Chapter 9

Can you make me feel again?

Youngguk's POV

"You guys know what to do."  I told the guys.  "I just text Jongup, he's on his way."

"Eun hee's on her way too."  Joon hee said.

"Joon hee and I will stay here, the rest of you go to your hiding places."  I said.

"I hope this works." I knew Joon hee was worried about someone getting hurt.  I reached for her hand and squeezed it to reassure her.

"I'm sure they be fine."  I replied, hoping I was right.  I was kind of worried about it myself.

At that moment Jongup and Eun hee showed up.  Of course they were arguing, as usual.  They stopped when they saw Joon hee and I.

"What's going on?" Jongup asked.

"I've had it with you two arguing all the time.  You guys are going to resolve whatever issue you have with each other, now."  I replied.

"If she would keep shut then I wouldn't have any problems."  Jongup assured me.

"You should learn to shut yours too.  The only problem I have is your stupid face."  Eun hee growled.

"You should talk you big-mouth bass."  

"Ha!  I would rather be a big-mouth bass then an ugly, stupid monkey's , you big baboon."

"I'm not ugly."

"But you are a monkey's ."

"You are so annoyingly stupid."

"I'm quite smart really."

"Pfft.  Okay.  Wait.  Where'd they go?"  Jongup asked.  He looked around until he spotted Joon hee and I leaving to room.

"Yah!  Where are you two going and why are we in the gym?"  Jongup yelled at us.

"You two are going to learn to get along.  We'll let you out later.  Maybe."  I reassured them.  "Okay guys.  Now!  

The two doors in the back of the gym closed.  We didn't have to worry about them leaving .  Those doors locked automatically.  The coach and principal were the only ones with the keys to them. Joon hee and I reached the only door left open.

"Yah!  Joon hee!  How could you?"  Eun hee asked.

"If were all going to be friends, then we need to get along.  I'm really sorry but this is the only logical way to keep you two in the same room together.  I'm really sorry and hope you two can forgive me."  Joon hee bowed to them both as we left.

"I hope this works."  Joon hee said.

"Me too."  I replied as we left to meet the others.

Jongup' s POV

This is not happening.  This is a nightmare I need to wake up from.  I slapped myself a few times and sat down against the wall.

"What are you doing?"  Eun hee asked.  

"Trying to wake myself up from this nightmare."  I replied.

"Let me help.  I don't mind hitting you"

"No thanks. Your too eager."

"True.  Why don't you like me?"  Eun hee asked sitting down a few feet from me.

"You irritate me."  I replied.

"Your no ray of sunshine in my book either."

"So we agree on something.  I don't fully trust you."

"I can understand that.  I'll just have to prove that I can be trusted.  Not like I haven't all ready."

"Why?  Why do you want to be friends with Joon hee?"

"I know what its like to be abandoned by a parent."

"Who abandoned you?"

"My Mom.  She left me and my Dad when I was five.  She said something about finding herself.  Whatever."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be.  We're better off without her."

"Is that why you act like a boy?"

"I don't act like a boy."

"Pfft.  Paleeease.  You dress like a boy and you fight like a boy."

"I dress like this because it's more comfortable then a skirt or dress.  I fight like I do because I've had to."

"You've had to?"

"Yes.  I used to be bullied in junior high, until I fought back.  I no longer allow anyone to bully me."

"What made you want to help Joon hee?"

"I don't like people who fight dirty.  Two on one is dirty."

"You don't fight dirty?"

"Not unless I have to."

"So you have?"

"On a couple of occasions.  I had no choice."

"Why do you want to be friends with us all?"

"I've always been by myself.  It would be nice to have others I can depend on.  I've never had that before."

"Why us?"

"It just happened that way. What's with all the whys?  What is your problem?"

"Why are you getting mad?"

"Why are you asking so many questions?  What are you , the Spanish inquisition?"


"You may be cute, but you sure are stupid."

"I am not stupid.  Wait.  What?  You think I'm cute?" 


"No.  You said I was cute.  You like like me don't you?"

"Pfft.  You wish."

"You do.  I think your cute too."

"You...You do?"

"Yes.  For big-mouth bass."  I couldn't help but laugh.   was opening and closing like a fish which made me laugh even harder.  

"Your such a mood-killer."

"I'm sorry but I couldn't resist.  You made it funnier when you opened and closed your mouth like a fish."  I fell over from laughing so hard.

"Yah!  You monkey's ."

"Wait."  I stopped laughing and sat up.  "You didn't know about her parents until the fight was over."

"I told you, I don't like dirty fighting.  I wanted to be friends after we fought."  

"No.  I asked why you wanted to help Joon hee.  You said because you knew what it was like to be abandoned by a parent.  You all ready knew, didn't you?  You planned on being her friend.  It didn't just happen."

"I don't know what your talking about." 

"I'll just have to let Yongguk know.  He'll look into it."

"No!  Don't!"

"Then TELL me what's going on.  I knew you were up to something.  Is this part of Meeyon's plan?"

"Chillax.  I'm not in on anything with Meeyon.  I don't like the girl."

"What are you up to and don't lie to me."  This girl was starting to piss me off.  I knew she couldn't  be trusted.

"If I tell you, you have to promise not to tell anyone until the right time and I have to be the one who does it.  You also can't interrupt until I'm finished"

"I promise.  Now tell me."

