Upside Down Sitch

How I Met a Ghost


[Jinsoo's POV]
I lay back flatly on my bed as I sighed out repeatedly. It was already morning, probably 7 AM, but I was still as lazy to get up and go to school.
"Jinsoo-yah!!! We're going to be late if you freaking won't get up now!" I heard Hana yell out as she barged into this room, already on her outdoor get-up while I was still on my pjs in the contrary.
"I'm not feeling well today." I sloppily said with my voice wavering off. Hana approached me as she checked on my forehead.
"Omo! It's a little swollen. What happened, clumsy?" She giggled as I sighed and just shook my head at her.
"Yeah. I guess I'm really clumsy to bump onto a guy and ruin all his noodle bowls. Aigoo~" I closed my eyes, remembering all the incident last night which was seriously a nightmare.
"Ehhh! It's your fault then! Pfft." Hana puffed before fondling my head and placing a soft kiss on my forehead. I smiled. She'd always been this sweet.
"Will you be alright here alone?" She peered, and when I nodded my head, she smiled.
Of course, I would be fine alone. After all, my best friend had already suffered too much for me for a period of half a year. I wouldn't want to be of much trouble to her now.
"I'm going then. I'll be home early for ya!" She bade goodbye as she tiptoed towards the bedroom door and eventually I heard the front door banged closed as I figured that she'd left already. 
Once I was alone, I sat up and looked on my surroundings. Hana's bed was across mine as her a side table was placed in between. There was a window in the center of the wall as I could see half of Seoul from this fourth floor of the building.
My eyes hovered around and when it landed to Hana's side of the room, my face scrunched.
"Lee Donghae. That weirdo." I spat in fury as I stood up and crossed my arms while staring at his oh so large poster on the wall.
Oh and did I mention that my bestie is the ultimate fangirl of that fishy guy??
Oh geez. I bet she would think twice about changing her bias if she ever comes to know that her idol is actually a erted weirdo who kisses random girls in that dark alley- AHHHHHH!!! JINJJA! I SERIOUSLY WILL KILL HIM THE NEXT TIME I SEE HIM!! OH AND BURY HIM ALIVE AND PUT ON FIRE ON HIS REMAINS!!
"Calm down, Park Jinsoo, calm down." I heaved inwardly to myself and spun myself around before I managed to rip off that poster.
Hana would be freaking mad at me, you know.
But she's surely going to be all jealous if she gets to know that her guy kissed me. Not that I liked the idea, I mean. . . First kiss was meant to be with someone you love!! Not with just anyone whom you bumped into with in a shopping district!
True enough, I hadn't had enough sleep last night- Oh! scratch that. I didn't actually had any sleep at all last night.
When Donghae ran after me in the elevator, I was like in a 'no way out' position. And as the double doors closed and left us both alone with each other, I couldn't help but to step back away as the guy approached me.
"Jinsoo-ah. I'm sorry if I scared you. But seriously, I don't have the guts to hurt you." Donghae sincerely said just at that instant the elevator moved down a level.
He was staring straight into my eyes as I sternly looked into his kind ones. And I swear, I couldn't help but to get affected. For some unknown reason, my heart seemed to clench a bit at the sight of this guy's expression. . . It's like, it abruptly softened inspite of me being so darn enraged just a while ago.
"Donghae-ssi. Do we really know each other?" I asked as I'd never been this puzzled and confused ever in my life. Donghae stepped closer as I held my breathe in when his familiar scent came nearer.
"It's hard to explain, Jinsoo. You might not believe me." He drooply replied as he looked away.
"I don't get it. Why is it difficult to explain? How can I believe you when you wouldn't speak out? And another thing, why did you kiss me?" I demanded, my voice was serious.
"Do you really want to know?" He inquired. I nodded as I felt my heart pounding hard.
"I'll say it fast so better get your ears ready." He said before forcing out a smile on his lips.
"Exactly two months and three weeks ago, I met you. You were a ghost by then."
Oh! Freaking shisus! This guy is nuts!
I was about to speak out about his nonsense but halted off when he put a finger on my lips.
Donghae chuckled lightly before saying in a whisper, "And why did I kiss you? It's because I'm in love with you, Jinsoo-ah."
Silence filled the closed space as I swallowed back at the sudden revelation. I felt my eyes bulging out of their sockets as weird shivers ran out on my skin.
Thankfully, when the elevator reached the ground level, the doors slid off opened as I thought I found light behind these dark clouds that I was into.
And as if by instinct, I harshly pushed Donghae away as I fled out the scene and ran farther away from that place. . . farther away from him.
[Donghae's POV]
"That Jinsoo girl from last night, is she your ex-girlfriend?" Hyukjae inquired as I could see how attentive his eyes were on me i as we strolled on the side road.
I heaved out a really deep sigh. "She's the girl I was talking about when we were in New York."
"So, she really is the girl." I heard him mumble but just shrugged him off.
When we entered the convenience store where we usually go to- less people go in there which meant less occurence of unplanned fanmeets- Hyukjae immediately went through the list of items Ryeowook asked him to buy.
And as I pilfered through the shelves of cartons of milk, I couldn't help but to breath out heavily.
Inhale. Exhale.
It's what I do whenever my chest seemed to be so packed up and full. And sadly, ever since last night when Jinsoo ran away from me, it was like, my breathing didn't want to come.
Was I wrong when I suddenly confessed to her? Did I startle her?
"Aish. How could you be so a darn idiot?" I told myself as I conked my head with a carton of milk.
I didn't even ask for her details. I mean, all I know about her is her name. Just like what she's only known of herself when she was still a ghost.
"You should've ask her number." My inner self told, seemingly blaming me for the bad luck I was encountering.
"Yeah, right. My fault." I puffed my cheek as I mumbled to myself.
Seriously. When would I meet Jinsoo again? Considering that she's angry at me, it would be hard to cross paths with her now. She would surely avoid me. Aish.
"FISHY!!" I heard Hyukjae yell out. I irritably turned to him as I found him pointing outside the full transparent fiber glass wall.
"What?" I knitted my eyebrows as I shot him a questioning look.
"Isn't that your Jinsoo?" He muttered out. Tracing where his finger was pointing to, my eyes darted towards the exact girl my mind had been thinking about that entire previous night.
"Jinsoo." I unknowingly whispered as I watched her walk passed the street. She was stretching her arms up as she yawned out the fresh air.
"Hyukie. I owe you one." I grinned at my dear friend as he flashed me out a gummy smile.
"Eh? What did I do?" He then asked, oblivious to how he just helped me.
