The store and the doll


"Hey, what are we doing here again?" Sehun said while poking Luhan in the side.

"We´re buying a present for me sister." Luhan said with an anoyed tone as they entered the store.

"She also happens to be your girlfriend, remember?"

"O-of course I do!"

Luhans eyes widened when he saw the dolls. The shop was filled with dolls. The walls were covered by high shelfs and on these shelfs there were dolls in all sizes. The male dolls were dressed in nice suits or play clothes, while the ´girls´ were dressed in beautiful dresses in every imaginable colour.

Luhan and Sehun were standing completely stunnedd in the entrance of the store, whith mouths wide open. They didnt know where to look first.

"How can I help you?"

An old voice pulled them out of their trance. They looked around for the source of the voice but couldn´t see anyone. Then all of sudden an old man stept out from the shadows. He was wearing a suit that looked like he had climbed Mt. Everest wearing it. His eyes were watery and seemed like they had seen far too much. He looked at Sehun and Luhan with suspiciuos eyes.

"How can I help you?"

Luhan pulled himself together and told the old man about wanting to buy a present for his sister, who loved dolls. A small smile showed on his lips. He motioned them to follow him.

The old man who had presented himself as Choi Min Jung, led them to through the store, to a low shelf with medium sized dolls. while Sehun picked up doll after doll and eyed them carefully, Luhan decided to look around a bit.

While he was strolling around aimlessly, he found himself in a darker corner of the store. Here the shelfs were covered in dust. He walked closer and found there were very few dolls sitting here. The most eye catching one was a doll with an aquamarine blue dress and a little Hat in the same colour.                                                                  The dolls brown hair was culred in long waves.                                                                                                                                                                  The skin was alabaster white and lips of the doll were painted in a red that seemed to be pure and intense at the same time.                                                                                                                                                                  The eyes were the most beautiful about the doll. They seemed to stare right into his soul. The eyes were deep brown, in a sdhade Luhan had never seen before.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 He was just about to pick up the doll when heard Sehun calling for him.

"Hyung! Where are you?"

Luhan spun around and hurried off, towards Sehun.

"Hyung, where were you? You suddenly wanered off, I was getrting worried about you." Before Sehun had the time to continu, Luhan cut him off.

"So, did you find something?"

For a moment Sehun looked puzzeld, then he starded talking about this adorable doll and how it was perfect for Mi Na. Luhan sighed to himself, how could he have spaced out like that over a doll. He made up his mind not to think about it any more and quickly get out of the shop. He payed for the doll and then he and Sehun went to the car that was waitung for them.

Inside, Kai and Lay were waiting for them.

"Man! What took you so long?" Kai complained. "You said you were just buing a doll, but then you were inside there for like an hour!"

Lay agreed. "Both my feet fell asleep because you took so long!"

"Stop complaining and just drive already." Sehun put the doll down and strechted ou his legs. " I wanna deliver this to my darling as soon as possible."
The three boys sighed at Sehuns comment. Since the last few weeks, Sehun had been completely love struck. And they all knew whos fault it was.

Luhans sister Mi Na, was just as beautiful as him. Long, blond hair that fell like a water down her back.                                                                                 Her black eyes were full of life and she had the most terrific humor you could imagine                                                                                                          She always had some dudes after her and Sehun was just one of her many admires.                                                                                                                Until Kai and Luhan had gotten Sehun drunk and made him confess to Mi Na.                                                                                                                 Why she said yes to confession was still a mysterie to Luhan. After all, Sehun was just a worrywart and....       

Luhan fell asleep. In his dream, the doll appeared before him. It spoke to him.

"Buy me. Come to the store and buy me. Get me out of there! Luhan!"

After that, Luhan had the same dream every night. The doll from the store appeared before him and told him to buy it. Every time, Luhan woke up covered in cold . Luhan was starding to lose his appetite, dark rings appeared beneath his eyes.

After two weeks of this torture, Luhan decided he had had enough! He went to the shop and found the old man sitting behind a desk.

Ajjushi Choi looked at him with a surprised look.

"Perhaps, you have another sister who likes dolls?"

"Two weeks ago, I saw a doll and now I cant forget about it. It even ing appeared in my dreams!"

Luhan spit out every single word, while the old man had grown almost ghastly white.

"No. Oh no." He stuttured. "Please, young man, don´t buy the doll. Even if it kills you!"

Luhan stared at the old man. He was shaking.

"Even if it kills me? EVEN IF IT KILLS ME??? He drew for breath.

"Listen up now. If it will make me sleep well, then I will buy it. Damn it, I haven´t had a good night of sleep for two weeks. I will buy the damn doll and no one will stop me."

With that said, Luhan walked further into the store.

"Luhan! I knew you would come for me!"

For a moment he thought the doll was actually talking to him. Then he waved the thought of, grabbed the doll and went back to Ajjushi Choi. Luhan slammed a thousand won bill on the desk and left the shop.                                                                                                                                                                 If Luhan had known what consecvenses that would have for him, perhaps he wouldn´t have bought the doll.

Inside the shop, ajjushi Choi, had walked the dusty part of the shop, where Luhan had first seen the doll. He sighed and said, seemingly to no one;

"Well Sienna. It seems you´ve succeded once again." He rubbed the back of his head.

"He´ll be back soon."

If you had been there and carefully looked at the shelf behind the old man, you would have seen a beautiful blond doll. Smiling.



A/N: so the first chapter is up! Yay! Personally, I'm very proud of this chapter. I hope to post another chapter as soon as possible. Thank you so much for reading. Please comment and subscribe!

P.S: If you have time, check out Jung Sungha. He's really amazing and talented. He can play Guitar, Bas-Guitar, ukulele and Harp-ukulele. Awesome instrument. He has covered some kpop songs too. He really deserves some more thumbs ups!


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Yay! This is the first time I´ve written a chapter with 1000 words. I feel so proud of myself! Well, thank you so much for reading this story!


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