Jinsoo the ghost

How I Met a Ghost


[Narrator's POV]
"CHEERS FOR MY IN LOVELIFE!!" Jinsoo yelled out loud which made Donghae's eyes pop out as he tried to control the now drunken girl. They were apparently at one of those nearby soju tents as Jinsoo had successfully nagged him to have a drink with her.
"Jinsoo-ah. Will you please stop cussing around? Aish. Embarrassing." Donghae hissed as he shoved Jinsoo's cup from her hold which unsurprisingly made her glare at him. Sure that a lot of people were noticing them by now because of Jinsoo's outburst every now and then. Good thing that Donghae was wearing a cap and glasses, else Leeteuk would definitely punish him if scandals about them comes out on news the next day.
"Psh! You can go home if you want. Oh! I actually prefer if you'll leave me alone here, Haehae." Jinsoo snouted groggily as she took the glass from Donghae and gulped in another shot.
"W..What did you just call me?" asked Donghae as he was kind of surprised at what Jinsoo addressed him.
Jinsoo glanced at him with those half-opened eyes.
"Haehae? Ehhh? Did I just call you that?" She quipped before suddenly hiccuping. She had no idea why did she come up with calling him such nickname. But hell, she's too dizzy to even think about that.
"Aish. Come on Jinsoo, you're drunk. I'll take you home." Donghae insisted as he rose from his seat, left Won bills on the table, and approached Jinsoo. But to his dismay, Jinsoo stubbornly disregarded him.
"I don't wanna go home. I'm never going home." She said in between hiccups before grabbing on the half-emptied bottle of liquor and was about to drink it all but poof! Donghae gripped her wrist and swiftly took the bottle off her hold.
"GIVE IT BACK! YAH!! THAT'S MINE!!" Jinsoo shouted in irritance.
"No way." Donghae sternly said as he put the bottle away from her sight.
Jinsoo frowned as she sniffled sadly. "Yah. Why are you being so mean?"
"What I hate the most is when someone takes what I own." She continued before a tear had managed to roll down her cheek.
[Jinsoo's POV]
My cheeks burned. My eyes stung. My head ached. And I could feel my chest out of breathe.
And as I saw Donghae settle back on his seat just in front of me, I felt relieved. I seriously thought that when he stood up, he's about to leave me here. But it appeared that he's getting me home. And I wasn't so sure if going home at this state would be a good idea. I mean, I'm emotional at most when I'm drunk.
And I wasn't still ready to confront Hana.
"You don't own Yoon Doojun, Jinsoo-ah." Donghae muttered suddenly, obviously getting the other meaning of what I'd said earlier.
I rested my elbows on the table and stared at those pieces of meat being grilled tenderly. The smell was so good, that it sobered up this tipsily drunken me.
"It's not about Doojun oppa, Donghae. It's Hana." I sighed. "It so damn hurts to know that she's involved in this." I told him, with the last sentence said with a slightly cracked voice.
"I'm so stupid." I added under my breathe.
"Yes, you are." Donghae simply agreed as I lifted my face up and looked at him. He was sneering.
I pouted. "Yah. You must understand me here. When Yoona was taken from you, it must have hurt a lot as well."
"Taec ain't my bestie." He retorted which made me raise an eyebrow at him.
"Whatever." I puffed.
"And you made me move on about her." He smiled so brightly I thought I was hallucinating. He peered in closely to me as I sensed another hiccup approaching.
"Me?" I muttered, wondering. But even before Donghae could say a word, I held my hand for him to stop.
"Ara! Ara! I almost forgot about your 'ghost theory' about me. Aigoo."
So now I see, the friend he was talking about was actually a ghost and SURPRISE! that was 'me' when I was freaking on coma for half a year.
I sighed. He's ridiculous. Catching Donghae's attention, I spoke.
"Let's say that I believe your story about me being a ghost.. How was I like back there?"
Donghae beamed which made me immediately quip out. "Don't give me that face. Yah. I still don't believe on your story. I just thought it would be a more preferable topic to talk to than my sitch with Hana."
"Why can't you just believe? Aish." He mumbled in a sigh before rolling his eyes at me and stuffing his mouth with grilled pork.
"Well, Jinsoo the ghost, she looks exactly like you." He told me as he pointed to my face with his chopsticks. "Except that she has her wavy hair laid off. She was always wearing a white knee-length dress and above all, she's actually cute."
I sniggered. "So you're saying that I am cute, aren't you?"
"Oh Did I?" He teased which earned him a really good glare from me. Donghae chuckled as he leaned closer before lightly patting my cheek.
"The ghost I knew was way cuter than you."
I pouted. "How was that possible?" I asked as my eyes unconciously searched for the missing soju bottle on the table. God. Where the hell did this fish hide it? I'm getting lightheaded.
[Donghae's POV]
There was once when Jinsoo accused me a drunkard. But look who's the real drunkard here.
Jinsoo raised a finger and was about to order another bottle of liquor but too bad, I wouldn't let her.
"Just eat, you stubborn lady. I won't let you drink anymore." I told her as I shoved pork inside her gaping mouth. She was about to place a smack on my head but halted midway when she munched on the meat and swallowed it in.
"That's actually delicious." I heard her mutter in a whisper as I chuckled and fed her another one.
"You're cute." I said. She furrowed her forehead. "But you said the ghost was cuter."
Talking about Jinsoo in front of Jinsoo could never get any weirder. I let out a smile as I watched her eat.
"I was so rude to her back there because she always clings around and annoys me in every way." I said in a dreamlike voice.
"Eh? I thought you like her?"
I smiled. "Yes, I do. But before I came to realise about my feelings, I had been a bad fish firstly."
She scrunched her nose. And I grinned.
"Back there, I was the only one who could so her. But no. She couldn't touch me. Nor could I. Her skin passes through everything that it meets." I said as I could sense Jinsoo staring at me. I wonder if she actually listens. But aigoo. She's enough drunk, I guess.
"So, you have a third eye." She muttered in silent wonder.
"I don't think so." I shook my head. "She's the only ghost I was able to see. Like ever. And when she was gone, perhaps, my exclusive third eye shut closed."
