Peter Pan





Nehemiah 2:5

"If it pleases the king and if your servant has found favor in his sight, let him send me to the city in Judah where my fathers are buried so that I can rebuild it."




I've watched this girl's life end 213 times. And every time she looks at me which her sad blue eyes. Every time my body urges to move; to do something. But always at that moment, the most important moment that I wait every 19 years for, I don't move. 


The truck came without warning. I watched as she and her friends came up to the sidewalk but she kept going; thinking it was safe. I saw the truck coming from down the road but I said nothing. He saw it too. The boy that always had her heart. Something that I was never able to have. He lept forward trying to save her but not even he could do the impossible. It was inevitable that she was going to die. I woke up that morning knowing that my angel was going to be gone.


There was no scream or look of surprise. It was as if she knew as well. The truck came too a stop when it hit her. The driver came out and screamed when he saw that body. There wasn't much blood. She looked almost peaceful lying there on the pavement. She eyes where closed and her hands were at her side. Only her legs looked broken. I walked through the crowd that had gathered around and looked down at the body. She wasn't gone yet and slightly opened her eyes and looked right at me. It was that moment that the pain started to set in. The pain that I felt every time her death happened. You would think that I would be used to it by now but no. The pain was always as real as ever. It started in the heart. It was as if her soul reached into my body and just squeezed my heart. It then seemed to travel to the whole body. To my head, to my arms, to my legs, and then to the depth of my soul. Her cold blue eyes just piercing through me; sending me to that most unwanted place.


The moment never lasts long. He was always there to grab her and hold her. To cry for her. And I just watched as he did just that, unable to cry or to hold her. It was only 19 more years. 1995 + 19 = 2014. June, 2014. That was how long I had to love her, hold her, and cry for her. And this time I swear I will.



I am an American and I haven't traveled much :( so the school life in this story will be how it is in America. Sorry about that.

I write all the time but I never think I am ever going to do anything with it but here I am now. It's my first story so I hope I don't mess it up haha. I hope you like it

Credit to Cray-Sis graphic shop and ------vanilatte for an amazing poster and background 



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