Blind Spot [Pt. II]

Little Miss Sunshine

Title: Blind Spot [Pt. II]
Genre/Rating: Angst,Romance/T
Pairing: Luna/Luhan
Summary: Luhan finds himself falling for the blind girl who one day entered his life and turned it upside down. But his past mistakes are coming to haunt him. Can Luhan protect what is important?
Disclaimer: There is a little bit heavier profanity in this chapter. You have been warned.
Chapter Song: Big Bang's Haru Haru Acoustic Version.  (

. . .
Luhan’s mind was racing as Luna talked about her day at school next to him. It wasn’t exactly the fact the stupid Black Dragon gang was coming after him. It was the fact that they knew about her. They knew about Luna. And that scared the out of him because who knew what they would do to her. He looked over at the girl who continued to talk with such ease and joy, not knowing of the potential danger she was in.
This was all his fault. He should have never messed with the Black Dragons in the first place. He should have never met Luna. He should have never liked her.
“Luhan oppa!” Luna said, waving her hand, “Are you even listening to me?”
“Huh?” Luhan said, breaking out of his thoughts. The small girl stopped walking and pouted.
“If I’m that boring you should have just told me.” Luna said, pouting.
“No, sorry. There’s just some thoughts on my mind.” Luhan answered. Luna sighed, “Whatever. You can make it up to me by buying me ice cream!”
Luhan smiled and ruffled her hair, “If it’ll make you feel better.”
They walked towards the ice cream truck and Luhan ordered Luna’s regular. He handed her the ice cream, which she happily received with a “thank you.”
“What were you thinking so hard about?” Luna asked. Luhan shook his head, “It’s nothing.”
Luna pouted, “You never tell me anything.”
“I was just thinking about some stunting stuff. It’s nothing important, that’s why.” Luhan lied. Luna nodded, “If you say so.”
They arrived in front of Luna’s house.
“Alright, kiddo, go in.” Luhan said. Luna stayed put in front of her house and said, “I have to tell you something.”
Luhan would have been more apprehensive about what she had to say had it not been for the melted ice cream that stained across her top lip. Luhan just stared at her lips as she began to talk.
Luna took a deep breath, “I… Oppa, I know this sounds crazy and we’ve only known each other for like five months, but… I… I think I… um.”
She started turning red, but Luhan didn’t even notice. He was just thinking about how enticing and inviting her red lips were.
“I…” Luna continued, “I like…” Luna’s words got cut off by Luhan who held the back of her head and crashed his lips onto hers. Luna’s eyes became wide as saucers and she dropped the ice cream in her hand as he the ice cream off her lips and kissed her. She closed her eyes and responded to the kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck. He slowly pulled his lips away, their foreheads touching.
Luhan then realized what he did and quickly pulled away. Crap. Luna was bright red as just mumbled to herself and quickly said goodbye to Luhan and ran in as best as she could with her cane into the house. Damn, her lips were so soft and delicate. He was never this gentle with a girl before. And he couldn't help but want to kiss her again. Luhan groaned. This was getting out of hand.
Luhan stuffed his hands in the pocket of his jacket as he walked to the park. Xiumin usually never asked him to meet past midnight, especially on a school night, that goody-two-shoe. So Luhan was very curious as to why Xiumin suddenly called him and told him to come to the park. He walked over to the familiar park and looked around. He saw Xiumin sitting on the bench, thinking hard about something.
“Ayo, Xiumin.” Luhan called out, walking over with a grin. Xiumin looked up and then briskly walked towards him. He looked angry.
“What’s go-”
Xiumin punched Luhan in the face, causing him to fall backward.
“What the , Xiumin,” Luhan said, getting back up. Xiumin punched him again in the same place. He reeled back to throw another punch, which Luhan caught.
“What is your problem?” Luhan asked, angrily. Xiumin grabbed Luhan by the collar of his jacket and said, “She’s my ing sister, you bastard.”
And he threw another punch. Luhan landed on the ground and brought his hand to his bleeding lip.
“Luhan, I know what kind of person you are. You’re my best friend and I love you to death, but I know how you treat girls.” Xiumin said, “Sunyoung is my little sister. I am not gonna let you screw around with her and hurt her.”
