Her Name Is Yura

Secret Seduction

Her Name Is Yura


It was a gorgeous day outside. The sky was a light blue with big puffy clouds rolling peacefully in the sky. The breeze was blowing lightly and the sounds of birds chirping in trees could be heard. It was so quiet and relaxing outside, but a little ways away, the voices of excited and amazed boys could be heard.

"Wow!" Yano ran up ahead of the group of boys, "We're actually staying in that?!"
"It's so big!" Gohn exclaimed as he trotted to catch up to Yano.
"I've never stayed in a hanok before." said Jenissi.
"What's a hanok?" Atom asked.
"A hanok is a traditional Korean house." P-Goon was quick to say, nodding as they got closer to the large building.

The hanok that the boys were going to stay in was quite large and traditional looking. It had a blue Asian rooftop, the walls were a clean white, and the windows were lined with a chocolate brown wood. The building was located on top of a mountain, so it had some breathtaking views from the stone. Behind the hanok, there was a well made stone path that led into the forest garden along side a gorgeous, green and rocky mountainside. The plants were all well taken care of, there were bushes and large cherry blossom trees along with smaller plants like good smelling flowers.

Walking behind the group were Xero, B-Joo, and Hansol. Xero looked to the large hanok in the distance, the one that they'd all be staying in for a few nights. Since they had all been working so hard, their manager decided to give them a much needed rest. After promotions for Follow Me, Open The Door, Cigarette, and Arario, everyone needed a little vacation. Xero was thankful, he needed a relaxing trip, and he was already starting to have fun.

"Oh! This is so nice!" B-Joo giggled excitedly as he walked alongside Xero.
"How many nights are we staying here?" Hansol looked to Xero, his blue eye contacts sparkling from the sunlight.
"Ah, I think P-Goon said that we'd stay for a few nights."
"How many is a few nights?"
"Like, a week I think."
"From Monday to Sunday." B-Joo corrected, nudging Xero with a playful smile.
"Guys hurry up!" Xero looked up when he heard Seogoong call to them.
"We're coming!" Hansol called before picking up his pace. "Come on!"

When they finally reached the hanok, a woman in a long dress came out to greet them. She was beautiful, she had pale white skin and ruby red lips. Her eyes were dark brown and had smoky eyeshadow covering them. There were pretty flower ornaments that decorated her black hair and her long, slender fingers were carrying a gorgeous parasol.

"Ah, you guys must be Topp Dogg?" she kindly asked, offering a warm smile. "We've been waiting for you." she turned and waved for them to follow her inside. The boys did.

Once inside, the boys were blown away. The inside was very lavish and clean. The floors were made with a dark brown wood and the doors were rolling screen doors. The walls were a crisp white and there were old paintings and photographs of landscapes and Korean elders. The hanok smelled highly of incense, it was quite a strong perfume smell.

Xero glanced around, looking to B-Joo when the other poked him.

"Xero, look." B-Joo quietly whispered, pointing to a painting on the wall. Xero looked.

The painting was old looking, it had beautiful a Geisha on it. It was a pretty painting, but also somewhat eerie.

"That's creepy, B-Joo." Xero whispered back, raising an eyebrow as they continued to follow the girl who was leading them to their rooms.

The group followed the girl down a long hallway with screen doors on each side. The hallway was dark and narrow, it gave Xero chills.

"These are your rooms." the girl spoke up, turning to face the 13 boys who were following her. "There are seven rooms, so a lot of you will have to share.." she said with a nod.
"B-Joo, want to share a room?" Xero looked to B-Joo, who nodded happily.

Honestly, being close to B-Joo was comforting. This hanok was really... Creepy. He didn't think the other members thought like him. They were all stunned and excited about staying there. Now, Xero was nervous. He glanced to B-Joo before giving a smile, which was returned with a poke to the cheek.

"Are you okay? You look pale."
"I'm fine." Xero chuckled some before glancing around. "Perfectly fine."

B-Joo smiled, glad that Xero seemed to be fine. He ran a hand through his purple hair before blinking, surprised. Where was Hansol? Wasn't he right next to them?

