And the stupidity begins...

I'd hate to actually like you.

She was one of the pretty girls, one of the popular ones who others admired. She was also the person everyone pretended to be friends in order to try and get connections to her family and her brother.

                It so happened that today was the Friday after my first week being a sophomore in high school. My older brother and I recently transferred from some private school in the United States to Seoul High School of Performing Arts.  Our parents recently decided that they wanted to expand our business in Korea, so they moved our family back to Seoul.  Lee Taemin, a junior, and I, Lee Ahra new kids that transferred last week. The first week went pretty well, but I tried avoiding my brother at school at all costs. His little fans continuously try approaching me and becoming my friends so that they could get to him. Honestly, it’s pretty annoying, and I wish people would just be my friends regardless of my family connections and what not. I could not wait for the day I’d actually have real friends, or someone I can trust other than my family. I love my brother and all, but sometimes he can get extremely annoying, especially since I see him everywhere.

That same week was when Kim Jong In, also known as the best dancer of the school Kai, sprained his ankle and was absent.

I was walking around the courtyard waiting for Taemin Oppa to get out of the car, as he was still playing one of his weird video games with my cousin Chanyeol Oppa who was a senior at this school already. I swear those two are so dumb, class starts in 20 minutes. I just walked around and around the fountain ion the middle of the courtyard sipping my banana milk as usual. Banana milk was something that both my brother and I bonded on, and it’s one of those things you just can’t mess with or I will cut you. Just kidding, but it would seriously annoy me. This guy suddenly bumps into me and takes my banana milk. He just stares at me and finishes it off as if it was his milk.

I just stare at him with my mouth wide open, totally surprised at what had just happened.

“Yah! Michyeosseo?” He has the nerve to just start laughing at me.

“Dude, what the hell? That’s my freaking banana milk are you crazy?” I can’t help but scream in his face, especially because I already started off with a y day.

“Oh, my bad it looked yummy, so I wanted to try it.” He smirks at me and I just wanna smack that smug grin off his face.

“Then buy your own banana milk, my Oppa bought it for me, and then YOU! A random stranger just takes it and finishes it. It’s banana milk dude, they sell it at the canteen. Plus, I don’t even know you, to even think of sharing it with you. Who the hell are you anyways?”  I glare at him.

“I just thought, you looked like a cute girl drinking banana milk. I don’t know, you made it look really tasty, so it made me want to try it. Who am I? I’m your dream guy.” He winks. “The name is Kim Jongin, but everyone calls me Kai, because it’s a cooler name suited for a cool person like me.” He grins.

I just roll my eyes, and if I could I would’ve kicked him in the balls by now.

“Excuse me…Kim Jong In, my dream guy is certainly not you. Firstly, he would buy me banana milk instead of drinking it, and he would be awesome and cute and funny. You’re just an who has nothing better to do than annoy people. You know what it’s time for class, I don’t have time to argue with you and deal with your stupidity.” I furiously walk away heading to homeroom. I really hoped my day would get better and that I wouldn’t see that idiot any time soon. 





Sorry we haven't updated stories in a while, but I've been in RP and this sparked an idea for a new fanfic. I hope it develops nicely because honestly, I'm pretty hyper right now. Please, Comment and/or subscribe if you like it!  - Arie ^.^ 

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allkpop4ever #1
Chapter 1: Ohhhhhhhhhh sounds good! Please update!