Jinsoo laughed as she spoke with still full with pork. "Aigoo. You seem to be unlucky when it comes to love. Tsk."
"..look who's talking." I silently muttered as I looked away from her mocking stare.
"Tell me more about her!!" She giggled.. that same way she does when she was a ghost. How I wish she didn't lose her memories. That way it would be easier for her to understand how I feel and not this confused over my sudden appearance in her life.
"She calls me Haehae.." I started.
"Haehae? Did I call you that just now?" She knitted an eyebrow as she questioned herself.
"She's the cutest ert around." I paused as I let out a laugh even though Jinsoo was looking at me dumbfoundedly.
"Yeah. She may seem to be a really innocent girl that I couldn't believe that she actually could sneak on my bathing. Ahigoo. That ghost couldn't get enough of me. Jinjja." I laughed at the last part but inwardly grunted as I wondered if Jinsoo had ever took a peek on the other suju members...
Aishh.. Really. That girl.
Jinsoo's face was all reddened when she raised her hand and waved it to my face. "I told you! That ghost couldn't be m..me! That's just impossible! Omo. Now I'm so certain of it!"
I smirked. "She'd seen enough of Lee Donghae." I dramatically sighed before continuing. "That's apparently the reason why I thought of haunting her down and TADAA! Found ya!"
Jinsoo threw me the look and made face. "But I'm not her. So quit it."
I forced out a stiff smile as I watched her stick her tongue out at me. Because everytime that she tries to reject me, I wouldn't deny how it slightly hurt me. Sometimes, I had thought of giving up. That maybe, this pursuit would never lead to her liking me back... that I was hopeless and just as pathetic as her to Doojun.
But that smile.. those eyes.. I sometimes caught a glimpse of the Jinsoo I had met first. And abruptly, my heart wouldn't stop pounding and I knew.. I could never give her up.
If it's impossible to make her remember, then I've no choice but to make her love me.
[Jinsoo's POV]
"I'm cool. I'm not feeling dizzy anymore. Thanks pork." I told Donghae when he asked me if I wanted to go home. It was late in the evening, almost midnight to be exact but hey, a lot of people were still coming into this mini soju tent.
"Don't you have schedules for tomorrow? I thought idols are busy." I asked in a straighter voice far from that slurred drunken me awhile ago. Somehow, I gave up on searching for my soju bottle that Donghae had hidden from me. And he wouldn't let me order another one!
"Well, We have finished our label company's christmas song recording a few days ago when you were sulking. Other than that, Hyukjae and I are going to start our promotions next week. SS4 will start next year." He paused before peering at me and suddenly winking. "So yes, Jinsoo-ah. I'm kinda not busy and I don't have any schedule for tomorrow except if you want me to go on a date with you tomorrow."
There he goes again....
I smiled weakly at him as I shoved a large amount of pork into his mouth just like what he did to me a while ago.
"No. I have school tomorrow, fish."
He pouted as he swallowed before speaking again. "I thought you're skipping school lately?"
"No. Not anymore." I said as I sighed and shook my head to both sides, gently clearing my mind off the thoughts of meeting Doojun oppa again. Aishhh. How can I ever face him without hitting his face? How can I ever act as if nothing happened? that I don't know anything?
"Do you know what Jinsoo said when I was also sulking due to heartbreak?" Donghae suddenly spoke, his usage of my name brought a shivering feeling over me but I knew that he wasn't talking about me but the ghost he claimed to be me.
"What?" I simply asked, a little bit interested.
Donghae flashed out a bright smile which surely would send my knees weak if only I'm an ELFish.
"It was that time when we were at the park, Yoona had just gave me a painful rejection. She left me there alone and I thought I was going to break down until Jinsoo appeared. She said she wanted to laugh at me for being darn too slow but she couldn't because I looked so pathetic and she pitied me. Yoona isn't the only girl in the world, she told me. That's why I should just be moving on." Donghae finished as he stared straight into my eyes. I wonder how far his gaze was.. His eyes were so deep.. far too deep that I almost thought he's seeing something else through my eyes.
"When she caught me playing she loves me, loves me not, she told me that even though I peel all the flower petals in the world's largest garden, things wouldn't change. It's only by acceptance that we could move on, Jinsoo. And you had taught me that.. That's why all is well for me now." He sincerely voiced out before sighing out and averting his gaze from me.
I forced out a stuttery laugh as I didn't like how serious the air was between us.
"Jinsoo-ssi is a smart girl, I could say."
Donghae nodded. "I know. I always disappoint her and even made her cry once. I'm such an ." He chuckled as he bit on his bottom lip.
"How did she leave? I mean, didn't she even tell you?" I curiously asked.
"It was too abrupt. That last night when we were together, she bomboarded me with Thank You's and apology. And the next morning, she was gone. I don't even have the slightest idea if she purposely left without any words.. That maybe, she knew she was going to be gone."
I frowned. I feel too sad for them. Aigoo.
"Donghae-ah. Let's drink to that. Jebal?" I pouted as I fluttered my eyes out at him. He sighed before relenting to my request. In a poof, the half-full soju bottle was before my eyes.
I took the initiative to fill our glasses. And at the same second, we shot it into our throats.
Another shot.
Another one.
He ordered another bottle and gulped half of it in one go. I had my eyes widening as I smacked his head lighty.
"You drunkard!"
"No, I'm not!" He claimed as those eyes looked at me half opened. I grabbed the bottle from him and drank the remaining liquor.
"See! I could do that too! Hah!" I sniggered in a slightly slurred voice. My sight were blurring a bit and I could feel my insides burning. Donghae was swaying as he shook his head as well.
"Let's go home, Jinsoo." He whispered. I groaned but when he gripped into my arm and made me stand up, I reluctantly followed.
"Okay.." I muttered before feeling the cold whip of open air touch my face.