"Yah! Where are you going, Donghae??" He shouted out when he saw me heading out.
"To Jinsoo." I sniggered back at him before heading off as I followed Jinsoo's trail.
Talk about good luck.
[Jinsoo's POV]
As I tramped towards the bus station, I suddenly felt like someone's following me.
I wasn't sure but, I seriously felt those weird shuddering feeling like there were eyes shooting me an observing glance. Although looking on my surroundings, I didn't catch anyone following me.
"Aigu! Jinsoo.. You're being paranoid." I inwardly shrieked before finally walking off again. As I held on the straps of my backpack which was slung on my shoulders, I heaved out a tiredlike sigh as soon as I finally stood at the waiting shed, waiting for the bus to come.
Scooting out my phone from my pocket, I made a call.
Speed dial number 1: Hana Jung.
Just as I had expected, the moment she answered the call, her hysterical screech welcomed my ears.
"Yah. Will you stop yelling?" I told her as I kept my giggle to myself. "I'm alright. Nothing happened. In fact, I'm going to school."
"Thank goodness, you're okay. Aigoo. Anyway, I thought you aren't feeling well? You sure you can go to school?" She lowly asked this time, being so like the umma that I never had. I repeated what I'd said and she just sighed in response.
"Arasseo. I'll meet you in our next class, okay? Don't be late. You know, Mr. Cha is really a grump."
I laughed, remembering how much she despised the old man. "Yeah. I won't. Oh! The bus is here! I'll be quick. Bye!"
I climbed in and settled on the far seat beside the window. And since it wasn't really a rush hour, the bus was almost empty. Only a few elders were the passengers and a guy who seemed suspicious to me.
He got on the same bus stop as I was in. And seriously, the way he looks just crept me out weirdly. I mean, does anyone wear a pair of nightglasses at this rather cloudy weather?
Oh! And the way he covered half of his face as he looked for a place to sit in, it's just well suspicious.
And I swear, I almost squealed out when he settled on the seat next to mine.
"Hey." I heard him say as I kept myself calm and held on my bag tightly. If it was another ert who have plans on doing something to me, I swear I'm going to kick his groin and ran out of this bus! Aisht.
"Jinsoo-ah. It's me." When the guy mentioned my name, it instantly caught my attention.
I slowly turned my head to face him and to my shock, it was...
"Lee Donghae?!"
Surprise! The weirdo is here!!
He sneered at me as I noticed that he had removed his shades and the handkerchief that was covering his face a while ago was now gone.
"What are you doing here?" I gulped, my eyes widened out. Remembering all that happened last night, I just could barely know how to treat him.
He stole my first kiss, messed my mind in confusion, and freaking told me that he has fallen in love with me. And now he's becoming a stalker?
Oh wow. My life was peaceful before. T^T
Donghae was just staring at me with that smile plastered on his face. He didn't even answered my question and just gazed at me like a total idiot.
"You look funny. Stop staring at me." I scoffed as I crossed my arms and looked away. Resting back on my seat, I just ignored him.
It was a long silence and I was somewhat relieved at that. But when Donghae suddenly breathed out heavily, he finally broke the silence.
"Argh. I get it. You're angry at me." He heaved, his voice was pouting so cutely.
"Aren't you believing in me? We had met two months ago. And that's the truth. I know I sound insane but that's really what happened."
I knitted an eyebrow as I let out a ridiculous laugh. "And you're saying that I was a ghost?"
He nodded as I rolled my eyes at him before placing a really harsh smack on his head.
"Seriously, Lee Donghae, I don't have the time to play around with your jokes." I fluttered out my eyes at him as I heaved out a sigh.
"See, I know a person who would believe everything you say and would freaking love to hear that you had fallen in love with her when she was a ghost blah blah blah."
"That's really mean." He frowned as he lowered his face sadly.
I raised an eyebrow as I tried hard to resist this seemingly cute puppy.
Thank goodness the bus finally stopped as it reached the university I was entering. I stood up and made way passed Donghae as soon as I bade him goodbye and got off the bus.
"Y..Yah! Jinsoo-ah! Wait for me!" I heard him call out. I inwardly grunted as I rushed on my paces so the guy wouldn't be able to catch on me.
But when I felt a grip grabbing my shoulder, I knew I failed my runaway mission.
"Seriously, leave me alone!"
[Donghae's POV]
Oh geez. I felt like the earth just went upside down.
You know, I certainly believe in the word 'karma' now.
See, before it was Jinsoo who pesters me around and follows me whenever I go. I was the one irritated and told her to leave me alone. She was that sweet, innocent girl and I was that rude guy who always turn her down.
Aigoo. If only I hadn't fell in love with her, I wouldn't be here.
"Oh! I know now. Should I yell out your name and gather all your fangirls around here?" I heard her schemed a plan as she criticized me from head to toe. "Jinjja. I seriously can't see what's so attractive on you? The Kyuhyun guy was way more handsome."
"Y..YAH! What did you just say?!" I protested as I couldn't believe that she had just belittled me. Like seriously! Kyuhyun might sing better than me but I got more fangirls! And just to tell you, MY Mr. Simple 5jib cover was the first one to go out of stock!
And I'm not really bragging at that.
I saw Jinsoo roll her eyes before walking ahead.
"Stop following me, arasseo?" She spoke with her back facing me. I shook my head and caught up beside her.
"But I can't not leave if you still won't forgive me." I demanded as Jinsoo abruptly stopped on her paces and turned to face me.
"I forgive you." She breathed out, which made me smile at that instant. But when she waved her hand to my face and squeaked out a "Shoo! Now go away!", I frowned and pouted back at her.
"I don't think you mean it." I drooply mumbled as I sensed dark clouds above my head. AHHHH! What happened to my sweet Jinsoo?! Why is she this mean in human form? T^T
"Donghae-sshi." I lifted my head up in a beaming way when I heard her voice softly calling my name. There was not a hint of fury or rage or anger in her voice. It was like my Jinsoo. . . the ghost that I'd known.
And as I looked up to see her face, she was smiling at me in a bitter way. . . I just noticed how different she looks with her jet black hair tied up in a high bun. She wasn't wearing the same white fluffy dress that I'd grown used to. Instead, she sported a simple shirt and a brown cardigan over it.
"I don't think you would like what I'm about to say but.. I'll say it anyways." She said in an almost whisper. I intently looked at her, my eyes questioning as she averted her eyes from mine.
Jinsoo held my shoulders and soothed them with a pat before she spoke in a sad tone.
"The thing is, I already like someone else."

