VIII. Dinner Date

♥ More than FRIENDS but less than LOVERS ♥

~Chapter 8~


* on Peniel's POV *

"I'm going now!" I shouted.

"Ya. Sungjae-ah~" I walked closer to him, who's literally planking on his bed and tapped him.

Oh, he's asleep. I guess I should just leave then.

I left and drove on my way somewhere to set up some things and finally to Hyunji's house.

As I reach her front porch step, my heart started beating fast. I don't know if I'm nervous or just really excited about this date.

I pressed the doorbell with a thumping heart.

She opened the door and I was amazed at how she looks like.

"Hi." she greeted me.

"Hey. You look .. stunning." I wasn't even lying.

She was wearing a simple dark blue straight cut dress with an accent of white that ends a few centimeters above her knees, she paired it with an elegant silver heels and a little cute white bow  tie lying on the left side of her head with her hair curled down. She wore a very light but cute stunning makeup that matched her outfit.

"Thank you." she bowed down and blushed.

"Shall we go?" I pulled out my hand, she held it and I lead her to the car.

"So, where are we going?" She asked.

"You'll know soon." I smiled confidently.

I drove the car to the venue and I can see her through the right coners of my eyes, she's just too beautiful, she keeps on turning her head from left to right, peeking and expecting to see where we're going.

Until I drove to somewhere dark.

"Wait, where are we going? I don't think I've been here." she asked, feeling uneasy.

"Relax Hyunji. Do you trust me?" I asked, trying to steal a look at her and looking back at the 

windshield, for safety driving!

"I ... I do, oppa." she calmed down and sat comfortably again.

"Okay, I want you to put these on. We're almost there." I pulled out a blindfold.

"Wait, what? But oppa ..."

"Put it on."


She put on her blindfold and I parked the car.

We got of the car and I held her hand.

"Be careful." I said.

"Oppa, I'm on heels. I may trip down anytime." she worried.

"Kyaaaa!" she shouted as I lift her up, bridal style.

"Oppa~~~" she whined.

"We're almost here, Hyunji. Just stay still. I don't want you to hurt your feet so I lifted you up, don't worry I wont do anything erted to you." I joked.

"Ya!" she playfully hit my shoulders and giggled.

"Okay we're here." I put her down and removed her blindfold.

"Woaaahhhhhh~~" her jaw dropped as her eyes roam around.

"You like it?" I asked, still nervous if she'll like it or not.

"Are you kidding me? I LOVE IT!!" She shouted.

"THANK YOU SO MUCH OPPA." she hugged me tight, and I was a bit unsure if I should hug her back or not.

As I was about to put my arms around her, she pulled back.

"Oh, I'm sorry oppa. I was just, overwhelmed. Nobody has done such thing for me yet." she cutely turned into pink and I pinch her cheeks.

"No worries! I'm glad you like it. I did it in a rush." I smiled.

The date was actually something that is obviously not planned, I don't know what came into my mind that I suddenly asked her out tonight which could just be tomorrow or the next day for more preparation and I really have no idea where to bring her as I ain't that familiar in Korea yet. I thought I'm doomed, I wasn't thinking quite well this afternoon, I can't keep my eyes off Hyunji and I just cant think straight when she looks at me even if I just met her this afternoon.

I prepared a backyard candlelight set up on a mountain top, not really far away from the city. The mountain isnt as hard to access since it's a really popular one which is visited by a lot of people because of different resorts, restaurants and bars but I brought her to a quiet place, wherein it'll just be the two of us. I just discovered about it the moment I came back, from Sungjae's mom.

Sungjae's mom told me how beautiful this place is and suggested me to ask Sungjae to bring me here and when I was running out of ideas where to bring Hyunji, I thought of this place and paid a visit through asking directions. Until I found a spot that is quiet and asked some of the restaurants around for some help on setting up and for the food as well.

We did the setting up in a very rush way that I was so nervous on how would it turn out. Because it's a dinner date, we set up lights which I borrowed from the bars that made an accent on the pink curtains that we built up as the main top on where we'll spend our date. We set up numerous cute little lights around the bars that are holding the curtains to serve as the main light of the venue and paper lanters on the floor.

I set up the table my own and put a candle light in the middle of it as I prepared a bouquet of flowers which I put on the chair she'll be sitting.

"For you, gorgeous." I held out the bouquet of flowers and helped her sit on the chair as I sit on my chair, facing her.

"I've never been here, oppa." she said while smiling intensely as she smell the flowers I gave her.

