Chapter 3

From now on, you're mine ( or maybe from tomorrow )


Wonshik's head collided heavily with the plywood of his desk, arms stretched across the desk and body abandoned against the hard surface.
He was exhausted, completely and utterly so. His body felt the need to collapse and just ignore everything, from responsibilities to tasks and even physiological need. Even food and that was saying a lot.
He was so out of it that he had managed to fall asleep while studying, the day before, cheek smashed against his books and drool pooling on the page of math’s exercises he was revising. However, school wasn’t the only culprit for his recent lack of energy, the eighth love rejection of his life had a part in it too. To be sincere it didn’t even scar him that much, after all, he hadn’t planned to confess to his new crush ( a cute girl in his science class, which he had liked for half a week ), he was just trying to talk to her – following Hakyeon’s advices – when he blurted it out quite loudly in the silent class ( his classmates were already betting on how much it would have lasted before he exploded and what would have been the reply ). 
Seemed like he had been created to embarrass himself in all the possible ways.

« Do I have to write your commemorative speech, Shik? », Lee Hongbin, current best friend and life ruiner, turned around his chair, setting down in front of him with an amused grin on his lips.
It was lunch time and the class was almost empty, students preferred eating in the cafeteria or enjoying some fresh air after days being cooped up in their rooms, slaving on their books without pause. Wonshik himself had been studying with all of his might ( which wasn’t much, to start with ) because he wasn’t that brilliant and he needed to study as much as possible to assure himself at least a decent grade. But it was alright, no one excelled in all subjects without a little effort; beside Hongbin but he couldn’t be counted as a human being.
«  Because it would be sad losing the source of my profit » rejoiced said person, fingers caressing slightly the bills just earned and lips opened in a cheeky smile, « thanks for before, I won thirty bucks with your spectacle during science. »
Wonshik was still debating why he hadn’t cut their friendship off ( yet ).

« No problem, you’re welcome, Kong », the still embarrassed boy's voice was laced with sarcasm and he scoffed loudly, lifting his head just to glare at him with profound sentiment.

« I thought you were working on all of this ‘scaring the girls off’ issue, weren’t you? »

He was.
He truly was trying to make it better; Hakyeon was helping him through endless phone calls and meetings at his workplace, his advices seemed logic and easy but Wonshik just didn’t know how to apply them in real life.
Said calls usually started with lots of complains from the elder, to be honest the boy had quite an unstoppable tongue. He liked to pinpoint every single mistake the younger had ever done to analyze it and Wonshik found quite cute how the other flared up whenever a particularly horrible one was recounted (basically everything).
He then apologized for being annoying and noisy.
More than feeling bothered, the dark-haired boy actually reveled in those moments and their chatting went on and on and on until the elder’s voice started dropping to a hushed tone, filled with tiredness and interrupted by muffled yawns.
Wonshik understood how much the other was tired after a long day of work and study and he constantly felt overwhelmed with gratitude towards him, because even after all his troubles, Hakyeon always managed to find time for him.
He would never admit it out loud but sometimes he indulged in those times where the elder dozed off while talking and he had developed a liking to stay awake and listen to his slurred words, trying to understand that nonsensical mumbling; let alone admitting that Hakyeon’s quiet snores always managed to give him a warm sensation in his gut, a small smile making his way on his face and eyelids slowly coming close with every breath the other took. He felt like a creep but Hakyeon seemed totally fine with it, usually waking him up with a cheerful yell the next morning whenever they fell asleep on each other on the line.
In his defense, most of the times Wonshik behaved like a normal person and just murmured a fond ‘good night, hyung’ before ending the call.

« Why do I have to suffer so much? Just give me your face, Kong », he cried pitifully, making grabby hands towards the other and grunting loudly.

« A handsome appearance isn’t everything, you know and- » the red haired boy’s speech came abruptly to an end when a box of cookies was shoved quite forcefully under his (perfect, ugh) nose.
The box was held by a hand, connected to an arm, ending up with a thin neck that supported a face.
A pretty face.
That pretty face belonged to a petite girl with long wavy hair.
Wonshik stared at her a little more than normally deemed as acceptable; she had been his fifth rejection, immediate and quick, one of the less hurtful ones, to be sincere, he had gotten over it pretty quickly.
And encountered directly his sixth.
Maybe he shouldn’t have burned metaphorical holes into Hongbin's head, though, but he couldn’t help it when his best friend received confession and cookies, from one of his past crushes to top it all. ( But really, he was more angry because cookies ).
He watched with despise filled eyes the sweet smile his friend gave her, dimples showing and white teeth bared as he thanked profusely the girl.
For the female population, Hongbin was a god’s gift sent from heaven to grace everyone with his flawless appearance and precious dimples ( he had actually overheard a girl saying that, time ago ) but Wonshik knew that under those sweet looking smiles, his friend was plain evil.
If the girls hadn’t been so blinded by his good looks, they would have been more observant and noticed how his smiles were mass produced ( quite creepy in Wonshik’s opinion ) and didn’t really reach his eyes.
He was a good actor and a natural in relationship’s matters.
 «  So, were you saying? » Wonshik asked, scrunching his nose with a disgusted expression and lifting his body from the desk just to cross his arms disapprovingly.
Hongbin shrugged his shoulders. « Can’t help it, sorry. »

