
Secret Seduction



Hansol's eyes were sparkling as he watched the beautiful girl across the table from him. Atom giggled, looking to Hansol before covering his face. They were both swooning over Yura, who was watching them with interest. 

"I'm so glad that you two are enjoying it here." Yura spoke, her voice as dainty and quiet as a bell. She batted her eyes as she looked to Hansol, smiling sweetly. "Your friends are all really funny. Me and the other girls like watching you all play around. It's amusing to have a wild bunch of people here." she explained, "Usually, the guests are relaxed and quiet when they come here. You guys are the complete opposite."

Hansol ran a hand through his hair, grinning brightly as he looked at Yura. 

"Yeah, we are all pretty loud, aren't we?" he knew his friends were loud, hell, he was loud too! When he was with Atom, Xero, and B-Joo, they were all wild! "You should meet my other two friends. You actually might have already. Xero and B-Joo? Yeah, they're both pretty awesome." Hansol admitted. He looked to Atom, "Right?"

Atom nodded quickly, his red hair bouncing around.

"Xero and Hansol are awesome." he happily agreed. "Yura, would you want to meet them?"

Yura thought for a moment, blinking a few times as she tried to remember. Xero and B-Joo. The names were familiar. 

"I think I've met them before." she spoke, nodding. "Does Xero have puffy blondish white hair?" she asked. "And is B-Joo kind of small and always with him?

"Yup! That's them!" Hansol grinned. "So, you've met them before?" this was great! She already knew their friends! "What did you think of them?

Yura looked at Hansol and slowly started pouting, sighing. 

"I don't think Xero likes me." she said, twirling a strand of hair with her long and slender finger.

Hansol gasped, eyes widening.

"What? Why do you think that?" he asked in surprise, worried.

"Well, he just seems.. Different." Yura said, tapping her chin with her finger as she looked between Hansol and Atom. "I want him to like me, but he just seems so distant.

Atom looked at Hansol, raising an eyebrow. How could they get Xero to like her?

"Distant, as in?

Yura chuckled before shrugging.

"This morning, he didn't talk to me at all. It was only his smaller friend, B-Joo, who even looked at me." she remembered. Xero had been shirtless and shy, he had avoided her gaze whenever she looked at him. "I don't think he likes me.

"We can try to get him to like you, if you want?" Hansol said, nodding as he sat straighter in his chair, looking to Yura with obedient eyes. "What should we do?

"Maybe you can bring him over here and we can all start talking? He might be more comfortable once he listens to me talk." Yura's lips began to curl up into a smile, "Could you two find Xero for me?" she asked, lips moving into a cute pout. "Please?

Hansol felt his cheeks and ears turn red with a blush when he saw Yura pout. He nodded quickly before nudging Atom. 

"Sure! We can do that! Come on Atom." Hansol stood from his chair, pulling Atom up with him. "We'll go find Xero! Be right back." Hansol turned and started trotting from the room, Atom following behind. 

Xero had been standing at the door the entire time, so when he saw Hansol and Atom start running over, he gasped. His cover was about to be blown! He quickly looked around before taking off down the hall, running around the corner, waiting for Hansol and Atom to pass by. He peeked around the wall, seeing the two run off in a different direction. Good, he hadn't been caught snooping. 

What was all that talk about him? Why was Yura so interested in him? And was she leading Hansol and Atom on? She seemed to be more interested in Hansol then Atom, but she still hammed it up pretty well with them both. He rose an eyebrow. Something was up with her. Was she trying to stir up trouble?

Xero glanced around, seeing another entryway into the dining room where Yura was. He quietly walked over before poking his head inside. He could see her doing something with one of the drinks on the table, she was slowly stirring the drink with the straw. He stared. Had she done something weird? 

Just then, Xero saw Hansol and Atom run back inside the room.

"We couldn't find him." Hansol said as he sat back down across from Yura. "Some of the guys said that he came inside with Yano, but we both looked and didn't see him." he shrugged, looking to her. 

A look of mild disappointment played across Yura's pretty face. She sighed.