So... Yea. Kids these days. Tsk. Tsk. Lol
and no. If you're expecting in da next chapter, there ain't gonna be. *mehrong*
donghae isn't that kind of person in this story who'd take advantage of jinsoo...but ghaaa if im jinsoo, i might take advantage of him instead..... HAHAHAHAHA OW NO! *hides from heechul*♥
Thanks for reading! And please do leave a comment. ;D
our Jinsoo will remember everything SUPER SOON and yeaa everything would be fine~! I srsly can't stand haehae brokenhearted for too long. Ahh~ >...<
oh and in case yo havent noticed, there's a NEXT link down there~ ;)))
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Chapter 30: God this is so addicting! I'm a JinHae shipper now! You made me miss OC fics so so so much! I love your fic! Please don't kill Jinsoo at their wedding! That would be so heartbreaking!

Wait. I just gave you the idea, did I not?





*runs in circles*

*flails arms about*

you've been busy :c
lightningirl09 #4
Please don't kill her!! Beg Beg Beg~ They have to be happy togeather so plz plz plz plz!!
Happy ending plz come!! it's graet story and it has to be graet to the end!!
Because you are a Heeechul fan I hope you read my story too ^__^

I want a happy ending !!
Please TT donghae and jinsoo must be happy!
Don't let her die !!
Update soon
Okay.. totally speechless. Hae, you are awesome. *salutes* Aisssssh. I don't like sad endings. :| JinHae deserves a happy one, a very HAPPY ending. XD

waaah~ unnie~ imma wait for your update. :D
Masquerade129 #8
How sweet of Donghae to marry her, even though eventually, Jinsoo will be gone. I hope they would have a happy ending. I hate sad endings. JinHae couple deserves a happy one.

But the teaser had to take all that happiness back! I was happy all-over thinking that "maybe they could cheat on death" or something like that. Weddings shouldn't be tears of sadness. It should be tears of joy. :((

Oh, I want to read more! I wanna know what will happen next. Please oh please, update soon! ^^
Donghae is so sweeet:">
but I feel sad, especially with the teaser
update soon^^
See ? I knew I'd cry.. *sobs*
So saaaad !!!!! >/////< I wonder what plot you're planning for the upcoming chappies. ><
Anyways, I'm looking forward to it !