The dark-haired guy was fed up with Hongbin’s bull, eyes looking longingly at the box of cookies. « Can I have a cookie, at least? You owe me. »

« You can take them all, I don’t really like sweet things ».
Kind of amazing how he managed to remain perfect even when scrunching his face to express disgust.
Life really wasn’t fair.
He had never been the type that needed things to be told twice, so he immediately stuffed two chocolate-chip cookies in his mouth; they were handmade, a little burned and tasted more like flour than anything else, but it was food and Wonshik sure as hell needed food right now.
More than that, he needed comfort and since Hakyeon and his amazing cakes weren’t there, he had to manage somehow.
Food always helped, that was the rule.

( « That’s why girls don’t like you, you’re gross »

« Shut up, pretty boy, I’m eating. » )

« So, what are you doing today? Want to hang out to celebrate our regained freedom? If you don’t choke on cookies first, obviously. »
Hongbin was completely and perfectly ignored, even when he started judging him silently, lips tightly pressed together and eyes pointedly watching the cookies disappear quickly.

« Actually » Wonshik was trying to complete the hard task of catching a solitary chocolate chip, the only thing remained in that box. « I have some plans. »

« With who? », his friend looked at him with a surprised expression that only deepened when Wonshik claimed it was with a friend.  « I’m your only friend », he stopped him with a hand when Wonshik tried to intervene, « Sanghyuk doesn’t count, he is everyone’s friend, that guy is too popular for his own sake. Who are you going out with? Is it a girl? Were I wrong and you are finally making progresses in building a relationship? » 

Wonshik slammed his head on the desk again, wailing loudly and dramatically.
«  Just a friend, Kong, a male friend. He’s nice and currently trying to help me with girls, unlike someone else. »
The last part came out a little more harshly than he meant but either way, it was totally deserved.
The boy leant back, crossing his legs and arching a brow with mild interest. « Is he the one you keep texting with? Here I was, thinking it was a girl » he shook his head, apparently disgusted by the news. « I’ll have to pay Sanghyuk, damn it. »

« Wait, you bet on that one? You’re the worst friend ever, Lee Hongbin. »

He merely shrugged and stretched his arms in the air. « I’m your best and only, you just haven’t realized it yet. » he smugly commented, taking a deep self celebratory breath.

« So, can I join you? Or is it just a couple thing? », the suggestive wiggling of his eyebrows and his never ending grin was starting to creep Wonshik out.

«  He’s a male, dude, I like girls. »
Sure, Hakyeon was an amazing person with a nice figure and pretty hands ( and lips and eyes ) and he smelled like soap and sweet fruits – was it his shampoo? - and possessed a good brain with lots of knowledge that popped out those really good advices and, to top it all, he was a total sweetheart that offered him a slice of cake just to make him smile.

But, he remained a male.
And no matter what, Wonshik liked girls.

« Unfortunately, girls don’t like you. »

« You’re a little piece of , Hongbin, you know that? »

« And » Hongbin said, extending the conjunction, « I still want to hang out with you, you should feel honored ».
It would have been nice if the other had felt offended, sometimes, but he was too used to insults by now and it was really frustrating. Wonshik wanted at least a little bit of satisfaction.
« Really honored, yes » Wonshik snorted, rolling his eyes and waving a hand dismissively, deciding that it was better to just drop the argument before producing damage, whatever kind of damage ( and since his words had no effect on the younger, maybe a fist or two would do ).
« But, since you're going to bug me for months if I don't let you join, you can come with me, I’m going to his workplace. »

« Oh, is he older? »

« Yes, he’s twenty-one. » he stated, « currently studying in college while working part time at this bar near our school that makes the best cakes I’ve ever eaten ».
He felt accomplished while listing those things - especially at the cake part, because food – but talking about Hakyeon always gave him a strange sense of pride and a dumb smile on his lips, because the elder was amazing and he was actually his friend.
Hongbin’s fingers tapped insistently on his chin, a low hum emitting from his tight lipped mouth and his eyes staring directly at his friend.  
«  Didn’t know you liked elders. »