"Hansol?" B-Joo turned his head, looking around for their friend. Where did he run off to? "Xero, where is Hansol?"
"Huh? Wasn't he next to you?"
"Yeah. I can't find him!"
"He can't just disappear." Xero laughed awkwardly, biting his lip nervously. Just then, Xero heard Hansol's voice.

"So, you live here?" Hansol curiously asked the woman in the front.

Somehow, Hansol had managed to worm his way through the group to get to the front, just to ask the girl questions.

"Ah, yes. This is my home, among others as well."
"Others? There are more of you?"
"You could say." the woman gave a shy smile to Hansol, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear before fixing her dress.

This girl was dressed in traditional Korean attire. Her dress looked to be old, the colors were faded so now it was just black and white with grey decorations. She was elegant looking with her small frame and tiny body.

"He's up there flirting." Xero nudged B-Joo, pointing to Hansol.
"Oh, really? Why?" B-Joo turned to Xero, "She's kind of scary looking." he whispered. "I'm sure she's a nice girl, though, but still."
"Hmm. I agree." Xero was relieved that B-Joo was thinking the same thing he was. She was frightening, but probably nice, right?
"Come on, lets go to our room." B-Joo urged, wanting to get away from the creepy girl.

Xero let B-Joo grab his hand before he was taken into one of the rooms. Xero closed the screen door behind them before looking around. The room was considerably small, nothing was in the room except for two little floor mats for sleeping.

"Cozy." Xero chuckled, going to sit on his mat.
"I'll say." B-Joo giggled as well, moving to sit next to Xero on the floor.
"At least we like each other, am I right?"
"You're right!" B-Joo cheerfully agreed. "I'm glad we're rooming together. It'd be creepy without you."
"So, you think this place is scary?"
"Yeah.." B-Joo rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "Don't make fun of me."
"What?" Xero shook his head, lowering his voice. "I think this place is weird, too."
"Oh, really?"
"Yes.." Xero made a face. "This place is old, dark, and very.." he paused, trying to think of a word.
"Ah! Antique." Xero nodded. "Exactly what I was going to say."
"Maybe we can find Hansol's room to see how he feels about this place?" B-Joo suggested, shrugging.
"Good idea, lets go." Xero gave a nod before standing.
"Help me up~" B-Joo cooed, looking up at his friend.
"So lazy." Xero took B-Joo's hand before pulling the other up with a grunt.

Once B-Joo was up, he brushed himself off before going to the screen door, opening it. He poked his head out.

"Where is everyone?" B-Joo asked quietly, looking around the dark hallway. 
"They must have gone to their rooms."
"How will we find Hansol?"
"By checking each room?"
"Oh gosh." B-Joo laughed before nodding, glancing down the hall. "Let's start at that room." he pointed.
"Alright." with that, Xero followed B-Joo to the room.

Xero was the one who opened the door. He poked his head inside. It was a small room too, just like theirs, only having two floor mats. In this room was Sangdo and Nakta.

"I told you once, Sangdo! Give me back my Doldol, or you'll regret it!" Nakta whined, trying to get the stuffed animal from Sangdo, who was hugging it tightly. 

Doldol was a stuffed animal that Nakta loved. He always cuddled it to sleep at night. Sangdo liked Doldol too, but he was Nakta's, and Nakta didn't like sharing.

"Just let me hug it.." Sangdo wouldn't let go.
"No, give him back! He's scared." Nakta grabbed Doldol and tried to pry him out of Sangdo's arms, pouting.

Just then, they noticed Xero and B-Joo.

"Sangdo, give Nakta his Doldol back." Xero chuckled.
"But.." Sangdo sighed before hesitatingly letting go of the stuffed animal.
"Thank you." Nakta grabbed it before hurrying off to put Doldol away.
"I get to sleep with Doldol, though."
"No, he's mine!" Nakta snapped, hugging Doldol close to his chest.

B-Joo rubbed the back of his neck before laughing awkwardly, nudging Xero.

"Let's go." he whispered.

The two backed out of Sangdo and Nakta's room before sliding the door closed. After, they went to the next room, opening the screen door. Xero stepped inside, looking around. The sound of Bruno Mars filled the room.

