A Selfish Kind Of Love

You met me at a very strange time in my life

I had a writer's block >< As you can probably tell, I'm trying to write longer chapters too so please bear with it (x

12am is a dangerous time to be out and about but Myungsoo could not care less. 

In the middle of nights where he couldn't sleep, he would replay the memories of him and that person.

She is really pretty; probably the prettiest girl he has ever met. They were already friends but it was after a filming of Invincible Youth together when he gathered the courage to ask her out. They dated like how normal couples do, except on odd hours. Their dates consisted more of silence than conversations but Myungsoo didn't mind at all. In fact, he rather them be that way. The more he spent time with her, the more he found little things he liked about her. Like the way she shaked her head unwittingly to get her hair away from her face or the way her eyes turn into half moons when she laughs at something funny or the way she chides him for always wearing black. 

It was their 4th month anniversary and they were seated at the Hangang River at 3am side by side, his arm over her shoulder. He had not once forgotten how she looked that night. The peaceful smile on her marble like face, her natural beauty shining through the night like the moon. She seemed like a fairy casting a spell on his heart.  The phrase that could describe how he felt about her was on the tip of his tongue.

"Suzy...I think I love you."

Suzy stopped leaning into his arm. She was looking at him with something close to pity, her perfect face contorted into a frown.

"Thank you."

The silence that hung between them after that was deafening enough that Myungsoo was sure she could hear his heart breaking. 

"Thank you?"

Myungsoo then understood. He had been blinded by love to the point that he couldn't discern that she didn't love him back.

The next day, news got out that they were dating. It was like a sign from the heavens. Myungsoo tried calling and texting her but she did not reply to either. The other members tried to talk to him about it but he refused to respond to anyone. Instead he chose to lock himself in the room. He could hear the rest of the members talking in hushed tones right outside the door but he couldn't care less. Suddenly, a vibration came from his Samsung Note 3.

Myungsoo sharply inhaled as he saw the name spelt on the screen and the words that followed.

Bae Suzy: It's over. I'm sorry. 

Immediately after, manager hyung's voice sounded through the door.

"Listen up kid. You better come out now and face the music with the rest of us. I'm giving this issue a week to cool down. In the mean time, all your schedules have been cancelled. I'm not forcing you to break up with Suzy but if things only turn for the worse and the fans can't accept it, I'm sorry to say that you have to." 

Myungsoo's legs seemed to work by their own accord as he got up and opened the door.

"Hyung... We are over."

The members and manager hyung stared at Myungsoo with mouths agape.


A familiar set of voices snapped Myungsoo back to reality as he looked up to see the slim figures of two girls in layers of dark clothing exiting the convenience store at Cheongdam. Myungsoo quickly hid near the entrance of one of the shophouses when they began walking towards his direction.

"Pabo. What if they are fangirls?"

He held his breath as they walked past.

One of the girls who seemed to be louder than the other was saying: "It wasn't Taemin who texted you, am I right?"

Suddenly, something clicked in his brain.

"Namjoo and... Naeun?"

Myungsoo swiftly emerged from where he hid and followed them. Abruptly, Namjoo forced Naeun to a stop. Myungsoo jumped towards the nearest shophouse entrance to hide again.

"Ah ah ah my arm. What gives?"

"You can just say it. Its not an episode of Running Man right now. Its only you and me."

"What the hell is going on?"

"Eyyy, tell me Naeunnie!"

"Y-yah! Who I text is none of your business," 

It then dawned on Myungsoo that Namjoo was staging an intervention. And he had a strange inkling that the person Namjoo was referring to was... him. Having his curiousity peaked, Myungsoo tiptoed his way to the lampost which was just 4 metres away from them to hide behind it despite being in plain sight.

"Okay you know what, you can think what you like of it."

"Wait.. Why is she making this a bigger deal than it should be? Aren't we friends now? Unless... No its impossible."

"I knew it!"

"Shhh! You knew what?" 

"You like L don't ya?"