She's really happy and I'm glad that I'm the reason for that smile.

"Let's eat?" I smiled at her.

She nodded and I revealed the food as I open up the lid.

"Woaaaahh!!" She expressed again.

"I hope you'll like it and I'm so sorry if there's any food you dont like." I'm beginning to worry again and I think she read my face already.

"Stop worrying oppa! I love everything, okay? I love it, I don't know how to express how thankful, gratfeul and happy I am right now." She said, with her sweet smile.

I don't know how to answer her because of too much happiness and I decided to just reply with a smile.

We ate and had a lot of personal and life talks, followed by laughs while having our dinner date.


It suddenly turned silent that all I could hear were the whispers of the wind.

"O-o-oppa?" she suddenly became serious and looked at me.

"Hmmm?" I looked up while chewing.

"May I ask you something?"

I swallowed and answered "Yea, sure. What is it?"

"Can we .... "


"Can we ... spend the night here? Together?"

Did she just said that? I mean, I know she meant it the nicest way but I wonder why.

"Sure, but.. why? Is there a problem?" I asked.

She bowed her head and I've seen a slight tear rolled her left cheek.

"What's wrong, Hyunji?" I held her right hand with my left and wiped her tears with my right hand.

"It's my mom's death anniversary tomorrow. I don't want to wake up tomorrow morning alone." she broke.

"Shhhh, I understand Hyunji. I will be here for you, I won't leave you." I stood up and comforted her.

"Thank you, oppa." she stood and hugged me.

I felt her tears on my shoulders, it was warm and all I want is for her to stop crying.

"Are you done eating?" I shifted the topic.

"Mhhhmm" she nodded, still hugging me.

"I'll show you something." I pulled out from the hug and held her hand.

She held my hand back and I pulled her on the tip of the place where we are and sat.

"What is it oppa?" she asked.

"Just wait a little while. Hmm. Few more seconds, probably." I answered while smiling.

Just a few seconds, like what I said, the fireworks display started.

"Wowwww!~" she was amazed at how wonderful the fireworks were.

"Woah Oppa! It's so pretty! Omg! Wow. This night is seriously one of the best nights of my life!!!" She shouted.

I smiled and stared at her, who's still looking above the sky, appreciating the beauty of the lights that are taking over the night sky.

She looked back at me and find me staring at her, I looked away and blushed a bit.

"Oppa." she giggled.

"Hmmm?" I replied, still looking away.

She giggled as she moved closer and hugged my arms.

"Thank you so much." she whispered right into my ear and this made me flinched a bit.

She giggled and pulled away.

"Oppa, you're too adorable." she added.


* on Sungjae's POV *

"Ahhhhh!!" I shouted as I bolt up.

Whew. What kind of dream was that.

I shifted and noticed it's dark outside already.

I looked around and see no Peniel around.

"It's almost 11PM already" I mumbled to myself as I've seen the wall clock in front of me.

"Peniel hyung??" I stood up from my bed and walked outside my room.

"Hyung?" I've walked downstairs.

"Oh, honey! You're awake. Peniel's not home yet. You've slept a lot today, eh? Here. Have your 

dinner, or midnight dinner, I suppose. I left you some food. " Mom prepared the dining table.

"Thank you eomma. Hmm, is Hyunji home as well?" I asked.

"Aren't they together? I checked on Hyunji's home by calling her landline number and nobody's 

answering so I assume they're still together?" Mom answered.

"Hmmm. Maybe." as I bow down.

"Jealous?" mom teased.

"Eommaaaaaa~~~" I whined.

"I got it. I got it. Eat well, son." she giggled and walked away.

I ate my dinner as fast as I could and ran back up to my room to check my phone.

No calls? No messages at all? No anything?

I opened my Kakaotalk and Line, still, no anything.

I punched in Peniel hyung's number and called it.

No answer.

This time, I tried calling Hyunji's number.

Hello this is Hyunji, I'm either busy nor asleep now *giggles*. Please leave your message after the beep and I'll answer as soon as I could! Muah! *beep*


I've walked downstairs and saw my mom watching TV.

"Eomma?" I called her.

"Yes honey?" she answered, eyes still glued at the TV.

"May I join you?" I asked.

She shifted her head to where I am.

"That was a unexpected question but yea sure~ come here baby." she tapped the space next to her on the couch, telling me to sit there, beside her.

I wonder what they're doing together.

I checked the clock and saw that it's past midnight already.

I let out a sigh and tried to focus on the TV.