"Gohn, you brought your iPod and speakers?" Jenissi asked, looking up from his book.
"Yeah! I can't sleep without listening to Bruno Mars." Gohn said with a smile. He glanced to the door. "Hey Xero!"
"Hi B-Joo."
"Hello." Xero bowed to the others, smiling. "Do you guys know where Hansol is?"
"Ah, no."
"I think he's roomed with Atom."
"Alright, thanks!" Xero was about to nudge B-Joo and leave, but the other had gone over to Jenissi.
"What are you reading?" B-Joo asked curiously as he crouched down to Jenissi.
"It's a book about cats." Jenissi was a cat lover.
"Yeah! Warrior cats." Jenissi grinned, "It's a really cute book if you like cats. I'm on chapter six."
"That's really cool." B-Joo stood before nodding. "I like cats too." he smiled some.
"Ah, we have to go now." Xero looked at B-Joo.
"We're leaving." B-Joo walked over to Xero.

Xero grabbed B-Joo's hand before lightly tugging him from the room. They closed the door before nodding.

"We've seen Nakta, Sangdo, Gohn, and Jenissi." B-Joo stated.
"But where is Hansol and Atom?"
"We'll find them! Lets try that door." B-Joo took Xero's hand again before walking to the room.

The door was half open, so Xero and B-Joo just slipped inside.

"This place is so cool!" cheered the youngest and most hyper member of the group, Yano, as he rolled around on his floor mat.
"It is! I want to go outside and walk around. It's so huge here." Seogoong watched Yano roll around.
"Oh!" Yano sat up, seeing Xero and B-Joo. He gave a wave. "Hi guys!"
"Hi Yano!" B-Joo cutely waved, Xero waved as well.
"What are you two doing?" Seogoong asked.
"Just looking around."
"Can I come with you?"
"Ah, we're about to go take a nap anyway. Maybe later tonight we can explore."
"Sounds like a plan!" Seogoong gave Xero a thumbs up before looking back at Yano.

Xero left the room, B-Joo following. They entered another room and found Kidoh and Hojoon. This room was neat and tidy, very quiet as the others were both asleep. 

"Be quiet, they're sleeping." B-Joo backed out of the room along with Xero, closing the door quietly.

Then, they heard a voice from behind, making both Xero and B-Joo jump.

"Hey guys." it was P-Goon.
"Hello." both boys bowed to the leader of the group.
"Why are you both just wandering around?" P-Goon asked, laughing. "I've been watching you guys."
"We're looking for Hansol." B-Joo said with a smile.
"You aren't getting into trouble, are you?"
"No, we just want to hang out with him."
"He's in that room with Atom." P-Goon pointed to the room at the end of the hall before turning to go back in his room.
"Thank you!" Xero bowed before linking arms with B-Joo. "Come on."

The two boys walked down the hall, close to Hansol and Atom's room. Xero opened the door before walking inside. But, they weren't there.

"Huh?" Xero blinked. Where were they? Their stuff was sitting on the floor, but there was no sign of Hansol or Atom.
"Maybe they went for a walk." B-Joo looked around, shrugging. "We can go find them." he smiled.
"Are you sure? Maybe we should just go back to our room."
"No, we can find them!" B-Joo insisted with excitement. "Follow me." the purple haired male began walking, and Xero was forced to follow his friend, not wanting him to get into trouble.

The once bright and sunny outside atmosphere was gone now as evening rolled around. It was dark out now, the sun having gone down and replaced with the moon. It was cloudy, the sky was a blackish purple color. There was a light breeze, it felt refreshing.

"It's nice out." B-Joo commented with a thoughtful smile. "Perfect for a walk."
"I guess so." Xero kept close to B-Joo, a nervous look on his face.
"Are you afraid of the dark?" B-Joo asked, eyes examining Xero's face.
"Me? Afraid of the dark? No. Don't kid around." Xero brushed it off before looking away. "Okay, maybe just a little."
"Don't worry, I'll protect you."
"If anyone was to need protection, it'd be you." Xero lightly punched B-Joo's arm in a playful manner.
"Oh really?" B-Joo giggled. "Yeah, you're probably right."
"I'm always right." Xero teased, patting B-Joo's head.
"Sure you are." B-Joo smiled and rolled his eyes before turning his head. "Did you hear that?"
"Was that Hansol's voice?"
"It sounded like it.."