Luhan got up and spit the blood in his mouth on the ground. “You’re one to talk,” Luhan said, “After saying mean things to your sister and making her cry.”
Xiumin looked shock for a little bit, “Why is that coming up all of a sudden?”
“Before you tell me how I should treat her, you should learn how to treat your own sister. She’s not a little kid anymore, you should see what she wants and how she feels.” Luhan said. Xiumin sighed, “You’re right. But that has nothing to do with you messing around with my sister’s feelings-”
“I ing like her, all right?” Luhan yelled, frustrated. Xiumin looked at him with a skeptical look.
“She’s not the same as the other girls. She’s different,” Luhan said, running his hand through his hair, “I don’t know why or how. And it’s seriously scaring the out of me that I can have such feelings for a person.”
Xiumin’s face softened as he looked at Luhan’s desperation.
“,” Xiumin said.
“I’ll say,” Luhan replied. The two started laughing like maniacs and then lied down on the grass next to them.
“So what are you gonna do?” Xiumin asked. Luhan shrugged, “I honestly don’t know.”
He really didn’t. These feelings were growing bigger and bigger, but Luhan didn’t know if he could do it. If he could be a good boyfriend to Luna. If he could make Luna happy. If he could protect her. Crap, the Black Dragons. Luhan sighed and said, “I have another confession.”
“What is it?” Xiumin asked.
“The Black Dragons are trying to recruit me.” Luhan said. Xiumin abruptly sat up and looked at his friend who was still lying down.
“What the hell, why are you so calm about this?” Xiumin asked. Luhan sighed as he sat up, “I’m not.”
There was a comfortable silence before Luhan said, “Honestly, I wouldn’t have given a about them. In fact, I think I would have loved that chase. That adrenaline. That thrill of evading them and outsmarting them. Doing whatever. But now… I care so much. And I’m so scared of what they’re gonna do. Cause for once I want to have a future.”
Luhan brought his head to his hands in despair, “I don’t know what to do.”
Xiumin patted his friend on the back, “I’ll help you. We’ll find a way to fight through this.”
Luhan smiled back at his friend. But deep inside Luhan wasn’t too sure if there was a solution to all of this.
Luhan came to school and entered the school hallway. He came early for once because he needed to talk to Luna. Luhan looked around the hallway, searching for her when someone pulled his arm and dragged him into a closet.
“What the hell.” Luhan said angrily. He looked and saw that blond Black Dragon kid Tao staring at him with a smirk.
“The boss would really like to speak to you.” Tao said in chinese. Luhan smirked back, “I think I already told him that I don’t have any reason to or desire to affiliate with your gang.”
Tao grabbed Luhan by the collar and said, “Our men will be here after school to pick you up. You better ing get in there. Or I don’t know what will happen to your little blind friend.”
Luhan laughed, “I don’t give a about her. I thought if anything you guys would at least know my history with girls. I don’t like them. I just them.”
Tao laughed menacingly, “We’ll see if that’s true or not, Luhan.”
And then Tao left Luhan alone in the closet. Luhan let out the breath that he was holding and sighed. Hopefully Tao bought his bluff. Luhan went outside the closet and saw Luna standing in front of her classroom, talking to Tao. . Tao made eye contact with Luhan and smirked. Luhan just turned his head and walked toward his classroom.
It was their usual lunch time. Luhan went to go pick Luna up to have their usual meal together.
“Let’s go,” Luhan said coolly to the girl. She started getting flustered and turned a bright red before furiously nodding and following Luhan to the cafeteria. She sat down at their usual table and fiddled with the hem of her skirt while Luhan went to grab the food. As Luhan returned with food, Luna suddenly sat up straight and turned pink. Luhan just didn’t say anything and started eating. Luna just sat there, not knowing what to say.
She mumbed, “I… um, about last night… I-”
“Don’t talk to Tao.” Luhan abruptly interrupted. Luna blinked in confusion, “huh?’
“I said don’t talk to Tao. He’s bad news.”
“No he’s not!” Luna argued, “He’s a nice guy.”
“Do you trust me?” Luhan asked, a bit angry that she was defending the stupid boy. Luna hesitated before nodding her head yes. “Then, listen to me, Sunyoung. Don’t talk to him or associate with him.”
