Broken Wrist

Broken Wrist - Xiumin

Trying to work on your homework on a beautiful Saturday afternoon was almost impossible. With the warm light flooding into your room and the sweet birds singing their song that floated in with the wind into your room. Finding yourself looking out the window at the beautiful blue sky that peeked through the green leaves of the trees it was a little slice of paradise.

The buzzing from your phone alerted you of an incoming call as you pulled your attention away from the window and to your vibrating phone. Looking down at the Caller ID it was Kris, you had a little smile on your face as you accepted the call.

"What are you up to you crazy boy?" You teased as you pulled your knees up to your chest as your arms wrapped around your knees tightly.

"Not now _______!" Kris said firmly over the phone as you thought it was odd. "Anyways, could you come over to the dorm please in a half an hour?"

"I’m supposed to be studying but if you tell me what is going on I might consider it." You a little more as you heard a smirk on the other side as well as the members whining for Kris to just tell you.

"Okay fine!" He whined, "Xiumin had a little accident and we need to get back to practice yet he needs to be looked after. Would you mind, I mean since you are his girlfriend an all."

"Sure! It’s just, why couldn’t he call me himself?" You questioned Kris

"Because he is put out from the medication that they gave him in the hospital!" Lay yelled to you as you about fell off of your chair.

"I’ll be right over!" You quickly said before ending the call. Grabbing some assignments, you shoved them into your backpack, quickly changing from your pajama pants to some jeans, you ran out the door and to the dorm as fast as you could.

"Easy guys, just lay him on the bed" Chen instructed as Tao and Kris was holding Xiumin up before letting him collapse on the bed.

A knock came to the door as the members ran to see who it was.

"Ah _______ you’re here!" Luhan wrapped you in a hug as you nodded. Letting your backpack fall from your shoulder, you slipped off your shoes and entered their dorm.

"What happened to Xiumin?" You tried to ask calmly.

"Well, he was doing his martial arts today for his work out and he was working on his punching, so he stacked wood on top of each other and…" Kris said but couldn’t finish

"He broke his wrist." Tao finished as your eyes shot open.

"Is he okay?" You asked with your words full of concern.

"Yeah he is in a splint right now until the swelling goes down then he has to go back to the hospital and he gets a cast!" Lay explained as you nodded.

"Well… you should all go to practice, I can take care of him now." You sadly said as they nodded.

"He might be in a lot of pain so the doctor said just ice and some painkillers would be fine." Kris said as you nodded, once the door closed behind the members your eyes began to get misty as you knew that you had to keep in your emotions.

Lifting your backpack from the floor, you slung it over your shoulder as you made your way into his bedroom. His body was disheveled on the bed and didn’t look very comfy, to be honest. Leaning your backpack against the edge of his bed, you began to move Xiumin into a more comfortable position. With his head moved onto a pillow and a pillow under his splinted wrist, a blanket over his body, he looked comfy. Sighing slightly, you opened up your backpack as you sat on the other bed in the room as you began to work on your studies.

A few hours later, you heard a movement from the other bed as you looked over and sat Xiumin trying to get up. Pushing all of your books aside you tried to push him back down onto the bed.

"Xiumin you have to stay here." You said as he looked around the room disoriented.

”_______, why are you here?” Xiumin looked up at you as he fell back down onto the bed.

"Y-Your members told me to come and take care of you while they went to practice. With your broken wrist and all, I guess they thought that you needed help." You said kindly as he quickly sat up and threw the blanket that was covering him up against the wall as his legs swung over the side of the bed.

"You have to rest, please lay back down." You begged as you didn’t want him hurting himself any more.

"I-I need ice and I’m hungry." Xiumin grumbled as you nodded and ran into the kitchen grabbing an ice pack and some fruit for him to eat as you came back and saw him trying to balance himself against the wall.

"Here you go. Now lay down please." You showed him what you had as he rolled his eyes, you held onto his non hurt arm as you tried to help him back to bed.

"Just go! I don’t need you anymore, just leave _____! I’m not a two year old, you don’t need to do everything for me!" He snapped as you were taken back by his sudden outburst.

"Xiu-" You began to softly call his name.

"No, just go! I don’t need you, you are too caring and I can do it! I don’t need you." He cut you off as he took his arm out of your grip, trying to walk again.

"B-But your members wanted me to help you." You told him

"What do they know, they left you here with me! You can’t even take care of yourself let alone me." Xiumin said as he kept walking while you felt the salty tears sting your eyes.

"Okay" You whispered as you gathered your things, being quiet as you went to the entry way and slipped on your shoes.

"Get better soon Xiumin." You cooed sweetly as he just grunted trying to open something, you were hesitant to go and help him but you knew that he had said that he didn’t need you so you left.

Back at your apartment, you had begun to study again, back into your relaxed pajama pants and a bowl of noddles, your dinner, in your hands, you tried to cram in more knowledge into your brain.

A vibration from your phone tore you away from your studies again as you saw that it was from Kris again.

