Smile, You

Little Miss Sunshine

Title: Smile, you
Genre/Rating: slice of life/ K+
Pairing: Luna/ Chanyeol
Summary: Music was the one thing they had in common. That one thing was all they needed.
Chapter Song: J’s Like Yesterday []
A/N: I realized people always make Luna the perfect girl. So this is me trying to take it a different way. Also, I think I've been doing too much fluff. Trying to deviate from the cutesy stuff for a bit. Enjoy.

Pound. Pound. Pound.
The sound of the rolled paper hitting the podium resonated in the classroom.
All the students stopped their chattering and looked up at the teacher. He cleared his throat, “Before home period ends, I’m gonna introduce your new transfer friend. Go ahead. Say something.”
Bright smile plastered on his face, Chanyeol waved enthusiastically to his new classmates, “Anyeoung! I’m Park Chanyeol, please take good care of me!”
The high school students were rather noisy and rambunctious, not really listening to Chanyeol who was awkwardly in front of the class as a new student. The teacher slammed the desk, “Show some respect.”
The students momentarily stopped and stared at the balding man only to return to their previous conversations. The teacher sighed and muttered, “Teenagers never change.”
Chanyeol just blinked and remained standing in front of the class, feeling both uncomfortable and nervous. This was not the kind of welcoming he was expecting at the new school. The balding man then turned to Chanyeol and said, “Just go sit next to the sleeping kid in the back.”
Chanyeol bowed to the teacher (who harrumphed to take his leave) and sat next to the kid who was sleeping. He set his backpack down and couldn’t help but ironically smile at the ridiculous situation he was in. Everyone around him was loud and noisy, not even noticing that Chanyeol was there, the teacher didn’t know how to control the class, and it wasn’t even 9 yet. Chanyeol sighed. Well, at least he saw that there was a music room. He probably was gonna spend most of this time there. Since he transferred schools in the middle of junior year, Chanyeol didn’t really expect to make good friends or anything. He just wanted to graduate and then leave to pursue music.
The sleeping kid next to him starting stirring and he stretched his arms while yawning. The kid’s big eyes blinked as he stared at Chanyeol.
“Who are you?” He asked. Chanyeol smiled, “Transfer student Park Chanyeol. Nice to meet you.”
The guy’s lips curled into a mischievous grin as he said, “Hey, buddy. Welcome to Namsan High. I’m the dashing and handsome Kim Jongdae.”
“What a great introduction,” Chanyeol mused to himself as Jongdae chattered, “So what brings you to this side of town?”
“Sister moved locations for her job. Had to follow,” He answered with a shrug. Jongdae nodded dramatically, “It must be SO hard being the new kid. It’s okay, fear no more. This great Jongdae will adopt you to be his friend.”
Jongdae patted Chanyeol with an “everything will be okay” face. Chanyeol just laughed, “What an honor to have a foster parent friend.”
The bell rang signifying the end of homeroom and the beginning of lecture. Jongdae sighed as he resumed his sleeping position, “Let me know when it’s lunch time.”
Chanyeol yawned as the teacher droned on about Korean literature and the intricate details of each wording and lettering. Quiet a bore for Chanyeol who just started doodling around in his notebook. The bell finally rang and the teacher stopped talking about the importance of the word “the” and set down the chalk.
“Don’t forget to do the readings by next week.”
The students groaned while a girl with long black hair who was sitting in the front stood up.
“Stand up,” She said. The students reluctantly stood up. Chanyeol blinked as he just followed everyone and nudged his sleeping seatmate to wake up. Jongdae abruptly stood up as the girl said, “And bow.”
The whole class muttered, “Thank you, teacher.”
Even the half asleep Jondgae muttered it as the teacher left. And then everyone excitedly started talking, some running to the cafeterias, others lounging in their seats.
Chanyeol looked around, not knowing what to do. The one “friend” he made was sprawled on his desk again. He just got up and looked around the hallways, trying to find the music room again. Chanyeol isn’t the best with directions, so he looked around in confusion when he collided against something. He looked down and saw a girl on the ground, books scattered everywhere.
“I’m so sorry,” Chanyeol said as he picked up her books. She just got up and dusted herself off and said, “It’s fine, accidents happen.”
Chanyeol gathered her books and handed it to her when he finally got a good look at her face. She had long black hair that was pushed back with a headband, ridding her small pale face of any stray strands of hair. Her eyes are a chocolate brown that were almost as big as his own. She had a cute button nose and her lips were luscious and…
“Thank you,” She replied with a smile as she grabbed the books from him. Chanyeol just watched her retreating figure with his mouth open.
“What are you doing there with your mouth open, looking like a doofus?” Jongdae asked as he walked down the hallway. Chanyeol finally shut his mouth and his brain started functioning, “I… uh. I was looking for the music room.”
Jongdae laughed, “Music room is in the other direction, buddy. But it doesn’t matter, come eat lunch with me.”
Chanyeol just nodded and followed him like a puppy. As they were walking down the hallway, a guy with short black hair popped up next to Jongdae with a popsicle in his mouth.
“Who’s this big eyed mushroom head?” He asked. Chanyeol sweat dropped… a big eyed mushroom head?
“Chanyeol,” Jongdae answered, “Transfer. He’s gonna be our new friend.”
“Oh cool,” the guy answered, “Hi, I’m Baekhyun, best catch of this school.”
Chanyeol laughed, “I can see why you two are friends.”
“Is it our devilishly handsome looks?” Jongdae asked with his signature grin.
“What!” Baekhyun gawked, “I totally beat you in looks. It can’t be that.”