“But why?” Luna asked, “Do you know him pretty well?”
Luhan slammed his chopsticks down, “Yes. And he’s not a good person. Why can’t you just listen?”
Luna shrank back and hesitated before saying, “Okay.”
Luhan sighed in semi-relief. At least she won't be stupid and be so friendly around him.
“Pinky-promise.” Luhan said, sticking out his finger. Luna looked up in shock (even though she technically couldn’t see him).
“I thought you didn’t like these kinds of things.” Luna said.
“Well, now I do,” Luhan said, “Pinky promise me.”
He grabbed her hand and brought his pinky to hers. Luhan smiled, “You promised, okay? You’re not gonna be near him or anything.”
Luna nodded, still unsure of this odd request. But she let it go and their conversation resumed as normal.
Luhan slung his backpack over his shoulder as he walked out of his class. He usually waited for Luna to walk with her, but he had told her to leave without him. Luhan took a deep breath as he waited outside of the school building.
“Would’ve been helpful if he said where and of what kind of car,” Luhan mumbled as he lit his cigarette. He let out a puff and looked up at the bleack sky. Man, even the clouds seemed to be mourning for him.
Suddenly a sleek black car pulled up and two men in black came out from the back seats. They grabbed Luhan’s arms, which he indignantly brushed off.
“Hey, I’ll go by myself. Please.” Luhan said. He shoved them aside and sat nervously in the back seat (though he would never ever show that).
“You’ve been sly in evading us, Luhan.” The grimy fat man driving the car said. Luhan shrugged. “I haven’t been doing anything much in particular. Maybe you guys just .”
“WHAT?!” The man angrily said. Luhan grimaced, “Kidding. Kidding.”
The man just grumbled angrily to himself until they arrived at some ghetto backhouse area that was abandoned. The men in black roughly pulled Luhan out and tied him to a chair.
The door in the back suddenly swung open, but Luhan couldn’t see who walked in because of the casting of the shadow on his face.
“Luhan, we finally get to meet,” the shadow figure said. It was probably the boss.
“Who the are you?” Luhan said, still not able to see the man’s face. The man finally stepped out of the light. Luhan frowned… he has seen that guy before. Luhan just couldn’t remember where.
“I said who are you,” Luhan said one more time. The guy chuckled as he walked forward, “Luhan, you should keep in mind that you’re the one who’s tied and I’m the one who’s not.”
One of the lackey guys came and punched Luhan on the face.
“Patience, Luhan,” the boss said, “I was just about to introduce myself. I’m the Dark Komodo. My name is Kris Wu.”
Luhan blinked. Kris Wu. Kris Wu. That name was so familiar. It suddenly clicked.
“You’re the genius business man who graduated from our high school. With that big pharmaceutical company,” Luhan said. How the hell was he a gang leader?
Kris smirked, “Well, well. Keen observation you have there, Luhan. Well, let’s not talk about myself anymore. Let’s talk about you.”
Luhan scoffed, “I don't have anything to tell you. I don’t know what the hell you want with me.”
Kris smiled deviously, “We need a pawn. And we have decided that you are the best candidate for this.”
“I’m a king sort of guy, not a pawn.” Luhan said. Kris snapped his fingers and then a couple guys came and punched Luhan in the gut and face. , that hurt. They stopped and turned back away as Kris laughed, “You? A King? Listen, kid. This is the real world. And in this world, you are a nobody. You don’t have family or friends that care about you or even know who you are. Even if you disappeared, no one would give a rat’s . You are the perfect pawn.”
Luhan fumed, clenching his fists hard. Who the hell did this Kris think we was? Kris grabbed Luhan’s chin and stared at him intensely, “Next Thursday at 9PM you will be at the pier for an exchange. You will come and receive a briefcase. All you have to do is complete the transaction with the opposite team.”
Luhan spit in Kris’ face. Kris angrily punched Luhan so hard, that he fell to the ground. Kris kicked Luhan, “Try funny again.”
Luhan refused to show the pain and just grunted as blood dribbled down his mouth. Kris bent down and grabbed Luhan by his hair to look at his face.
