Gays and More Gays?



Meanwhile back at the school, two little s puppies were nestled up together, oblivious to their surroundings. Luhan stretched out his arms and yawned. He rubbed and his and shook the younger awake.

“Sehun, we fell asleep again,” he whispered to his boyfriend who was getting up to loosen his aching limbs. It wasn’t the first time they had fallen asleep whilst the rest of the group went off to do whatever boring crap they were doing. Sehun didn’t mind missing out on their shananigans. Luhan on the other hand, felt excluded.

“Sehun~” he whined as he glanced at his cell phone, a look of loneliness spread across his face. “They left without us again!” he looked so sad, Sehun was afraid he would start crying.

“Xiao Lu, it’s ok,” he cooed, patting the older’s hair and giving his hand a reassuring squeeze. “Let’s call them and catch up with them ok?” The smaller nodded and starting packing up their things as Sehun dialed Chanyeol’s number.

“Yah, hyung, where are you guys?” Sehun asked, oblivious to the loud bass in the background of wherever the hell his hyung was.

“We’re getting hella wasted! Suho is the best! Wooo!” Chanyeol sounded beyond drunk and he could make out a screaming Baekhyun in the background.


“Baek, where are we again?”


“Yeah, there.”

“Alright, me and the deer are about to head over.”

“B-but wait you need an- ID…” Chanyeol looked down at his phone to discover that Sehun had already hung up on him. He shrugged and continued grinding on Baekhyun.

“Okay, Lu, let’s go.” he grabbed their backpacks and Luhan’s hand and pulled him out of the room, bringing them into his car in the parking lot.

The club was bumping. Cars were parked in the front, people forming an extensive line at the door, music pumping out of every crack in the wall. Sehun could feel the adrenaline kicking in. He had never been to a club before.

“Sehun, are you sure they’re in here?” his Luhan looked up at him and he nodded, motioning to the bright sign above the door.

“Baekhyun said XOXO.” Sehun explained as they found their way to the end of the line. This was going to be quite a wait.

After a good thirty minutes of standing idly in line they finally reach the front, the bouncer giving them the stink eye under his sunglasses.

“How old are you kids?” he asked with dismay.

“We’re both twenty two,” Sehun fibbed nonchalantly.

“Okay, you I can believe, but that one,” he stuck a finger out at Luhan. “That one looks like he’s twelve.”

“W-wait, you don’t understand, my friends are in there,” Sehun panics, knowing Luhan will be incredibly disappointed if they can’t rejoin their group. He tries taking a peek into the club doors that are barely cracked open.

“Name of said friends?” the bouncer was losing his patience with the high schoolers.

“There’s this 6 foot 2 derpy looking guy with huge ears named Chanyeol. Come on, he’s the easiest to remember.” Sehun looked pleadingly into the bigger man’s sunglasses, only really seeing his reflection in the tinted frames.

“... Nope.” And with that, the bouncer picked the two up by their collars and put them aside.

“Luhan…” Sehun looked to his side to see a frowning deer. But he didn’t see this as a bad thing, he saw it as an opportunity.

“Do you want to come to my place instead?” Sehun tried to be as innocent and aloof as possible, but the older knew better and smirked, the sadness left his face as if it was never there.

Luhan nodded slightly, Sehun taking his hand and dragging him back to his car.

“When are we actually gonna do the competitions?” Suho shouted over the crazy club noises at a faced Jongin. “And are you drunk?!” Jongin just giggled and held onto Kyungsoo’s arm.

Suho placed his aching head into his palm. “I’m gonna get ing fired,” he sighed as he walked towards the bar which was occupied by Yixing, Jongdae, and Xiumin. They were all laughing at something Yixing had said earlier. Suho sat himself down on a barstool and rested his head in his hands again. He felt a warm hand rest on his shoulder and then the sound of a glass hitting the counter.

“You need to loosen up, Suho,” Yixing had his words slurred and his eyes half closed.

At first Suho’s conscience told him to push the drink away and drag these damn kids out of here, but that was replaced with another thought. He grabbed the glass of whatever the hell it was and downed it. As Yixing placed more drinks in front of him he drank them all. A couple bottles and a whole lot of shot glasses later...

"And I wish you kids would respect us! I work so hard and all I want is a "thanks Mr. Kim," but you know what I get?" The drunken teacher looks to his side expecting to see Yixing, only to be faced with nothing.

