The start.


"Again here.. it's prison to me!" A Good looking girl says before going out of her limo with her best friend. "I feel so sleepy hate you Tiffany Hwang!" The sleepy girl said annoyed then putted some glasses on as they walk. 

​ As the two girls smile walk couldn't help to bump with someone else. "Ouch!" Jessica let out then looked at the culprit. 

Tiffany looked other way. "Kwon Yuri!" The ice girl let out not so happy.

Yuri looked other way "Great.. " she said annoyed as hell "This is the best way to start my day.." she whispered.

"Get out of my way!" Jessica said before passing next to her.

Once out of sight in their dorm.

"I can't stand her!" Jessica said mad putting her suitcase on her bed. Tiffany took a deep breath before looking through her window.

Jessica pouted "Taecyeon oppa told me she was flirting with him during summer but he didn't care cause he was thinking about me.." she said the last part with a smile.

"You already told me that.." Tiffany said not caring then looked at her watch "It's late already.." she said coldly. 

Both were walking the hall fast then notice someone was behind them. 

Tiffany stopped then looked at the girl behind them with a cold stare, Jessica also turned her head  "Are you following us?" She asked looking at the girl from head to toe.

"What? Why?" Taeyeon let out nervous trying to avoid eye contact with Tiffany who was fixedly looking at her.

Tiffany then looked other way not caring. "Weird.." Jessica said coldly before grabbing Tiffany' s hand to take her to that classroom.

Taeyeon sighed "Why dad.. mom?" She asked then sighed and followed the two.

~Inside the classroom~

So as always the new ones had to introduce themselves.

"She's new." Tiffany thought till someone punched her arm. "Ouch!" She let out. The students kept introducing themselves then she looked at Sica "Why she's on this classroom?" She asked pouting.

Tiffany sighed then got serious  "We been in the same classroom with her like forever and you notice now!" She said kinda irritated.

"Well uhmm... My name is Kim Taeyeon I'm 16 years old and I just transferred to this school... I like singing.. uh..listening music mmmm.."

Taeyeon couldn't  help to feel so nervous the same girl from some minutes ago was there looking at her too but then she just looked other way to the window.

Taeyeon looked down a little disappointed in the inside. "Thanks miss Kim you can have a sit!" The teacher said before sitting on his desk. 

"As you know this school makes trips to relax before starting classes and for new kids to get to know each other better." The teacher said relaxed. 

The day was really relaxed all the teachers were only talking about the trip they would make the next day, classes were over about 10:00 am to let the girls go to their dorms to prepare their bags. 

 ~ The next day ready for the trip~

Taeyeon got on the bus she saw all the girls with partners already, she didn't know where to sit till someone pulled down her sleeve. "You can sit with me!" She said with a smile.

"Thanks!" Taeyeon said before sitting.

"Hi I'm Kwon Yuri!" She said offering her hand."Kim Taeyeon!" She answers shaking her.

"Okay Taeyeon!" Yuri said with a smile before letting go her hand. Taeyeon fast tried to look at the back looking for certain brown haired girl who was sleeping with her head leaning against the glass.

​ Yuri laughed "Stop with that or she might notice and she's not that good looking when she gets mad!" She said making Taeyeon sit normally.

Taeyeon looked at Yuri "What?? What  You talking about?" She asked nervous and red laughing nervously. 

"Don't worry i won't tell.. she's really good looking so I guess it's kinda normal if you attracted to her somehow!" Yuri said talking carelessly. 

 Taeyeon still has a nervous smile on her face " I just like her curvy, shiny long hair." She replied. 

"Yeah right!" Yuri said before putting her headphones on leaving a confused Taeyeon. 

​ AfteR a few hours they got to their destiny a first class vacancy club, The girls organized themselves with who they wanted to share their room. (As always Jessica and Tiffany) while Yuri told Taeyeon that she didn't mind sharing room with her. 

~ In Taeyeon and Yuri' room~

"How did you know?" She asked before sitting on her bed. "Well I just know.. You should stay away from Fany before she hurts You." Yuri honestly said as she chooses her clothes for this afternoon.