“You will come and do the transaction. Be a good little boy and everything will be fine. Even your little girlfriend that you seem to be attached to.” Kris said. Luhan’s eyes widened for a millisecond before he composed himself, “What girlfriend? Obviously your spy didn’t do enough research about me. I don’t have any. I’m not a commitment sort of guy, if you get what I mean.”
Kris smiled, “Well, we’ll see about that won’t we. We’re watching you. Tell anybody, and that girl. Let’s just say, won’t meet the happiest of endings.”
Kris dropped Luhan and got up to leave. He snapped his fingers and the men grabbed Luhan, threw him in the car, and then tossed him out in a random street. Luhan groaned as he scrambled to lean back on one of the walls.
Everything that happened final processed in his head, even though a lot of it was hazy due to the immense pain he was feeling on his abdomen and legs. Luhan was freaking scared. Not for himself, but for Luna. Kris obviously didn’t buy his lie about not liking her. Luhan swallowed the lump in his throat.
He had to stay away from her.
“Will you tell me what happened now?” Xiumin asked. Luhan was lying down on Xiumin’s bed, resting. He always came to Xiumin when he got beat up and stuff. Man, Xiumin really was his wife.
“Luhan!” Xiumin yelled. Luhan grimaced before sitting up and saying, “They want me to be a pawn in their plans. To make an exchange or some like that.”
“Luhan, this is freaking serious,” Xiumin said, “You know what pawn means.”
“yeah, yeah,” Luhan said, “that I’m disposable. Whatever. I just have to do this one thing for them and then I’ll be done.”
“No,” Xiumin said, “Who knows what other crap they’re trying to pull. It doesn’t make sense, Luhan.”
Luhan shrugged as he carefully and slowly got out of the bed.
Luhan tapped his finger on the desk as the professor droned on and on about some topic he didn’t ever care for. He looked at the time. It was almost lunch, meaning he had to book it out of there.
The bell finally rang and Luhan ran as fast as his injured body could to he rooftop of the school. He sighed as he plopped on to one of the benches. He had been avoiding Luna this whole week. There were three more days before the big exchanging… and Luhan was getting nervous. He completely shut Luna off the past couple days. That was really hard to do. Plus that Tao kid was always still there, stuck to Luna like glue. Luhan silently cheered when he saw Luna push the blondie away, but that kid was very adamant. Regardless, Luhan had to keep his distance. For Luna’s sake. Who knew what was going down this Thursday at the pier.
Luhan sighed as he lied down on the bench and closed his eyes. Yeah, he tried to stay away from Luna and everything. But it wasn’t easy. Luhan missed her a lot. The door quietly creaked and Luhan quickly sat up. Luna was standing there, looking a little confused, with the white cane in her hand.
“Luhan oppa?” She said unsurely. Luhan just remained silent and looked at her. Luna wasn’t like spectacularly y or hot or anything. But she had this simple beauty and glow that surrounded her. Luhan tried to ingrain this image of her standing and calling his name.
“Luhan, I know you’re here.” Luna said, her eyes starting to tear up, “I know you’re here so can you stop making me feel like a fool and come talk to me?”
Her tears started to spill and Luhan felt his heart break and his resolve to ignore her dissipate. Luna sniffled, “Did I do something wrong?”
Luhan didn’t reply and kept staring at the crying girl. “Is it because I’m blind and I can’t see?” she asked. No, Luhan thought.
“Am I not pretty enough? Am I not smart enough? I don’t understand… why?” Luna continued… tears streaming down her face. She dropped down on the ground and started to cry harder.
Luhan finally got up and walked over to Luna. He pulled her up by her elbow, surprising her. Luna looked up and sniffled, “Luhan?”
He remained silent and wiped her tears with his thumb. Luhan gulped real hard before saying, “Did you really think I’d be interested in you?”
She made a shocked expression, “Wh-What are you-”
“I got bored of you. Didn’t you hear about my status from other people?” Luhan asked. He looked away, not able to bear seeing the pain expressed in Luna’s face.
“I don’t commit.” Never thought of committing to anyone until I met you.
“I just like to have fun with girls, if you know what I mean.” But not with you. I want to know you and protect you.
“Did you really think that a hot shot like me would like a disabled girl like you?” Yes. I really do like you.
