SuLay Drabble 2

EXO Drabbles

(A/N [25/06/14]: Hey guys! I just edited this and added a new chapter with another drabble. I won't do the order, I'll just update whenever I can and when I have something worth posting.)


The night was brightly lit. A huge white tree was in the corner covered in flashing lights and sparkling ornaments of different shapes, sizes, and colours. All 12 of the people present sat around the expanse living room sharing stories. Kyungsoo and Jongin disappeared into the kitchen to get the food and bring it out. They spent several hours beforehand preparing the mass feast for everyone.

As they ate, they shared their Christmas wishes. They were almost all the same, but said in different ways. The occasional joke was made, causing a whole lot of laughter throughtout the night. Soon, gifts were given out and unwrapped. Wrapping paper, cardboard, and other things covered te ground. Items like books, headphones, and clothes had been given and recieved.

They said, back when they were younger, that Christmas was indeed a special day, but the big and expensive gifts were to be presented for their birthdays. Small, basic things were for the holidays.

Couples cuddled on the couches and the floor while watching Christmas themed movies together. Times like these were precious to them all. They never knew when they might lose it.

One by one, they decided that it was finally time to go to their own homes.

"Thank you guys for coming! We'll see you all again at Yixing and Joonmyeon's house for New Years! Bye!" Kyungsoo and Jongin waved their friends off.

Yixing and Joonmyeon were the last ones to leave the premises. They held hands, fingers intertwined, as they slowly strode down the  empty street. Unbeknownst to them, little flakes of white began to float and fall around them. One gracefully landed on Yixing's nose as he tilted his head up. Joonmyeon, seeing this, laughed softly. Yixing looked at his boyfriend in question.

"You have something on your nose." Joonmyeon leaned closer and kissed the tip of Yixing's nose. Yixing blushed and both smiled, looking up at the sky again.

"Hey Joonmyeon, it's snowing." Yixing whispered. Joonmyeon hummed in response.

"Joonmyeon." He looked back at Yixing.
"Kiss me." Joonmyeon didn't hesitate. He captured Yixing's beautiful lips in a sweet kiss. Joonmyeon's arms s around Yixing's waist as Yixing draped his arms around Joonmyeon's neck. They stayed like that for a couple of minutes before pulling apart for some air.

"Merry Christmas Joonmyeon."

"Merry Christmas Yixing." Yixing smiled widely, his dimples showing.

"I love you." He said.

"I love you too." Joonmyeon replied, pecking Yixing's lips.







(A/N: I know that it's not Chritmas, or even close to it, but I thought that I should share this with you guys, because I should at least update or write something on here. And besides, I was going to delete it until my friend told me to put it up. Thanks E. :3 ) 

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leerain #1
Chapter 1: Hello. Can I trans this Fic to VietNamese? I'll put full credit. Please <3
Chapter 2: Aww, Sulay<33 so cute~
Thank you for this ;)
Love_ZEA #3
Chapter 1: nice.. i really like it.. good job.. :) :) :)