Confetti - II


You’re sitting on the couch as Taemin applauds, excited.

Jonghyun’s arm is around your shoulders, anticipating.

Minho hides his smile behind his fingers, secretive.


“We didn’t mean to scare you. I hope you liked our surprise.”


Jinki’s hands are heavy with Happy Birthday Kibum,

letters gooey and red like your cheeks, ready to be eaten,

frosting creamy and star sprinkled.


“I almost dropped the cake on the way home. Taemin complained about my clumsiness.


You’re a piñata, candy scraping on cardboard skin,

ready to burst in appreciation with one hit,

small squares of colored paper tangled in your hair.


“You’re covered in decorations. You’re a mess, you’re pretty.”


You count three wax sticks surrounded by strawberries,

flames on the wick swaying gently to your breathing

“Make a wish Kibum, make a wish!” Taemin squeals.


“Are you wishing for cherry lip gloss or maybe a trip to Italy?”


Your eyes collide with Jinki’s own,

his irises brown firecrackers in the light of the fire,

sparkling with something you can’t quite place.


“Wish for me. I can moisten your lips longer than any expensive lipstick.”


Your eyes never lose contact as you lower your head;

mouth shaped in a delicate “oh, I wish for chocolate malt eyes,

butter cream skin, and sugar dough lips.”


“I can give you a trip to my heart. It’s free, the temperature warm all year round.”


You blow. The room is in darkness again.

The light behind the front door wags its tail,

still waiting to be let in.


“I’ll give you anything you want. I’m in love with you.”


A shadow plants a quick kiss on your lips before Minho clicks the lights on.

The others think you’re stupefied because of the pleasant birthday surprise.

You and Jinki know differently.

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Chapter 4: That was really beautiful. Thank you for this. ?
woah really this is so niceeeeeee ,i love it oh my i want to say something but yeah you your story just beautiful okay <3
Chapter 4: *tear* i loved it!
Omggg, so nicee!!!!
OH My GOD... Beautiful ending... :') Beautiful Story... *o*<br />
I LOVE..LOVE...LOVE this story okay... ♥♥ So Much... ♥♥<br />
I really wanted to quote my fave line.. But then I might end up quoting the entire chapter.. xD<br />
Everything is just perfect... ONKEY would be Proud having you writing them Amazing Stories... :D<br />
I'll be looking forward to your next ONKEY.. I bet it'll be just as Awesome.. ♥♥♥<br />
And You definitely should go to some Publisher.. Because You should be Paid with this kind of Awesomeness... ^o^<br />
Gah my heart skipped a beat :O
Can i just say that i love it??yes,i love it..kyaaaa >.< update again ne..^-^ *speechless*
Gosh... Why are you so amazing?? O.O<br />
I really wanted to write a long comment about how beautiful this is but I'm still a bit speechless and awestruck.. *O* But I'm gonna try anyway....^^v<br />
I Love this story so much.....♥ You heard that a lot, but I can't stop myself.. Your Writing is just mind blowing.. I'm kinda sure you might be a published writer who goes all ninja writing fanfic on your free time... ;D<br />
Poor Jinki though.. :p He must've really meant what he had written.. Maybe hoping a dramatic reaction from Key, instead got laughed at.. :(<br />
Kibum is thinking about something else..... xD (Onew's lips) haha :D<br />
Aigoo... My Shippering heart is happy... Thanks to you... Thanks for the update!!! ♥<br />
But I need more... So, update soon?? ^-^<br />
Auw...auw..auw... Sweet Cheesy Clumsy Jinki... :)
“Wish for me. I can moisten your lips longer than any expensive lipstick.”<br />
“I can give you a trip to my heart. It’s free, the temperature warm all year round.”<br />
<br />
my favorite parts. ahhh, cheesy Onew is love ! <br />
really cute & sweet :'))<br />