They finally arrived at the cafeteria that was buzzing with life. This was enough to distract the bickering friends who went in line for the food.
“So,” Jongdae said, “Let me give you the 411 of our school. Those kids over there are the athletes. Our school is known to be national champions at a bunch of different sports, so you can kind of see why they would be cocky and arrogant.”
“Not to mention stupid,” Baekhyun chimed in as he pointed out another group, “Those are the geniuses. Like legit geniuses.”
“For fun, they figure out astrophysics problems and create their own algorithms for questions about life,” Jongdae continued. They continued pointing out the different groups and the social standings of said groups. The drama kids, the druggies, the awkward wannabes, etc. Chanyeol’s head was spinning from the different groups he should be aware of. They grabbed their food tray and sat down at a random table when Chanyeol noticed the girl he bumped into earlier. Even eating, she did so with just poise and grace, lightly laughing when some guy at the table said something funny. Something was very off about her though. He just couldn’t put his finger on it.
“Hey,” Chanyeol said, nudging Jongdae, “Who’s that?”
Jongdae looked up, mouth full of food, to who Chanyeol was pointing at. He swallowed the big ball of food in his mouth and drank it down with water before he said, “Don’t even think about it.”
Chanyeol looked at him flustered, “W-What do you mean? What am I thinking about?”
“That’s Park Sunyoung,” Baekhyun said, “She’s part of the perfects.”
Chanyeol blinked, “The perfects?”
Jongdae and Baekhyun nodded in unison. “That’s the nickname Jongdae and I gave them. They have the looks, the body, the smarts, and the insanely rich family to back them up.”
Jongdae nodded, “Basically their futures are set. They’re perfect people.”
“And Sunyoung,” Baekhyun picked up, “is one of those perfects.”
“She’s out of your league, man,” Jongdae said, shoving another spoon of rice in his mouth, “Class president of our class, head of the newspaper committee, rank 1 in all the classes, parents own a huge toy company. And besides she’s already taken.”
“By that guy sitting next to her,” Baekhyun said. Chanyeol looked over and saw the guy sitting next to her casually transfer some of his food over to her tray and place his hand on hers.
“Wu Yifan aka Kris,” Jongdae said, “Senior. Head of the basketball team, rank 1st in the whole school, heir to the Wu enterprise, and not to mention tall and good looking.”
“They’re practically as good as married,” Baekhyun continued, “Since their families are close and are pushing their marriage and whatnot.”
Chanyeol just nodded as he soaked in all that information.
“It must be hard if there’s already a life someone set out for you,” Chanyeol mumbled.
“Nah, they got life easy,” Baekhyun said, “Everything is handed to them on a golden platter.”
Chanyeol looked over at their table again to watch them. Sunyoung was smiling but Chanyeol didn’t miss her breaking away from Kris’s grip. She looked away from Kris and Chanyeol finally saw her full face. She looked up and the two made eye contact. And that’s when he noticed what was off about her. Her smile didn’t reach her eyes.  Her eyes were full of just sorrow and anguish.
“Hello, Chanyeol? You listening, buddy?” Jongdae asked, waving his hand over Chanyeol’s face. Sunyoung immediately looked away and Chanyeol turned his attention to his new friends.
“Sorry, what’s up?” He asked with a sheepish grin.
“We’re gonna hang out at the PC bang after school, you wanna come?” Baekhyun reiterated. Chanyeol grinned, “Sure.”
It’s been a week since Chanyeol started going to this new school. He finally got the hang of the crazy teachers, the boring lectures, and the interesting students. Chanyeol spent most of his time with Baekhyun and Jongdae and it almost felt like he knew them for a long time already. It was as if…they were a perfectly matched trio.
“Yo, let’s go get some food,” Jongdae said to Chanyeol once it was lunch time. Chanyeol grabbed a notebook from his backpack and said, “I actually want to check out the music room today.”
Jongdae pouted, “But I’m hungry~”
Chanyeol laughed, “Go eat with Baekhyun. I’m not that hungry. I’ll see you later, yeah?”
With a grumble Jongdae walked toward Baekhyun’s classroom while Chanyeol went towards the music room. Except, he forgot how to get there. Darn his stupid lack of directions. After struggling for a good ten minutes he found the stupid room.
“Ah, seriously Park Chanyeol, something must be wrong with your brain,” Chanyeol mumbled to himself. Well, the school was pretty big, in his defense. Whatever, at least he made it. Chanyeol was about to open the door when it burst open and a small figure ran past him. Chanyeol looked in shock as Sunyoung, trying her best to hide her face, ran out the door and down the hallway. Why the heck was she running out of there? He was going to follow her but then realized there really was no point. And then what was he gonna say even if he caught up to her? That he wanted to know why she ran away? Well that sounds dumb.
Shaking his head, Chanyeol just went into the music room. He looked around in amazement of how nice it was. There was an expensive looking grand piano in the middle of the room, a couple guitar cases lined against the wall and a cabinet full of different instruments.
“This must be a rich school,” Chanyeol muttered to himself as he saw the drum set in the corner of the room and even a sound system. Oh my goodness, there was a bass and an electric guitar at this school. Chanyeol was about to cry. This music room made it the best high school in the world ever. Chanyeol caressed the electric guitar before picking it up and playing a couple riffs. How long has it been since he was able to touch an electric? He went around, testing the different instruments and then finally sat down on the piano. That’s when he noticed a small brown leather notebook on the seat. Chanyeol picked it up and looked at it. Well, there was nothing on the outside indicating who it belonged to. And then Chanyeol had a flashback moment of when Sunyoung ran out of the room. Hmm, so this probably belonged to her then, huh?