Tears welled in Luna’s eyes, “You’re lying.”
Luhan laughed, “Think what you want, Sunyoung. But that isn’t gonna change anything about you and me.”
He then placed his hand on her small back and pulled her toward him so that their hips met. Their faces were super close to each other as Luhan suggestively whispered, “Unless you want to ditch class and have a some fun with me.”
Luhan pushed her against the railing and kissed her hard. His body was touching hers as his tongue pushed against hers. Luna started to struggle so he tightly held on to her wrists with one hand and used the other to slide up her legs. Luna used all her strength to push him off of her and she started hitting him. With all her might her hands hit whatever it touched on his body. Luhan just took all her hits, silently. Luna angrily wiped her tears and walked away, her head up. She was quite far from her white cane though. Luhan forced himself to stay put as Luna went down on her knees to find her cane. She finally found it and picked herself to leave Luhan alone at the rooftop.
Luhan let out the breath he had been holding. He angrily kicked the random trashcan and let out a frustrated scream. Luhan sat down on the bench and grabbed his hair with his hands. This was for the best.
, he still felt that electricity on his lips from kissing her. This was not good. Luhan sighed as he reminded himself once more... this was for the best.
Then why did he feel like crap?
Xiumin landed a punch on Luhan’s face, causing Luhan to stumble a bit. He grabbed Luhan by the collar and then punched him one more time.
“Those were because you made my sister cry.” Xiumin said. Luhan just laughed, “More.”
Xiumin looked at Luhan weird.
“Hit me again,” Luhan said, trying to instigate Xiumin, “Hit me.”
Xiumin looked at Luhan with concern, “No. We have to talk about things.”
Luhan dropped down in despair and felt drops falling down his face. He looked up. It wasn’t raining. … he was crying. Xiumin silently sat down next to his friend.
“I found someone who could help you,” Xiumin said. Luhan just stared off into the distance and smiled while shaking his head, “No help can be found. I just have to do what they tell me to do.”
Xiumin grabbed Luhan and looked him in the eyes, “No, I said I found someone to help you. He’s a genius prosecutor I was able to find through my dad. Officer Lay. He’s been on the hunt for Black Komodo for years, now.”
Luhan shook his head, “The police can’t do anything. They don’t know anything about that kind of world. They're a family. No matter what, they won’t reach the top.”
“Just try talking to him,” Xiumin said, “It won’t do you any harm.”
Luhan shook his head, “Lackeys are probably watching me. They see me talk to police, they harm Sunyoung.”
“Leave that to me.” Xiumin said with a smile.
“This was your great plan?” Luhan asked. Xiumin cheekily grinned and nodded as he drove the car with Luhan in the back seat.
“I’ll just be driving around while you guys talk. To avoid suspicion, it just seems like we’re driving to the beach.”
Luhan shook his head at his crazy friend’s idea and looked over at the prosecutor sitting next to him. He was quite young.
“I’m Yixing,” the man said, stretching his hand forward. Luhan shook and said, “Luhan.”
“So, tell me everything that happened and your situation,” Lay said, “Every piece of detail matters.”
With a great sigh Luhan told Lay about all the details of his affiliation with the gang, starting with his initial drug deal and then his recent meet up with Kris.
Lay nodded and said, “Well, I’ve been on the Black Dragon case for two years now. They’ve been doing illegal drug transactions and murders for the past two years, trying to increase their reigning territory. You just confirmed to me for a fact that Kris Wu indeed is overseeing the whole operation. But they basically have been creating and selling illegal drugs to all areas of China, and almost swallowed up this whole province with their lackeys everywhere. Every transaction probably happens under the nose of the pharmaceutical company that Kris is the CEO of. I’m not sure what they’re planning, but it’s something big. I know that Kris has been meeting up with some other gang leader, so whatever it is he is planning, there must be an end.”
“Wait a minute,” Luhan said, “That’s great and all. But what does that have to do with me?”
Lay smiles, “As much as I know that this information is real, there is no real evidence for us to have a search warrant to search the company and Kris. And you alone, as one measly high school student, no offense intended, as a witness will not suffice against the power house of the Black Dragons. So, we need bug you.”
Luhan looked at him funny, “Bug me?”
