The Famous Park Jihee

The Bloggers and the Gangsters


I sat right up in bed as I heard my Father’s voice booming throughout the house. I rubbed my eyes, shouted a simple yes sir, and jumped out of bed and into the shower. After I washed and dried myself off I got dressed, brushed my teeth, pulled my hair up into a bun, grabbed my bag, and ran downstairs.


“Sorry Dad I was so excited to start High School that I barely got any sleep last night.”

“That’s no excuse for practically being late for school; here’s a muffin and thermal full of freshly squeezed orange juice. Eat on the way to school."

“Ok Daddy…bye now.” I grabbed my breakfast and ran out of the house waving to my Dad.

Sigh. The fresh air. I love the outdoors even if I do seem like a girly girl that would hate nature and mud. I love nature. I love hearing the birds singing and the sunshine. I was walking down the street as a motorcycle sped past. Bangtan Boys a.k.a BTS, the boys that all girls love, nerds fear, and all boys want to be. The tough boys not just tough boys. Gangsters. One of the big three. Mhmm...I wondered which one it is? Mhmm...oh well,  Click. I got it the first picture of the day. To add to the collection that I got over the weekend. Kris'll love these. Kris is my bestfriend since kindergarten. Well, her name is Krissella Jung or Kris Jung or Jung Ga-in, as the strict teachers love to call her...anyway we run a blog together about anything but, manly the gang life. Living in Gang territories have it's perks, y'know if you like a good juicy story. Once I got to school all the older students said hi to me because well, I was a queenka in my old school and that status moved on to here. I smiled, bowed, and said Hello to all of the nice, sweet people of Big Hit Public. I ran to my locker to put my stuff away and went off to search for Kris she's gotta see these pictures and the info I recorded for a new blog update on the big three. I finally found her in the library reading a book that just screamed tragedy. Well, she's as fashionable as ever.

I walked over to her and sat in an empty seat. I waited for her to look up before I show her the amazing shots I got to go along with an amazing recording of a fight. If you're wondering, noone's here coz barely anyone goes to the library, unless you're Miss. I-love-reading-to-fill-the-void-of-my-antisocial-life here than you go.

"Hey." I heard her mumble quietly in that monotonous voice of hers. I swear she can giggle and have a good time too; I don't get why she won't show it.

"I got some new stuff thought I'd let you see." She closed her book and nodded at me to continue. I pulled out my camera and handed it to her. She moved through them a smile slowly creeping on her face.

"You get better and better everyday! Seriously, Ji how do you take good pictures!" There's the Kris Jung I know and love. Behind this girls obvious cold and quiet exterior there's a little bubbly school girl banging on her tower walls waiting to get out.

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