Hit Me ♥.

♡; Yuu's One-shot Request Shop. [OPEN]

Username: FanFicWriter20
Character:  Kim Daeun
Partner: Kim Kibum (Key)
Genre: Angst/Drama
*Based off of Bang Yongguk's “I Remember”;  

Daeun's eyes abruptly opened to be greeted by the bright sun light illuminating the bedroom. She groaned and pulled the comforter over her eyes. *That damn boy. Always leaving the curtains open* She irritably thought. A few more minutes passed before her alarm clock started ringing like mad. She groaned and stomped her feet on the bed before laying up to shut the alarm off. After stretching, she looked around the room and a small smile lit up her face. Her boyfriend was the perfectionist and a bit demanding, but she could always count on him to make things go smoothly.

She went to the bathroom and carefully washed her face. The cold water coming in contact with her skin irritated her a bit, but what could she do? She tied her hair up into a messy ponytail and walked out of the bathroom, into their apartment kitchen to be greeted by the smell of pancakes and syrup. Key looked at her and rolled his eyes. "Good Morning." He forced out. Daeun didn't respond, but instead went into the living room to watch the television. Key turned the stove off and walked over to the couch.

"Daeun." He said, standing by the arm of the couch. Daeun continued to absent-mindedly watch the TV despite her lack of interest in what it was showing. She would rather stare at a blank piece of paper, than give her more than rude boyfriend the time of day. Key let out a heavy sigh before smacking her head with a rolled up fashion magazine, that didn't even belong to her.

"Daeun." He said more sternly, continuing to hit her head. Daeun got up and shoved him, making him stumble back. "Quit. It." She said between her teeth. Key rolled his eyes. "Or what? You'll hit me? It's not my fault you always wanna be such a in the morning." Daeun's eyes widened. "Excuse me? What the hell is your problem. Oh, that's right. My sweet, darling boyfriend. Your PMSing, right?" She said with a smirk. He huffed, and strode up to her, slapping her on the face. 

Daeun barely touched her cheek, as it stung like lemon on an open wound. Daeun kept her ground, despite wanting to tear up and break down, like she's always wanted. She hated her life. It wasn't her fault she wasn't a 'happy go-lucky' person like everyone else wanted. She didn't have friends, except one she could always depend on. Guys cringed at her personality and wouldn't even give her the time of day if it killed them. She was lonely during her high school days, and only had one thing to look forward too: the Club.

She didn't know why, but she was always ier and fiesty when night came. Call her a seductress, but that was how she met Key. They instantly fell for each other, it was like love at first sight. Like. Daeun wasn't even sure if Key loved her, like she loved him. He controlled her as if she was a doll. She lost her small group of friends because he told her to stop hanging out with them. She can barely make any money because he forbids her to have a job. She doesn't have anywhere to go because he doesn't want her in college. He wants her home, with him. While he can go out and do whatever he wants.

When Daeun felt the tears threatning to spill, she stormed into their room and slammed the door shut, ignoring his harsh yells directed towards her. No matter how many times he hit her, the last thing she wanted to show him was that she was weak. It hurt her to know she contributed to brusing him, but she never did anything wrong. He controls her and doesn't even show her an ounce or even a pinch, that he feels the same way about her. After a few hours, Daeun noticed the sun starting to set. Key didn't even check up on her, once. She shut her eyes and sighed, but they opened as soon as her phone started ringing, signaling she had a call. 

She walked over to her cellphone and opened it without glancing at the caller id. She didn't have to look. Thanks to her abusive, controlling boyfriend, she only had two contacts. Key, and her best friend. Her friend that never left her, despite the threats that spewed from Key's mouth. She was with Daeun from thick and thin. Despite meeting at the club, she was more than trustworthy. She wasn't fake and she wasn't a . Daeun could spill everything to her without worrying about being discriminated. She could be her usual, irritated, fiesty self around her and she wouldn't even be fazed.

"Yeobeosaeyo?" Daeun warrily said through the phone reciever.

"What's up. Ready to go?" the female voice said through the other side.

"Yeah. Let me get ready and come by the apartment at 9." Daeun replied.

"Okay. You alright? You sound tired."

"What do you think." It was quiet for a few seconds before she spoke up.

"Look, we'll talk on our way to the club. I have a few things for you." Daeun sighed and nodded, as if her friend could see her.

"Alright. I'll see you later."

"Okay. Make sure Key doesn't see you leave. You know he'll bust a cap." Daeun let out a slight chuckle. Her friend knew her all too well.

"I know. I won't. Bye."



"What is it?" Irritation clearly evident in her friends voice.

"..thank you, Chaerin."

"Aye. No problem. What are friends for? And I told you. Stop calling me that."

"Well, I'm not gonna call you CL. That may be your club name but it doesn't fly with me." Chaerin chuckled upon the sincerity of her friend.