Chanyeol couldn’t help but grin. Looks like fate wanted them to interact together. He was really tempted to look in it, but resisted. It would be messed up… right?
The bell rang to signify the end of lunch and Chanyeol stuck the small journal in his pocket before taking his leave back to class. Except… he forgot how to get back. Chanyeol sighed.
He somehow managed to barely make it to class before the lecture started. Jongdae was already sleeping by the time Chanyeol arrived. As he slipped into his seat he saw Sunyoung sitting up straight at the front while staring intently at the teacher.
She was such an interesting character. Chanyeol couldn’t help but be curious about her.
The long day ended and Jongdae finally woke up when the bell rang.
“Seriously, Jongdae,” Chanyeol said, “What are you going to do when the exams roll around. I doubt that your sleeping will help you much.”
Jongdae brushed it off, “I always somehow manage.”
They walked out the classroom and Baekhyun joined them.
“PC Bang, guys? I’m really feeling starcraft right now.” Baekhyun said cheerfully.
“Food first,” Jongdae said, “I’m starving.”
“You’re always hungry!” Chanyeol said, laughing. And then he realized that he forgot Sunyoung’s journal at his desk. Uh oh. What if someone stole it? He stopped walking, “Guys, I forgot something. I’ll get it and be right back!”
Before either of them could protest, Chanyeol ran back up the stairs and went into the empty classroom. He went to his desk and saw the journal still lying there. Chanyeol put it in his backpack and was about to leave when the door suddenly swung open and Kris and Sunyoung came in. Sunyoung shut the door before glaring up at the older guy. Chanyeol didn’t know why… I mean, he did nothing wrong at all, but he felt like he had to hide. So he quickly ducked behind the brooms by the cabinet and looked at the two who were holding an intensely heated gaze.
 “Why are you coming over for dinner?” Sunyoung asked, arms crossed on her chest, “I thought we decided that we weren’t going to do what the parents are telling us to do.”
The usual smile she wore was replaced with a frown. The older guy sighed, “I never said that.”
“Yes you did!” Sunyoung yelled, “I thought I made it very clear that I will not marry you.”
Kris muttered, “And I thought I made it very clear that I will marry you.
Sunyoung groaned in frustration, “I don’t get it Kris, it’s obvious that you don’t like me and I don’t like you. I don’t understand why you keep doing what the parents ask. The more you come over and do these things with my dad, the more he’s gonna push our marriage.”
“And that’s what I intend,” Kris said.
“But we don’t even like each other,” Sunyoung said, “What about Amber, huh?”
Chanyeol blinked in confusion. That tomboy senior who was friends with everyone?
A moment of conflict flashed through his face before it disappeared and Kris said, “What about her?”
Sunyoung rolled her eyes, “Are you serious? You’re just gonna forget feelings, forget love, and think it’s all about money and status?”
Kris tightened his jaw, “Amber and I are none of your concerns. It’s just a little phase.”
Sunyoung sighed, her voice so quiet Chanyeol almost couldn’t hear her, “Don’t you want to marry for love?”
Kris let out a breath before saying, “Who’s to say we won’t love each other?”
“Whatever, Kris,” Sunyoung said, “I’m tired. Come to dinner if you want. I’m not gonna be there.”
And then at that moment… Chanyeol accidently moved his body to the side, causing the brooms to all fall over. Kris and Sunyoung looked over in his direction and Chanyeol awkwardly stood there. With a nervous laugh he said, “Hi.”
Kris just glared at him before leaving the room, making sure to slam the door. Sunyoung took a deep breath before putting a big smile on her face. That fake one she seemed to be such an expert on wearing. She turned to leave when Chanyeol called out, “Wait.”
Sunyoung turned around and looked at with her large orbs, but still wearing that same damned plastic smile. Chanyeol blinked, not really thinking through before calling her name.
“Yes?” she asked.
“I won’t tell anyone,” Chanyeol managed to say, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to eavesdrop.”
Sunyoung smiled and said, “Thanks.”
She turned to leave again when Chanyeol’s stupid mouth called out, “Wait” once more. Sunyoung turned around again.
“You’re right,” Chanyeol managed to say.
“Right about what?” She asked.
“Love,” Chanyeol said, “You should marry for love.”
He watched her smile falter a bit before it came back on her face. She just nodded to him and then took her leave.
“What took you so freaking long?” Jongdae whined when Chanyeol finally came out of the school building.
“What did you do?” Baekhyun asked, “Have a rendezvous with a girl or something?”
Chanyeol laughed, “Sorry guys. I’ll buy though. Let's go!”
Immediately Jongdae and Baekhyun’s faces brightened as they merrily skipped along to the nearby food truck. They ordered their food and started eating when Chanyeol casually asked, “So, um… how long have Kris and Sunyoung been dating?”
“Aishh,” Jongdae said, mouth full of noodles, “Here we go again. Didn’t I tell you not to even think about it?”
“What, I can’t even ask about it?” Chanyeol said.
“We’re just looking out for you, Chanyeol,” Baekhyun said, “We don’t want your little heart to break because you fall head over heels for her. Like Jongdae did.”
Jongdae almost spit the noodles in his mouth out.
Baekhyun snickered and whispered to Chanyeol, “He confessed to her and she rejected him in front of the whole school.”“I’m right here,” Jongdae grumbled, “I have ears, you know.”
“I’m sorry for your humiliation,” Chanyeol said jokingly. Jongdae glared at him before turning back to his noodles, “Anyway, the point is. It’s better off to not associate with people who are part of a different world. Don’t go around thinking that you’re gonna be that poor but handsome Korean drama main character who’s gonna win over the rich and perfect girl and be rebellious or anything.”
