
From now on, you're mine ( or maybe from tomorrow )

go read chapter 6 if u haven' t !


They had to eventually part ways, not before another light session of kisses and stupid jokes from Wonshik’s part; after deciding that it was getting late and Wonshik needed to get home before being skinned alive by his parents, said boy thought it was just perfect to wrap his arms around Hakyeon and kiss him until the elder squealed, strength lost in his legs, forcing him to wobble into his building.
He could still feel the dark-haired boy’s fingertips tracing patterns on his cheeks, their lips moving tenderly against each other. He could describe every second of what he defined the best kiss of his life ( and he had a lot, just to brag a little ) for the simple fact that it was Wonshik and he really liked Wonshik.
The short trip in the elevator passed between deep breaths of “ this really happened ”, fingertips tracing his own chapped lips ( he loathed not having applied lip balm that morning, what if Wonshik hated it? ) and banging his head against the wooden surface of the wall, trying not to weep pathetically because yeah, feelings.

The little steps separating him from the security of his house felt like a giant fatigue; he was really trying to regain his composure, Jaehwan was inside that room and his nose wasn’t giant only because of genetics, he had a flair for this kind of things. He just needed a look at Hakyeon to elaborate that something was up and that it probably included Kim Wonshik, the mysterious boy he had been talking about for weeks.
The brunet gathered his courage as he introduced the key and turned it, hand already on the doorknob, ready to enter a long night of inquisitive questions and ridiculous assumptions.
Once open the door revealed an empty room, Jaehwan was nowhere in sight, meanwhile Taekwoon’s figure was comfortably sitting on the couch, legs stretched in front of him, hands in his lap and eyes fixed on the television.

« What are you doing here? » , he asked, knitting his eyebrows together and closing the door behind him with a quiet click.
The silent boy shrugged, turning his head to look at him and pointing behind Hakyeon’s shoulders. The brunet turned around, eyes taking in the beige bag hanging from the hook behind the door.
His bag.
The bag he forgot at work that day because he had been too distracted and out of his mind, all of this before Wonshik cheered him up.
Here came the blush again.

« You weren’t answering your phone so I went to the bar » he mumbled, voice quiet as usual but eyes pointed on him in a judging look, « but Jongdae told me you went on a date with your jail bait, so I took your bag and came here. »

He almost corrected that Wonshik wasn’t his, but maybe after that night he could have started considering him as such?
« He isn’t a jail bait. »
That was true, though; the boy was legal.
He really hoped his face wasn’t screaming ‘I just kissed that and I liked it’ because having Taekwoon aware of that felt awkward and wrong on so many levels that he was dreading at the mere thought of it.
He was judging him now, what if he knew? Taekwoon was a nice guy but he could be a real nuisance when worried about someone.

« Jaehwan freaked out when he saw me, he has been in your room since I came here, three hours ago. »

That had been the longest phrase he had heard Taekwoon willingly speak in all their years of friendship. Unfortunately it was something so unpleasant and frustrating. He still didn’t get what the problem was with his friends. 
Still, even after Taekwoon’s reasoning, it was strange that the guy came to his house, a place he usually avoided madly, to give him a bag he could have gotten back at work the day after.
If Jaehwan ( quite literally ) had nose for this kind of things, Hakyeon wasn’t less nosy; something smelled fishy to him and he was quite sure that it comprehended their strange behaviors in the past months.

« I got it, let me help », his voice came out as a hiss, not really okay with having his mood ruined by Lee Jaehwan and his strangeness.
He waltzed to their shared room, knocking at the door with strength and yelling a ‘Lee Jaehwan open this damn door, right now’.
It obviously didn’t work.

« Is Taekwoon there? »
Jaehwan voice sounded as if he had tried - and miserably failed - to hush it to whispering level; that was just something he was unable to do, no matter the situation, Jaehwan remained loud and obnoxious.
«  Taekwoon was here? ».
If they had been face to face, the little grin on his face would have ruined his whole act, but his voice sounded just the right shade of surprised to make him feel damn proud of his acting skill.

The door unlocked with a click and Jaehwan’s relieved figure appeared on the doorway, red pajama on and black framed glasses perched on his nose. He was about to talk, eyes leaving Hakyeon’s form, attracted by the dark figure just behind him.
Hakyeon shouldn’t have felt so amused by the quick way Jaehwan’s face paled but it was so entertaining to see how fast his expression could change and his face contort in the strangest of ways.
« Traitor », he hissed, lips twisted in a pout and eyes glaring hardly at the brunet.
Said traitor grabbed his wrist and pulled him out in the living room, quickly sneaking in the room and giving them a thumbs up and a smile.

