Love That Comes From A Nightmare - [COMPLETED]
The movie finally ended and we decided to go to the park to eat ice cream. I like the park so much because it is where we first met.

“Did you like the movie?”

“Yes I did. Moose was great. I like guys with crazy dance steps.” I chuckled.

(Pretend he’s dancing like this

“Well I can dance like that too, you know! Hahaha. Look” Hongki danced like hell that it really got me through. I laughed and he was trying to be a fool so I would laugh. Great he succeeded again in making me laugh.

“Enough! Haha! My stomach hurts now!” I can’t really stop from laughing. He’s a great joker, no doubt.

Hongki stopped and said “I really like the way you smile and laugh because of me.” I glared down thinking I blushed. There was silence again ‘till he broke it.

“Let’s go now to the park! I want to eat some ice cream. I know you’ve been waiting for it!”

“Haha, I yeah! I know. I’m craving for ice cream ever since!”

We shared great laughters that no one could ever break us apart.

We reached the park and bought some ice cream. He ordered mango and mine was chocolate. It was sweet as before and I never failed to mess up my mouth.

“You got a chocolate on your mouth. Never changed huh? I liked it anyway.” He said teasing me again and his face went serious when he moved his face near mine. I felt nervous thinking he would kiss me. But then he laughed still near my face.

“You thought I’m going to kiss you? Not unless I’ll wipe out the dirt on your face.” He pulled out a tissue and wiped out the chocolate on my lips.

“Done.” As soon as he said it he closed his eyes and kissed me gently but it was not for long.

I was about to close my eyes too it didn’t last for a second. He is not my boyfriend yet but I would admit I kind of getting annoyed when he kisses me.

He bit his lips and stared down at me. I thought he would kiss me again but he stood up away from me. I walked to get nearer but his face was dark.

“What’s the matter?” I asked him but he didn’t reply.

I touched his hands and felt again the warmth within it. He looked at me and just smiled. He looks upset but I don’t know what to do with that face.

“Do you still remember the first day we met here?” Because there was nothing to say, I started to begin with the topic of our first day.

“Yeah.” He said, willingly he told me that it was the day he wouldn’t forget.


Onew that was just fresh from the states called me and said he would meet me with his best friend in the park.

“I missed you so much.” Theses were the words he first said when he got back from states.

I put up a smile on my face alone in my room and I was so excited to see him. When he was in the States, there were no days had passed that he would not send me a picture of him so I know what he looked like every single day of his life there.

“I missed you too.” I said but it was a sad tone of my voice. I don’t know but I felt strange.

“I want you so badly. I would be with my best friend today and I want you to meet him. Let’s meet in the park at 4 o’clock. Okay?” He said with the excitement on his voice.

“I want to see you now, Onew.”

“I want to see you too.” Then the mood changed. It became refreshing. “So, can I go there to your room? Is your brother there?” He asked me and I can’t stop but to be excited.

“No, he’s not here. And there would be just the two of us here!” I was like screaming and my voice cracked because of so much excitement.

“Okay okay, I’ll be ready in a minute. Wait me there. Goodbye!” He hanged up and I ran to the bathroom to check if I looked good. It would be the happiest day of my life.
I waited for ten minutes but there was still no Onew around. I picked up my phone and dialed his number but it was busy. I got worried and kept looking outside whether he had already arrived.

“SURPRISE!” A voice from behind shook me and I looked around. It was ONEW!

I was stunned by him. He looked hotter in personal than in the pictures. The joy in his eyes made me happy and wanted to hug him! He brought flowers along and chocolates like he was courting me.

“Oh. My. God. Is that you?!” I said in surprised.

“Yes I am. The only Onew. You’re only man.” The sweet voice, I can’t help but to love it.

“But what are those flowers and chocolates for? It’s not necessary.” I told him but still wanting them.

“Of course, They are needed. Should we make this day our first day being a lovely couple?”

First day? Lovely couple? I can’t take those out of my mind. Did he mean that I would be his girlfriend from this day on? I can’t believe it! Oh God. I loved this day!

“You mean..” but he cut me.

“Can I get a kiss from my lovely GIRLFRIEND?” After hearing girlfriend I wanted to faint. But he went nearer me and our face was just centimeters away. Should I kiss him?
His eyes were staring at me and I know for sure this was it. I could feel his breath and our lips locked. It was ten years ago when I felt the softness of his lips.