“Like Jongdae did,” Baekhyun added.
“YAH!!” Jongdae yelled. Baekhyun and Chanyeol laughed at Jongdae’s outbursts.
Later that night, Chanyeol lied down on his bed, deep in thought. It’s not that he liked her or anything. It’s just… he was curious. Sunyoung had peaked his interest. No one can be that “perfect,” proof seen by her sad, sad eyes. Chanyeol got up and grabbed the small journal from his backpack. He knew this was an invasion of privacy, but it was just cuz… he had to check. That’s right, he had to check and make sure it was Sunyoung’s. It could be someone else’s, right?
Feeling a little better, Chanyeol opened the journal flipped to a random page. There were a lot of scribble marks and doodles and in the corner were the words
*Her bow is drawn to worlds of dark;
Where arrows spring and miss their mark.
She turns their heads but not their hearts.
I cry
On the other side of the page was another verse written in what looked like blotchy and rather emotional writing that covered the whole page.
*Hiding behind my smile.
Hiding behind the sparkle in my eyes.
Hiding behind who I am inside.
Hiding behind the tears I cry.
Hiding behind one big lie.
I can’t do it anymore…
Chanyeol grimaced as he looked at the writing and the drawings. This seemed to be her venting journal or something. And she was writing poetry? Her thoughts? Chanyeol flipped to the next page where there were music notes written along with the words and more drawings.
**Before I even realized the rain gathered around my feet
The tears that I kept from falling are pooling in my eyes

Was this a… song? He flipped to the next page, which also had musical notes and the lyrics to accompany it.
***The blue ocean that the red sun used to wash its face turns black
The white sky that had clouds and rain and the wind turns gray
I leave the darkness that finds my heart
Even the cold shadow that covers the night starts to harden
If the ice melts, a warmer song would have come out
But why is the ice so cold? Why is it so cold?
Chanyeol got up to get his guitar and he started strumming the notes of the melody. He softly began singing her words. It actually sounded good. He tried plucking it instead and using different strums. He mused to himself as he put his guitar down and closed the journal.
She was a musician. Just like him.
The next day, it was just another normal school day. Another long day of boring lectures, sleeping Jongdae, and talkative Baekhyun. After class, the trio decided to go crash at Baekhyun’s house. But then Chanyeol remembered the notebook in his backpack and said, “Wait, before we go I have to check something.”
“Oh no,” Jongdae said, “When you did this yesterday, we waited for like an hour!”
“Come on, Jongdae,” Chanyeol, “It was like 10 minutes.”
“Whatever. Hurry up!” Jongdae said as Chanyeol (surprised that he remembered how) went to the music room. He walked inside and saw Sunyoung on her knees, looking for something in the cabinet. Chanyeol coughed and she immediately stood up and brushed her skirt.
“Are you looking for something?” Chanyeol asked with a grin on his face, leaning against the frame of the doorway. Flustered, Sunyoung said, “N-nothing. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I must leave.”
She was on her way out when Chanyeol said as he took out the journal, “Oh, well that’s a shame. I found this journal here yesterday and I was hoping I could find the owner, but I guess not.”
Sunyoung stopped and looked at the journal in Chanyeol’s hand.
“Oh, thank goodness you found it! It’s mine! Can I get it back please?” Sunyoung asked with a big smile. She reached for it when Chanyeol raised it above his head, “I can’t just give it you.”
Sunyoung looked at him confused, “Excuse me?”
Chanyeol flashed his dashing bemused smile and said, “How do I know this even belongs to you?”
“I can assure you that it’s mine,” Sunyoung said nervously, “So if I can just get it back.”
She stepped closer and reached for it again when Chanyeol put his arm up again, “It doesn’t even have your name on it.”
He could see Sunyoung start to get frustrated as her friendly smile got strained.
“I told you, Park Chanyeol, it’s mine.”
Chanyeol looked at her in shock, “You know my name?”
She blinked, “Well, yes, you did introduce yourself to our whole class.”
Chanyeol smiled, “I didn’t think anyone was listening.”
“Just give me the notebook and I’ll leave you alone,” Sunyoung said, trying to be calm, but Chanyeol could tell she was nervous. And annoyed. But this was the most interaction he’s had with this girl.
“So, you’re a musician?” Chanyeol asked, still holding up the notebook above his head.
“What?” Sunyoung said. And then a look of realization dawned on her face and she angrily said, “You looked through my journal?!?”
Chanyeol shrugged, “I mean there’s no name or anything. What was I supposed to do with it?”
Sunyoung stepped closer to him and stood on her tippy toes, reaching for the journal.
“Give it back!” She said, trying her hardest to reach it, but arms barely coming up to his head. He chuckled, “You’re pretty short.”
Sunyoung was about to protest when the door swung open and they both looked over at the intruder. Kris was standing there with a scowl on his face. Sunyoung immediately pulled away from Chanyeol and Kris just looked at the two.
“What’s going on?” Kris asked in a rather gruff voice, “Sunyoung, why are you in the music room?”
“Um,” Sunyoung started nervously, “I was just…”
“She was showing me how to get here,” Chanyeol said with a sheepish grin, “I’m new and I couldn’t find the music room, so she brought me here.”
Kris was just staring at Sunyoung who was looking at everything but Kris.
“Hn.” Was the curt reply he gave before saying, “Come, Sunyoung. I have the car waiting.”
Sunyoung took a deep breath before she nodded and walked toward Kris. The guy gave Chanyeol a cold stare before he put his arm around Sunyoung and walked out the door. Sunyoung turned around and gave Chanyeol a “we’re not done talking about this” look. Chanyeol laughed as he stood alone in the music room. Well, that was certainly interesting.  