"Joon hee has an Uncle, my father.  Yes, were cousins.  I just found out about it a month before school started.  He also is Joon hee's Godfather.  My Father and Uncle had a falling out shortly after we were born.  I'm not sure what it is about because my dad won't talk about it.  I dug up some of my dad's things in the attic, I think I know what's going on but I'm not positive.  Dad found out Uncle was taking Joon hee's inheritance.  Uncle and Aunt really do not like their daughter.  Aunt was going to abort Joon hee but when Grandfather found out he threatened to disinherit them.  That is the only reason they kept her, that and her trust fund.  When Dad found out what Uncle was doing, he threatened to tell Grandfather.  Dad told Grandfather anyways and he put a stop to it without Uncle knowing.  Dad became trustee and Uncle found out and they got into it.  They haven't spoken since and Aunt and Uncle have punished both of them by keeping her away from dad, knowing how much dad loves her and by treating Joon hee like dirt."

"Are you serious?"

"As a heart attack."

"Your going to have to tell Joon hee."

"I know.  I need to tell her soon.  I have a feeling her parents are going to try to prevent her from inheriting her trust fund.  She inherits her trust fund when she graduates.  I need to tell her this weekend.  Will you help me now that you know?"

"Of course.  I'll text hyung and tell him to let us out.  Speaking of."  I nodded towards the door.

Joon hee and my hyungs were standing in the doorway.

"You two work things out?"  Yongguk asked.

"Dae hyung.  We need to all have a meeting this weekend at your place.  It's important."  I replied.

"Why?"  He asked.

"Eun hee needs to tell all of you something.  Please don't ask what.  She'll let you guys know then."  I pleaded.

"Okay.  That's in two days.  I'll let Omoni know."  Yongguk replied.

"She'll need to know too.  Are you okay with that?"  I asked, turning to Eun hee.

She just nodded and Zelo's mouth nearly hit the floor.  Eun hee and I looked at each other and laughed.

"We've called a truce."  I looked at Yongguk.

"Glad to hear that."  Yongguk replied.

The next two days went by without any problems.  Yongguk's Omoni approved of all of us staying over this weekend.  It was kind of odd that Eun hee and I were getting along.  I think I've become so use to arguing with her that our getting along seems so foreign.  

Eun hee's POV

Saturday arrived and we all met up at Yongguks.  When we settled in, Yongguk called for our attention.  He signaled for me to proceed.

"I' hee.  I have something to tell you.  I'm not only your friend, I'm also your cousin."  I held my breath waiting for Joon hee to react.  

"Is this a joke?"  Joon hee asked.   

"No.  I'm being honest with you."  I proceeded to go over the same story I told Jongup.  I couldn't tell if she believed me or not.  Joon hee never shows emotion.  When I finished I held my breath once again.

"I see.  If what you told me is true, then I will have to make sure my parents don't get my trust fund.  Let's look at this logically.  They will not try to prove that I am insane.  I'm too sound of mind.  They will more then likely try to find a legal loop-hole.  They are good at manipulating people.  I have seen them do it plenty of times.  I would like to meet your father and get his side of the story.  It would not surprise me about my parents.  I have known for a long time that they did not like me."  Joon hee said.

"Can I still be your friend?  Are you mad at me?"  I asked.  I prayed that she wasn't.

"I'm not mad at you.  You didn't know until recently.  I would like to still be friends.  It's actually nice to have people who care about me around."  Joon hee replied.

"I do Joon hee.  I do care about you."  I dropped to my knees in front of her and covered her hands with mine.  "I will be here for you whenever you need me.  I promise.  I believe we all will."  I looked around the room.  Everybody was nodding in agreement.

"Thank you."  Was all she replied.

"I will call dad and will set up a time to meet."  I rushed off to the bedroom to make the call.

Yongguk's POV

When Eun hee ran off to make the call, I turned to Joon hee.  

"Are you okay?"

"What I don't understand is that all though I know how my parents are and it doesn't surprise me at all, why does it hurt?"

"Because we want our parents to love us and be proud of us."  I laid my hands on her folded up hands.  "Everyone wants to be loved, especially by their parents."  

"I guess.  Do you think that what I feel for you is love?"

"Only you can answer that."

"I hope so."

"Me too."

At that moment Eun hee came back into the room.

"Okay.  Dad says he'll come over tomorrow at noon if it's okay with Mrs. Bang."  

"Sure.  This should be done in private.  Give your dad the address."  Eun hee text her dad.  "Done."

"Joon hee.  Would you like some privacy?"  Omoni asked.

"No!  Please."  Joon hee grabbed on to my hands.  She looked at me and pleaded.  "Please stay.  All of you."  She looked around the room and then back at me.

"Of course I'll stay.  We'll all stay."  I assured her.

"Thank you."

"Okay.  I think we all had enough excitement for the day.  How about we order out and play some games."  Omoni suggested.

Omoni is so cool.  She's such a kind person.  I was happy that we were going to forget about our problems for a little bit.  Zelo and Jongup were wrestling around on the floor while we waited for Omoni to order the food and bring the games out.  I looked over at Joon hee and smiled.  She smiled back.  I was floored.  Joon hee actually smiled, it wasn't a huge smile but it was the biggest one she's ever shown and I was the only one that saw it.  I was so excited.  This had to be one of the best days ever.












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Chapter 15:
wanna try to apply as a staff??
@ wanna request for poster|background|trailer??
come visit us at
Chapter 14: It's sooooooooooo cute the way yonguk is already thinking about the family!
Zelo is such a cute baby!
Can't wait to find out what happens! Please update soooooooon!
Chapter 13: I do hope omoni gets better T T
Also yonguk plan is a good one
Also i am sorry but i find the detective hot if that is weird >////////<
Chapter 2: You are such a great author, and the story is really great! I wonder how this plan will work out... Looking forward to the next chapter! Thanks for all your hard work!
Chapter 1: I can't wait for the next chapter! Update soon!
Ihatemygrandma #10
Chapter 1: i really love this storry!!! <3 update more chappiee pweasee..looking forward the storyyy ^^ you're great ! ^-^