Chapter 4

Mysterious love


Seungri’s POV

I was in the library reading some books for the upcoming project because I didn’t know if I can trust that newcomer. I was in my usual corner, immersing myself in the books until I saw him again. Why is he here? Everywhere I go, he appears. How irritating.

Just as I am about to get out of my seat and head back to class, I saw him running after a guy. Being curious, I followed him. I hid behind the door as I saw our teacher pulling Jiyong into the room. I scooted closer to hear what they are talking about.

Jiyong’s POV

Mr Dong, our class's tutor? Suddenly he brought me to a hidden area. What is he doing? "Why are you looking for him? What do you want from him?" He demanded. "Say before I arrest and torture the out of you."

"Wait did you just say arrest? Are you sent to this school also? You must have known something! Where is Hyunsuk hyung???" I bombarded him with tons of questions, hoping that he has some information.

“Hyunsuk hyung? You know him? I was looking for him too.” He replied in shock.

“So that makes us colleagues? The only thing that I knew is that he sent me a message to keep a look out for Lee Seunghyun and I’ve been working undercover for 2 years but to find nothing.” He continued.

“So I guess we have to work hand in hand… You continue and pretend that you don’t know my true identity and you’re just my teacher. We will contact via mobile.” I told him. At least there’s someone I can trust for now.   

“Dong YoungBae”

“Kwon Jiyong”

We quickly got out of the room and acted like nothing had happened.

But little did they know Seungri had heard their entire conversation. 

Seungri’s POV

Hyunsuk? Dad’s most trusted subordinate, why is he looking for me? I lost contact with him after dad died. What are they investigating and why are they looking for me?

A sudden vibration was felt inside my pocket.

“It’s not good to eavesdrop on a conversation.”

 I got out of the room and scanned through the whole library. No one suspicious, the person who sent it must be here.

Another vibration and I looked at my phone.

“Don’t bother finding me, you will never find me.” I got out of the library feeling frustrated without noticing someone was in front of me. Crashed, we bumped into one another and fell hard on the floor.

“Ouch, look where you are going.” We both said in unison. Wait that voice sounds familiar, that newcomer.

“Nothing good happens when I see you.” I huffed while I picked up the books that were scattered on the floor and walked off as if I’m not the one in the wrong.

Seunghyun’s POV

Seungri came in like a wrecking ball and slammed his books onto the table. He seemed to be in a bad mood.

“What’s wrong with him? Why is he looking so upset?” Daesung came over and asked me.

“I don’t know, maybe it’s one of his….” I wanted to continue but suddenly Seungri came over and grabbed me to the toilet.

“Hyung, remember Hyunsuk? My dad’s friend?”

“Yeah I think so? Didn’t you lost contact with him?” I asked.

“I overheard the newcomer talking to Mr. Dong. They’re police working undercover, and they’re looking for someone.” He informed.

“Who?” I pressed for an answer as I want to confirm my suspicion. 

“Lee Seunghyun, which is me.”  He shrieked.

“Not so loud! You don’t want people to know about it” I tried to calm him down. Then he took out his phone. New message from unknown again.

“Informing your hyung? He can’t do anything about it.”

Our eyes widened in horror as we saw the message. Knowing that Mr. Dong and Jiyong are police officers shocks me. But why would the police looked for Seungri now? The incident was 10 years ago. Unless Seungri is in hold of something which they need…

We became more conscious of our actions and words. We didn’t know who we can trust yet but there’s something for sure. Seungri has something in his possession which they want.

It’s better if we don’t do anything rash yet.

We went back to the class after assuring Seungri that everything will be fine. The whole day was perfectly normal except for a few arguments between Seungri and Jiyong again. Both of them were giving me a headache while they continued with their disagreements.

“We will go to your house today to complete the research.” Jiyong argued back.

“No, I want to visit your house since you are the newcomer. Unless you’ve something to hide.” Seungri smirked.

“Fine. My house then since you are so interested in me.” Jiyong teased as he gave a wink to Seungri.

“Are you trying to flirt with me? But sorry to tell you I don’t swing that way. I’m as straight as a pole.” Seungri stated plainly while he’s trying to hide his blush as he turned away.

Seungri’s POV

“Idiot” I muttered as I tried to divert my attention to other things. Actually that wink he gave was kind of cute.


A/n: kind of lazy to think of a title therefore this chapter has no title. Hmmm seungri starts to think jiyong is cuteeeee instead of annoying. 

I almost died writing this chapter because I'm sick right now. The weather here is crazy. I feel like im in a desert right now with haze. Anyone going for the SGFM?? 


*Newcomer refers to Jiyong. 

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Chapter 12: Pls be fine! Pls be fine! ㅠ____ㅠ
xtavista #3
Chapter 12: oh my!!be safe everyone..i knew dae wouldn't have the heart to betray them.hope he's gonna be ok
Chapter 10: Wow,what a twist. The nicest members in big bang are the villains.
RiiRiiVIP #5
Chapter 8: oh no,they want to involve seunghyun and daesung in their investigating, its ok with seunghyun but daesung ? bad idea jiyong...
Chapter 8: This was a good chapter, it was very funny.
I'm sure you'll figure out the next ;) hwaiting!!
RiiRiiVIP #7
Chapter 6: waaa seems like they're in trouble,thanks for the update btw...
Chapter 5: You lucky girl, you got to see Seungri's peach live. That is my fangirl's dream...
ieuunice #9
Chapter 4: Updated pls!! And get well soon!! Love your story!