
Rebellion of the Richest

First off, I'm sorry if the first chapter is boring, it's more of a chapter to fill you guys about what usually happens in school.

Raehyun’s POV

            I reluctantly got off my bed and grumbled when I heard my butler turn on the radio before putting the volume on max. I could tell mom sent her to wake me up because she herself couldn’t.

            “You have school in like 20 minutes, what the hell are you still doing lying in here?!” she yelled, slapping me on the then pushing me off my bed. I shuffled against the carpet lazily into the bathroom and took my time washing up, “I swear to God, Butler Kim, if you’re going to do this everytime mom send you to wake me up, I’d lose my sense of hearing.” I said while brushing my teeth, causing some of my toothpaste to spill out of my mouth. Butler Kim shot me a disgusted look before mumbling something along the lines of disgusting rich girl and heir. I rolled my eyes and proceeded to wash up. I loved Butler Kim to death; she’s like family to me. But sometimes, her nagging annoys me.

            I munched on my breakfast while walking out of the house with my bag slung over one shoulder. Even after closing the door, I could still hear mom and Butler Kim nagging “Don’t do anything stupid!” I’ll try.

“I swear, if you make dad and I go to school to save your again, you’re grounded!” Ugh, fine.

“Don’t cut classes!” was the last thing I heard before getting into the car and have the driver take me to school. I smirked; being in class is just the same as cutting classes, same difference. I was playing with my phone when I felt the car abruptly stop.

“What was that?” I huffed in annoyance.

“Sorry, miss. The Oh’s car were right behind us and I thought we could—“ the driver explained, his voice got softer after he saw me roll my eyes through the rearview mirror. I got out off the car when I heard Sehun’s car doors slam shut. I could already hear Sehun’s driver and my driver argue with each other. The students didn’t care though. It was widely known in the school that there’s a natural rivalry between the Oh’s and the Yoon’s. Because we were raised with the knowledge of hating on the each other, Sehun and I naturally got dragged into this.

“Ouch, idiot! How’re you going to run a company when you can’t even walk properly?” I glared at Sehun, rubbing my shoulder. For someone so skinny, he sure pushed really hard. He glared at me, walking next to me but keeping his distance.

“Says the idiot who cuts class.” He said.

“It’s not like you don’t cut class, you dumbnut.” I retorted back. I would never get bored of arguing with Oh Sehun. His comebacks always infuriated me in an intriguing way. He’s probably the only reason why I would end up having to rack my brain and think of something to say when I’m in school.

“At least I actually pass subjects in school, stupid.” He fired back. I rolled my eyes and went to my locker, with Sehun still following me because the principal placed our lockers right next to each other. He probably enjoys watching us argue everyday that’s why he did. I glanced at my schedule before groaning. I have Math as my very first class of the week, how come I never realized that? How refreshing.


Sehun’s POV

            I glanced at her schedule and chuckled. I had Art for my first class every week, and I would never skip that. The art teacher is the only teacher who treats me as a student and not a 5-year-old kid. Honestly, if I had Math, I would skip too, and knowing her, she’d probably skip this class as well, but I said it anyway just to annoy her “Have fun in Math, idiot.”

            She stuffed her bag into the locker and looked at me while closing it.

            “Who says I’m going to Math class?” she said with a smirk plastered on her lips. She turned around and walked off to the opposite direction of where all the classes were. I chuckled, slamming my locker shut and walking towards the Art room. I sat down and a few girls smiled at me. I gave them a blank look before nodding just to be polite. If Luhan skips this, I am going to flip because I could tell those girls were contemplating on who should sit next to me.

            “Hey, Hun! Sorry I’m late. I had to drive today because my driver was on leave and I nearly got lost.” I breathed a sigh of relief. Luhan saw my discomfort and looked to the back of the classroom. He flashed me a look of apology and I just smiled back. The teacher soon came in and classes proceeded as normal. We parted ways because Luhan had a different class and I met up with Tao and walked to our next class together. When class ended, I walked to the cafeteria with Tao and saw Kai and Taeyeon sitting at the usual table. There was a table at the far end of the cafeteria where my friends and I sat since the first day. People naturally assumed not to sit there, so it became a usual lunchbreak spot for us, ‘rich kids’ apparently. As I approached the table, I could hear Taeyeon asking Luhan a question.

            “Where’s Raehyun? Wasn’t she in the same class as you, Lu?” she asked, munching on a muffin. Luhan shook his head, indicating a no. When I mentioned ‘rich kids’, it also included Raehyun. We don’t bicker everyday over nothing, god no, we have more of a life than that. When we have nothing to argue about, we just talked to other people. Or not to talk to each other at all.

            “She skipped class this morning, she probably skipped the second period too.” I answered Taeyeon’s question. All of them, Kai, Tao, Luhan & Taeyeon, froze and looked at me with widened eyes. I glared at them. The nerve of them to think that there would be something going on between Rae and I.

            “Stop looking at him like that, I skipped class because my first two periods were boring as crap. He knew because he was walking with me this morning” Someone answered, slipping into the seat opposite mine. I smirked and nodded, acknowledging her presence.

            “I bet you had a good sleep.” I said. She flashed me a crooked smile.

            “I did, actually. They changed the cushions of the couch in the library.” I saw Taeyeon roll her eyes at her best friend while the rest of the boys’ attention when back to the food. I scoffed.

            “That’s probably the only thing you’re good at doing.” I retorted, making her step on my foot under the table. I winced and glared at her. I barely got to speak my sentence when Kai interrupted me.

            “Seriously, that’s what the both of you do best! Now shut up and let us eat in peace.” He said while emphasizing the word ‘both’. Kai was clearly annoyed. This happened almost everyday. There was never once a decent conversation between us. Sometimes I even question why they’re still friends with us. 

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yangyangie #1
update soon authornimm
Cindyjonathan #2
update real soon please~
chanye0ja #3
Chapter 3: who is herrrrrrrr...
yyshn940412 #4
Chapter 2: wah i love sehun's character here! btw nice story, cant wait for the next chap :)
Chapter 2: Update soon:)