Where are they?


All Hellovenus member, except Alice and Ara celebrate Nara's birthday. Alice went to Beijing to shoot a dramatoon, and Ara shoot a drama in Seoul. But what if Ara secretly follow Alice to Beijing, for a date?


For Alice's bday♥


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bookaholic #1
Chapter 1: "Kiss your phone when you want to kiss me"
Puahahaha, Alice, why are you being so cheesy to Ara?! xD And I really ultra LOVE their text conversation, they're just being so sweet. ; ; I also think your English's improved, Yurara, that's amazing. I couldn't wait until the next chapter - fighting, Yurara! Go go go! n_n ♥
bookaholic #2
/sees that it's an AraLice fic, it's written by you, an interesting plot and immediately clicks subscribe and upvote/ Omo, this is so interesting! Yeah, they aren't at the reply event when I saw a picture of Nara, Yooyoung, Lime and Yoonjo at my Tumblr dashboard. Huhu, maybe, they're too busy with their dramas but asdfghjkl; this plot's an alternative choice! Good luck once again, Yurara! <3 :)