 Myungsoo felt as though the whole world was waiting for Naeun's reply with him during the 3 seconds that followed. His heart was beating wildly, forgetting the heaviness that it carried just a few minutes ago. It did not help that he thought Naeun's flustered face was extremely cute.

"Okay..Firstly, we are just friends. Secondly, he just texted me to congratulate me, that's all! And thirdly, I don't like L, I like Myungsoo."

Perhaps the shock he got from that indirect confession was more than he anticipated as he gasped causing Naeun to turn around and lock gazes with him. Unfortunately, the shock he experienced was not as great as the shock that Naeun experienced as her eyelids fluttered shut and she began crashing towards the ground. Instinctively, Myungsoo ran towards Naeun and knelt down while holding out his arms, catching her right before she hits the ground. 

"Omo, omo, omo.." Namjoo muttered, her huge eyes stretched out to their maximum. The situation placed in front of her was right out from a drama. 

"Ottokaji, L-oppa?"


Myungsoo struggled under Naeun weight and carefully stretched one leg after the other to stand up. One of his hand was on the small of her back and his other arm was under the joints of her knees. Her head was leant towards Myungsoo's chest.

"Errr... I think we should stick together and head back now."

He added, "and can you do me a favour? Call up someone you can trust to meet us at the alleyway so you two can carry her when we reach the apartment."

Namjoo nodded and started walking together with Myungsoo. As they walked side by side, Namjoo looked towards Myungsoo and then Naeun and back to Myungsoo. A smile played on the corners of her lips.

"You know, you two look like a couple."


"Hahaha. Do you know how similar you two are? Its like you guys are a match made in heaven."

Myungsoo sighed. Suddenly his fluttering heart became heavy again. As he took a peek of the person cradled in his arms, he was reminded of the time he found her sleeping by the Hangang River. Gentle, pure and serene. He then realised Naeun was similar to Suzy and that he could easily like her back. But it was too problematic and painful. He did not want her to experience what he had experienced. Worse still, what if the fans found out again?

As they round the corner towards the alleyway next to their apartment building, Myungsoo began to see the outline of a petite figure. Chorong.

Chorong smirked as she saw the scene before her.

"Aigo... What did you two do to her?" she joked.

Namjoo laughed, "Long story short- "

Myungsoo interrupted, "Just. Just try to bring her back safely okay?" looking at Namjoo trying to hint at her to shut it.

Chorong only grinned. 

"I'm gonna let this incident slip past but I'll find out soon enough hmmm?"

She held out her arms to indicate to Myungsoo to pass Naeun to her. After Chorong and Namjoo had left while carrying Naeun, Myungsoo lingered at the alleyway. He was at a nonplus. The thing was that he already had his suspicion when they started smsing. Normally girls would text him in a hard to get way. Somehow Naeun was different. He knew she had no ulterior motives and genuinely wanted to befriend him. It made his insides feel weird. He was definitely not perfect. Why would she like him for... him? He even wanted to clear up his preconception at 2am after texting the whole night. 

After what felt like an hour, he decided he had made a decision.


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Amaliaxx #1
Chapter 13: Please update :')
elly20 #2
Chapter 12: Please update..
vanilla_twilight #3
Chapter 12: such a surprise to see you update after so long! the story is still so enjoyable as ever, so you don't have to worry about that ^__^ i especially enjoyed the latest chapter since it's so nice to see how much naeun wants to kiss myungsoo (which is, a lot) which i don't feel like you see in pfnt fanfics. hope you still continue updating this story! ( ̄▽ ̄)
koala_panda #4
Chapter 12: Woahhh..Finally u updated... Thank you.. Hope u will update soon
iamkheypop #5
Chapter 11: Omg. Seems like they're in relationship now!
i want them to date secretly tho. Haha!

Thanks for the update. ^^
rezurii16 #6
Chapter 11: Yay! An update! They're so sweet >_<
its-janice #7
Chapter 10: Hiii! New reader here~
I really enjoy this story so please don't abandon it and update soon T.T
koala_panda #8
Chapter 10: please update soon..i am curious
DW0512 #9
Chapter 9: hello nice fluffy story you have here :) may I request if you could include gayo daejun moments? ;)