Lay pulled out a tiny device and handed it to Luhan, “Place it somewhere on yourself that is unnoticeable and it will record every single thing that is happening wherever you are. You will go to the place you’re meeting them and you will put this on and do what they tell you. Once we hear the evidence, our police can charge in.”
Luhan took a deep breath, “How likely are we to succeed?”
Lay shook his head, “I’m not sure. But this is the best chance we got, kid.”
“There’s one more thing, though,” Luhan said quietly. Lay nodded, “Go ahead.”
“There’s this girl. Her name’s Park Sunyoung,” Luhan said, “Kris knows about her. Can you… even if my safety may not be assured, can you make sure she’s protected?”
Lay placed his hand on Luhan’s shoulder and nodded, “You have my word on that.”
D-day. It was d-day. Luhan stared off into the distance as his teacher talked about literature and arts and stuff. He looked at the clock. It was almost time. Time for the plan to be put in action. And… possibly time for his death. Luhan closed his eyes as he thought about Luna. He really wished things weren’t this way. He wished things were never this way. Why did he have to live such a messed up life?
The school bell rang signifying the end of school. Luhan got up and walked to Luna’s classroom. He watched as she collected her things and walked out the door with her cane. Tao was trailing along behind her, probably bugging the poor girl. Luna suddenly snapped and said to Tao, “Can you stop following me? Please, just leave me alone.”
Luhan blinked in surprise. He never saw Luna raise her voice even in the littlest of ways. Apparently, little Tao was surprised too as he just watched Luna walk away. Luhan followed Luna, making sure to keep his distance from her. She made her ways to the stairs that lead to the rooftop. Luhan frowned, why was she going there? Luhan went up the stairs and pushed the door that was slightly left open. Luna was standing by the railing, her hair dancing elegantly in the wind. She looked so peaceful and beautiful. Luhan just stared at her, soaking in her image. He missed her so much. Unaware of his own actions, he started walking towards her.
Luna suddenly snapped her head in his direction.
“Who’s there?” She called out. Luhan stood still, standing a good foot away from her. It remained silent and Luna quietly said, “Luhan oppa?”
Luhan didn’t reply, he just stood in place and stared at the girl.
“It’s you, isn’t it?” Luna said loudly, “Luhan!”
Luhan couldn’t hold it in anymore. His quick strides closed the gap between the two. Luhan pulled Luna in a tight embrace. He held on to her, as if he was protecting her from the world. She seemed so small and delicate, fitting so perfectly into his arms. Luna hugged him back saying, “I missed you, Luhan oppa.”
Luhan didn’t say anything. He didn’t trust himself to not say anything stupid. That he would blurt out how much he loves her and bring her back into danger. Luhan didn’t know how long they stood like that. He reluctantly pulled away and placed a chaste kiss on her forehead before forcing himself to walk away.
“Luhan!” He heard Luna shout from behind him. But Luhan didn’t turn around. He couldn’t. He quickly ran out of there and sighed. At least he had this last moment with her.
“Are you ready?” a voice suddenly asked. Luhan turned and saw Tao smirking at him. Luhan grabbed Tao by the collar and said, “You stay the hell away from Luna.” And with that Luhan walked away.
Luhan stood at the pier, dressed in all black, the bug clipped tightly onto the inside of his leather jacket. There were a bunch of ships and workers passing by as he just stood at the site of the dock. Alright, he was starting to feel a bit nervous now. Cuz oh you know, it just might be the last time he’s alive.
Some lackey men finally showed up and dragged him into some building at the side of the port. They threw him into a room, earning a groan from Luhan. A big black briefcase was thrown in front of Luhan. He looked up and saw Kris Wu, standing there. Luhan grunted as he got up, “What is this?”
“You don’t have to know what it is,” Kris said, “All you have to do is hand it over to the opposite party we are dealing with.”
“And who is this man I hand it to?” Luhan asked. Kris sighed, “Such a curious street brat you are. Fine, I guess I might as well enlighten you. It’s the head of the southern part of this province pharmaceutical firm. They’ve slowly been crossing over to our side of the business territory, so it’s about time I teach them a lesson. They think we’re here for an agreement, but of course we’re not. Kris Wu does not settle.”