The next day was a Thursday. Chanyeol came in on time as usual and went to his seat in the back as usual. It should have been a very normal and usual day. Or so Chanyeol thought.
The bell rang for lunch to start and Chanyeol yawned as he stretched. He woke Jongdae up, “Yah, let’s go eat.”
Jongdae immediately sat up and sheepishly grinned, “Yessir.”
And then at that moment, a slim figure stood in front of his desk. Chanyeol looked up and saw Sunyoung standing in front of him, her black hair pulled back by a headband as per usual. She was smiling at him though her eyes were giving him a rather cold glare. Chanyeol saw from his peripheral Jongdae looking up at Sunyoung with his mouth open and then to Chanyeol.
“Can we talk real quick?” Sunyoung asked in a sickeningly sweet voice.
“Sure,” Chanyeol said as he got up. Jongdae looked up at him in amazement.
“I’ll catch up with you later,” Chanyeol said to Jongdae as he followed Sunyoung out of the classroom and into some nearby isolated room. As soon as the door shut the smile on Sunyoung’s face disappeared and she said, “No more playing games. Give me back my journal.”
“I don’t have it with me,” Chanyeol said. Sunyoung took a deep breath and said through gritted teeth, “Where is it?”
“Home,” Chanyeol answered. Sunyoung was frighteningly calm from Chanyeol’s answer. He was kind of scared actually, as she was quietly seething.
“Do you think you’re funny?” Sunyoung asked, exasperated. She sighed, “What do you want from me?”
Chanyeol smiled, “Meet me in this room tomorrow after school and I’ll give it you.”
“W-What?” Sunyoung said.
“Come tomorrow and I’ll return your journal.” Chanyeol continued.
“Wait, I’m sorry, you want me to meet you tomorrow?” Sunyoung asked as if he suggested something completely ludicrous. Chanyeol innocently nodded, “Yup.”
Sunyoung sarcastically laughed, “No, why the hell would I do that?”
Chanyeol shrugged, “Okay, well then, I guess I don’t know what to do with that journal then. Maybe I’ll show it to people in the school and see if they know the owner.”
“Are you black mailing me?” Sunyoung asked incredulously. Chanyeol grinned, “I would prefer to call it coaxing. So I’ll see you tomorrow!”
And with that Chanyeol walked out and headed toward the cafeteria.
That was pretty cool, Chanyeol mused, proud of himself.
The second the bell rang, Chanyeol sped out of the classroom and went into the music room to make sure no one else was using it. He smiled as he took out one of the guitars and started strumming it. Chanyeol then heard the door open and saw Sunyoung standing in front of the door.
“I’m here for my notebook,” she said, looking in the opposite direction of him. He laughed, “Well come on in and sit.”
She rolled her eyes before sitting down on the chair in front of him and she gave him a sweet smile, “Can I get my notebook please?”
He smiled back at her and said, “No, no, no. Not yet. You need to work for it!”
Sunyoung’s smile dropped, “What?”
Chanyeol grinned as he handed Sunyoung a piece of paper and said, “Sing it!”
She gave him a confused look as she grabbed the paper. When she read it, her face immediately hardened, “What the heck, did you look through and copy my music? I can’t believe you!”
“I just saw this page,” Chanyeol said calmly, “Can you sing it for me?”
“No!” She yelled, “Why would I? What else did you look through? Do you not know this is an invasion of privacy? Just give me back my journal.”
Chanyeol just waited for her to calm down and started plucking at his guitar absentmindedly. He said, “I’m sorry I looked through your notebook. But honestly, it’s good music. I just wanted to hear it.”
Sunyoung let out a deep breath to calm herself down and glared at him.
“If I sing this, you’re gonna give me my journal back?”
Chanyeol nodded, “Yes, on my man’s honor.”
She sighed before saying, “You promised.”
Chanyeol grinned silly as he started strumming his guitar and Sunyoung began singing, “The blue ocean that the red sun used to wash its face turns black” while Chanyeol added the background harmony. Sunyoung looked at him uneasily as she continued to sing with Chanyeol’s harmony interspersed here and there.
“The white sky that had clouds and rain and the wind turns gray
I leave the darkness that finds my heart
Even the cold shadow that covers the night starts to harden
If the ice melts, a warmer song would have come out
But why is the ice so cold? Why is it so cold?
Why are they so cold
Why are they so cold.”
Chanyeol clapped as they ended the song, “You have a really nice voice.”
He swore there was a twinge of pink on her cheeks when she said, “Thanks. My journal please.”
Chanyeol smiled and took it out from his backpack. Before giving it to her he said, “Why do you hide?”
“That’s none of your business,” Sunyoung said through tight lips.
“Fair enough,” Chanyeol replied as he handed the journal over. Sunyoung grabbed it and looked through it with a small smile on her face.
“You should sing more often,” Chanyeol said, putting the guitar back.
“Why?” she asked. Chanyeol smiled, “It’s the first time I saw your eyes shining.”
Her eyes widened a bit in shock of what he said.
“I’ll be leaving first,” he said, waving as he grabbed his stuff and left the young girl alone with her thoughts.
“Wait!” She called out. Chanyeol turned around and saw Sunyoung fiddling with the hem of her skirt, “Um. Please don’t tell anyone about the journal or the music.”
“I won’t,” Chanyeol promised, “But I’m just curious as to why.”
She sighed, “It’s complicated.”
“Everything is complicated with girls.” Chanyeol mumbled.