« You’ll thank me later », he teased, closing the door with a little theatrical bow.


Even if his plan was to fix the awkward ( and ridiculous ) situation between the boys, he was still quite surprised when he got out of his room the morning after and found a sleeping Taekwoon sprawled up on their couch, pillows under his head and arm dangling, knuckles brushing against the floor.

« Jaehwan », he called, pinching his arm to check if he was really awake and not having a really vivid dream.
Before avoiding Jaehwan, Taekwoon was a usual guest in their flat, sometimes called over to make food they wanted but weren’t able to put together, and it had happened that Hakyeon managed to convince him to spend the night with them but the boy had always refused to take the couch, claiming that it was too little and uncomfortable for his height. The brunet was a little offended because he valued that couch a lot, he was really fond of it because it was the first thing he had bought with his money.
But, in the end, Taekwoon was right, he was too tall and well-built to sleep comfortably in the cramped space and Hakyeon was always the one sleeping there, because according to their opinion, he was short enough to find it comfortable.

« Yes, my dearest friend? », the younger came from the kitchen, hair mussed and a wide contented smile set on his lips.

« Why is Taekwoon sleeping on the couch? », the older pointed at the snoring body with the same confused expression he was wearing before. His eyes drifted to his roommate, confusion increasing at his apparent peace of mind because Taekwoon was in their living room and he seemed perfectly fine with it.

« Because he is too old fashioned to sleep in my bed. »

The answer seemed fair enough for him. « So you made up? »

« Made out would be more appropriate, though. », the younger mused, wide grin still set on his lips.

That was a relief in Hakyeon’s opinion, the fate of their friendship had been a serious weight on his conscience for a long time and knowing that they had finally made up was fantastic. Or made out, as Jaehwan said.
He processed it now.
« Wait a minute » he blinked a little spinning on his heels towards the grinning boy.

« Made out? » he shrieked, shocked «  Did you two make out on my couch? »


Annnnnd this is the eeeend.
Thank you for reading and everything ( especially the patience ! ), I don't know if I'll really write any spin off even if I had some ideas for them so for now it's a goodbye !

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Kokechan #1
Chapter 7: I was re-reading this on ao3 and realised I didn't comment there when I love the story! I'm sorry but better late than never: thank you for writing this nice story! The characters are so lovable and their relationship is so cute. I also love how their friends are teasing them... It's really well written and I enjoyed each chapter a lot! Thank you!
Chapter 7: Such a great story..
The slow but realistic story development was just right and i really need some keo spin-off..kekeke
weerainbow #3
Chapter 7: Between yesterday and today I read this whole story through and loved every moment. It was utterly adorable in every way and had me giddy with feelings!! I love your characterisation and how real and tangible each one of your characters felt. And the scenes were beautifully described. I felt like I was there with them rather than just reading about them :)
And this is definitely the most fluffy happy adorable Navi fic I've ever read *grins*
The slow build of Wonsik's feelings contrasted with Hakyeon's instant liking of him but both sides just fit together so well it was great. And the friends around them were fabulous and made me laugh so many times. And I may have flailed quite a lot when that kiss finally came between Wonsik and Hakyeon woohoo!! So good. Oh and I can't forget to mention that I loved the little bonus Keo at the end there too ;) ;)
Great story altogether, with a great flow ♥
Chapter 7: Thank you so much for updating and finishing this! I loved it! ^^ I have no complaints for the kiss scene, or the epiloque, for that matter. I knew it! I knew Taekwoon and Jaehwan liked each other. c:
heecupkyu #5
Chapter 7: Amazing story! Good job~!! Can't wait to read your next story~~ ( whispers) especially if it's a navi~ haha
I've been reading and re-reading this for like one thousand times and, while usually I'm not the type to beg for updates, if you have the time and the disposition, it would be nice if you updated :) But, don't feel pressured really, for a story this good I'm wiling to wait :D
Chapter 4: *silently subscribing because this is just too good* (even though it isn't that 'silently' anymore now XD)
Chapter 4: This story way toooooo cuuuuuuttteee. And this chapter contains too much feels asdggjkllhhfdv. Omg I'm hooked already ♡ Please keep update!