Wonshik groaned again, slapping a hand on his face with utter frustration and pointing a finger at the other; expression rigid and a masterpiece of unhappiness.
« You » he spat, cheeks flaming red, « stop now. »

« I was just wondering », the younger boy shrugged his shoulder innocently, «  the more you know the better. So, is he the baker of those cakes? »

« No, he is just a waiter and he has these two coworkers that are scary as » he paused, a small shiver making his way down his spine at the remembrance of Jongdae’s pointed stares and wide cattish smiles. « One has tried to cut off my finger because I called him cute », how to forget the day he had met Taekwoon? He had now agreed, in his mind, to avoid the place during weekends, no matter how many times Hakyeon insisted about Taekwoon being a ‘cutie’ and just 'incredibly shy’, it wasn’t one of his priorities to end up mutilated.

Hongbin was frowning, a rare sight, actually. He was keen on giving those y faces but he had never wore a real frown for more than five seconds ( 'Frowning gives you wrinkles' ). That one was particularly intense, with the whole lip biting and eyebrows knitting.
It was too positive of him thinking that the expression was caused by genuine concern towards Wonshik’s risk of becoming four ; it was probably something stupid.
« You’re talking about him just like you talk about your crushes. »
Exactly, stupid.



They arrived at the bar exactly at four o’clock.
Hongbin seemed pleased by the quiet atmosphere, even being the popular guy, he wasn’t one for crowded and noisy places. He had always been a lover of quiet cafes and there was this little smile on his face as he sat down on a wooden chair that told Wonshik just how much he liked it.
« I approve the location » he confirmed, giving him a thumbs up and maintaining his delighted expression before proceeding in casting brief glances around, analyzing the quiet tones of the walls and the way the light reflected through the windows.
The dark-haired boy knew that his friend's fascination for those kind of places was to be given to Kong's interest for photography and now, with his focused gaze he was probably studying how to capture the rays of light in one of his photos.
He was a damn good photographer, something else to had on the ‘Why Lee Hongbin is a disgustingly perfect human being’.

« Ah, Wonshik, you’re early. Oh, have you brought a friend? », Hakyeon’s voice was laced with a hint of surprise, his large eyes set on Hongbin, puffy lips stretched in one of his (adorable) friendly smiles. « Ah, don’t tell me, you’re the perfect friend he is always grunting about, am I right? ».
His best friend's smile was larger than his face, his voice reflecting the pure satisfaction he was feeling. « Oh, really? He calls me that? ».

« I wasn’t supposed to say that, was I? », the brunet gave Wonshik a guilty look, smile taking an apologetic shade.
Not that Wonshik could ever be angry at him, not only because he liked to consider himself a nice guy but also because the expression on the elder’s face just made it harder to feel irritated by the slip of tongue. It was supposed to remain a secret shared between the two of them and that exposure gave Hongbin the power to mock him anytime. More than usual, at least.
But Hakyeon was looking at him in such a mortified way ( he looked like a freaking kicked puppy ) and Wonshik couldn’t scold him.
He just couldn’t.

« No harm done, he already was a narcissist, so… », the subject was quickly dismissed with Wonshik's decision to ignore Hongbin celebratory giggles and happy smiles, for once he looked ridiculous, that was satisfactory enough.
( But Wonshik still kinda hoped for him to choke on his own spit, it would have been just fair. )

« I would be too, looking like him. I’m Cha Hakyeon, by the way. », the waiter smiled again, extending his hand towards the youngest and bowing his head as a greeting.
Hongbin stood up, imitating his movement with a respect Wonshik had certainly never seen before. His reply was also strangely joyful: « Lee Hongbin, feel free to call me Kong, hyung. »

They had just met and Hongbin was already crossing the ‘call me by my nickname’ line, which was alarming.
Completely alarming.
Hongbin was usually pretty reserved with new people, giving them professional smiles and moderate answers; this time, however there were a huge real grin plastered on his face and he seemed totally immersed in Hakyeon’s description of their menu. 
Wonshik had to refrain himself from grabbing Hongbin and kindly ( not really ) push him away.
Far ( far far far ) away.
He wasn’t keen on sharing Hakyeon with someone, especially not with Hongbin of all people; he wasn’t allowed to like his hyung.
His stomach clenched painfully at the idea of a possible friendship between them, Wonshik was already struggling with Taekwoon and the clear attachment he had with Hakyeon ( mostly on the latter part, though ), he was in no need of a confrontation with Hongbin and his damn perfection.
Still, it was excessive the way he was staring at them, eyes narrowed and lips set in a deep scowl; he shouldn't have been feeling so threatened by their light chatting and friendly smiles, it wasn’t like Hongbin was flirting with his hyung, right?
( ‘Hyung, you’ve a nice skin color, I like it’.

