At home


At first Luhan had thought he would give the doll to his sister, but after taking another good look at the doll, he decided to keep it. 

By the time he got home, it was raining. Luhan cursed as he practically peeed himself out of his clothes. Luhan placed the bag he had  the doll in on a nearby table. He put the dirty clothes in the vacuum cleaner. Luhan grabbed the doll and sneaked into the living room. His father was sleeping on the sofa, his mother was no where to be seen. The smell of alcohol surrounding his father made Luhan gag. He quickly hurried of. 

Luhan crouched onto his bed and burried himself under the blankets. He hid himself from the world, from hi mother and father and from all the evil people in it. Luhan closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Luhan was woken by the sound of glass breaking and screaming. Luhan knew immediately what that ment. His father was awake. He waited until his father had left the house, then hurried out and grabbed the first aid kit. He found his mother in the kitchen. Bruises had already formed on her face. Red marks on her neck showed where he had choked her. Luhan swallowed his tears and started sterilizing his mothers wounds.      



Luhan couldn't sleep. His thoughts wandered off to his alcoholic father and to where he might be. Probably in a cheap restaurant, drinking soj, not wasting any thought on them. Luhan wonder when it all had started.When he lost his job two years ago? No, his father had been drinking before that. His fathers drinking had escalated when his sister moved out.                                                                                                                                                                            Mina was Luhans fathers daughter from an earlier marriage. Father had always put her first. Despite that, Mina was not a spoilt brat. Mina was a wonderful person and Luhan loved her very much. It had almost broken his heart when he heard she was moving out to live with a friend. He didn´t blame her though.

Luhan suddenly remembered the doll. Over all the raucous with his father, Luhan had completely forgotten about it. Now he took it placed it on his lap. It looked even more beautiful now than it had in the dim lighting of the shop.                                                                                                                                     The shop... God dammit. Luhan was  so ashamed of himself. He rarely lost his temper. But that old man...

The doll looked at him with eyed as if it was trying to say something. 

'What are you making fun of me too? 

'Why would I do that?' 

For a moment, Luhan was stunned. Then he threw the doll away from him, climbed out of the bed, tripped, hit his head and lost consciouns. The last thing Luhan saw was a beautiful girl. She was saying something but Luhan couldn't grasp the meaning. Sienna was the last thing he heard. 



When he came to, a familiar face was leaning over him.

"Hyung are you alright?" Sehuns face was full of worry over his hyung.

"What are you doing here?" Luhans voice sounded rusty, as if hadn´t had anything to drink for days. Sehun handed him ba glass of water, before he continued.

"Sienna called me over, your lucky to have such a caring girlfriend.", Sehun grinned.

Luhan was pusseled. He didn´t have a girlfriend, he didn`t even like Girls. Sehun didn´t know that though...

Luhan glanced over and saw a girl, leaning on the wall. With brown hair, black eyes and white skin,she looked ecsactly like that doll. Wait a minute. Luhan got up on his feet within seconds and rushed towards the ´person´ Sehun had called Sienna. She looked at him with a smirk. Luhan looked deep into her eyes.

"Whats the matter, Luhan." She spoke with a low voice, sweet but at the same time, there was an underlying tension.

"What are you doing here?"

"Oppa, I´m your girlfriend. Is it weird for me to be at your house?"

"Thats right," Sehun cut in,"Listen to your girlfriend." "Sehun, would you leave?" Luhan turned around to face his anoiying friend.

"Dont worry, I´m leaving. Just one more thing." Sehun leaned forward and wispered into Luhans ear; "I didn´t know you liked tall girls." Then he left.

Luhan took another look at Sienna and his eyes whidened when he realised how tall she was.  Luhan took a step backwards and looked at the girl in front of him. She was tall with broad shoulder, consield by her long hair. Her eyes were jet black and she had dark circels that made her look like a panda.                     She was still wearing the blue lolita dress, exposing pale, slender legs and a flat chest. A really flat chest. There didn´t seem to be anything beneath it. 

"You´re really...flat aren´t you?" Luhan hesitated to say the words. But to his surprise, Sienna just smiled. 

"Oh my, Oppa. Where you looking at my chest? You bad guy." 

  "I-I wasn´t. Really!" Luhans voice changed to a higher pitch. "I was just wondering. Can you really please someone with that small?" Oh great. Now he had really done it. Luhan wanted to slap himself accross the face and dissapear somewhere where no one would see him. 

"I could still satisfy you. Wanna try?" The girl -Sienna- slowley pushed Luhan backwards and pushed him down on the bed. She climbed on top off him and started pulling off his shirt. Luhan was completely petrified, he couldn´t move. Only when she started taking off his pants, did he react. Luhan pushed her of him and rushed out of the room. 



Ever since he was a young kid, Luhan would lock himself in the bathroom, when something scared him. This time too, Luhan hid in the bath room. Luhan crawled up on the toilet and wrapped his arms around legs. Slowely rocking forward while mumbling to himself. This isn´t real, this isn´t reaL...

For a while, Luhan escaped to a daydream about a time when his father hadn´t been drinking yet. when they all had been happy.  But a small knock brought him back to reality.

"Luhan?" Siennas sweet voice came from the other side of the door. "I´m sorry...Uhm, I made you something to eat."

"Go away!", Luhan yelled back. "You´re just gonna try to me again!"

"No, I wont! Honestly." Siennas hurt voice made him feel bad about himself but Luhan was determined to stay where he was. Then suddenly a breaking sound was heard and the bath room door shattered. Sienna was standing in the door frame. She was breathing heavily.

"You little head. I apologised didn´t I!? I even made you ramen, now they´re all cold."

Sienna grabbed Luhan and dragged him out of the bathroom and into the kitchen. "Sit your down and eat, god damn it!" Sienna stomped out of the room, leaving a dazzled Luhan behind. With nothing else to do, He decided to eat. Luhan was surprised to find the ramen were deliscious. He finished them all.   Luhan was feeling really full. After a meal, there was nothing better than to sleep. He went to his room and found Sienna already asleep in his bed. Luhan sighed. He was to tired to do anything now, so he just layed down and was soon asleep.



Luhan was awoken by trhe sound of crying. At first he thought it was just an illusion and tried to ignore it. But it didn´t go away and instead it got louder. Luhan rose and looked around. The sound was close to him. He reached out and lit the lamp on his night table. When he turned towards the way the sound was coming from. 

Sienna was sitting with her back against the wall in a corner of the room. She was crying. Luhan slowly walked towards her. He didn´t know what to do. Luhan sat down beside her and put his hand on the crying girls shoulder. She looked up, eyes full of despair. The tears were streaming down her cheeks and she was begging him with a broken voice.

"Please don´t send me back to the doll shop. Please. I b-beg of you." She grabbed his shirt. "Don´t send me back! He´ll kill me. I know he will!" She broke down in Luhans arms. Sobbing. He picked her up and carried her in his arms to the bed. He took of her dress and tucked her under the covers. Luhan watched her until he fell asleep.



Th next morning, Luhan was awkened by the ticklish feel of someones breath on his face. He opened his eyes and let out a little shriek. In front of him was a beautiful sleeping boy. Luhan was terrified when the boy started opening his eyes.







Cliffhanger! Love them or hate them.  I didn´t have much of a choice.  Laptop is low on battery.

I AM SO SORRY IT TOOK THIS LONG TO UPDATE!!!! I usually write on the I-pad but its gone nuts and so has the computer. So I had to borrow my dads Laptop.



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Yay! This is the first time I´ve written a chapter with 1000 words. I feel so proud of myself! Well, thank you so much for reading this story!


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