"Oh well," she looked at Hansol and smiled once more. "I'll be able to talk to him sometime soon." Yura mused to herself, nodding. 

Hansol looked at Atom once more with a grin before looking to Yura. She was really beautiful, he felt like an excited little boy near her. Atom smiled back at Hansol, knowing the other was really happy to be around Yura. Hansol took a sip of his drink before speaking once more. 

"How long have you been here?" he asked. "You live here, right? In that little building close to this one?" Hansol pointed before giggling, remembering the events that took place the other night. 

"I've been here all my life." she said, "And yeah. That's my home." Yura smiled faintly, nodding. "It's the girl's building. Boys aren't allowed inside.

"Why aren't they allowed inside?" Hansol asked, raising an eyebrow as he looked at her curiously.

"The building is full of girls. It wouldn't be appropriate for a man to go in. It's entirely off limits to men." she explained, laughing. "You do understand, don't you?" Yura asked.

Hansol blushed, quickly nodding.

"O-Oh! Of course! I understand now." Hansol laughed some, feeling embarrassed. "I totally agree." he rubbed the back of his neck before glancing around, spotting Xero. He gasped, pointing. "There he is!

Xero's eyes widened as he was seen by Hansol. Damn. He couldn't run now, Yura had already seen him too.

"Xero, come here! Yura wants to talk to you!" Hansol didn't care that he was yelling across the room, but Xero did. The other was so loud! Xero didn't know what to do. He couldn't just turn around and walk away, that'd look horrible.. But then again, he didn't want to go and talk to Yura. She creeped him out.

Uttering a big sigh, Xero hesitated for a moment before starting to walk inside the room. Xero walked over to the table that the three were sitting at before looking to Yura. Her eyes were almost cat-like, they were sharp and sassy looking. She had a somewhat smug smile dancing across her lips, Xero didn't like it.

"Hi." Xero bowed shyly when he approached, eyes darting from Yura to Hansol. "What did you guys want? I, uh, heard that you were looking for me?" he asked, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I think we met before, Xero? I'm Yura, Cha Yura?" Yura looked at him with her sassy eyes and smile, beckoning for him to sit in the seat next to her. 

Xero gave her a weak smile, feeling awkward.

"It's great to meet you." he mumbled, glancing away and acting like he didn't know she wanted him to sit with her. 

"Sit with me." dammit. 

Xero moved his eyes to look at the girl before they shifted to look at Hansol. Hansol nodded to the seat with his head, wanting Xero to sit down. Xero swallowed nervously before slowly sitting down. As soon as he sat down, Yura had touched his arm. Her touch was uncomfortable, it made Xero's arm felt like it was burning. He laughed awkwardly before moving his arm, not wanting her to touch him. 

Hansol watched Xero, narrowing his eyes. He lightly kicked the other under the table, shaking his head. What was Xero doing!? He was going to mess up any chances he had with Yura! It was okay if Xero didn't like her, but he didn't have to mess up he and Atom's spot with her! 

"You know, I have to go." Xero stood, but his arm was grabbed once more by Yura. Her touch caused his arm to burn once more. He yanked it away, looking at her with furrowed eyebrows. "Bye.

Xero turned and started hurrying away, a bit freaked out. Once he was out in the hallway, he started running. He had to find B-Joo and tell him what happened. It was so weird.

"See? He doesn't like me." Yura whined, looking at Hansol. 

"Xero's just finicky, I'm sure he likes you. He just has a weird way of showing it." Atom said, smiling weakly.

"Yeah!" Hansol agreed with a nod. "Anyway. Yura? What were you going to talk to him about?"

Yura's lips pursed for a moment before she looked to Hansol, laughing faintly.

"Oh, I was just going to ask him how he liked it here. I probably scared him off, though." she admitted with another laugh.

"How about you talk to him later tonight? Maybe instead of me and Atom being here, he'll do better if you're alone?" Hansol suggested, biting his lip. 

"That's a good idea, Hansol. Thanks! I will try." Yura stood, smiling to the two boys. "Well, I better get going. I have a lot of work to get done.

