Chapter 10

Can you make me feel again?

Joon hee's POV

I woke up from the ray of light that was peeking through the curtains of my window.  I turned over and looked at the clock beside my bed.  7:15am.  I guess I should get up, even though I didn't get much sleep last night.  I tossed and turned half the night worrying about meeting my Uncle.  Does he really want to help me or was this another ploy for my inheritance.  I pray that I am not being used.  I'm so tired of being used or neglected. There was only one adult I trusted and that was Yongguk's Omoni. I guess I should just get up and stop worrying about it.

I went to the bathroom and washed my face, I showered the night before so I didn't need to this morning, brushed my teeth, dressed and walked into the kitchen.  I could smell breakfast as soon as I stepped out of the bathroom.  Yongguk's Omoni made the best food ever.  I never experienced Western food until I started living here.  Yongguk's Omoni still made Korean foods but she would cook Western sometimes, like this morning.  I walked into the kitchen and poured myself some juice and sat at the table waiting for breakfast.

"The boys should be waking up soon.  Could you set the table for me sweetie?"

I grabbed the plates and utensils and set the table.  Shortly after I finished Yongguk came out of the bedroom.

"Morning Omoni.  Morning Joon hee."  He greeted.

"Good morning sweetie.  Grab yourself some juice, breakfast is almost ready."  Omoni said.

As soon as Yongguk sat down, the rest of the guys came out.  They sat down waiting for Omoni.  Zelo had bumped into his chair.  Poor boy was still half asleep.  After he sat, Omoni set the food on the table.  Omoni had made waffles, scrambled eggs, fruit and sausage.  We sat in silence while we ate.  I don't think any of the guys were fully awake yet, aside from Yongguk. We were half-way through breakfast when the boys came to life.

Pretty soon everyone was talking and laughing.  Daehyun and Youngjae started talking about soccer.  Jongup and Zelo were arguing a bit because Zelo wanted to get another skateboard and Jongup told him he had way too many as it was.  Himchan, Yongguk, Omoni and I just stayed quiet and ate our breakfast.  I actually was starting to enjoy these interactions the guys had with each other.  I wondered if this was what it was like to have siblings.

"You look confused Joon hee."  This coming from Yongguk.

"I was just wondering if this was what it would be like if I had siblings.  That's all."  I replied.

"I'd like to think we are.  Wouldn't you?"  Jongup put in, joining the conversation.

"That would be nice."  I replied.  At that moment I heard my phone ring.  "Omoni, May I go answer my phone?"  

"Of course.  Don't be too long unless it's an emergency." 

"Yes ma'am."  I rushed off to my room.

​Yongguk' s POV

I watched Joon hee rush off to her room.  The call was probably from Eun hee.  A few minutes later a very cold, ridged Joon hee sat at the table.  I knew this was going to be bad news.

"What did your parents want?"  I asked.

"How did you know?"  She asked.

"I always know when you have dealt with them.  What do they want now?"

"They said that they have changed their mind and want me to go to Canada."  I sighed.  "I knew that this was too good to be true."

"No!!!  You can't leave us!"  The outburst came from Zelo.  

"They are desperate for your inheritance.  They've probably caught wind of you finding out about what's going on and that your Uncle is in the picture.   Apparently, they have spies.  I could be wrong, but I highly doubt it."  Omoni suggested.

"Why can't they leave me alone?"  I mumbled.  For me this was really a rhetorical question.  I never expected a answer.

"We need to find out how much your inheriting.  It would have to be substantial in order for them to go to such great lengths."  Omoni said.  "I need someone to call Eun hee and ask her and her Dad if they can come over now."

"I will."  Jongup jumped up and ran into the bedroom.

"Eager isn't he?"  Omoni said.  A few minutes later Jongup came back out.  "They're on their way."

"Okay.  If everyone's finished, let's clean up."

We all pitched in.  We helped clear the table, do the dishes and wipe down the kitchen.  We had just sat down when the doorbell rang.  Omoni answered it and walked Eun hee and her Dad into the living room.  Omoni served them tea.  After everybody sat down, Eun hee's Dad got right to the point.

"Eun hee has told me what has happened.  Joon hee, your parents are becoming very desperate since its close to your graduation.  I'm becoming concerned for your safety."  Eun hee's Dad said.

"You mean to tell me that my parents would resort to murder."  I stated.

"I wouldn't put it past them."  Eun hee's Dad replied.

"She must be inheriting a lot for her own parents to want her dead."  Youngjae put in.

"Yes, she is."  He replied.

"How much is she getting?"  Zelo asked in awe.  His eyes were buggin out.

"I'm not at liberty to say.  That information is for Joon hee."  He replied.

"Uncle.  It's okay.  You can tell us.  I'm alright with it."  I assured him.