“Yixing? Yixing?!” He was no where to be found from where the drunken teacher was sitting. He got up, staggered a bit, and walk towards the dance floor. There he found Yixing, dancing a little too closely to a shorter man about Suho’s age. Something inside of Suho felt strange, almost upset. He stormed over to shove the other man away.

“Suhoe, what are you doing mang?” Yixing laughed as Suho honestly looked like he was going to fight his dancing friend Jonghyun. He shrugged it off and started dancing again. Suho being confused and intoxicated, started dancing as well. Just then a certain troll-Dae happens to walk by and see the encounter.

He laughed ferociously, “Oh my god! The old man is dancing!” Jongdae and Xiumin pull out their cellphones and start recording the embarrassing teacher as he grinds up on his high as student. Soon a crowd of students formed around the dancing maniac they call an adult and everyone was either cheering or laughing their asses off. Soon Yixing notices the slew of people around them and nods his head.

“Damn guys, I know I’m, like, a dancing machine, but you guys don’t have to crowd me like this,” he shrugs as he says this, his ego growing faster by the second.

“No, you idiot stoner, look at Suho!” Baekhyun points at the staggering male and laughs even harder. Yixing looks as well and chuckles, head shaking in secondhand embarrassment. He then realizes that his bladder is about to overflow with beer and he runs to the bathroom to relieve himself.

Meanwhile, Suho is still dancing.

Oh my god, this is my jam!” he screams out as Sistar’s “Alone” plays in the club. Chanyeol at this point is dying on the ground, clutching his sides. Earlier he had requested this song after being told by Baekhyun that he had seen Mr Kim dancing to it once after classes were over. He whined about it, saying he should have recorded it so that Chanyeol could watch it so obviously Chanyeol requested the song in hopes of seeing his drunken teacher dance to a girl group song.

Suho was gyrating his hips in an attempt to be y just like Bora or Dasom, but to no avail, he only looked awkward and out of place. Suho then opened his eyes, looking for his favorite student.

“Yixing? Where did you go?!” He looked over the crowds that were all watching him closely.

A voice carried over their screaming, “He’s in the bathroom!” Suho could just barely make out the statement, but as soon as he did he pushed his way out of the circle of people and towards the restrooms.

“Yixing! Yixing!” Suho called out as he pushed the door leading into the bathrooms. There he spotted his student standing over a urinal doing his business.

"And like I was saying before, I just want some recognition you know? And this one kid just doesn't get . I swear, it's not that hard to understand right?" Yixing spaced out as Suho rambled on and on about his life of hardships. He just kept droning on about stupid problems.

"Was he always like this or is he just drunk," he murmured to himself as he washed his hands and walked out into the club again, Suho trailing after him. This continues throughout the entire night, Yixing minding his own business and attempting to get turnt at a club while his idiot of a drunk teacher follows him and complains about his ty life. Even with Yixing being the patient person he was, he was getting a little fed up with it.

“And so I told Mrs Lee that she had more lipstick on her teeth than and she just looked at me and her eyes got all big and her face got as red as her lipstick, I mean come on woman, you’re 45! And then Mrs Park came up to me because she said she overhear-” Suho’s mouth abruptly stopped moving when he felt something warm and soft slam onto them. He widened his eyes a bit and could only see one thing in front of him; Yixing was in front of him, eyes aligned with his as their mouths connected. Suho’s hands went to his student’s body, hands roaming while they slowly backed up to the bar.

"... What the ." Kyungsoo had only wanted to buy a drink for Kai, but when approaching the bar he was only faced with Yixing and Suho practically ing right on top of it.

"Huh, I guess Yixing really is gay."

Hello loves~

It's been a while, huh?
Well, here's the long awaited update!
Sorry for that Hunhan tease~
in the next chapter, just a warning.
Thanks for reading!

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150516; third chapter published! ♡


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sapphire0taku #1
Chapter 3: \\hahaha... this is sooo funny!!! >.< yixing is the cutest!!! >.<
Chapter 1: I'm crying
"I thought you guys knew."

All they talk about is how gay they are and I love it
"How exactly do you out gay someone?"
"By being Kaisoo, ya dingus"

Out gay someone by being Kaisoo
Works everytime X3

Hehehe can't wait for first chapter to be up! :)