Both boys began to walk down the sidewalk, following the sounds of Hansol and Atom. Eventually, after going up some old concrete stairs, Xero and B-Joo found themselves on the roof of the hanok, where Hansol and Atom were.

Hansol was laying flat on the roof along with Atom. They were both giggling about something, Xero soon learned what it was they were looking at. On the roof, they were in just the right spot to be able to peek inside the other section of the hanok, the girl's section. They were watching the girls undressing, getting ready for bed. Both Hansol and Atom had smug smirks on their faces as they whispered back and forth to each other.

"You two are disgusting." Xero broke the silence with an amused grin, giving Hansol a light kick.
"Huh?" Hansol looked up at Xero and B-Joo before gasping. "Get down, get down! They'll see you!" he urged, eyes wide.
"Yeah, yeah." Xero crouched down, B-Joo following.
"How did you guys find this place?" B-Joo asked, looking to the building, smiling at what he saw. Xero then promptly covered B-Joo's eyes.
"Hansol found it." Atom grinned, "I just followed him here."
"She's in there. I just saw her without that huge dress on." Hansol said, staring in the window at the skimpily dressed girls.
"Saw who?" Xero looked to Atom, who shrugged, before looking to Hansol.
"The girl!" Hansol said, "The girl who led us to our rooms. I talked to her for a few minutes. She seems really cool."
"Really cool?" Xero rose an eyebrow.
"Yeah! She lives here with a bunch of other girls. She helps take care of the grounds here." Hansol nodded quickly. "She is really nice too."
"Do you even know her name?"
"Yes." Hansol frowned a little. "She told me."
"What is it?"
"Her name is Song Yura."
"Isn't it a pretty name? It fits her perfectly."
"Oh.. I guess." Xero shrugged some, eyeing Hansol.
"What are you guys here for, anyway?" Hansol asked.
"We wanted to hang out." B-Joo nodded.
"Oh." Hansol looked back into the window, a soft smirk on his lips.
"Hansol." Xero frowned faintly, looking at his friend.
"Can you stop that?" he asked. "It's really disrespectful.." Xero bit his lip lightly.
"If you don't like it, then leave. Me and Atom were here first." Hansol said, giving Xero a glare. Hansol huffed before shaking his head, moving to peek back into the window. Suddenly, he ducked back down, gasping.
"What is it?"
"She saw me."
"Yura saw me. She was standing at the window!" Hansol quickly said, eyes wide.
"You're lying." Atom playfully nudged Hansol, chuckling.
"No! I'm not, she was standing right there!
"We should leave then.." Xero felt worried now. 
"Hurry, let's go!

Hansol lightly smacked Atom, getting up. Xero looked up at Hansol and then grabbed B-Joo's hand, helping the smaller male up. After they all got up, they flew down the stairs, running as fast as they could.

"We just got here and you're already causing trouble!" Xero managed to breath out, already out of breath due to the running.
"It wasn't our fault!" Hansol spoke back, still running.
"You guys were watching them undressing! It is your fault!
"Well.. They should have closed the curtains!" Atom gave a shrug as he ran alongside Hansol.
"But you guys didn't have to stare!" B-Joo also added, pouting faintly. "I bet they're embarrassed now."
"Do you think they'll know who was watching them?" Hansol asked, glancing back to Xero.
"Maybe, I don't know! But since we were there too, they might think me and B-Joo were in this, as well!
"But I wasn't!
"They don't know that!" Xero looked to B-Joo.

The hanok was in view now, and the boys just started running faster, wanting to be in the safety of their rooms. Atom was in front of the pack, so he opened the door before urging everyone inside. He closed the door after B-Joo and Xero ran inside, following the other's quickly.