"Since your Grandfather knew your parents didn't want you, he left a majority in his estate to you upon your graduation.  Your Grandfather was worth one hundred million then, by now, it's probably worth around one hundred twenty million. You will get eighty percent.  That's roughly around ninety six million."  

"Holy Moly!  Are you serious?"  Zelo exclaimed.  Once again his eyes bugged out.  All of our eyes were buggin out now.

"Why did they leave me here instead of forcing me to go with them?"  Joon hee asked.

"I believe they may have just found out how much you were actually inheriting.  That information has been able to be kept secret, until now."  Her Uncle replied.  "I also believe they have spies and there is also lots of money exchanging hands."

"I knew it!  I was just saying that at the table this morning."  Omoni exclaimed.

"You were correct ma'am."  

"Please call me Chin sun."

"If you will call me Dae ho."

"What do we do?"  Himchan asked.

"First we need to make sure Joon hee is never alone.  Second,  I have some connections in Canada and I'll ask around.  Don't even think about going to your parents Joon hee."  Her Uncle exclaimed.

"I was never planning on it.  I told them no."  Joon hee assured him.

"Joon hee, they could even resort to trying to hurt one of your friends to get you to give up your money."  He explained.

"Then I will gladly give it up to protect them."  Joon hee declared.

"You would give it all up to protect us?"  I asked.  I was so astonished.

"Of course.  You guys are my true family.  Uncle.  When this is over and I inherit, I will give you some of it.  I will give Omoni some of it too."  

"I already get some from him and I have some sound investments but thank you dear.  Oh I forgot, you'll inherit his homes as well.  He has one here in Korea also in Japan, Singapore and in Florida."  

"Where's Florida?"  Zelo asked.

"Its in America."  Her Uncle explained.

"What's it like there?"  Zelo asked.

"Lots of palmtrees and beachs and its hot most of the year."

"Really?  Joon hee.  Can we go some time?"  Zelo asked.  Begging was more like it.  He was practically on his knees.

"Zelo!  You do not invite yourself."  I exclaimed.  He sat back and pouted.

"Yongguk, it's okay.  I'll tell you what, when I do inherit we'll all go to Florida either before we start college or on one of our breaks.  How about that?  I'm including Eun hee, Uncle and Omoni."

"That would be nice but we need to focus on this problem we're having now."  Omoni reminded us.  Zelo was not as focused.  He was practically dancing in his seat.  (For all our readers out there, we have temporarily lost Zelo.  We'll just move on and he'll join us when he's done celebrating.)

"I was telling them that I didn't think my parents would try to take my inheritance by proving me unsound.  That they would more then likely go the way of a legal loop-hole.  Apparently murder is not unheard of.  I have just realized that I not only have my parents after me but Mee yon as well.  Lucky me."  Joon hee rolled her eyes.

"Oh sweetie, don't worry about Mee yon.  She won't be bothering you anymore."  Omoni said.

"Omoni!  What did you do?!"  I asked.  

"I had a little talk with her parents."  Was all she would say.

I saw Joon hee's Uncle go to the window and peek out the curtains.  

"Chin sun, do you know someone who drives a dark green Toyota?"  He asked.

"No."  Omoni replied.

"I didn't think so.  You have a back door?"  

"Yes.  Someone's out there."  Omoni stated.

"I'll be right back."  Joon hee's Uncle slipped out the back door.  When Joon hee tried to go to the window, Eun hee grabbed Joon hee's wrist.  She shook her head.

"Dad knows what he is doing.  What you guys don't know is Dad's a private investigator."  Eun hee explained.

"That is so cool!"  Zelo explained. (Our Zelo is back)  I saw the other guys nodding in agreement.  A few minutes later, Joon hee's Uncle came back in.

"Joon hee's Uncle-ssi,  do you know who it is?"  I asked.

"First of all I want all you kids to call me Uncle without the formalities.  Second, I'm going to find out.  I took down the license plate.  I need to go.  I have lots of work to do.  I need everyone to take this very seriously and make sure everyone stays together.  They wouldn't hesitate to use any one of you as a pawn.  Never be alone."  And with that, Eun hee and Uncle were gone.  

"Let the games begin."







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Chapter 15:
wanna try to apply as a staff??
@ wanna request for poster|background|trailer??
come visit us at
Chapter 14: It's sooooooooooo cute the way yonguk is already thinking about the family!
Zelo is such a cute baby!
Can't wait to find out what happens! Please update soooooooon!
Chapter 13: I do hope omoni gets better T T
Also yonguk plan is a good one
Also i am sorry but i find the detective hot if that is weird >////////<
Chapter 2: You are such a great author, and the story is really great! I wonder how this plan will work out... Looking forward to the next chapter! Thanks for all your hard work!
Chapter 1: I can't wait for the next chapter! Update soon!
Ihatemygrandma #10
Chapter 1: i really love this storry!!! <3 update more chappiee pweasee..looking forward the storyyy ^^ you're great ! ^-^