Forgotten? [Donghae's side]

How I Met a Ghost


[Narrator's POV]
It was a cold autumn night after the SMTown concert. All SMent artists were all tired as they started to pack up to leave the concert stadium and yet on one of those huge dressing rooms backstage, Hyukjae kept on clinging on Donghae as he wanted his friend to join him on his undercover New York tour with a few other artists.
"Come on, fishy! We're in New York! What's with the long face? Seriously, it bothers me already." Donghae heard his close friend say as he returned him that same kind of frown.
"Gwaenchana." Donghae assured, although he's sure to himself that his lie didn't convince the man in front of him. Hyukjae foldered his arms on his chest, criticizing Donghae.
"Yah. Tell me the truth, will you?" Hyukjae started as he looked at Donghae in extreme narrowed eyes, his blonde hair perfectly fitting his little eyes. "Is there something wrong? Do you have a problem? Like seriously, you're making us all worry."
"Omo. Am I?" Donghae asked back before heaving out a sigh. "Mianhae."
Hyukjae shook his head. "Tsk. I'm not asking for you to say sorry. I'm asking what's your problem."
Donghae thought for a while, weighing his options whether to say it to his friend or not. And in the end, finally said, "I can't say."
"B..Bwoya? Wae?!" Hyukjae asked in disbelief, his eyes bulging out right at that instant.
Donghae looked away, his thoughts drifting off somewhere... far from that place. Back to korea where his heart was left.
Although he wanted to enjoy the fact that he's out of the country with friends, he just couldn't.
"There'd come a morning when you'll wake up with me nowhere to be found. . ."
Jinsoo's voice lingered on his mind until that night was all that he could ever see.
It was the last night that they're together. It was his last glimpse of the filmy face of hers. It was the last moment he'd shared with her.
Never had he thought that those were really her farewell words. Because only if he knew, he would've done better. He would've confessed his feelings to her already, regardless of the heartbreak that he'll be encountering right after.
But it's all too late. He can't say any of those to her right now.
Because inevitably, she's gone. . .
"Nowhere to be found. . . Just as she had told me." Donghae inwardly told himself as he sighed out deeply, clearly missing her presence the most. He grasped on his throbbing chest as he firmly held back all the tears coming in approach to his crystal orbs.
He wanted to cry. . . to scream and call out for her name. . . to tell Hyukjae about himself, falling for a ghost who left him into pieces.
"I miss you, Jinsoo. Come back already."
And by that, he unstoppably burst out into a quiet sob, leaning on the flustered Hyukjae's shoulder as he sniffled again and again.
[Donghae's POV]
Staring on the cup of coffee left unmoved in front of me, I sat in silence as I never felt more than miserable in my life ever than tonight. It was almost that same feeling that I felt when apeoji passed away.
Almost. . . Because deep within me, I still hoped that Jinsoo's coming back. Maybe, she's just roaming somewhere else so she could piss me off and give me a huge mehrong when she comes back.
I swear if ever she does, I'm not going to be mad at her.
For crying out loud, I can't be mad if my only wish comes true, right?
"It had been weeks." I kept my voice calm as I muttered it out for Hyukjae to hear. What I needed the most at this moment was a friend to tell all my heartaches out.
I saw Hyukjae grunt as he rested his elbows on the tabletop. And although I just looked away and glanced on the beautiful nightlights of New York behind the fiber glass wall of this coffee shop, my ears were still fully attentive on what my friend had to say.
"It's been weeks since you broke up?" He asked. I slowly nodded my head.
"Pretty much like that."
"And you hadn't told me that you're dating a girl since two months ago?" Hyukjae snarled, glaring at me.
"Who's the girl? Is she an idol or perhaps, an actress?" He added with his eyes inquisitively staring at me.
I shook my head as I stared back at him, "She's a ghost."
And at that instant, he looked at me bluntly. "Oh! I knew it actually! You're being too emo now that you're giving her a codename! Pfft. Arasseo! If you don't wanna say."
But she's really a ghost. . . Or was I just being insane?
I puffed my cheeks as I heaved out another sigh. "It was an impossible love story. We can never be."
"Wae? Is she a north korean?" Hyukjae peeped.
"Paboya. Aigoo." I retorted, taking advantage on putting a yank on his head. "The thing is, she left me so I'm brokenhearted."
I doubt that he would believe about the ghost thingy anyways.
I observed as Hyukjae pondered for a moment. "See, if you're meant to be, you-"
"We'll meet again, are you saying?" I interrupted before giving out a frown. "But what if that day never comes? What if I never see her again? What if-"
This time, he was the one who cut me off. "Yah. You speak like she has left this planet."
I sighed. He got it. It's pretty much like that. Jinsoo might probably in the place called 'afterlife.'
"Donghae-ah. If you see that there's no point waiting, that's the time when you have to stop doing so." It's the first time that I actually heard such sensible words coming out of the monkey's mouth.
"How would I know when to stop?" I lowly asked, feeling like the biggest dumbheaded in the entire population of korea.
Hyukjae smacked my head, making me somewhat glare at him. "What was that for?!"
"For being so stupid." He stuck his tongue out. "I just told you. When you see no point on waiting, then stop. If you think that she's not coming back, then just accept defeat. That's just how life works. Everything's a matter of acceptance."
Although I totally understood what he's been meaning to say, my mind was still on its puzzlement. . . As if it refuses to take in all those words that Hyukjae offered me.
