Last Day

My Seatmate



As soon as I heard the voices asking where I was, I knew exactly who it was.

"Donghae oppppppa, I am in my room!"

"Ya, how come I don't get a greeting noona?"

"Noona? Oppa? Who is coming Soo Jin-shi?"

"My brothers. Don't get the wrong idea. I don't fool around."

"I never said you did."


"Oppa, calm down. It isn't what it looks like. Oppppa, how could you see me that waaaaaaaay?" I whined.

"Noona, why is there a boy in your room? Tell us!"

"Well, Mr. Park said I would not be able to graduate if I don't get a really good mark on my next exam. So, I am studying."

"That doesn't explain why there is a freaking BOY in your room!"

"Chill. I am getting there. Oppa, In Guk, this is Chen. He is my tutor. Chen, these are my brothers." 

I saw them shake hands and then everything was fine.


Wow, she whines so much it hurts my head. Sigh. It is almost over. A couple of hours and I would be freeeeeeeeeeeee~ I was so excited. There was 30 minutes before I could go home when In Guk approached me. 

"Chen, how old are you?"


"In Guk, stop it! He is older than you, just call him hyung. But only if he lets you." 

"Chen hyung, is it all right if I call you hyung?"

I started smiling, "Of course it is okay."

"Then you can just call me In Guk. Please take care of my noona!"

Then he left. What an energetic kid. All of a sudden Dong Hae showed up and asked me to stay for dinner. I kept refusing, but he wouldn't take no for an answer. 30 minutes later, here I was sitting in their living room having dinner with the three of them. 

Dong Hae kept grilling me with questions.

"Where are you from?"

"What do your parents do?"

"Was Soo Jin nice to you?"

"What do you think about Soo Jin?"


Her brothers just laughed and I found it amazing. A girl made her brothers shut up. Was she really that spoiled?

After dinner, I really had to go because I had more things to review for the exam tomorrow. 

"Bye Soo Jin! Do well on the exam!"

"Bye Chen, thanks for helping me!"


While Soo Jin was walking Chen out, I had a little chat with my dongsaeng. 

"What do you think about Chen?"

"To be honest, I really like him. I think he matches Noona very well!" 

"I like him too. He seems very patient with her."

"Hyung, should we come up with a plan to get them together?"

"Not yet dongsaeng, we have to be sure of their feelings first."

"Hyung, I think you should do a background check first! Find out all the information you can on him" 


It was the day of the exam and Chen was extremely nervous. He stayed up until 4 am studying. He woke up at 7 am to prepare for school. 

When the exams were over. Chen came out all relieved and he had a smile on his face. Though as soon as he got out, he went straight home and right into bed. Chen slept until the next morning, even missing eating dinner. 

Once Chen was awake, he started getting ready for school. Today was going to be the chillest day of all of the school days ever. Today was where you would just go to school and check you ranking and then leave. There were no classes to attend to. 

When Chen got there, there was a HUGE crowd of people crowding around the rankings sheet and he had to wait a little bit before he got see it.

It was finally his turn and he found out that he got 1st place. 

"Chen! Congratulations! You said you were smart and you were even tutoring someone, but I never knew you were this smart!" Tao said.

"I don't know whether to take that as a compliment or an insult."



Sorry, haven't updated in 5 days. I will try my best. Sigh. Still working on that essay.. 

I'll try and update sooooooon.




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I will try and update today, very sorry that I have not been on in a while :( (07/03/14)


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Kim Jongdae!
Chapter 20: dont worry.. keep writing ^^
Chapter 19: good job ^^b
they will be a couple, wont they?
Chapter 18: glad to see ur new chapter :)
Chapter 17: go on...
i'll wait for the rest =D
Chapter 15: actually, I want to ask... the title of this story is "my seatmate", who is the title refers to?jongdae or soo jin?
Chapter 10: You said that you will write more "drama" next chapter. however, I think you have "drama" since the last chapter. I dont know why, it seems that you make your chapter longer than I predicted. Hopefully, you will write something unpredictable next chapter such that you have your unique story which is different from others. Fighting :)
Chapter 9: omg.. chen's ex-girlfriend had 10 guys? wow.. she is girlplayer author~ XD
I'm still curious on next Chen's romance..
I hope you will be back soon... ^^
Chapter 8: keep writing.. ^^
Chapter 1: please update soon ^^