
The story of us ..


Author's note:

Hey guys! I know I dissapeared for a while , but now I´m back with new forces.

Since there are 3 stories that I´m writing (It´s my fault that I didn´t finish one before starting the other. It won´t do the same in the future) and for each story there  are people waiting for the update, I decided to go in circles. I will update them in order. So next one  is “Fated”. Sorry that it took so long.

And about “Story of us” .. Because so much time passed since I updated it for the last time , it was difficult to continue , that´s why the new chapter is not a continuation of  the previous one. But I will connect the dots later in the story.

I know it´s a little messy, but from the beggining I planned it as  a story of flashbacks , so you won´t find order or chronology here .. Sorry !!! I still hope you will like it!!




Tiffany was running through the corridors of the SM building.

- Oh my God, oh my God, kept repeating the girl , Yoona will freak out !

She entered their practice room in a hurry. The girls were stretching out before starting to practice. The first to notice Tiffany´s presence was Jessica.

- Tiffany, what´s wrong? Jessica approached the girl. Your face is red.

The other members also approached their sister with worried faces.

- Yoona, Tiffany grabbed her hand. I have to tell you something, but don´t worry, even if it´s true, there must be an explanation.

Maybe it was a too long introduction, but Tiffany didn´t know how to tell Yoona the news she just heard. She was nervous about what kind of reaction her friend will have.

All the girls turned their heads to Yoona, but the girl was looking at Tiffany.

- Unnie, what´s wrong? You´re scaring me.

Yoona´s mind started working fast. Her sisters were all here in the room, so none of them was hurt. She spoke with her father few minutes ago and everything was fine. A man´s face appeared in front of her and she squeezed Tiffany´s hand.

- Donghae oppa? Unnie , tell me ! Yoona was looking at the girl nervously waiting for the answer.

- He´s ok, responded Tiffany and Yoona sighed in relief. But it´s about him.

The girl´s heart skipped a bit.

- Remember the blind date of SuJu oppas with some actresses organized by Kang Sora and Leeteuk oppa? 

That episode was broadcasted few days ago, but she didn´t have time to watch it. The truth was that she didn´t want to. Even if it was just for the show , she knew she will feel unconfortable seeing their interactions. So she decided that she will just forget about it. It was just work and she understood it very well.

- So? She didn´t want to think about it. He couldn´t do that. He promised.

- He´s going to be part of WGM Special. He´s going on a double date with Son Eun Seo,  Leeteuk and Kang Sora. I heard that if it goes succesfully , they may become a regular couple.

- No way! All the girls except Yoona said that loud.

Yoona became pale and started whispering in disbelief.

- He couldn´t .. she turned around and made few steps, but stopped not knowing what to do.  She couldn´t even call him at that moment because Super Junior, Shinee and TVXQ were on their way to LA for their SM Town Concert. Just one hour ago she spoke with him and now ..

She felt that someone gave her a back hug. She knew it was Yuri, her roommate and her best friend. One second later all the girls surrounded her. They all were her friends, more than that, they were her family and she was grateful that all these girls were part of her life. They helped her through so many hard times and she was glad she wasn´t alone at this moment.

- Yoona, everything is going to be ok. 

- Maybe it´s not even true, she heard Taeyeon and Sooyoung´s  voices.

- It is, said Tiffany and got an angry glare from Jessica, sorry.  SuJu oppas manager told me. continued the girl. It´s decided. Since Hyorin is busy with her schedule, they needed a replacement for her couple with Sungmin oppa. In this case is Donghae oppa and Eun Seo-shi couple.

- I know the girl. It´s the one that had a love line with Minho in “Oh my school”, said Yuri.

- Oh, it´s the girl that looks like Seo-baby, added Taeyeon.

- Yes, the one I will work with for my new  drama, whispered Yoona, but the girls heard her.

- No way ! The girls shouted again.

- In “Love Rain”, with Jang Suk oppa? Asked Tiffany. Yoona nodded in response.

- , everything is so messed up. said Sunny.

- Well there´s nothing I can do right now, said Yoona. We´ll better continue the practice. She knew that no matter how bad she was feeling at this moment, the day after tomorrow they have a concert , so they have to be ready for their fans.

The girls looked questioningly at Taeyeon,  but the kid  leader showed them to do as Yoona said. She knew how confused must Yoona feel right now, but the only one who could save her from her doubts wasn´t available at that moment. So the only way  to forget about it for a while was to work.

The girls started to practice the dance battle, but Yoona could not stop thinking about Donghae. ”What happened?” “Why he didn´t say anything?” were questions that were bothering her.