Are you still with Xiumin, at the dorm? -K

No, I left, he said that he didn’t need me.

So you just left like that? - K

There were other things said, he just doesn’t think that I would take care of him.

You know that isn’t true. - K

I know, I just left him alone, I don’t think that we are together anymore either.

With that text he didn’t message you for the rest of that night and for a few days afterwards.

With your test done and over with, you were lounging around your apartment as you were enjoying a little drama for once before you got a text.

Can you come over? - L

I don’t think that is a good idea…

Why not? Don’t you like Xiumin, don’t you like us? - L

I like you guys and I still love Xiumin but I don’t think that I should come over.

He is sorry for what he said. - L

No he isn’t he is happy that he said those things and that I am out of his life.

No please don’t think that, I am going to miss you - L

I will miss you too.

Every day the members would try and get you to come over but the hurtful comments that Xiumin said to you were haunting. Those few hurtful words inflicted you with nightmares and sadness as you trudged through your days. Crying yourself to sleep every night, you wondered if it was all worth it.

Can you come over please, I need to see you - X

So now you want to talk to me?

I’m sorry okay. It was the medication and I got upset and everything just happened at once and I am really sorry. - X

I’m not going to accept that apology.

Just come over, please - X

Staring at that last message for a few hours, your mind debated if you should go over or not. Groaning to yourself, you got up and put on a jacket before you headed over to clean up some loose ends and to get your things.

Knocking at the large door, you waited a while before you stood on your toes, reaching up to the top of the door frame where the spare key hid. Unlocking the door, you slid the key back into its place as you walked inside. Slipping off your jacket and shoes you hung your head, moving into his bedroom.

"You wanted to see me?" You mumbled as he marked and closed his book as he set it aside as he smiled brightly at you. "How can you smile at someone who can’t take care of herself?" You questioned as his smiled slowly faded.

”________” He swung his feet over the side of the bed as his arm was in a sling. “I was on medication and I didn’t know what I was saying, I was hurting.”

"Well you hurt me! Medication isn’t an excuse. Your words hurt me much more than your broken wrist." You said quietly. Xiumin took a deep breath and pat the spot next to him as you rolled your eyes and sat next to him.

"I’m sorry, I didn’t mean any of it. You are everything and more that I could ever want, and I know that my words hurt you, but I honestly don’t remember what I said to you but I know that I am sorry for putting you through this. I really am." Xiumin said wholeheartedly

"Thanks" You mumbled softly as your eyes moved over to his wrist. "How is it feeling?"

"Better, they got a cast on, see?" He took off his sling as it was a cast that went up to the middle of his arm.

"It’s blue!" He said like a little kid as you couldn’t help but smile.

"Do you want to be the first to sign it?" Xiumin asked, pulling out a permanent marker from the drawer before holding it out to you.

"Really? Even though I left you even though you needed me?" You asked as you looked into his soft, kind eyes.

"Really, I forgive you." He smiled softly as you looked down at the pen and grabbed it. Pulling off the cap, you carefully held his hand as you wrote your name and a sweet message as you drew a heart by your name with a few X’s and O’s.

Once you were done, you put the cap back on as he looked at it with wide eyes.

"I forgive you too" You smiled up at him as he smiled wrapping his non hurt arm around you. Pulling you onto his lap, you relaxed as your back rested on his chest, leaning your head back on the side of his neck you played with his fingers as you had missed him. Carefully resting his head on yours, he smiled holding you tightly as both of you closed your eyes enjoying each others presence. Feeling your love get stronger for him as both of you made it through the fights and rough patches.

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Chapter 1: Ouch! The way he yelled at her made me sad :(
Medication isn't an excuse, but the pain is *for some*. When I'm in so much pain I can't really tolerate anyone being inside the room with me because I can't whimper or let out any expression of pain and discomfort. BUT STILL I AVOID SAYING SUCH HARSH WORDS, I care for their feelings and I think before I speak. I wish that those people will have control or they'll have regrets in the end ~

Back to the story. The ending was so beautiful and sweet for them both. Glad that they didn't break up for this reason <33. Girls always forgives more than boys
InspiritHamster #2
Chapter 1: Omo i love you for making this story!!! Love it cause it so sweet ^~^
Chapter 1: ... and I seriously though that there was going to happen something with Krisus cuz some sentences made it look like it .-.
Chapter 1: omg xiumin is such a qtpie;---;
Chapter 1: I just love Xiumin!! Good story
Chapter 1: Ok havent read a story from you in a while because *cough cough* you know my preferences duncha =p

anyway this got me annoyed at xiumin honestly.

naughty rude boy haha and i didnt like that she went over to him in the end. i wanted more effort from his part to seek forgiveness

but cute story nonetheless <3
Chapter 1: Ahhh! The ending is cute! 'Its blue!'. C: Thank you!
Chapter 1: Who's ~L ,Lay or Luhan?
Chapter 1: "It's blue!"

...can I adopt him?