With Friends Like These


High school is hell unless you have friends like these.


Author's Note: So if you guys are here from LJ, then I shouldn't have to say anything, LOL. Other than that I love you, of course, for following me on my wild goose chase to wherever since LJ's formatting doesn't like me any more T.T And for those of you who're seeing me/this for the first time, then I'd just like to say that this is the first big thing, I guess, that I've written in the Kpop fandom, and it has lots of backstories and behind-the-scenes stories that are up on my LJ which is super easy to find since I go by himawarixxsandz over there too and my masterlist sits right on top ^-^



Joon thinks this is unfair on many levels.

          He also thinks that Jonghyun should maybe stop laughing so hard because there is no need to bang the table like that considering how much money it probably cost to buy this for the cafeteria. It would be just as great if Yonghwa could stop giving him that smile and if Mir and Cheondoong would stop snorting and chuckling into their trays of food and maybe if Doojoon and Junhyung would just go die.

          “This,” Joon says, “is really not fair.”

          “No,” Jonghyun gasps breathlessly, hitting his geometry book on the edge of the table a few times. “No—no it’s just really, really hilarious, that’s all. It’s totally fair and totally funny. Oh my God—why is this so funny?”

          “It’s not, really,” Joon attempts glumly. Next to him, Mir seems to have given up trying to contain it and lets himself go, kicking one of the chair legs as an outlet while he laughs even harder than Jonghyun.

          Doojoon almost snorts out strawberry juice from his nose and Junhyung is looking at anywhere but Joon to keep himself from bursting out into uncontrollable giggles like Jonghyun and Mir. “Okay, guys,” Yonghwa says, the corners of his lips twitching, “it really isn’t funny.”

          “It’s really not,” Joon pleads. “And at least laugh quieter—what if he comes this way and hears?”

          “I know it’s not supposed to be funny,” Jonghyun says, somewhat recovered but Joon hears the shaking in his voice and knows that he could burst into laughter again at any moment. “It’s just,” he looks at Joon almost pityingly, “you like a teacher.”

          “He’s an assistant teacher,” Joon says, outraged, and then blinks before shrinking back into his seat after realizing that he said that a few decibel levels too loudly. “And he’s not that much older than we are,” he adds in a small voice.

          Cheondoong looks like he is considering this. “Well—yeah, that part’s right,” he says.

          “Still,” Mir says, snorting. “Just—oh my God.”

          “I don’t actually like him,” Joon tries again. “I just think he’s hot—I mean, he’s only subbed one of my classes once. I don’t even know him.”


          “He is pretty hot,” Jonghyun says after a moment. “If you like that kind of thing.”

          This elicits dry snorts all around the table. “You’re terrible,” Doojoon says. “This thing with Kim Kibum is going to get you turned into a beetle in your next life.”

          Jonghyun sputters. “I’m not forcing him into this or anything. He wants to do it, too, and you know I like girls.”

          “Not really, no,” Mir says unfeelingly. Whenever the subject of Kim Kibum cropped up, the laughing, spastic country boy always seemed to disappear. Mir rolls his eyes once, picks up his tray, stands up from the table and walks away. They watch his retreating back head for the courtyard where, lo and behold, Kim Kibum and the rest of the ’91 line are.

          “I don’t understand,” Jonghyun says, looking after Mir, “why that keeps happening when it’s not like Kibummie is even sad or anything.”

          “You are so stupidly obtuse that it upsets my digestion,” Yonghwa says.

          Jonghyun whips his head around to look at Yonghwa in shock. “Wait—wait—does Mir like Kibummie?”

          “Stupider and stupider,” Junhyung says.

          “You’re right,” Jonghyun nods, “that doesn’t make sense since Dongwoon and Jinwoon do that when they see me, too.”

          “I wonder if Seungho-shii tutors,” Joon says.

          “You mean if Yang-seonsangnim tutors,” Yonghwa says, back with the amused smile.

          “If you start calling him hyungnim, I’m going to have no choice but to laugh,” Jonghyun puts in. 

          “I hate you all,” Joon says, just as Yoseob tackles Doojoon out of his seat and onto the grass. 


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89_junseung #1
Junseung takes the idiocy to the highest level. And that makes them so sweet. Kekeke
love29 #2
Chapter 22: i really love this fic..
reread it again and again..
continue the story in my imagination.. but so many possibility and if only..
i really hope you will continue this story..
thankyu for this beautiful story^^
madesu2 #3
I love it!
Hi:) I have been waiting for you to update this fic , but I think you won't do it so I just want to tell you how ing awesome is this fic and that I really Loved every chapter. I hope someday you will want to continue it because you are an amazing writter :)
Thank you. (sorry for the english im not a native speaker)
satrina7 #5
Chapter 22: hope you can update soon I really want to know what happens to my precious Joonie and Seungho, and please hes not that stupid :(
Hellli #6
I converted this to my new shiny kindle and read it through the night. Wow. This is... SO GOOD. Now I went back to you LJ and saw when you posted ch 22... and it made me really sad. I sincerely hope that you'll update soon because if Junhyung and Hyunseung won't get together and Kibum and Jonghyun won't stop just ing around (hehe pun intended) I will cry. Hard. As in drowning-the-Earth-tears.
Plus, I really love your style of writing. It's sophisticated enough to not be JUST a fanfiction - it seems more like a novel.
Please upadate soon! :)
Melanie #7
Wow its been so long. Hope it will be updated soon.
starkey #8
All of their love stories are amazing to read^^ i'm really looking forward for seungho and joon, I personally think seungho was in a relationship with a student before
cheondoong #9
i love this story so much!! Can't wait to read more Joonho :D
I just finish the whole story you write so far.<br />
It's tempting enough to make me spend my night without sleep to finish it.<br />
Oh Gosh I'm wondering since when JunSeung be so ing idiot with all their assumption. They should talk. <br />
JunSeung-ah, can you two just make up and get together.<br />
Jonghyun-ah, just tell Kibum what you feel cause he's ing loves you too...