Gays and Clubs



“Hey, stop being gay.”

“What?” Baekhyun had been walking through the school hallways with his books in his left hand and his other holding Chanyeol’s.

“Can you repeat that?” he looked over to his childhood friend Kyungsoo that was also hand-in-hand with his boyfriend Kai.

“I asked you to stop being gay.” Kyungsoo looked to Baekhyun and Chanyeol’s intertwined fingers and cringed.

“I’m not sure I’m really understanding.” Chanyeol questioned in his baritone voice.

“You’re being really gay right now and it’s making me very uncomfortable.”

“Me too!” Kai chimed in.

“What about us is making you uncomfortable?”

“Just-- everything.”

“But you’re doing the same thing.” Baekhyun pointed out, gesturing as well as he could with his books still in-hand.

“But we’re actually cute.”

Chanyeol scoffed, “Obviously you guys are blind or retarded or something because Baekhyun is the cutest thing to exist.” Upon hearing this Baekhyun blushed and seeing this, Chanyeol pinched his cheeks.

“Ew, keep your cheese to yourself!” Kyungsoo said whilst rushing into his class, Kai being dragged in as well like a sack of potatoes.

“Whatever, we’re the best couple in this entire school, Baek.” Chanyeol mused as the couple walked into their own classroom.


“Hey, what ever happened to Luhan?”

“Apparently he can’t walk for a week.” Baekhyun replied between mouthfuls of rice.

“What? Why?” Kai asked, sneaking a bite of Kyungsoo’s lunch and earning himself a smack on the head.

Baekhyun, Kyungsoo, and Chanyeol answered the younger in unison, “Sehun.”

“Please don’t give me any follow up on that one.” Kai groaned as he pushed his plate away, appetite lost.

“Why don’t you cringe at that, huh Kyungsoo? That’s pretty gay.” Baekhyun teased while feeding Chanyeol a spoonful of rice.

“Gosh, Baek, what do you have against gays?” Kyungsoo accused.


“Yeah, what the heck, hyung.” Kai backed Kyungsoo up as he took their plates and whisked him away.


“What just happened?” Baekhyun watched dumbfoundedly as the couple walked out of the lunch hall and Chanyeol just shrugged, putting his arm around the smaller male and eating more of his lunch.


As the last period ended all of the couples(and some random dude named Yixing) gathered around in room 272 like they always did.

Room 272 was an infamous classroom, rumored to have ghosts haunting it just because some crazy chick said she witnessed a suicide there, but obviously it wasn't true so the guys thought it would be a cool spot to hang out. The original group was just Kyungsoo, Baekhyun, Kai, and Chanyeol, but after they discovered Sehun and Luhan making out in their usual spot after school they took them and their group(which consisted of Xiumin, Jongdae, Yixing, Kris, and Tao) in as well.

"Wait, Kyungsoo, you said what?" Luhan asked again in shock as Sehun cracked up. Luhan had come to school after 5th period, still limping. "Kkaebsong," Baekhyun had said in pity.

"He said he was disgusted by how homo we were." Baekhyun explained, glaring at the shorter male.

"If you would've been there, you would've understood," Kyungsoo exclaimed, looking to Kai for reassurance.

"And then he had the audacity to say that they were cuter than us," Baekhyun was practically yelling at this point. "We're the best couple in this school!"

"Uhh, that's debatable." Xiumin chimed in after hearing the word 'cutest'.

"Shut up you baozi-looking ." Baekhyun snapped.

Jongdae gasped, "How dare you speak to my squish that way?" He was appalled.

"Ugh, all of you guys are infuriating."

"Hey, like, bros, how about we do, like, a contest thing?" Yixing piped from the corner of the room. Who knows what the he was doing here. Rumor had it, he was dating one of the teachers after accidentally turning him on by tripping and falling onto his crotch. They all thought he was a weird kid.

"Competition? For what? Cutest couple?"

"No, man. Gayest couple."

"How do you determine that?"

"We'll get, like a judge or something, I don't know."

"Okay, well you're definitely out of the equation. How about we ask a teacher?"

"Hey!" Yixing complained. "I'm, like, the gayest one here."

"..." Silence ensued after his bold remark. As far as the group knew, Yixing was as straight as a board(they all thought the Yixing x Kim seonsaengnim was bogus).

"Pfftt-- is this your way of coming out to us?" Sehun and Chanyeol were holding their tears back, laughs echoing through the old classroom.

"I thought you guys knew..."


"Okay so, I talked to Kim saeng and he told us we couldn't hold an official contest, but he suggested a club instead since we have more than enough people and we have a classroom." Jongdae said upon entering their hangout the next day.

"A club? For what?"

"For our competition."

"He said we needed a proper club name."

"Oh, oh! Can we be the Manly Deer?"

"Or the Chocolate Bubbles?

"How about EXO?"


"That's ing stupid."

The bickering went on for several minutes until someone said "Gay," and another person said "Yehet," while another person said "X-O." At the moment they all sat in silence, realizing they had found the perfect name.

"GayhetXO!" They cheered joyously.



Hey, Sam and Angel here~

We know, we've been gone for a really long time, huh?
But we're back! We tried to keep the first chapter short.
Don't you worry! The next few chapters will be longer.
Do you guys want back stories for the couples?
I (Sam) have been thinking about it for a while now.

Oh, don't forget to comment, vote, and subscribe because it's free and makes us want to update more and more!

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150516; third chapter published! ♡


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sapphire0taku #1
Chapter 3: \\hahaha... this is sooo funny!!! >.< yixing is the cutest!!! >.<
Chapter 1: I'm crying
"I thought you guys knew."

All they talk about is how gay they are and I love it
"How exactly do you out gay someone?"
"By being Kaisoo, ya dingus"

Out gay someone by being Kaisoo
Works everytime X3

Hehehe can't wait for first chapter to be up! :)