Being there.

May You Laugh

When my mother died, I was very depressed. My older sister could cheer me and dad up, but it was not that efficient. My sister Yoona had someone she could rely on. I wanted someone like him. I wasn't jealous, but happy for Yoona. Actually, Yoona was sadder than I was because of our mother's death. I didn't want to cry, but sometimes I just let it go. I go to the school backyard, where no one goes. There is a bench and very beautiful plants and flowers that would make anyone's mood up as soon as they see it. I was crying in that bench. Then, he suddenly came, but didn't notice my face.

"Shhh, don't make a noise. I don't want to be found out!"

He was playing Hide & Seek with his friends. When his friends went away, he calmed down.

"Phew~ I'm saved. Thank you..Uhh?! You're crying!? Why!? I'm really sorry, please forgive me!"

I thought it was very funny and began to laugh.

"Hahahahah~ It wasn't you."

He was shocked and relieved. When he saw me laughing, I think he smiled.

"Your laughter is way cuter than your crying, hahaha~"

I was surprised and became shy. It was the first time a boy, besides Dad, to tell me I was cute.

"So...what's your name?" he asked.

"I'm Seohyun"

"What a pretty name! I'm Yonghwa, nice to meet you."

We shool hands. He then sat besides me in the bench. We were so close!

"Can I ask something?"


"Why were you crying beore?"

I thought "Just when I forgot, why did you remind me?" I wanted to start crying again. My tears almost fell. Then he said:

"Forget it, I'm sorry. I just asked something improper right? Please don't cry"

I cleaned my half-tears and smiled.

"My mother passed away recently. Everytime I want to forget, I remember her even more."

"Ouhh~ I'm sorry."

"It's okay."

We stayed quiet for few minutes.

"Did you know? I think that, your mother, right now, is watching over you. Instead of showing her tears, you should laugh more so that yout mother can be happy too. She will surely be happier if you smile, and laugh every single day."

My heart felt lighter every second when he kept saying those comforting and marvelous words. It made me want to hug him. Without noticing, I really did. He blushed, it was so cute that I realeased him and laughed. At school, when he saw me, he would always greet me and I greeted him back. Sometimes, we would meet at the school backyard.

"Uhh?! Crying again? Come on, Seohyun. Play with me and my friends Hide & Seek" 

I smiled, but I really don't undestand them, why Hide & Seek? Hahahahah, but even so, I played with them, it was fun.

His friends began to as we became closer and closer.

"Uhhh~ Yongiiee, don't flirt with Seohyuniiee~ hahaahahah" said one of Yonghwa's friends (Friend A). The others laughed.

When his friends , he was acting mad, but was actually blushing. It was very cute of him.

Little by little, I came to know the happiness of life, thanks to him. I then realized that I wanted to be with him forever. We soon became a couple.

"Seohyun..........I actually,..... Nothing, forget it" said Yonghwa

"What happen?, you can just say it, I will listen."

"No, it was nothing."

"Liar." I acted mad at him.

"Is that......."

"Is that...what?" I was really curious.

"Promise me you won't laugh"

"Ok, I promise." I said

"I love you, since the day we met" confessed Yonghwa while blushing.

I didn't expect that. There was an awkward silence.

"See?, I shouldn't have said it"

I was happy, so I began to laugh.

"Hahaha~ what are you saying?"

"Hey! You promised you won't laugh"

I wasn't going to laugh, but it just came out.

"Hahahaha, babo! I loved you first, sorry for not telling you"

He was shocked at first, but then, showed a smile.

We hugged. Suddenly, his friends began saying things. It seems that they were peeking at us, we really didn't notice them.

"Wahhhh~ they really became a couple" said Friend A.

"I told you!, now, you owe me a lunch." said Friend B.

"Yahhh Noo~ I didn't agree on that bet!" replied Friend A.

"HEY! You guys were peeking at us?" exclaimed Yonghwa.

"Nooo~ We were just passing by~" said Friend A sarcastically.

"Of course that wasn't! Go away!" said Yonghwa half-yelling and blushing.

As the friends were walking away, they said "You want to be alone right? We'll leave, byee~"

Time passed, we went to dates, and played a lot. Christmas was already coming. I was looking forward to it, but in that month, there was almost no dates. It was strange. 

"Yooonnggg~ Hmm...It's still weird to call you like that ahhaahah, Why can't we meet?"

"I'm sorry. I'm very busy, maybe next time"

In that month, we almost never met. I became mad as the days passed. Sometimes, I thought that he met someone else that was better than me. But, then on Christmas Day...

"Seohyun! I finally get to be with you"

I was mad.

"Take. This is for you" said Yonghwa with a smile.

"What is this?"

"Open it, and you'll see"

When I saw it. I regretted being mad at him because all the time on December that we couldn't spend together was because Yonghwa was working to gain money and buy me such a elegant and expensive gift.

"Is it really for me??!" I exclaimed while crying.

"To whom else will I buy this?"

"Ahhh!~ It's really beautiful. Thank you very much."

I hugged him.

"Put it on for me." I said

It was beautiful, just Beautiful. The necklace was extremely Beautiful. It was sparkling. That day was an unforgettable day. Once again, he showed me how much he love me.   

He loved me and I loved him. It was a fairytale. It wasn't, it keeps being one. Everyday, making me laugh, showing his big smile, playing games that has no sense. We do all of them. I like everything about him. Now, the day has come. We will soon become one. We will marry, and will make each other laugh.

"I, Yonghwa, take Seohyun to be my wife. I promise to be true to her, in bad and in good, in health and in sickness, I will love her and honor all my days with her." said Yonghwa with a bright smile.

"Do you take Yonghwa to be your husband, Miss Seohyun?" asked the Priest. 

I inmediately respond.

"Of course!"

"I declare you Husband and Wife. You may now kiss."

We kissed. Since that day, we live everyday looking forward with a smile.

Thanks for taking your time reading this short fanfic. I hope you liked it:)


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luxubu #1
Chapter 1: Simple yet sweet. Thank you for this one shot :)
ela2807 #2
Chapter 1: Yes, I like it. Thank you. You give me smile in my Sunday morning. :)
Chapter 1: Awww the feels!! I loved it <3