“Excuse me?” Sunyoung said, offendedly. He grinned at her, “Kidding. Kidding.”
Chanyeol walked back and sat down.
“Try me,” he said, looking straight at her. Sunyoung’s gaze met his for once and they were shining brilliantly. But there was so much emotion behind those eyes. She looked away and stared at her hands at her lap, tucking a strand of loose hair behind her ear.
“My whole life has been planned for me before I was even born. Be a certain way, act this way, dislike these things. My future to take over the company has been set since I was five when my parents found out they couldn’t have anymore children. As the only child in the family, my mom and dad only hope in me.”
Sunyoung took a deep breath and looked at Chanyeol in the eye, making his heart do a little somersault. She continued, “Do you know what that feels like? Someone constantly telling you what to do, what not to do and how to behave, not to behave? And now, they even plan my marriage?”
She stopped and looked away, her eyes watering. Chanyeol just watched with empathetic eyes.
“I-I don’t know why I just told you that,” Sunyoung said, confused. She abruptly got up, “I- I got to go. Bye.”
And with that she left Chanyeol alone in the music room. At that moment, Chanyeol vowed to make her smile… a real genuine smile.
“So what’s up with you and Sunyoung?” Baekhyun asked one day as the trio were playing video games at Baekhyun’s house.
“What do you mean?” Chanyeol asked, eyes glued to the screen and hands moving the controller.
“Bro, she came up to talk to you,” Jongdae said, thrashing around with the game controller, “Yah, yah! Watch out, you’re gonna get shot! Move! Move!”
Bang. The three boys dropped their controllers sadly as their game ended.
“Anyway,” Jongdae said, refocusing on Chanyeol, “Give us the scoop, man.”
Chanyeol shrugged, “It’s nothing much. I just poked at her because… well, I think she’s interesting.”
“Interesting?” Baekhyung said with an eyebrow raised. Chanyeol just nodded, “I just want to see her smile.”
Jongdae and Baekhyun groaned.
“What? What?” Chanyeol asked, confused.
“I told you not to go there!” Jongdae said, shaking his head.
“Go where?” Chanyeol asked.
“You like her, don’t you?” Baekhyun asked. Chanyeol blinked, “No, I don’t think so. I told you, I think she’s interesting. Not that I’m interested in her.”
“Same thing, dude,” Jongdae said, “Just be careful around her.”
Chanyeol grinned and nodded, “Don’t worry, bro. I’m not that stupid. Don’t wanna get my bum whooped by Kris.”
When Chanyeol went back to school, it was as if his interactions with Sunyoung never happened. In fact, if anything, Chanyeol would say she was avoiding him. One thing for sure, was she had vulnerability issues. Parent issues. She just had issues. And it was aggravating to see her hide everything with that fake smile every single day.
Chanyeol was walking out of class when he saw her giggling with some other “perfect” girls. Jinri and Soojung. But once again, she had those same vacant eyes. Determined, he walked up to the girls and gave the most dashing smile he could conjure and said, “Sunyoung, can I talk to you?”
Jinri and Soojung stared at him in confusion.
“Unni, do you know him?” Soojung asked the older girl. Sunyoung bit her lip, “And why would I talk to you?”
Chanyeol’s grin got even bigger if that was possible, “I’m sure you know why.”
She sighed and said to the girls, “I’ll be right back.”
They just stared and nodded absentmindedly. The two went to talk under the stairway and Sunyoung abruptly turned around to face him.
“What do you want?” She said, “I thought our interaction ended after the journal was returned to its rightful owner.”
Chanyeol faked being hit in the chest, “Oh, I’m so hurt, Sunyoung, that our friendship could be so easily discarded.”
Sunyoung rolled her eyes, “Cut the crap, what is it that you really want?”
Chanyeol grinned, “I just wanted to tell you to meet me at the park across from school on Saturday.”
“Wait, what?” Sunyoung said, looking at Chanyeol like he was speaking another language.
“Come wearing normal people clothing, not your uniform. Maybe meeting at noon would be good,” Chanyeol continued, ignoring her confusion.
“No,” Sunyoung said, “I have better things to do.”
“Come on, Sunyoung,” Chanyeol said, “You’re gonna regret it if you don’t come. You love music.”
Chanyeol saw the hesitation in her eyes before she said, “Do tell me, why should I listen to you and go to this park on Saturday?”
“Because you’re not happy,” Chanyeol said, staring straight at her eyes with a sincere face. Her eyes widened a bit as he continued, “And I think this will make you happy. Because like I said, you love music.”
Chanyeol just watched Sunyoung as she remained quiet.
“Saturday. 12 PM at the park across the street from school. Don’t forget to wear normal clothes.”
Sunyoung finally spoke up and quietly said, “I’m not gonna go.”
Chanyeol grinned, “I’ll be waiting.” And then he walked away.
Chanyeol sat at the bench outside of the park, his beloved guitar by his side. He was wearing jeans and a white tee with a black jacket over it and a warm black beanie on his head. He looked around, wondering if she would come.
Of course she would… it was very evident that Sunyoung was feeling trapped. Chanyeol was pretty sure she would jump at a chance to deviate from the standards she’s been given. And as a fellow musician, Chanyeol had to help her. Right?
Chanyeol heard footsteps on the grainy sand and turned his head in that direction. Sunyoung was standing in front of him, crouched and looking around as if people were after her. She was dressed in some jeans, a loose white blouse and a coat to cover it all. But what surprised him was that her headband was gone and instead was replaced by a baseball hat.
Sunyoung coughed as she sat on the opposite side of the bench.
“Is someone chasing after you and trying to kill you?” Chanyeol asked, whispering as he leaned closer to her side. Sunyoung jumped and said, “No. Just taking precautions.”