They all were watching her attentively. Just as usual Yoona was dancing well. Without mistakes, but with no emotion either. She was moving like a mashine and the girls could not notice that.

Through the mirror Yoona saw them looking concerned at her.

Yoona, get hold of yourself! Even if it´s hard, you have to do it” She smiled and let herself feel the music moving through her. Just like her sisters´ help, work was her medicine. Finally the girls were relieved to see the smile on her face.


After two hours they were done. Their manager opened the door and found the girls lying on the floor.

- It doesn´t look like a practice to me ! 

- Oppa!!! 9 faces looked at him angrily.

Seeing their reaction the man raised his hands in apology.

- Ok, I got it! Now take your clothes, we´re going home. You need to rest a little and pack for the flight.

After 20 minutes they were home. Yuri took off her clothes and  fell on her bed.

- I´m so tired. I don´t care that I´m sweaty, I just want to sleep. 

Yoona smiled at her. She felt tempted to do the same but decided to take a bath before going to sleep. The girl took her towel and went to the bathroom. Since they were 9 girls, the dorm had 3 different bathrooms. But even like this sometimes it was really hard to be ready on time. Yoona shared  the bathroom with Yuri and Seohyun, they called this room  the Triplets´  Bathroom.

Since maknae was using it, their bathroom was always clean and had everything needed. Shampoo, shower gel , toothpaste or soap was never missing there.

Yoona knew that Seohyun will firstly pack her luggage and knowing her habit of taking shower for not less then half of hour she hurried to be the first to do it.       


Being alone between those 4 walls, she found herself face to face with what happened few hours ago. Yoona looked at herself in the mirror and saw that her eyes were teary.   She wanted so much to be comforted at that moment, but her reflection

in the mirror remained silent.

She opened the tap and got into the bath. Cold drops fell on her, but she didn´t move. Yoona sat down and hugged her knees. Crying silently she sat like this for few minutes, the water washing away her tears.

The girl  was thinking how great it would be if she could call Leeteuk or Heechul oppa. Leeteuk had the ability to make her laugh in the worst moments of her life. And Heechul could make her forget about her troubles with his witty comments. But it wasn´t possible right now. So she had to face it on her own.

She compelled herself to get up. Crying won´t help her. And she needed to rest to look ok in front of the crowd that will support them with cheers at the airport.

After the shower, Yoona carefully opened the door of the bathroom. Seeing that nobody was in the corridor she hurried with her head down to her room so no one could see that her eyes were red and puffy. She could not stand questions right now and would fall into pieces.

The moment the door of Yoona  and Yuri´s room closed few other doors opened and members of SNSD  appeared in the corridor.

 All the time Yoona was in the shower they were approaching the door checking on her. The girls wanted to help Yoona, but they also knew that it would be better to give her some time. She needed to rest, and a good sleep was the best solution. After discussing their strategy in the kitchen the girls went back to their rooms to prepare for the flight.

After she entered the room, Yoona saw that Yuri was already sleeping. The girl laid on the bed staring at the ceiling. The bath made her body light with no strenght in it, but she was glad  she felt this way. This way she could fall asleep faster. Yoona looked at the watch and saw that she had few hours to sleep. She closed her eyes. After few minutes her breathing became regular. Yoona was sleeping.


Yoona´s  dream:


She was walking through a beautiful garden surrounded by trees and flowers. The sound of the birds mixed with the wind was like a melody. The fragrance was so strong that she felt overwhelmed. Suddently she saw Donghae walking towards her with a bouquet of flowers in his hands. She run towards him wanting to be embraced , but stoped right in front of him when he made a move to give her the flowers. She took them and felt a little pain. The thorns of the roses pricked her finger. Yoona looked down on her  hand and saw a drop of blood that  was growing on her pale skin.


     The girl opened her eyes awakened by her alarm. She looked around and saw that Yuri was missing. Her phone kept ringing.  “Cause you, you are so beautiful..”.  It was the song he gave her as a present. She remembered the feeling of happiness she felt when she first listened for the song. He was there with her  watching attentively every change of her expression.

     Everyday she would wake up with this song, a reminder of her boyfriend and the love they share.

     But today, the feeling was different. She felt  pain. Why is it always like this? Everytime everything was ok in their relationship, there must be something going wrong. She thought about those  times when she felt tired from all those ups and downs, not only tired, but exhausted, with no desire to fight for their love , cause it was too hard.


     One year ago: 


- Here we are! Said Taecyeon when he pulled the car next to the building with SNSD dorms.

Yoona looked at him from the passenger seat. 

