

Laying down on your bed, you stared up as passing cars illuminated the dark ceiling with spurs of light. It only happened once every few minutes, but it was enough to trick yourself into thinking that you weren't as alone as you felt that night, even for just a second. You turned your head towards the space on your bed that you left empty out of habit and couldn't help but wonder when was this bed so big. You moved your hand to feel the softness of your sheets, but it gave you no comfort... all you could focus on was how cold and empty it was.

A small but stinging pain hit your chest, watering your eyes and making you let out a pitiful sigh. It was only the first night and you were already like this... what was it going to be like for the next month? Hell?


You turned your head back towards the ceiling before glancing at your bedside clock. The bright numbers burned your wide awake eyes, telling you that you've been lying here for a good two hours and sleep still hasn't shown itself. But at the same time, you counted the hours just so you knew how long it's been since he left.

Just as you figured out he must've landed by now, you see the screen of your phone light up with a slight buzz, making you jump and quickly grab for it. Your heart was thumping against your chest even though you already guessed who it was. But as soon as you saw the name, your lips widened into a smile and you could hear your heart sing.

GD: Hey babe, you must be sleeping now but just letting you know I've landed safely... heading to the hotel now. Miss you.

Your fingers flew across the keypad as you typed your reply to him. It was almost as if you thought he'd disappear if you didn't reply quickly enough.

You: I'm not asleep! I'm awake!! But I'm glad you had a safe flight. I miss you too!

You watch your message send and stare at the screen, not daring to blink as you see the confirmation that he read it and begins typing.

GD: Why are you awake? It's so late over there... you should sleep...

You: I can't.... :( I miss you too much... the bed feels empty without you......

GD: I'm sorry baby... do you really miss me that much?

You nod to yourself even though he can't see you and reply with a big 'YES".

GD: Then how about sending me a kiss?

You rolled your eyes at his message, usually you'd fight against this request but since you were deprived of your boyfriend, you decided to comply. You combed your fingers through you hair and took a few test shots to make sure you looked somewhat presentable. When you were satisfied, you held up your phone and made a kissing face at the camera. Slightly embarrassed by your cheesiness, you quickly sent it to him before you could regret it.

After what felt like forever, he replies:

GD: That's my baby girl :)

You frown at the non-picture reply.

You: What? No picture from you?? >:(

GD: Only if you're good while I'm gone

You: That's unfair!

You grumbled to yourself as you wait for his reply... but none came, returning you back to that sinking and alone feeling you had earlier. Each minute you kept checking your phone over and over again, just in case you might have missed it.

A good 15 minutes passed of you doing that and it drove you insane, bringing frustrated tears to your eyes. Was this how it was going to be during his tour? You feeling out of your mind lonely and with no other means of comfort besides words from your phone. You thought you'd be able to handle 'long distance' for a month, but you hated it already. You just wanted to be held and kissed by your boyfriend. You wanted him to come back. You wanted Kwon Jiyong back.

You jolt at the vibration from your phone and through blurry eyes, see that he was calling you now. Your heart fluttered as you tried to wipe your tears and calm your breathing before answering.


"I'm sorry!" He says out of breath and somewhat irritated, "I had to go through immigration and they wouldn't let me--" But he suddenly stopped and was silent, "Babe.... are you crying...?"

You cover your mouth with your hand, but it was no use since he always had a knack for knowing when something was wrong with you, even over the phone.

"Baby..." He said softly, clear pain in his voice, "Don't cry, baby please. It makes me want to fly back to you right now..."

"C-Can you?" You dare to ask, half serious. You hear him pause and let out a deep sigh.

"I..." He sighs again, "I'm sorry... I can't, baby. I'm really sorry..."

But hearing him apologize hurt your heart more, since you now knew you were bringing him trouble that he shouldn't have to deal with... especially since the reason why he left was for his world tour.

"No... I'm sorry." You finally said and let reality sink in no matter how bitter it was. "I'm just not used to having you here by my side... You've spoiled me." You said in an attempt to lighten the mode.

You hear him smirk and hopefully earned a smile, "I do?"

You close your eyes as you lay on your side, pressing the phone close to your ear so you could imagine him right next to you, speaking... breathing. If you closed your eyes hard enough... you could almost fool yourself into believing he really was right there.

"Babe..." His voice calls out to you and you can now hear high-pitched screaming and yelling in the background. Most likely from fangirls meeting him at the airport, "I have to go now... I'm sorry..."

Your heart pinched but you pushed it away, not wanting to make him feel any worse than he probably was already, "It's okay. I'm getting sleepy anyways." You lie with a smile he couldn't see.

"I... love you. I really do." He whispers into the phone, "I promise I'll come home to you soon, okay?"

"Mm" was all you could manage to say without letting out a sob. "I... love you too."

"Good night... oh, and keep an eye on your phone!" He said quickly, but before you could ask what he meant, he had already hung up. Making you realize how quiet it was in your room.

With your phone in front of your face, you obediently waited for something to happen, not knowing what to expect. Until finally, it vibrated.

The picture was slightly blurry, but you could make out that it was Jiyong's face.  His eyes were closed shut and his lips were puckered for a kiss. Below the picture was a second text that said:

A kiss for my baby girl.

Subconsciously, you traced your finger along the outline of his face and suddenly wished you could've at least kissed him one more time before he left.

But this will suffice.

You brought your phone to your lips and gave the screen a little kiss where Jiyong's lips were. As you pulled back to look at the screen again, you were surprisingly able to push down the pain in your heart and focus on having something to look forward to instead.

"Come home soon, Jiyong."

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Chapter 2: awwww!! this is too cute!!
I like it so much ! :))
PrincessGD #2
Chapter 2: Weeeee....i flt lke da oc is me hehehehe ^_^
GlamorousXOXO #3
Aww c': so sweet.... but that's it? Hmmm no sequil?