He raised a brow, “Precautions?”
“Well,” Sunyoung started, “I’m sort of supposed to be preparing for some charity event. But, I managed to escape.”
Chanyeol smirked, “I didn’t peg you as the rebellious type.”
“Well,” Sunyoung mused “There is a first for everything. Now, please, do tell why you called me out here.”
“I see I’ve striked some interest in you, eh?” Chanyeol said with a mischievous grin. Sunyoung paused before continuing, “Yes, I suppose so.”
Chanyeol stood up and grabbed his guitar case, “Well, then, come on. Let’s go.”
Sunyoung stood up, “Uh, to where exactly?”
“Just trust and follow,” Chanyeol said as he walked up to a bus stop.
“Are you kidnapping me?” Sunyoung asked with narrow eyes. Chanyeol laughed, “It’s hardly kidnap if the person follows willingly. Come on, the bus is here.”
Chanyeol got in and practically had to drag the girl into the bus. They sat in the back and Sunyoung looked around, crinkling her nose.
“Well, at least my parents will never think of looking for me here.” She mumbled. Chanyeol laughed and then stopped when she gave him the stink eye.
“But really, can you tell me where we’re going?” Sunyoung said.
“You’ll see,” Chanyeol said, “Just be patient.”
“Fine,” Sunyoung mumbled as she leaned back and sighed. They soon arrived at their stop and hopped out of the bus. Sunyoung just trailed behind Chanyeol until they arrived at some allyway filled with a lot of people.
“We’re here,” Chanyeol said with a grin.
“This is where you wanted to bring me?” Sunyoung asked, her brow raised. Chanyeol laughed as he took a seat against the wall and opened his guitar.
“What are you doing?” Sunyoung asked.
“Isn’t it obvious?” Chanyeol asked as he started tuning his guitar, “Take a seat next to me.”
“Chanyeol, are you serious right now?”
He nodded, “Yeah, just sit, Sunyoung.”
She reluctantly sat next to him against the wall, “You brought me to a random allyway to play the guitar?”
He left the open guitar case on the other side of him and smiled.
“What songs do you know?” he asked, ignoring her questions.
“How about Taeyang’s Eye, nose, lips? You know that song right?” Chanyeol said. A little flustered Sunyoung nodded and Chanyeol smiled, “Great. That will be our first song!”
Chanyeol started plucking the chords and he could hear Sunyoung protest in the background. But it was too late. He was already absorbed by the music he was playing. He closed his eyes and he started.
“Don’t be sorry,
that makes me more pitiful.
With your pretty red lips
please hurry, kill me and go.
I’m all right.”
Chanyeol looked at Sunyoung while singing. She seemed to be in some mixed state of shock and awe while watching him. He smiled as he continued.
“Look at me one last time
Smile like nothing’s wrong,
so when I miss you I can remember.
So I can draw your face in my mind.”
He made eye contact with Sunyoung and she seemed kind of hesitant. People started crowding around to watch. With his eyes, he urged her to go, that it’s okay. She opened and started singing.
“My selfishness that couldn’t let you go
turned into an obsession that imprisoned you.
Were you hurt because of me?
You sit silently.
Why am I a fool, why can’t I forget you.
You’re already gone.”
Sunyoung closed her eyes and continued to sing as Chanyeol added the harmony to the chorus.
“Your eyes, nose, lips
Your touch that used to touch me,
to the ends of your fingertips.
I can still feel you”
They looked at each other as they continued to sing. People started gathering around them more, but Chanyeol can only see her and only hear her.
but like a burnt out flame,
burnt and destroyed
all of our love
it hurts so much, but now I’ll call you a memory.”
The song came to an end and there was a loud round of applause. Chanyeol was looking at Sunyoung and smiled, raising his brows. She let out a small smile as she looked to the crowd. She looked happy. Like really happy, for the first time since Chanyeol met her. Sunyoung looked back at him and gave him the brightest smile he had ever seen. Her eyes mirrored the smile, fully radiating her joy. It was real. His heart felt warm as he saw Sunyoung shine like that.
“Hi, everyone,” Chanyeol said, “We’re just two students who love music and want to sing for you guys. If there’s any song you want to hear just throw it out there and we’ll do it.”
“Exo’s Don’t Cry!”
“F(x)’s Goodbye Summer!”
Chanyeol grinned at Sunyoung as if to say, “You ready?”
Sunyoung shyly smiled and nodded.
After singing for a couple hours, Chanyeol and Sunyoung called it a day. They sang song after song requests and had a blast while doing it. And people left money in his guitar case, too. He laughed as he pocketed the money and put his guitar away.
“Do you do this often?” Sunyoung asked, a content smile on her face. Chanyeol shook his head, “Not too often. But I like to come out once a month.”
He took the money out of his pocket and handed some of it to her, “Here. This is the money we made.”
Sunyoung shook her head, “No, it’s okay.”
“Why?” Chanyeol said, “We made the money together.”
She smiled, “Well, I think this experience enough was worth it for me. So, um, thanks. Really, thanks for bringing me here with you.”
Chanyeol felt his chest constrict as Sunyougn was smiling at him. And his stupid heart was beating faster. He just coughed and muttered, “Fine, whatever. But, I’m glad you had fun. I'll see you later at school then.”
“W-wait,” Sunyoung called out, “Um. I don't know how to get home from here.”
Her face started flushing red and Chanyeol started laughing.
“H-hey!” She protested, but Chanyeol’s laugh didn’t stop. Sunyoung relented and started laughing with him, “It’s kind of hard to know your place around when people drive you everywhere.”