* on Peniel's POV *

"Oppa, I need to go get something, I'll be right back,okay?" Hyunji said while standing up after the display.

"Oh. I'll come with you!" I stood up as well.

"No no no. I can handle myself. I will be back shortly! Just, sit down there, okay? You've been doing a lot of good things today already." she smiled.

"Okay. I'll wait for you here, faster and be careful, okay?" I sat down again at the tip of the place.

"Neh~ I'll be back in less than a minute." she winked as she put down her heels beside me and started running.

"I'll start counting!!!! One!! TWO!!" I teased as she started screaming while doing her best to run even faster.

I giggled, she's just too adorable.

"Oppa. Let's have some drinks?" Hyunji's voice suddenly appeared behind me, I flinched.

"Woah. You're too fast! You scared me!" I said while holding my chest, catching my breath.

"Hahahaha sorry oppa!" She smiled widely as she sat beside me again.

"Here oppa!" she handed me an alcoholic beverage.

"Are you sure about this?" I ensured her as I open the beverage.

She nodded.

"Been so long since the last time I had it. You're the one with me, so I'll be safe, right?" she asserted.

"Of course Hyunji. Of course." I answered.

"Cheers?" Hyunji held up the bottle.

"Cheers!!" I shouted.

* on Sungjae's POV *


The phone is ringing, calling my mom and I's attention.

"I'll get it eomma." I stood up and walked through where the phone is.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Sungjae!! Glad you're still awake." It's Peniel hyung's voice.

"Hyung!!! I was calling you~ where are you now?"

"What? I've been calling YOU!"

Okay. I realized I left my phone upstairs.

"Oh, I forgot my phone upstairs. I'm sorry. What time are you coming home? Where's Hyunji? It may be dangerous for you to come home at this time so be careful!!"

I was worried for both my bestfriend and Hyunji.

"Don't worry about Hyunji, she's sleeping next to me right now."




"Yaaaa~ don't think ." I heard him chuckled.

"Euuunngg~~ Oppaaa, uuuhhmm~" I heard Hyunji.


"Hyunji, shhh~"  Peniel talked to Hyunji, telling her to keep quiet.

"Hmmmm ~ Peniel oppaaaa~ uhhh~"  Hyunji became louder.

"Hyunji, I'm talking to Sungjae now." Peniel whispered.

"Ohhh. Sorry." I heard her giggle.

"Wanna talk to him now?" Peniel gave her the phone.

I know he did, since her breathing got louder in my ears, probably because of how close the phone is to her.

"Peniel oppaaaa~~ faster nooowww. Pleaseeee." I heard Hyunji again, even clearer this time.


"Sungjae-ah~~ Peniel oppa is such a great man. I wouldn't ask for anything more."

I heard her say through the phone. My heart broke into pieces.

"Oh no. Hyunji, just take a rest, okay?" Peniel took away the phone as I heard his voice clearer now.

"Mhhmm, just, please stay beside me, all night. Promise me oppa?"

Hyunji sounds like she's hugging Peniel hyung tight, which makes me even more jealous.

"I promise Hyunji." I heard Peniel hyung, his voice was shaking.

I heard a sound of a kiss. I aint sure who it was from, but I heard a peck. A tear slid out of my eye.

"Sungjae." Peniel hyung broke.

"Goodbye hyung."

"Wait!!!" I heard him.

I need to hung up but I left frozen and listened to him again.

"Nothing's going on between me and Hyunji. Trust me." Peniel hyung cleared me.

"You dont need to explain." I said, still tearing.

I hung up.


-- to be continued --


ASDFGHJKL;; finally got the time to upate and this chapter is giving me a lot of feels. HAHAHAHA. xD ♥♥

Comment Replies:

funnyfannyism __ there you gooo~ xD aha ;;

_spencer ___ Thank you for reading my story omgg means a lot to me ;; Peniel is a slow poke. Loljk. ;;

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Chapter 16: Update Juseyo~
bijooo #2
Chapter 15: Loved it ...... update sooooon... ^^
AngelGirls #3
Nice story ^^
Chapter 14: minhyuk who are you? haha <3
Mickeyyy #5
update soon ~~~~ please~~~~
Chapter 12: amnesia is a .
Chapter 11: okay. Hyunji is such a hard headed person why can't she listen to Sungjae emerghed
Chapter 10: What just happened? O.O

Chapter 9: i feel like slapping mina
why sungjae why :'(
thanks for the update and update soon!
omg i look like im spamming O.o