
Moving on
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''Yonnie-ah.. Mom and I have thought of this and we came to a conclusion that we-''

''I know.'' I said, cutting off my father as I stared into his eyes. His socked expression told me that he wasn't sure about what I knew and instead of fighting over it.I smiled. I smiled because they only wanted to help me out.

''About going back to South Korea. Instead of going against it I just get allong with it.'' I said and took a sip from my water. 
As I placed my glass back on the table I let out a small sigh. Should I tell them what Shu Jin told me earlier ? But what if they think that I am going crazy again ?

''I heard your parents yesterday. You are going back to South Korea ?'' He asked, looking down at me as I slowly nodded my head. Yes maybe. It wasn't sure yet but the chance of it being true is big since this was all for me. 

''Go with them.'' I got stunned, my eyes widening when he said those three words as we stared into each other's eyes. I was searching in his eyes if he meant it or not.

''I am always in here and besides you. If you need me, just talk.'' He said softly, going with his hand through my hair. I slowly nodded my head as the same question bugged me again.

''Oppa..Can you answer me ?'' I asked and sat straight up. He looked at me, curiously as he slowly nodded his head with a hum. 

''How come I only see you when others can't ? I I am going crazy. Maybe I am. Maybe you-''

''Shh. That's not important. As long as you see me then it's okay.'' He said smiling at her as he continued to her hair. I was thinking hard and kept staring at his face. His beautiful features. 

''Yonnie, are you listening ?'' I snapped from my flashback earlier and stared right in the eyes of my father.  I saw the concerned look he had on his face and being me, I slightly shook my head. Hearing my father sighing.

''Sorry..I-I..'' I couldn't finish my sentence when my father held his left hand up. A sign that he didn't bother for what reason I didn't listen to him earlier.

''Let me tell you again then.'' I heard dad say before he cleared his throat and looked at me in the eyes. 

''Mom and I decided that it's best if we move back to South Korea. Of course there are a lot of things that we need to do like searching for a house but we want you to already live there.'' I didn't understand what my dad was trying to say but then it hit me. I placed both my handpalms on the table as my eyes widened from the news.

''A-are you s-sending me a-alone?!'' I said the last word of my sentence a bit harder than I expected to but seriously?! Are they thinking of sending me alone to South Korea? I can't. I am scared. What if, what if, I get lost? Worst, what if the airplane crashes down? 

''We have no choice sweety but it will take a while. For the mean time we have asked my parents if you could live with them. You love their traditional house right? You're going to move in with them for just a while.'' My mother said as she placed her hand on my right hand, squeezing it lightly.

''Your dad and I believe in you Yonnie. You're a strong girl.'' My mom said with a warm hearting smile that somehow..made me feel at ease. As if there was really nothing to worry about. 

I slowly nodded my head and returned her a smile back. As long as they believe me, I might be able to do this. After all,I've put them through a lot and this didn't ask a lot.

''Have you packed everything you needed?'' It has been a week since my parents told the news about moving. At first, I thought I wouldn't be able to move but then Shu Jin kept appearing.

He appea

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Chapter 1: Only the first chapter and you're tugging my heart already
Im so attracted by this story idea omg! Cant wait to see how it goes:)
Chapter 1: I've been looking everywhere for Bii fics (I kept thinking that I'm the only one who wrote them haha >.<) So happy I found this. Update soon!
Chapter 3: Hope that you would update soon~! I really love this story ^^
I am really looking forward to this plot! Also, Bii is undoubtedly one of my top biases, so it's nice to see a story with him in it.