Where are you?

Yes. I decided to put this. HAHAHAHA this was the orignal story lol 





Waking up from my own world, I hurriedly got dress up and leave the house. Going to someone who could probably answer me and it’s his family. Taking my car, I drive as fast I could to get there. Jinki’s family leaves 2 hours away from our home. Trying hard to control my tears as I drive, a lot of questions bombarded my head.


As I reach their house, my heart suddenly made an abnormal beat. I softly knock on their door and after a few knocks, it was his mom so opened it for me who looks so surprise. Without any second thoughts, she suddenly hugged me and cries suddenly. Same goes for me. She guided me to their living room and made me sit for a while.


“Finally.. You are here..” Her mom said as her tears keeps on rushing down. After a while, his dad came.


“Please tell me where is Jinki.. Please.. Auntie.. Uncle..” I pleaded to them and even kneeled. Yes. I will do everything because I’m desperate this much to see him. I saw Auntie look at Uncle and Uncle nod his head in return.


“Come with me.” Auntie said softly. I got up in my knees and followed her. We went upstairs and stop a door with a statement that hangs on it saying “Please smile before entering!”. Auntie grasps my hand and Uncle place his hand on my shoulder.


Auntie slowly opened the door until it opens widely. There… I saw my love one.. Lying on his bed.. Sleeping peacefully like a child. I was about to smile until I notice something.. There are a lot of machines connected to him. My feet walk alone towards him. I sat at the empty space beside him. My hands couldn’t hold back anymore. I caress his face lovingly.


“Jinki.. What happened?” My tears started to come out again. I felt a hand on my shoulders. It was Auntie’s. I look at her and waiting for an answer.


“Jinki was diagnosed with a cancer… on the brain.. We just knew this when he is already in stage 2. We were even surprise because he doesn’t look sick. When Jinki said he’ll go for work and go home late, the truth is, he’ll come here and we will go to different hospitals to ask if there’s a cure but most of them said, he’ll undergo chemotherapy but it won’t give him an assurance that he will live longer.”


“He was advised to drink some medicines and he did but unfortunately, the cancer spread so fast and before we knew it, he is already in stage 4. We won’t know this not until we received a call from his doctor.”  Auntie explained to me. All this while, I thought he was normal and fine but behind his sweet smiles is this? How I didn’t notice this? I’m such a bad wife for him.


“How long he’s been like this?” I manage to ask. Still holding Jinki’s hand on mine. It’s so cold. Not the usual when I held his hand, I feel warmth. The warmth of his love. “5 months…” More tears came out. I can’t handle this. “Jinki please wake up. I’m here now. I will take care of you. If you want, we will stay here. Just please… Wake up sweety.” I kissed his cold hands. Auntie walked towards his husband who was standing just near me.


“Say it now darling.” I heard Uncle told something about Auntie. I looked at them and they were like bickering each other whether to tell it or not. “Tell me what?” I looked at them so confused. “I.. I can’t..” Auntie turn around and covered to refrain her hard sobs. Uncle went closer to me. As he steps closer, my heart beats faster. He went at my back and held my shoulder.


“I don’t want you to see my face so it’s better this way.” He chuckled a bit but I can hear him sniffing. I looked at Jinki. I silently cried more. “Before that happens to him.. He has one last wish..” Uncle controlling to cry out loud. I became more nervous. Way more..



After hearing what Uncle said. I was stunned. “No. Is he stupid? I won’t remove it. I know there’s a miracle!” I laughed bitterly. “He still knows how to be corny.” I tried to smile while wiping my tears away. “The machines only makes him alive.. his life support..” His dad explained more. “NO!” I sternly said and ran away crying..



I don’t know what to feel anymore.. I just want to leave this life. I only have Jinki.. Why did they took him away from me? I don’t know to live anymore.. It’s been hours. I’m sitting right now at their garden. I don’t know what will I say. I don’t want to but.. only machines makes him alive… It keeps on echoing on my mind… I covered my ears. If someone can see me right now.. They could say I’m madwoman.


“His last wish was… he wants you to feel your presence even though he knows he can’t.. he wants you to do the honors… to remove his life support.. it means your letting him go.. He wants to you to continue your life..”




I give up. I’m going to be with Jinki. Even in other life. I will.






if you were her~ what will ya do? ohgosh

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vionalm #1
Chapter 2: Crying so hard ;---;