One Year Station [One Shot]

One Year Station [One Shot]

You were struggling trying to close your suitcase.  To the point where you had to throw yourself on top of it putting weight on it so that it would be easier to close. “Uh!” You groaned trying to pull the zipper to close this one small part. But it wouldn’t budge. “ you!”

You sat on the bed folding your arms, lips pursed just looking at the suitcase trying to do magic and make it close with your eyes.

Hah! Like that was going to work.

You heard the door open and your head shot up. You saw a shadow on the wall, you didn’t know who it was so you covered yourself with pillows making a little room so you could look out.

The shadow turned into a person and you realized who it was.  Once you did you immediately got up and ran towards him. “JI-YONG!!!” You yelled stepping over your suitcase which was on the bed but somehow you tripped over something and where falling fast, before he caught you in his arms.  “You seriously, are going to kill yourself one of these days because of your clumsiness.” He laughed and put you back on the bed.

“I know.” You dropped your head.

He picked it back up. “We greeted each other wrong.” He pulled you close to him and kissed you lightly on the lips. You felt your heart skip tons of beats.  His kisses killed you. They were just…perfect.

Once he was done with the kiss you through yourself back on the bed looking up at the ceiling. “Awww maaan! I don’t wanna leaaaave!” You made your words longer complaining.

He kneeled over you. “I don’t want you to leave either.” He kissed you again but this time it was going into a make out.  Something that you didn’t want to do because knowing him…it would lead into …and your train was leaving in a few hours. He was pushing your shirt up but you pushed his hand away and got out of the kiss. “I have to leave soon.”

“Soon. We still have time.” He said pushing your hand away contuing to push your shirt up eventually taking it off.  Told you once it got past a make out, he wasn’t going to stop.

“Ji.” You rolled him over so that you were on top of him. “I...” You took your shirt from him. “Really have to get going.” You finished saying putting your shirt on.

You got off of the bed and walked away a bit before he pulled you back on it with you lying on top of him facing the ceiling. “Why do you have to leave? And I don’t get why I’m not invited.” He whispered in your ear sending chills throughout your body.

You turned to lay on top of him your face facing his. “I told you already. It’s for family purposes. And…they don’t know I’m dating a pop star. They’d FREAK!” You kissed him lightly as you got back up.

“But for a whole year?” He asked sitting up legs dangling over the end of the bed.

“Yes. I’ve been with you so long that I haven’t seen them in forever, and I feel like I’ve missed A LOT!”

“Buuuuuut!” He pouted.

“No buts. We went over this already.” You went back to your suitcase, your worst enemy. “Now…” You fidgeted with the zipper. “Help…me…close…this!”

“Aish! Woman are so weak.” He pushed you out of the way and closed it like it was a piece of cake. You felt like hitting him but you knew that he would just pin you down on the bed and then…that would lead to something which you wanted to do…but then at the same time… you didn’t.

You looked at your watch and turned your head back to him. “Yah! We gotta go!” You said pulling your suitcase it made a thud to the floor. It was heavier than you thought.

“Aish!” He pushed you away and took it himself. “Women.”

He drove you to the train station.

♥     ♥    ♥     ♥

Once you had arrived at the airport you had gotten your tickets and went to go wait in the room before you boarded your train.  He went to go put your bag on the carrier so that it could go onto the train.

You were standing in front of a window looking at the sunset, it was so beautiful. You felt warmth on your back and then hands come around your waist, you knew who it was. “Do I really have to go?” You said turning around to face him.

He scoffed. “Now you’re the one asking ME that question?!”

You pouted, and he smiled. “Aigoo you’re too cute.”

You went to hug him. “I’m…going to miss you.” You could feel yourself start to cry.

He hugged you back caressing you. “I’m going to miss you too baby.” He pulled you a little bit away from him.

You were crying. “Please don’t cry.” He wiped away your tears, pulling you into a kiss. A passionate one, since this was the last kiss you would get from him for a year.

Now boarding the first train to ______. You heard someone say over the intercom.

“Aww.” You looked at him with sad eyes.

“I’ll be waiting here the day you come back. You can count on that.” He said pulling you into a tight hug.

“I love you.” You said pulling away looking at him.

“I love you more.” This made you just want to jump onto him and hold him forever.

You felt yourself pulling away from him, your hands were getting farther away, only finger tips were touching.  Before you knew it you were not touching him anymore.  You walked to the train.

He watched you walk away before he ran to you and took your arm and pulled you into him forcefully.  Giving you now, one last good kiss. It was like a movie. You felt like you were floating, like you were in heaven.  Is this always how goodbyes were? This…heavenly?

You pulled your self away, touching his face with your hand caressing it.  He put his hand on yours. “I’ll be waiting.”

Again you felt yourself moving farther and farther away until you were on the train looking through the window at this man who you loved oh so much.

The train blew steam out of its smoke stack and you were off, slowly picking up spead. You put your hand on the window, looking at him.

He had waved to you then motioned something. He pointed to his eye, then made a heart with his hands and then pointed to you. 

You felt yourself start to cry. He was so sweet.

You had looked at him until he was out of sight.

♥     ♥    ♥     ♥

One Year Later….

Today was the day! The day where you would be going back, back to Ji-Yong.

You said a finally goodbye to your parents and the rest of your family.   The didn’t want you to leave as much as you didn’t want to leave but you had missed him so much!


You had gotten on a train and were on your way back to his heart. Hours and hours later you had arrived at the train station you quickly got your belongings and came out of the train, practically running.

You were frantically looking around trying to find him.  He was nowhere to be found. Had he forgotten?

No. He couldn’t have because he said he would meet me here- Your thoughts got cut off by something.

You felt your eyes get covered, it was pitch black. You dropped your bag on the ground and felt the hands. You stopped once you realized who’s they were.

You turned around immediately to see him standing in front of you. “JI-YOOOONG!!!!!” You screamed as you jumped onto him wrapping your legs around his hips. He held you up by putting his hands on your .

“____-ah!!” He spun you around a few times before putting your legs on the ground. He cupped your face looking at it closely. “That was the longest year EVER!” He kept looking at you. “Don’t ever leave me like that again!”

“Never ever again.” You said.

He smiled widely and pulled you into a long, passionate kiss.  The one you had been waiting a year for.  This felt like the best kiss you had ever gotten in your whole life, because it was.

It was the best kiss of your life was from the love of your life. 





♥     ♥    ♥     ♥

Hope you enjoyed this. Dedicated to the Kwon leadah. ^^

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ari_exo #1
Chapter 1: so sweet !!!
stelladiep #2
Aw so sweet~
That was really sweet. I loved it.
lovis89 #4
VIPNinja #5
that was so kute ♥♥ Happx BDax Kwon JiYong kekeke~
hano_21 #6
AWWWW that was SO CUTE<br />
ILOVE IT<br />