Luhan eyed the briefcase on the ground. He looked back up at Kris, “So I just have to give this briefcase to the man.”
Kris nodded, “And of course get another briefcase from him in return. It’s supposed to have money, but I highly doubt those bastards would follow through.”
Luhan frowned. This wasn’t making any sense. What did a briefcase and dealing have to do with teaching them a lesson? Luhan flinched, “You’re planning on killing them aren’t you?”
Kris laughed, “Kill? I never kill. I find others to kill them for me.”
Luhan eyed the briefcase again, “I’ll ask one more time. What is in that briefcase?”
“I think I’ve humored you enough, little kid,” Kris said, “Now take the damn briefcase and go out there.”
Luhan obediently picked up the briefcase and walked outside. There was a big group a couple distance away. It was probably the people of the opposite party. Luhan groaned as he walked toward them. He was legit stuck in the middle of a drug lord war that was impending the second he hands this briefcase over. This walk seemed to be an eternity.
Luhan was walking to his death. Who knows what Kris Wu had planned when Luhan hands the briefcase over. He gulped, as the faces became more visible. And then he thought about Luna who had smiling and sparkling eyes.
Luhan finally made it to the other side, where there were ten men dressed sharply in black suits. The man in the center walked toward Luhan saying, “Where is Kris Wu.”
Luhan didn’t say anything. He just lifted up his hand and handed over the briefcase. The man was about to open it when a voice suddenly shouted, “Everyone put your hands up!”
Luhan looked back and saw Officer Lay holding a gun, followed by a group of armed police men also holding up their weapons. They came closer and Lay yelled, “Hands up! You guys are under arrest for suspicion in illegal transactioning.”
The men holding the briefcase dropped it and smiled. He waved his hand and a bullet fired into Lay’s stomach. He groaned as he fell down and the other officers started to frantically shoot at the gangsters. Bullets were exchanged and Luhan quickly ducked to find cover.
“You’re not escaping today, son.”
Luhan looked up and saw the leader holding a gun a couple feet away.
Luhan flinched as he fell to his knees. His hands were clutching his stomach that was profusely bleeding. He looked up and saw the man had disappeared. Everything in his line of vision started blurring. He just saw moving bodies and red. Blood was everywhere. He groaned as he fell flat on his back on the ground. Luhan felt his body get cold and he breathed harshly as he looked up at the dark sky.
Luhan and Luna were hanging out at a nearby park. Luna had insisted that they play there since the day was so nice. Luhan simply obliged because he couldn’t resist her twinkling eyes and cheerful smile. So Luhan was lying down on the grass while Luna babbled on next to him.
“Did you know…” Luna started as she started picking at the grass on the ground, “that everyone is blind?”
Luhan cracked an eye open and looked at her. “What?”
Luna nodded, “It’s true. Everyone had a blind spot in their visual system. Even you, oppa. It’s where the optic nerve leaves the eyes and goes to the brain. But there can’t be any photoreceptor there. So there’s a hole in everyone’s vision. So technically, everyone is blind. In one spot.”
Luhan smiled, “Is that so, miss Sunyoung. When were you so educated?”
Luna laughed, “I don’t know. I’m just always interested in learning about the eye. But it’s fascinating that the human brain doesn’t register than hole. Instead, it fills in that space with what probably should be there. Therefore, vision looks complete.”
Luhan nodded, “Do continue.”
Luna shrugged, “I don’t know. I think it’s interesting how the human brain is trained to fill it in… but technically, it’s not real. What you see at that spot. It’s what you think should be there.”
When Luhan didn’t say anything, Luna continued, “And you know… it’s kind of like how everyone has a flaw. A weakness. Or a past that they’re ashamed of. Or something they don’t like about themselves. The brain won’t see it and choose to write over it.”
Luna then grinned, “Being blind does have it’s perk in that instead of just one spot, it’s my whole visual area, so I can write over everything in my vision.”
“That seems dumb though. Even if you replace it, reality is reality.” Luhan retorted. Luna furiously shook her head, “Even if reality is reality… our brains are so powerful. That even for just that moment, it can be an escape.”