- Thanks oppa! I could have taken a taxi.. 

- He´s the one with a car between us, said Jo Kwon from the back seat. And enough money to pay for the gasoline.

- You should have taken yours! Taecyeon looked back trying to reach Jo Kwon with a punch.

- And not be able to drink because of that ? No way !

The 3 of them started to laugh. Tonight they celebrated their 10´th episode of Family Outing 2. The ratings weren´t really good , but they had a good time filming together.

All of them , except Kim Won Hee sunbae , gathered for a drink, which continued with a real show at the karaoke bar, thanks to Jo Kwon and Bong Sun unnie. After few hours of singing and laughing they decided to go home. Since they lived in the same area, Ji Sang Reul, offered a ride to Yoon Sang Hyun and Bong-Sun unnie. Yoona started to laugh remembering how the woman was screaming when Ji Sang Reul sunbae was dragging her to his car, away from Taecyeon´s. 

- I wanna go with Taecyeon!  Was she screaming , but sunbae covered and made her enter his car.


- We had a great time right? Jo Kwon put his hand on Yoona´s shoulder.

- Yes, it was fun!  Responded Yoona looking back at him. 

Now she knew  Jo Kwon not only as an idol, or a showman, but  as a person , as a friend and she was happy she had this opportunity, because he was so genuine. A person who cares a lot about his friends, ready to help whenever you need it. 


She was  glad  she agreed to go out with them today. The things weren´t very good lately so she was feeling  a little down. The rumors about her scandal with Taecyeon, the haters saying that Yoona is once again overshadowing her sisters. She felt sad and powerless.     She remembered that all the rumors made her  avoid Taecyeon as much as possible at the beginning,  but working together on the same show made it quite impossible. Besides, living an idol life, they had similar problems and worries. So she tried to make  their relation more confortable.


- We  should repeat that again. Taecyeon looked at them smiling.

       -  I would love to, but it depends on  our schedules. Yoona reminded them about their responsabilities as idols. Jo Kwon sighed heavily.

       - Idol life is really difficult .. all 3 nodded  and started to laugh seeing the others´ reaction.  

       - Well , it has its benefits. Kwon hurried to cheer them up.

Yoona smiled and  turned her head to Taecyeon. It seems like the awkwardness between them was almost gone little by little. Of course the love line developed by the script team of the show wasn´t helping. But at least it wasn´t as awkward as it was at the beginning and step by step he became a person she felt easy with.

       - Thanks again. 

       - You can count on me anytime. She felt that there were some unspoken words in the air, but she threw away that thought. She didn´t want to destroy their friendship. What he wanted, was another issue, but she knew, he will never cross the line without her permission.

The girl got out of the car.

        - Bye boys!

        - Take care! 

She walked towards the doors illuminated by the car´s headlights. Seeing that it didn´t move, she looked back smiling. “Just go!” she said quietly and waved at them. She guessed Taecyeon understood what she tried to say since the car made a turn and dissapeared after the corner.

     Yoona entered the building. Passing by the elevator, she saw that it was at the top floor so she decided to go by the stairs. After few steps, she heard how the entrance door hit something before closing. “Weird” thought Yoona and heard someone´s steps behind her. Suddently she remembered the scary story Jessica unnie told them about how a stranger tried  to folow her in a similar situation. She became nervous and rushed to their appartment. On her way, she started to search for the keys in her pocket, but suddently someone grabbed her hand and turned her towards him. She wanted to scream and fight back when her eyes met a familiar pair of brown chocolate eyes.

      - Donghae oppa!




Author´s note: Well, that´s not it ! There´s one more chapter  I  already wrote, but I will add it tomorrow :). 

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Chapter 8: it is interesting
please update soon
its_me #2
Chapter 8: You updated \o/
Thank you so much... Love to read every chapter of this story ^^
waaaaaaaaa, I find your another story!!
I love this. I know I'm so greedy, but can you update this story too?? <3
premiummilk #4
i like jessica and donghae!! :((
but i love the story though !
keep on updating!! :DD
Chapter 8: yes I WILL.. lol, new reader here btw
damn i just found this and your story is like for real ,awesome !! update soon :)
Ohmygoooood. It's really a good story!
But I kinda a little bit lost with the plot, honestly.
Well, I'm a new reader and I really hope to see you update :)
Hwaiting! ^^
leeyoonhae #7
wah, new reader here
your story is ddaebak
update soon . . . . :D
OMG it's very heart breaking :(
Update soon! ^^
yoondeer #9
thank's for your update..
can't wait for your next update... :)