The Parks encounter

The Bloggers and the Gangsters

“Why thank you, your highness. Thou is much honored to have such a compliment.” I said in old timey English. One summer Kris and I went on vacation to Australia, Great Britain, and America so I learned a lot of English…as you can tell I love the Renaissance English it’s so funny.

“You’re a mess.” Kris said while trying not to laugh. I started giggling with as we got up and made our way out of the library.

“So what’s your first class?” I asked Kris as we walked the halls of Big Hit.

“English in the lecture hall. How ‘bout you?”


“I’ll take that we have it together.”

“Yep, I got to skip a class in English since the teachers agreed it’ll be too easy for me.”

“Cool, we can sit next to each other.”

I smiled at my friend. We parted ways to go to our respected lockers to get our books and other necessities. As I was about to turn the corner I heard a moan.


Wow! Obviously some people can’t last twenty-four hours without wanting to get in each other’s pants. Can you not do this in a public setting?  I walked closer and saw a guy giving a girl hickies. Well, at least it isn’t anything above rated R but, still this isn’t the time. I ignored them and started to finish my walk to my locker. Once I was there, I heard a nasally whine.

“Oppa, can’t you stay a little longer.” That doesn’t sound like the voice I heard when I first got here.

“Sorry babe I gotta go but, maybe we can hook up during lunch.”

“Ok.” She purred as she pecked him once on the lips. Once I was sure they were down being not only disgusting but, corny as well I wanted to get a good look at the boy. As I was about to turn my head my locker door was slammed shut.

“WHAT THE HELL! YOU COULD HAVE SNAPPED MY FINGERS OFF!” I yelled in shock while staring straight ahead. I went to glare at the figure but, when I did I came nose to nose with Jimin of BTS. This is bad.

Real bad.

My eyes went cross eyed as I looked at the distance between us. I don’t know why this boy think its ok to enter my bubble. Like for real get out of my face.

“So babe, how much does a guy gotta do so you don’t go blabbing your mouth.” He said with a smirk on his face. I really want to turn my head but, if I do my lips will brush over his so there goes that plan.

“I won’t talk so can you just get out of my face.” I said as I gently pushed him back. Hey, I might do a blog about them but, I’ve seen some things and they aren’t pretty. He smirked again as he backed away, gosh I wish I could just punch him. I turned my head back to my locker as I heard his reseeding footsteps. I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. I could feel my heart thumping out of my chest; I felt my face. Did I blush because of what he did? Why am I acting like this? I gotta get to Kris.


A/N sorry had huge writers block

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