‘ Thank you, it’s all natural!’

Wonshik kind of choked on air. )
His foot tapped violently against Kong’s calf in a half kick, teeth grinding against each other because Hongbin was not gonna steal his hyung, not when Wonshik still had air in his lungs and life in his body. His friend jumped a little, a pained exclamation leaving his lips, eyes immediately glowering at Wonshik, who feigned innocence and smiled brightly at the confused waiter.

« You okay, Wonshik ah? ».
And now Hakyeon was considering him again, as if a minute before he wasn’t accepting subtle flirts from his best friend.
He would have complained, later.
He nodded, quick and stern, smile faltering off as Hongbin turned his attention on the older boy again, this time making sure his feet were safely placed on the chair. ( Jerk. )

« So, what can I bring you guys? »  

« For me an Americano » intervened the dimpled boy, lifting a hand and smiling widely « and what about a slice of cake? Your choice, hyung. »
Wonshik’s hands instinctively convulsed, eyes fixated dangerously on the lean figure of his best friend. Now he really wanted to know why the jerk was using his ‘I’m cute, buy me something’ tone, the one he employed to bribe girls into giving him gift ( mostly food ).
Wonshik was okay with the technique, it was food and as his best friend he got to have half of it, at least, but the person this time wasn't a girl ( possibly one of Wonshik's rejections ) but Hakyeon, sweet, nice Hakyeon.
And Wonshik didn’t really miss the faint shade of pink on Hakyeon’s cheeks and the little chuckle he gave at the younger words.
He felt like gagging, right now.
Possibly on Hongbin.

« What about you, Wonshik? ».
Hakyeon’s smile was hurting him physically.
Why did he have to look like a ing sun all the time? It gave him unpleasant chills along his spine and a fluttering sensation in his stomach ( he swore they weren’t butterflies. )
Maybe it had started somewhere during their hushed conversation in the middle of the night, or maybe when the elder had mumbled his name in his sleep once or twice and Wonshik got really accustomed to the way it rolled out of the other’s mouth; he hadn't a specific moment in which Cha Hakyeon became really important to him to the point of jealousy ( and a slight ting of possessiveness ) but it had happened somewhere along their friendship and Wonshik didn't know what to do with it.

« I’ve never discovered what you liked the most on the menu. The vanilla cake is third, what about the first one? Bring me that » he quickly glanced at the menu « and a strawberry smoothie. »
Beside seeming a little surprised, Hakyeon wrote the order out dutifully and smiled at them both before leaving their table and directing towards the counter ( today there wasn’t any creepy Jongdae around, strangely enough ).
Wonshik didn’t miss how Hongbin eyes followed Hakyeon's figure, expression turning into one of appreciation, brows shooting up and lips pursued.

« Well, I’d tap that. »

That was totally uncalled for and really not appreciated. 
Wonshik almost choked on his spit, coughing harshly and looking at the other in pure disbelief mixed with a subtle anger, leg searching for Hongbin's anything to kick.
Because he hadn’t really liked that comment or the way he had blatantly stared at Hakyeon’s ( he didn’t even wanted to think about it ) .
«  Lee Hongbin, don’t ever think about landing one of your fingers on him, you understand me? »

The red haired guy should have been terrified by the threat and not in the midst of contorting his face in a poor tentative of repressing his laughter.
« What? He is cute! » he protested, covering his smile with the back of his hand, eyes reduced into two crescents and dimples visible once again on his cheeks as he leant back on his chair.

« Sure he is! » Wonshik burst out, face flaming red with pure irritation, « he is really pretty and has a nice smile and really toned legs but that doesn’t mean you can stare at him like that », his voice was down to a harsh whisper that conveyed perfectly the bubbling feeling of resentment he was feeling, «  you can’t have him! »
There was an implicit 'he's mine' that echoed between the two of them, bouncing from Wonshik's red face to Hongbin's victorious one; maybe the former should have started controlling himself more, because he had always had an inclination to spit out whatever thing came to his mind, without filter, wherever he lost his calm but the idea of Hongbin contaminating ( Hongbin was evil, never forget ) the elder was so wrong and overwhelming that it felt suffocating.