"Fany? Why?" Taeyeon asked confused.

Yuri sighed then showed Teayeon a picture on her phone.

"What? That's Jessica and Tiffany with you and Choi Sooyoung, Lee Seunkyu, Im Yoona from our class!" She let out shocked.

Yuri' s face saddened "We were friends.. before." She said sad. Taeyeon looked down "What happened?" She asked.

"Tiffany' s was so bright and cheerful but once her  mom cancer became obvious she was dying slowly, Tiffany became depressive and stopped talking , we were younger and stupid we couldn't understand her pain well so we end up loosing was sad and nobody wanted that at that moment.. I guess the only one who stood by her side was Sica so she hates us. " Yuri said feeling bad about it. 

Taeyeon was deeply sad. 

~ In Jessica and Tiffny' s room~ 

"Look what I brought for tonight!" Jessica says showing two bottles of vodka to Tiffany who wasn't much excited about it. 

"Cool.." She said not interesed. 

Jessica smiled "I'm going to invite many girls tonight so you won't be depressive about today." She said while Tiffany was still in dreamland. 

 After a few hours many girls were at their dorm having a drinking party, the teachers thought it was pijama' s party so they went to sleep early. 

"This one is for.. *Hip* Ok Taecyeon he's so hot and he's mine!" She said drunk already.Everyone agreed. 

Tiffany was also drunk but she rathered going out, she didn't went out of her room in all day so she wanted to see the balance club better. 


"How could I forget about my card, hope Yuri is still up!" Taeyeon said as she walks the hall  to her room, as she walks she sees a familiar figure coming closer But walking really weird.

"What's wrong with that girl?" She asked looking her, once  she saw her better, she was shocked "Tiffany." She whispered as she passes next to her ignoring her. 

"What should I do?" Taeyeon thought for a moment then went after her running. 

Taeyeon went outside and looked side to side "Tipany!" She shouted moderate but she couldn't see her around. She was already panicking "What if she fell and hit her head or something?" 

"Damn it! Taeyeon let out as she looks for her suddenly she heard something on the pool like a person "Tipany!" She let out then took off her jacket as she runs and without thinking it twice she jumped in the pool.

She grabbed Tiffany and got her out of the water. 

"Tipany! Tipany!" Taeyeon said  scared as she slaps her softly to wake her up as she not respond Taeyeon thought about something else "Cpr.." she whispered then looked at Tiffany pink lips. "This will be my first kiss and this is not how I planned!" She thought mad. 

"I have no choice.. I have to!" She said determinate with her arms on both sides of Tifanny' s head as her's body is resting on the floor. 

Teayeon looked at her for a few seconds before slowly getting closer to her lips. "I have to do it!" She thought nervous a few inches away from her lips then closed her eyes. 

​ Suddenly Tiffany opened her eyes and turned her face so now Tayeon' s lips were on her cheek. "What  you doing?"  She asked then pushed Taeyeon away.

"What? You? Water!" She said nervous and red.

Tiffany had to trouble to got up and Taeyeon wanted  help her "Don't you dare!" She said annoyed then got up to walk away. 

"What did just happen? I tried to advantage of this situation?" Taeyeon asked to herself the  touched her lips. 

As Tiffany walks she feels colder and colder, she almost slips because she didn't saw the black Jacket on the floor. "What the... eh this is exactly what I need!" She said then put it on, she stopped walking "Jessica is probably drunk, she won't open the door" she thought and stood there waiting for certain midget. 

 After a few minutes she got there. "Tipany!" She said confused looking at the girl who was looking down and pouting to not talk . "Now I see where's my jacket!" She thought then smirked. 

"I haven't say a word why she's smirking?" Tiffany thought annoyed "My roommate is drunk, I don't have my card, I'm cold let me stay in your room for a few hours!" She said embarrassed. 

Taeyeon smiled brightly, "Okay!" She answered fast "She... she's... a dork. " Tiffany thought still annoyed by her bright smile. 











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Chapter 2: I love this..keep up the good work and dont give up..i hope i can encourage you to update again...hehehe..fighting! :-)