“Well, then,” Chanyeol said, “I guess I'm gonna have to show you around the fun side of town, huh? Good thing we have this revenue from street performance.”
And with that, the two of them walked to the outdoor market nearby, where it was busy with different venders trying to sell things. They came in front of a food stand and Chanyeol yelled, “Aunt! Can we get two servings of spicy rice cakes and odeng please!”
“Oh, it’s Chanyeolie!” The ajumma said with a grin, “And you brought a girl with you? Ah, your girlfriend?”
She was blushing next to him, which Chanyeol thought was adorable. He just laughed and shook his head, “School friend.”
“Aigoo, what a pretty aghassi!” the ajumma said. Sunyoung bowed, “Annyounhasayo.”
The ajumma grinned, “I’ll bring out your food right away!”
“Is that really your aunt?” Sunyoung asked. Chanyeol shook his head, “Nope. I just come here so often that she knows me. I come pretty often with Baekhyun and Jongdae. If you know who they are.”
“The kid who always sleeps in class,” Sunyoung said, “And the boy with a loud voice.”
Chanyeol laughed, “Yup, that’s them.”
The ajumma brought out their food and they started eating.
“So, when did you start doing music?” Sunyoung asked curiously as she ate the food.
“Mmm, I learned my first instrument when I was five. I learned guitar since I was 7. I started writing songs since middle school? I guess music has been an integral part of my life.”
“Wow,” Sunyoung said, “That’s pretty awesome.”
Chanyeol nodded, “It’s the only thing that I like to do. And that I’m good at.”
“Are you going to keep doing music?” Sunyoung asked cautiously. Chanyeol nodded, “Like I said, there’s no other options for me. It’s the only thing I can do.”
“Don’t your parents disapprove?” Sunyoung asked. Chanyeol forced a small grin, “No, they were very supportive, but they passed away when I was in middle school.”
Sunyoung gasped, “I-I’m sorry for asking.”
He smiled, “No, it’s okay.”
Sunyoung awkwardly picked at her food, not knowing what to say.
“My parents expect me to get into an Ivy League school in America,” Sunyoung suddenly piped up, “And get a degree in business. And then come back and take over the company. I tried telling them once that I liked music freshman year of high school and they got rid of the piano in the house and all the music notes I had.”
“That’s why you hide,” Chanyeol said, suddenly understanding. She nodded, “I don’t want them to take it away from me again.”
Chanyeol nodded, “But you do need to remember. This is your life.”
Sunyoung sighed, “Yeah, I guess.”
They finished their food and walked to the bus stop. It was a silent ride except for earbuds that connected the two together, listening to a music playlist. They got off the bus and Chanyeol walked her to the front of her house.
“Thanks for today,” Sunyoung said, a shy smile gracing her face, “I had fun. A lot of fun. I haven’t had that much fun in forever.”
Chanyeol smiled goofily, “I had fun, too.”
They both awkwardly stood there until Sunyoung said, “Well, I guess I’ll go in.”
Chanyeol nodded. She didn’t move and looked rather nervous.
“You need something?” he asked. Sunyoung looked at him, went up on her tippy toes and pecked him on the cheek. It ended as quickly as it started. Chanyeol stared at the girl with wide eyes as she beamed with a pretty pink settling over her face.
“That’s my thank you gift for today,” she said before running into the house.
Chanyeol just stood in front of the door, in a daze. His heart was beating faster and he had the goofiest smile on his face.
Chanyeol needed to make Sunyoung smile more often. 

*poetry by Lang Leav
** Umbrella by Epik High (ft. Younha)
*** Melted by Akdong Musician
A/N: Hi guys! I finally wrote the Chanyeol/Luna. IT TOOK FOREVER! (A whole week.) I actually have a second part to it that isn't finished yet... but I don't know if I want to add it. Because, I'm pretty satisfied with just making this the ending. But if you guys want the second part, I guess voice your request. But other than that, hope you guys liked it. It's a little more realistic problems with realistic people. But anyway, I will be updating Chiaroscuro soon. Till next time!

P.S. I'm very upset with the whole F(x) and their promotion cancelations. SM is so shady. SHINee went on without Jonghyun for the whole comeback. F(x) promoted without Amber. I don't understand their logic. It's unfair to the other F(x) girls. Poor Sulli, too. There's probably more serious stuff going on they're trying to hide. But sigh. I hope the girls will be okay. 

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victory00 #1
Chapter 13: will u update this one shot again..missing your stories lots..pls comeback authornim,fighting...
dhozhee_1208 #2
Chapter 13: Wahhh you're back!!!! It's always nice to read great one shot like this!!! It was a great part 2 author-nim
Chapter 13: Awww this story made my heart flutter. Loved it 2nd part was totally worth the wait HAHAH
Chapter 12: Oh Lunew! My only OTP! It's so sweet, authornim, though i wished Suho will get beat up some more. Maybe by Suju this time? Coz you know they're all Luna's oppa, haha~
Chapter 12: i know it's not supposed to be funny but the sulli and choiza part made me laugh.. just wanna let you know that.. kekeke.. but hey i enjoyed reading this... i love oneshots because i can't write...
whitepaper #7
Chapter 12: LUNEW~~~~ MY OTP!! Love it~~
Squiggles #8
Chapter 12: Awww this is so cute ;; but that stupid suho was such an he and choiza are secretly brothers or something asfgjfkdodn /slaps them in this story
Chapter 12: Oh... You... Omg... What.... Like I don't even know what to say I think you're like the best writer ever like I can't do this your one shot stories are wayyyy better then mine like write a book or something.