aha! I hope u liked da update.
i know dat u all want me to let Jinsoo remember those memories..
yea she will, eventually. but it'd take some time. :3 and it'd have a twist about dat. =]
please comment! *cookies for ü*
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Chapter 30: God this is so addicting! I'm a JinHae shipper now! You made me miss OC fics so so so much! I love your fic! Please don't kill Jinsoo at their wedding! That would be so heartbreaking!

Wait. I just gave you the idea, did I not?





*runs in circles*

*flails arms about*

you've been busy :c
lightningirl09 #4
Please don't kill her!! Beg Beg Beg~ They have to be happy togeather so plz plz plz plz!!
Happy ending plz come!! it's graet story and it has to be graet to the end!!
Because you are a Heeechul fan I hope you read my story too ^__^
I want a happy ending !!
Please TT donghae and jinsoo must be happy!
Don't let her die !!
Update soon
Okay.. totally speechless. Hae, you are awesome. *salutes* Aisssssh. I don't like sad endings. :| JinHae deserves a happy one, a very HAPPY ending. XD

waaah~ unnie~ imma wait for your update. :D
Masquerade129 #8
How sweet of Donghae to marry her, even though eventually, Jinsoo will be gone. I hope they would have a happy ending. I hate sad endings. JinHae couple deserves a happy one.

But the teaser had to take all that happiness back! I was happy all-over thinking that "maybe they could cheat on death" or something like that. Weddings shouldn't be tears of sadness. It should be tears of joy. :((

Oh, I want to read more! I wanna know what will happen next. Please oh please, update soon! ^^
Donghae is so sweeet:">
but I feel sad, especially with the teaser
update soon^^
See ? I knew I'd cry.. *sobs*
So saaaad !!!!! >/////< I wonder what plot you're planning for the upcoming chappies. ><
Anyways, I'm looking forward to it !