« So », Hongbin smiled peacefully, propping his chin on his hand; that pleased expression immediately extinguished Wonshik's anger.
That jerk had behaved like that on purpose and Wonshik had fallen for it like an idiot, acting like a jealous fangirl, an obsessive one almost.
His brain was still buzzing loudly, Hakyeon's smile from before replying endlessly in his mind, the still lingering feeling of annoyance and the need to take the older away still itching at the tip of his fingers.
After all, Hakyeon had managed to fill a lifetime worth of friendship in that small time they had known each other. Maybe Wonshik's adoration towards him was the sign of a hidden attraction? Maybe he might have to control himself better before doing something creepy and completely stupid again ( like being jealous )?
After all, what right had him to keep Hakyeon for himself? Even if Hongbin ended up being interested in the older boy, who gave Wonshik the right to forbid him to try?
The answer was: himself.
He gave himself every right possible in this world to act like that, every right to forbid it, every single right to keep Hakyeon away from his best friend ( or whoever hanged around him in the wrong way, to be honest ) and safe from everything that could hurt him, because the world was a bad place and Wonshik was a nice guy.
Because he couldn't think of the world without Cha Hakyeon's damned smile.
Because he kind of wanted to always be the receiver of that smile.

Did it mean that he wanted to be with Hakyeon? Possibly yes.
Did it mean that he was now attracted to men? Not really. Sure, he had never had problems admitting someone's attractiveness, regardless of his gender, but he had been a fervent self-proclaimed straight guy and the way his body and mind reacted to Hakyeon was a little disconcerting and confusing.
He wasn't against the idea, his brain had been pretty clear about it when it decided to send him a bunch of scenarios with the two of them together: there were hugs and simple smiles and he even dared to think about a damned kiss and the only thing floating in his brain was: how would that have been?
There was no terror, nor fear or disgust, just curiosity and a slight flutter in his chest.
He was still sure he liked girls, but he was also positively certain that there was something developing towards the nice waiter, there sparking the sudden realization that, maybe - it was painful just thinking about it - Hongbin had been right.
« you still saying you like girls? »

« Shut up, Kong. »
No, he wasn’t gonna give him that satisfaction. Wonshik slumped on the table, facing away from his friend and resting his forehead on his wrist, arms crossed on the wooden surface, attempting to hide his burning red cheeks.


I kind of at things with emotions, like, ugh.
Also I'm terribly late but, yeah, school and stuff knocked me down so I'm really sorry. ( ; ; )/
Thanks for the comments and the subscriptions, though, they are nice to see! And ignore every mistakes, please.

Aaaaand the story will be around six chapters and a short epilogue plus ( maybe maybe maybe ) spin offs.
I don't really know.





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Kokechan #1
Chapter 7: I was re-reading this on ao3 and realised I didn't comment there when I love the story! I'm sorry but better late than never: thank you for writing this nice story! The characters are so lovable and their relationship is so cute. I also love how their friends are teasing them... It's really well written and I enjoyed each chapter a lot! Thank you!
Chapter 7: Such a great story..
The slow but realistic story development was just right and i really need some keo spin-off..kekeke
weerainbow #3
Chapter 7: Between yesterday and today I read this whole story through and loved every moment. It was utterly adorable in every way and had me giddy with feelings!! I love your characterisation and how real and tangible each one of your characters felt. And the scenes were beautifully described. I felt like I was there with them rather than just reading about them :)
And this is definitely the most fluffy happy adorable Navi fic I've ever read *grins*
The slow build of Wonsik's feelings contrasted with Hakyeon's instant liking of him but both sides just fit together so well it was great. And the friends around them were fabulous and made me laugh so many times. And I may have flailed quite a lot when that kiss finally came between Wonsik and Hakyeon woohoo!! So good. Oh and I can't forget to mention that I loved the little bonus Keo at the end there too ;) ;)
Great story altogether, with a great flow ♥
Chapter 7: Thank you so much for updating and finishing this! I loved it! ^^ I have no complaints for the kiss scene, or the epiloque, for that matter. I knew it! I knew Taekwoon and Jaehwan liked each other. c:
heecupkyu #5
Chapter 7: Amazing story! Good job~!! Can't wait to read your next story~~ ( whispers) especially if it's a navi~ haha
I've been reading and re-reading this for like one thousand times and, while usually I'm not the type to beg for updates, if you have the time and the disposition, it would be nice if you updated :) But, don't feel pressured really, for a story this good I'm wiling to wait :D
Chapter 4: *silently subscribing because this is just too good* (even though it isn't that 'silently' anymore now XD)
Chapter 4: This story way toooooo cuuuuuuttteee. And this chapter contains too much feels asdggjkllhhfdv. Omg I'm hooked already ♡ Please keep update!