"Bye Daeun~" She said, and hung up. Daeun closed her phone upon hearing the dial tone, signaling it was time for her daily night routine; Go to the club, drink for a few, flirt with a few guys, then go home. An hour passed and it was 8:50. Chaerin would be at the apartment in 10 minutes. Daeun fixed her lipgloss and smoothed her dress out in the mirror, satisfied by her appearance, she slipped her black velvet stiletto's on and left the bedroom door. She did this every night despite Key's demands for her not too, she hated sneaking out, but she needed to be free, even if he would beat her when she came home. 

She slowly took careful steps into the living room, it was dark meaning Key must have left for the night. She let out a sigh of relief but she quickly held it in when she heard his voice. "Where are you going?" He angrily said. The light flicked on, and to her dismay, there he stood, glaring at her. Daeun gulped and didn't answer, but walked to the door. He stepped infront of her. "I said, where the are you going?" He asked, this time a bit more aggresive. "That's my business." Daeun said, acting as if she was unafraid of him.

"What? Going to the club again to yourself out?" Daeun's face turned red with anger, as she brought her arm up to hit punch him. "Shut the hell up." She said. "I'm going and I don't care what you say. Chaerin's gonna be here soon." Key touched his nose and clenched his jaw. Angrily walking past her, he grabbed her by her upper arms and threw her onto the floor. Daeun's eyes widened. "What the-" SMACK. Key didn't take any hesitation as he continued to punch her like she was a bag of flour. Daeun brought her arms up only to have them pried off by him. Grabbing her by her hair, Key brought her face up to his, as blood ran down her face. "I told you to stay away from that . Not listening, huh?" He spat. Daeun couldn't take it anymore.

Her eyes started to water as tears spilled down her cheeks, mixing in with the blood. Key immediately let go of her hair and stared at her. Within the 3 years they dated, not once has Daeun cried or at least shown him that she cried despite the abuse she got. She covered her face with her hands and sobbed. Key quietly kneeled down and put a hand on her back. "D-Daeun-" She pulled back and glared at him, but her vision was blurry.

"Don't touch me." She hicupped."I can't live like this. We need to break up." She said, as she buried herself in her arms and continued to cry. Key's eyes widened. "D-Daeun-" 

"I didn't know you hated me so much. I'm sorry I love you."

Key turned angry and grabbed her arms harshly, making her look up. "Say that again." He said, with anger. Daeun only cried harder. "Or what? You'll hit me? You always do. You treat me like trash. You make my life miserable. We need to seperate." Key felt tears forming in his own eyes as he pulled her into his chest. "Don't say that." He said, his voice cracking. Daeun looked up. "Why are you crying?" She sniffled. Key brought their faces to perfect level. "I love you." He said. He looked around and squeezed her arms, as tears spilled down his cheeks. "I loved you then. I love you now. I don't want you to show anyone what you show me. I need you, Daeun. I woudn't...no I can't live with out you." He said, as he continued to silently sob.

Daeun felt her ice-like heart slowly melt as she stared at him. "Then why would you treat me like nothing?" She said. "Because I want you for myself." He said. "I love you so much that I want to be the only person you see." He said, burying his face in the crook of her neck, his tears falling onto her chest. Daeun sat there, in shock.

"Key. You don't think I love you?! If I wanted to leave you and go with another man, I would've done that years ago!" She exclaimed, causing his head to raise up. He cupped the back of her head and Daeun gently placed her hands on his forearms. "I'm sorry." She whispered.

"You don't need to apologize. I do." He said, before pecking her. Daeun looked back at him with teary eyes and leaned in. The soft, warm contact of their lips made fireworks explode. They passionately kissed, mending themselves, slowly but worthfully.


Chaerin took her ear from the door and affectionately smiled. "I guess I came at a wrong time." She whispered as she walked back to the elevator with a warm heart.


Hope you liked your oneshot! Yes. I made 2NE1's CL the epic bff since CL is way epic. >u< I felt kind of emotional when I wrote this, LOL. I hope this is okay. I just typed whatever came to my mind. Please shop again~ <333 Can't wait to read your feedback! T^T

-- Yuu.

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akihiko #1
I've sent my application.
Wow.... can see so many couples cameo in my oneshot!<br />
Thank you so much for making such a fluffy oneshot for me~<br />
Hehe, all of them are related and have a great experience during their school years. lol~<br />
Thank you again and hope you have fun writing the next oneshot! :)
Artiste #3
I loved it! I loved loved loved it! I will most definitely request again! Thank you so much! :D
That was the best I've read, ever. You have major talent for writing. Omg. Daeun <333 and Keyyyyy! <3 So much emotions. D: This was amazing.
annyeong im applied<br />
Hi I applied^^
Artiste #7
Yaaayyyy! Mine is in progress! Can't wait! :D
I've sent my application in.<br />
<br />
Thank you~
Artiste #9
I just sent in my application! :D