My heart doesn't want to stop beating for her.
My mind doesn't want to stop thinking of her. . . that there's still that chance that we might meet again at however impossible circumstances may be.
Seriously, how am I supposed to stop waiting for her at this state?
It's not the same heartbreak that I felt when Yoona rejected me. Perhaps because at that time, Jinsoo was there to support me. . . to make me smile. . . to ease all the pain away.
"Molla. Aish." I hissed as I buried my face on my palms, frustrated on all the thoughts that were endlessly running on my mind.
[After a few more days, back to Korea..]
"Hyung! Why am I the one who'll go out and buy dinner?! Kyu should be the one!" I complained in full protest as I stood up and addressed Teukie hyung.
Aish. Jinjja! naega wae? Kyu lost the rock paper scissors game!
"But our maknae isn't feeling well." Teuki hyung told in concern. And at that said, the evil maknae fake coughed as if he really wasn't feeling fine.
"But it's too cold outside. I'm lazy to go out." I quipped in a disapproving tune as I glanced at the cloudy afternoon sky through the window. Checking on the wall clock, I figured that it's just 6 PM.
"Come on, Donghae. Jebal?" Teukie hyung pouted so cutely... way cuter than Sungmin hyung. I shook my head, relenting to his request.
"Ara! Arasseo, hyung." I reluctantly walked towards my room to get on my jacket and beanie, A.K.A. idol disguise.
"Take care of Kyuhyun, hyung!" I sarcastically looked at Kyuhyun who immediately coughed hysterically as if he could fool me. Aigo.
When it's the three of us with our schedules off, I always ended up being the one who'd buy dinner. Aish. Wookie's cooking is way better than all those kimbap in the restaurants.
I headed towards the nearest ramyeon house as I decided ramen for our dinner. And after buying everything that I was ought to buy, I walked home with those plastic bags on my hold, lifting up my muffler as I lowered my head whenever I sensed fangirls around.
Seriously, they can't get enough of me. Haha!
"Donghae oppa? It's Donghae oppa!" A loud cry of a seemingly fourteen year old was heard as I cursed under my breath.
"Speaking of the brats. . ."
"OPPAAAAA!!" And as I turned back and was expecting a two or three fangirls to take a picture with, I was actually shocked when I saw not three, not four, not five, not ten- but a freaking more than twenty schoolgirls in approach.
"These kids can be scary sometimes." I told myself before starting to run faster away ahead.
I entered a crowded shopping district so as to avoid all the fangirls running in a chase towards me. And when I thought I had successfully achieve safety, I heaved out a sigh as I lowered my beanie and straightened my posture.
I started to walk casually with the bags of ramyeon still on my hold.
"Teukie hyung would be mad at me now. It's been an hour and I haven't come home yet. Aish." I hissed inwardly as I started to walk in haste back to our dorm. The sky was darker now as the lighted seoul city in this shopping district made the night more colorful.
I was busy looking around not until when I felt a sudden bump on my chest, making me almost fall back down and causing all the ramen bowls to get thrown on the ground.
Shisus! Mianhae, Teukie hyung. T.T
"Yahhh!! Aren't you looking where you're going!?!" I furiously snarled as I was welcomed by a girl around twenty, her head was bowed down as she repeatedly apologized at me.
"I'm sorry. I.. I'll pay for all those food. Jeongmal mianhada." She said in a low teary voice. I shook my head before patting her shoulder in an awkward manner. It just was weird to see a girl bowing in 90 degrees in front of me. Embarrasing.
"Aish. No need." I told her. I urged for her to straighten her posture because seriously, the passersby were beginning to notice us both.
"Jeongmaliya? You won't make me pay for the damages?" She lifted her head up, staring at me with those innocent eyes that I'm so familiar with.
"J..Jinsoo?" I muttered unknowingly, my sight roaming around on her face. I gulped as I felt my heart racing in such extremeness.
"H..How did you know my name?" She peered towards me with her eyes narrowing. "Do I know you?"
I tensed. "You don't remember me? I'm Lee Donghae... Haehae!"
And with that, she leaned in closer and when she's about an inch apart from my face, she suddenly gasped.
"You're Super Junior Lee Donghae!?!"
She was gaping at me as she waited for my response. And when I nodded, she immediately moved beside me, pulling out a camera and abruptly snapping a photo of both of us.
"Oh! Hana would be freaking envious once she sees this! Haha!" I heard her whisper as she sneered at me before putting her digicam back to her pocket.
"Jinsoo-ah. W..We need to talk." I sternly said, my voice stammering at the thought that she doesn't remember me.
Because if she does, she would surely be all like, "Haehae! I missed you!"
And considering the fact that she's not a ghost at this moment, I wonder if she by chance, had all those memories of us erased when she was in her ghost state.
"W..What do you mean we need to talk?" She asked in extreme puzzlement.
Cursing under my breath, I felt goosebumps when I heard those squeals courtesy of my fangirls. And with that, I instinctively grabbed Jinsoo's hand and pulled her into a run.
"Yah! Where are you taking me??" She yelled out in question as we ran our feet towards who knows where.
"I told you, we need to talk." I shouted back as I felt her grasping tightly on my hand. It was an incredible feeling that soothed my happy heart. That mere touch had seemingly infused butterflies inside my stomach.
It was unbelievable.
And I just had to slap my face to guarantee myself that everything is not a dream. . . that this is reality. . . that Jinsoo is here with me. . . and that she's not a ghost anymore.