Hansol stood as well, followed by Atom. They smiled at her, nodding.

"Have fun, talk to you later!" Atom waved with a grin.

"Tell us how it goes with Xero! I'd love to hear how he is." Hansol weakly smiled before he and Atom began walking away. He huffed before glancing to Atom. "Why was she so interested in Xero?

"I don't know. If she thinks that he doesn't like her, why did she keep touching him?" Atom looked back at Yura. "She's really nice, I don't get why Xero hates her."

"He's ruining our chances of flirting with Yura. All that talk about Xero and now I have a headache." Hansol sighed, rubbing his forehead. "Next time, maybe we can talk about something other than him. And maybe we can finally flirt with her. I don't want to flirt with a girl when she's talking about my best friend. That's just.. Weird."

"You really like her, don't you?

"Of course I do!" Hansol smiled some, "She's beautiful, smart, thoughtful. I like talking to her." Hansol blushed lightly. "Don't you agree? She's perfect. I might have a small crush.

"A small crush?" Atom nudged him. "Ah! That's so cute." he teased before grinning. 

"I might have an idea to get closer to her." Hansol looked at Atom, smirking. "Want to hear my idea?

"Yeah, sure!" Atom nodded excitedly, curious to what was in Hansol's head. The other was always coming up with ideas and plans, they were usually good plans, he couldn't wait to hear it!

"You know how she kept talking about how the girls building is off limits for guys?" Hansol asked. "Well, I was thinking, we could sneak in there.

"Okay, that's crazy." Atom looked at Hansol with disbelief. "I'm not doing that."

"Oh, come on! Why not?

"It's weird." Atom whined, "And she specifically said that boys weren't allowed." he shook his head, "Hansol. Unless you forgot, we're both guys. We can't go in.

"Yes we can!" Hansol urged, nudging Atom. "They just won't know it!

"How is that supposed to bring you and Yura closer, anyway? That's just creepy!" he said. "I was okay with the thing last night where we sat outside their window and watched them dress, but this idea is just.. No.


"No!" Atom frowned. "I'm not doing it. You can." he shook his head, "Oh, and maybe you can get Xero to do it with you, while you're at it." he sarcastically rolled his eyes.

"That's actually a great idea!" Hansol gasped. "That way, he and Yura can be closer too!" his eyes were sparkling with excitement as he patted Atom's back, walking down the hall next to him.

"I was kidding.." Atom looked at Hansol with a raised eyebrow. "Xero wouldn't go with you either, no matter how many times you begged. You know how he is.

"What if he doesn't know where he's going?" Hansol smirked faintly. "I can bring him there at night when all the lights are off. He won't know what building we're going into!

"But how would this all get you two closer to Yura?

"Well, it's simple." Hansol grinned. "Want to hear my theory?

"Uh, okay. Tell me." Atom said, a bit unsure of Hansol's reasoning skills.

"Well, we'd go into the girls only building and eventually, Yura would see us. She would then feel all happy that we wanted to come see her, and then it'd force Xero and Yura to be together for a while." Hansol chuckled. "But I'll make sure that she sees me more instead of Xero." he nodded, "She's already noticed him for whatever reason. It's time for her to notice me. I'm cute, single, and interested in her.

"Xero is cute and single too." Atom laughed. "Maybe that's why she's noticed him?"

"He is not single!" Hansol looked at Atom with a chuckle, "For all we know, he and B-Joo are dating! It'd make sense. They're always together. B-Joo is practically his girlfriend."

Hansol and Atom laughed for a few moments before walking outside, seeing all their friends out in the water. 

"Want to join them?" Hansol asked, looking at Atom, who nodded.


Both boys excitedly started running towards their friends, splashing into the cold water.

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Chapter 1: So you watched show kpop.
Chapter 2: That nightmare gave me the shivers
Kim_Kichul #3
Chapter 1: It is so interesting, good job! Hansol as a ert? I can't imagine it, but still it's awesome!
Chapter 1: Your getting to a good start of your first horror fic:) Also when you mention the Warriors cats do you mean THE 'Warriors' series?