“Sweet. I missed your lips.” Onew said and I blushed.

“Why did you only missed my lips?” I pretended to be upset by this but how could I feel so upset when I know he would be mine now? I giggled inside my thoughts.

“Of course I missed everything from you. Most especially the heart that keeps beating just for me, isn’t it?”

“I know. How could you be so strong that you get me over hanging with you? I’m impressed.”

“Well, I’m Lee Jingki and no one could ever beat me.”
I never wanted to end this part but I want to experience more with my boyfriend.

“So who’s your best friend that you wanted me to meet?” I furiously asked about his best friend. When he was away, he kept on telling me that they were both singers and had a good time each day they hang out.

“His name is Lee Hongki. Be nice to him.” He pointed out his finger like the one my dad would tell me to behave.

“I’m nice, maybe we could get along to.”

“Let’s see. Haha, So should we go now meet him in the park?” He held my hand and ready to leave the house.

“I would love to meet your BESTFRIEND.”

“He would love to meet you too. Let’s go!”

We used his car and of course a day won’t passed by without him singing just for me. He sang “Replay” and he told me it suits the song for me. (Play the song if you want
We reached the park and there was a guy with a red suit that looks like this (¤t=118zv6e.jpg&sort=ascending)

We went near him and I realized he does not seem like a bad boy. He is charming and has a very good smile. I liked him from the start. The way he looked at me was nothing better.

“Hongki, I want you to meet my girlfriend.” Onew said.
Hongki got nearer in front of me and bowed his head with my hand on his.

“It’s a pleasure to meet a beautiful woman like you.” Hongki said and kissed my hand.

Of course what do I do? I blushed but I won’t let Onew to notice it. Onew was right, he has also a voice that would make girls faint. I want to hear his voice but I assume I like Onew’s more.

“Could you sing me a song?” I asked a favor of him and I felt shy.

“Sure.” Hongki said.

He sang a song entitled “Still/As Ever” and he told me that it was part of their songs. (Play this one
Hongki finished his song and I glanced back at Onew. I don’t know if he felt jealous the time I asked Hongki to sing me a song. I know Onew too well that I could already feel how he feels. Then I got back to Hongki. I like his voice so much. I keep staring at his eyes.

“Do you guys like ice cream?” Onew interrupted in a second.

“I do!” said Hongki.

“So let’s go and eat some!” they both said it and they really are best friends. They ran so fast that I can’t catch up with them so I walked.

“What flavor do you like?” Hongki asked me.

“Chocolate, Onew likes Vanilla, isn’t it?” I replied when I looked at my boyfriend.

“Yeah.” He replied smiling to Hongki.

“I guess chocolate is good for you too because you two are just sweet. I envy you Onew~ I wish I also got a girlfriend like her.” I was just stunned.

I don’t know what Onew would be saying after that but I smiled and just turned away. I went to look for a seat and waited for them. This day is just amazingly fun. The day when Onew became my boyfriend and I met his best friend that captured me, Hongki.


“Do you want to go home now?” Hongki asked me still looking at the empty sky.

“Yeah, I feel tired now. Let’s go home.”

When will I see Onew again? These were stuck in my head when we were heading home. Every now and then I think about him more often. There were times that I would cry all night long thinking about our past and thinking that it is already impossible for the two of us to get back so I have to move on. But Hongki is here, hoping we would be happy together. I don’t want to keep any promises that I would make with him and I really want to tell him that I still love Onew. But how?

“We’re here.” He said.

He got out of the car and ran towards my door. He opened it and led me out of the car.

“Thanks for this night. I’ll treasure it.” I smiled at him and I’m glad he was delighted with what I have said.

I dashed back to my house and got the keys out of my bag. I was about to open the door when I noticed it was already unlocked. I got nervous that somebody was in there or a robber but I opened it and the lights. Everything seemed clean and nice but no traces of a robber inside. But there was a man sitting on the sofa waiting for me.

This is longer than the previous chapter. I wanted to make this chapter significant in the story so I made it like this. :) Comment please! :)

Love That Comes From A Nightmare © September 2010 by ★OnlyDubuStar ;)

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great fic, thank you!
Chapter 6: yeeyyy
onew is the best
you make this short but i think the ending a little to fast
but it is nice story
good job author^^
Yay! Love it <3<br />
Bad Hongki, bad Hongki.. *shook shook*
gyaaaaaa<br />
this story is really sweetn make me cry :(<br />
will u make the sequel