And he was Daehyun. She was the superstar in SM and he was just a small nobody from TS. She was surrounded by better guys. Guys who were more talented and engaging than he was. With a dejected sigh, Daehyun returned to his room to sulk. His BAP brothers hardly noticed his sad demeanor as they were engaged in their own affairs. Himchane chatting with some new girl group. Yongguk and Youngjae practicing their parts over and over. And the two youngest of the group, eating some chocolate they smuggled in the corner.
There was a sudden knock on the door and no one noticed it except for Daehyun. With a groan he went to open the door and saw a petite Luna standing in front of him with a smile.
“I called you from back there, but you couldn’t hear me!” she said, catching her breath, “You walk so fast.”
Daehyun just stared at the girl in front of him. He stepped outside and closed the door behind him. Daehyun towered over Luna’s tiny body, “Sorry, I was trying to get to my room.”
Luna grinned, “It’s okay! I just wanted to say hi! It’s been so long since we saw each other!”
And just like that Daehyun’s feelings of insecurity and insignificance melted away. His heart warmed and his heart beat fast once more as Daehyun smiled back and said, “Yeah, it’s been a while. Congrats on your wins for Rum Pum Pum Pum.”
Luna giggled, “Thanks, Daehyun. I’m excited to see you perform your new song, too! It’s really manly. I like that.”
Daehyun’s heart started beating faster again as he looked at the girl of his dreams. Someone then called out Luna’s name. She smiled and said, “Well, looks like I got to go. See you later, Daehyun!” And Luna turned to leave.
It’s funny how sometimes our bodies move on their own accord without the brain even processing what’s happening. That’s exactly what happened to Daehyun when he realized he held her wrist and turned her around to face him. She looked at him curiously while Daehyun froze.
“Did you need something?” Luna asked. Daehyun’s heart kept thumping erratically. Well, it was now or never.
“Do. Do you want to get coffee sometime?” He said calmly. Luna blinked and then smiled. She looked at him and said with a mischievous grin, “Are you asking me out on a date?”
Daehyun blushed a little bit before nodding. Oh gosh, this was so embarrassing. Luna leaned in close to his ear and said, “Yes.” She pulled away and Daehyun swears that her eyes were twinkling. He never noticed how brightly her round eyes shined.
“Took you long enough.” Luna said, eyes still twinkling, “I thought you’d never ask me out.”
Daehyun gaped at her. He opened his mouth to talk when the same guy called Luna’s name again. She sighed and said, “I’ll be waiting for the coffee date.” Luna tip toed and pecked him on the cheek before running off. Daehyun turned a bright red before he understood everything that just happened.
One thing was for sure, Luna had brilliant eyes.

Eight. They are complete opposites
Daehyun clasped his rough hand onto Luna’s tiny hand as they walked along the beach. The full moon was brightly shining and illuminating the night sky. It was a beautiful sight. It was one of those rare nights when both didn’t have any plans and thus they were able to meet up.
Luna was the complete opposite of Daehyun. While Daehyun was more reserved and quiet, Luna was sociable and loud, the kind of person everyone was attracted to. She was bright and energetic while Daehyun was calm and cool. She was like the sun and he was like the moon. Luna was perfect in so many ways, Daehyun still isn’t sure what she saw in him or how he got so lucky. He smiled as he looked at his girlfriend who was standing next to him.
“It’s cold.” She said as she sniffled. Daehyun laughed. Well, she just ruined that romantic mood. Daehyun wrapped his arm around her and said, “There, you feel warmer?”
Luna shook her head playfully and said, “No. I’m still cold around my face.”
Daehyun smiled and kissed her on the cheek, “There you feel warmer now?”
Luna playfully shook her head, “No, my lips are still cold.” She looked up at Daehyun and blinked her innocent eyes as she pouted. Daehyun laughed as he gave in and kissed her fully on the lips.
Daehyun was a lucky guy. 

A/N: Hello! Sorry for the long wait for an unexpected pairing. I went to the BAP concert in LA and I fell in love with Daehyun again so I HAD to write about him. Hehe. Anyway, I know that's such an uncanon pairing, but I hope you guys enjoyed it. And that is seemed believable. What do you guys think about this pairing? Anyway, here are a couple of announcements:
1. The Baekhyun/Luna piece will be out soon. Me promise
2. So far, this the order of pairings of stories I thought of/want: Baekhyun, Kai, Chanyeol. [does not entailed the requested ones]
3. If you want to request a pairing. PLEASE write a basic plot line with it. It can be as detailed as you want or as simple as you want. I usually write these one shots when I get an idea of how I want Luna and the person to interact, so yeah. It would help me write, especially if I don't really like that pairing.

Anyway, without further ado, here is a small preview for the Baekhyun/Luna piece:

They met when they were five. Little Luna was playing at the playground in the park, sitting in the sandbox with her toys. She was trying to build a huge sand castle for her princess doll. A little boy suddenly ran over and sat in the sandbox with her. Luna looked at him and smiled, “Do you want to play with me?”
The boy just grinned as he stomped on the sand castle Luna almost completed and stuck his tongue out at her. Luna cried as the boy ran away from the sandbox and left her along with the destroyed castle. Luna’s mom came over to console the poor girl. Little Luna just hugged her mom’s legs and cried. She vowed to kill the monster if she ever saw him again. 

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victory00 #1
Chapter 13: will u update this one shot again..missing your stories lots..pls comeback authornim,fighting...
dhozhee_1208 #2
Chapter 13: Wahhh you're back!!!! It's always nice to read great one shot like this!!! It was a great part 2 author-nim
Chapter 13: Awww this story made my heart flutter. Loved it 2nd part was totally worth the wait HAHAH
Chapter 12: Oh Lunew! My only OTP! It's so sweet, authornim, though i wished Suho will get beat up some more. Maybe by Suju this time? Coz you know they're all Luna's oppa, haha~
Chapter 12: i know it's not supposed to be funny but the sulli and choiza part made me laugh.. just wanna let you know that.. kekeke.. but hey i enjoyed reading this... i love oneshots because i can't write...
whitepaper #7
Chapter 12: LUNEW~~~~ MY OTP!! Love it~~
Squiggles #8
Chapter 12: Awww this is so cute ;; but that stupid suho was such an he and choiza are secretly brothers or something asfgjfkdodn /slaps them in this story
Chapter 12: Oh... You... Omg... What.... Like I don't even know what to say I think you're like the best writer ever like I can't do this your one shot stories are wayyyy better then mine like write a book or something.