End flashback
Luhan steadily breathed as he felt his body get colder and colder. If he closed his eyes, will he have a moment of escape from reality? Luhan’s lids felt heavier with each breath and saw a blur outline of people coming next to him and shaking him. He just smiled and closed his eyes, creating an image of him and Luna living happily in the future.
It was incredibly warm. Luhan felt so much comfort. And a strange tingly feeling of warmth. Was he dead now? Was he in heaven? No, who was he kidding. Hell? Luhan suddenly felt a gush of coldness drifting in his body, only to be quickly replaced by warmth again. He felt something hot resting on his hand. What was his feeling?
“Luhan oppa.”
Someone was calling him.
“Luhan oppa.”
That voice sounded familiar.
Beep. Beep. Beep.
Luhan slowly opened his eyes. He looked around and saw a white room. He was at the hospital. Luhan looked down and saw Luna asleep with her arms and head resting on the bed, her hand still lying over his own.
He’s alive. What the hell. The door swung open. Luhan looked up and saw that it was Xiumin.
“Luhan!” he yelled as he ran over to the bed, “Luhan, do you hear me? Do you know who I am?”
Luna suddenly sprung up and said, “What is it Minseok oppa? Is he awake? Is Luhan awake?”
Luhan just nodded and croaked out, “Xiumin.”
Xiumin let out a sigh of big relief as Luna quietly sobbed next to him.
Luhan smiled as he looked at the sunset on the rooftop of the hospital. Xiumin explained everything that happened. Officer Lay got hurt pretty badly, but he’s recovering. The bugging apparently worked and Kris was being tried at this moment. There were lost of deaths, on both the gangs and police. But the nightmare was now over. And Luhan was free. And alive… well, missing chunks of his stomach, but a lot better than being dead.
“What are you thinking about?” the girl sitting next to him asked. Luhan sighed as he reached over and held her hand, “There’s a lot of things going through my mind right now. But Luna.. I don’t even know where to begin in telling you-”
“It’s okay,” Luna said softly, “Minseok oppa told me everything. I wish you told me about it instead of pushing me away.”
Luhan sighed, “I’m sorry. That was the only thing I could think of-”
“I was so scared,” Luna said, tightening her hold on Luhan’s hand, “I thought you were going to die. And leave me here alone.”
“Luna..” Luhan said, looking at the girl who was quietly crying. She turned to hug him and said, “Don’t leave me again, oppa.”
Luhan pulled back and held her face with his hands. He wiped the tears away as he said, “You still want to be with me despite everything that has happened?”
Luna nodded. Luhan smiled, “I’ll never leave you again. I love you.”
And he closed the gap between their lips. 

A/N: Hello, hope you guys enjoyed the second part to the story. Sorry if it kind of . I personally don't feel super happy with it, but better to keep it posted than keep waiting. Also, I know Lay is younger than Luhan and that Kris is the same age, but I wanted to incorporate them, so please understand the wide s in the story. With that said.. I'm working on a couple stories. Post the couples you would like, maybe I'll post those first. (Although my pref these days are for Exo, I will consider). Laters!

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victory00 #1
Chapter 13: will u update this one shot again..missing your stories lots..pls comeback authornim,fighting...
dhozhee_1208 #2
Chapter 13: Wahhh you're back!!!! It's always nice to read great one shot like this!!! It was a great part 2 author-nim
Chapter 13: Awww this story made my heart flutter. Loved it 2nd part was totally worth the wait HAHAH
Chapter 12: Oh Lunew! My only OTP! It's so sweet, authornim, though i wished Suho will get beat up some more. Maybe by Suju this time? Coz you know they're all Luna's oppa, haha~
Chapter 12: i know it's not supposed to be funny but the sulli and choiza part made me laugh.. just wanna let you know that.. kekeke.. but hey i enjoyed reading this... i love oneshots because i can't write...
whitepaper #7
Chapter 12: LUNEW~~~~ MY OTP!! Love it~~
Squiggles #8
Chapter 12: Awww this is so cute ;; but that stupid suho was such an he and choiza are secretly brothers or something asfgjfkdodn /slaps them in this story
Chapter 12: Oh... You... Omg... What.... Like I don't even know what to say I think you're like the best writer ever like I can't do this your one shot stories are wayyyy better then mine like write a book or something.