I know, this chapter is kinda confusing, right? But on further chapters coming, it would be explained why Jinsoo was gone and why the heck was she having a kinda amnesia. XD
altho i know dat you alrdy hav guesses. *coughs
i actually feel so sad writing the brokenhearted fishy. T^T aiyoo.
the next chapters wud be fun!! yayy 
Anywaaay. . . ! im'a update soon. ^ ^
Thank you so much for da comments ne. They mean so much to meeee and it motivates my lame writing. *gives out cookies*
my lubbbbly sungminnnie looked so troubled?? kk~~
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Chapter 30: God this is so addicting! I'm a JinHae shipper now! You made me miss OC fics so so so much! I love your fic! Please don't kill Jinsoo at their wedding! That would be so heartbreaking!

Wait. I just gave you the idea, did I not?





*runs in circles*

*flails arms about*

you've been busy :c
lightningirl09 #4
Please don't kill her!! Beg Beg Beg~ They have to be happy togeather so plz plz plz plz!!
Happy ending plz come!! it's graet story and it has to be graet to the end!!
Because you are a Heeechul fan I hope you read my story too ^__^
I want a happy ending !!
Please TT donghae and jinsoo must be happy!
Don't let her die !!
Update soon
Okay.. totally speechless. Hae, you are awesome. *salutes* Aisssssh. I don't like sad endings. :| JinHae deserves a happy one, a very HAPPY ending. XD

waaah~ unnie~ imma wait for your update. :D
Masquerade129 #8
How sweet of Donghae to marry her, even though eventually, Jinsoo will be gone. I hope they would have a happy ending. I hate sad endings. JinHae couple deserves a happy one.

But the teaser had to take all that happiness back! I was happy all-over thinking that "maybe they could cheat on death" or something like that. Weddings shouldn't be tears of sadness. It should be tears of joy. :((

Oh, I want to read more! I wanna know what will happen next. Please oh please, update soon! ^^
Donghae is so sweeet:">
but I feel sad, especially with the teaser
update soon^^
See ? I knew I'd cry.. *sobs*
So saaaad !!!!! >/////< I wonder what plot you're planning for the upcoming chappies. ><
Anyways, I'm looking forward to it !