"Should we apologize?"
"What for?" Hansol looked to Atom, raising an eyebrow.
"For invading their privacy?"
"No.." Hansol shook his head quickly. "I think we should just act like nothing happened."
"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Xero looked at Hansol, "They did see us.
"Yeah? Well, we don't know for sure if they saw us!
"But what if they did?
"They didn't. I'm positive." Hansol said as he tried to calm the situation. "Let's all just  forget this, I'm sure if they did see, they won't remember for long." he shook his head, smiling weakly. 
"It's late." Atom looked to Xero and B-Joo, "We should go to bed." Hansol gave the two others a wave.
"Good night." and with that, he and Atom disappeared into their room.

Xero was still trying to catch his breath. He took a few deep breaths before shaking his head, watching as Hansol and Atom went to bed. He closed his eyes, wiping his lightly sweaty face with his arm for a moment. After, he looked to B-Joo.

"That kid." Hansol was such a troublemaker. They had to be wary of him. "I can't believe he was so stupid as to just stare at those girls through the window."
"I don't get it." B-Joo looked to Xero, "I had been looking at the window when Hansol said that they saw him. No one was looking.. Maybe Hansol had just imagined it?"
"I hope that's the case." Xero furrowed his eyebrows. "Tonight has been weird."
"Hansol is so quirky." B-Joo giggled.
"Yeah.. He is." Xero laughed some, sitting down on the floor mat.
"I could use some water. I'm thirsty from that running."
"Me too, it tired me out.

Just then, there was a faint tap on the door, but loud enough for both Xero and B-Joo to hear. Both males turned their heads, looking to the door.

"What was that?" B-Joo whispered, inching closer to Xero, startled. 
"I-.. I don't know." Xero slowly got up, walking to the door. 

After a moment of hesitation, he slid the door open. He peeked out. There was no one in the hall and all the doors were closed. He glanced around before he noticed something on the ground. A glass of water. He stared, slowly leaning down to pick it up. He stepped back in the room, sliding the door closed.

"Water." Xero said, turning to look at B-Joo. 
"Huh?" B-Joo stood, moving to Xero. "Where did that come from?"
"Maybe someone left it outside our door?"
"Who?" B-Joo's eyes widened.
"I'm not sure.." Xero made a face. "Let's not drink it. It's too weird.

B-Joo pouted, wrapping his arms around himself, scared. Xero put the glass of water down before hugging B-Joo close, wanting to comfort the other.

"Shh, it's okay. That was just someone being kind. Maybe Hansol left it there?
"I hope it was Hansol.
"Yeah." Xero held B-Joo close, face straight as he thought of what all was going on. It was puzzling, that's for sure. 
"We need sleep." B-Joo whispered, gently squirming from Xero's hug. 
"You're right." Xero nodded, "Let's sleep, we can figure everything out tomorrow morning."
"Good night, Xero.
"Night, B-Joo."

Xero turned the light off before going to his floor mat, sitting down. He didn't go to sleep immediately, too lost in thought, but eventually, Xero dozed off to sleep.


Ah, I'm so excited for the first chapter! This is mostly an introductory chapter, just so you can kind of get a feel for my writing style and the characters, and learn what a hanok is and what a Kisaeng / Geisha is.
I know Kisaeng and Geisha aren't the same things, but most people know what a Geisha is as opposed to a Kisaeng, so if I call them a 'Geisha', it's so people understand better. Y'know? 

Anyway, this is going to be the first historical-horror fanfic I've ever written, so I will try my best to throw startling twists and turns in the story!
If you haven't picked it up yet, Xero is the main character, and the other main characters are B-Joo, Hansol, and Atom, along with the mystery girl named Yura.

This is the list of members who roomed together and their colors:
Xero and B-Joo
Hansol and Atom
Jenissi and Gohn
Seogoong and Yano
Sangdo and Nakta
Kidoh and Hojoon


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Chapter 1: So you watched show kpop.
Chapter 2: That nightmare gave me the shivers
Kim_Kichul #3
Chapter 1: It is so interesting, good job! Hansol as a ert? I can't imagine it, but still it's awesome!
Chapter 1: Your getting to a good start of your first horror fic:) Also when you mention the Warriors cats do you mean THE 'Warriors' series?