Seunghyun had been sitting in the ing white wavy ergonomic rocking chair for what felt like hours. It could have been a matter of days or minutes, but Seunghyun wouldn’t know that – not when he was currently trapped in this room without any indicators of time, save from the blinding light pouring through the window.   


The thing was essentially a prison cell. A designer one at that, but nevertheless, still a prison cell. Seunghyun had woken up in the room he assumed almost a day ago. The room was sparse; holding nothing but a wall of expansive windows, a locked door with a single window of frosted glass with words written in English all over it blurring the other side, the white chair, a white statue next to the white chair, and a white toilet cubicle in one corner of the room. Everything else was all expensive dark wood panelling and paved stone tiles. It was an odd contrast, but Seunghyun hadn’t really spent too much time pondering the interior design of his cell when he had other, pressing matters on his mind.


Like, say, the white camera hanging down from the ceiling, its red light pinning Seunghyun with a gaze even more piercing than his own.


“What the is this?!” Seunghyun finally found himself blurting out, no longer able to withstand it. He’d maintained radio silence and a stony pokerface for what felt like at least a day. He’d go crazy if he didn’t at least vent his confusion and frustration in some shape or form.


A speaker crackled to life as a digitally distorted voice filled the room, accompanied by punctuated giggles of amusement. “Wow, took you a while, didn’t it? You finally found your voice! Or, it’s more like…you finally lost your ! Hahaha! Amazing! You’re not so strong after all!”


Seunghyun barely managed to keep the savage snarl of provoked fury lodged within his throat. However, what he couldn’t possibly restrain was the wrath of insanity at being trapped in a room without knowing why, who did it and for how much longer. This was just too weird and pointless and had gone on far too long for it to be some kind of practical joke. It was because of this that words of helpless and despairing rage flew out of his mouth at the speed of light.


“WHAT THE IS THIS BULL?! WHAT’S GOING ON?! JUST WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?! QUIT LAUGHING AND LET ME THE OUT OF HERE! WHAT THE ?! WHY IS THIS HAPPENING?!” Seunghyun screamed furiously, picking up the statue and hurling it at the camera. Just as the flying carcass of marble seemed inches away from smashing into the surveillance device, the camera swerved to the left, and the statue exploded into smithereens of sparkling, worthless chips against the wall and onto the floor.


“Now, now,” The voice tutted. The camera rotated so it was fully focused on Seunghyun’s fierce face once more. “Calm down. Don’t get yourself so worked up, or you might have a hernia. Bet that would look damn good on your pretty little pokerface, would it not? If you could preserve that blank face for another whole seventeen hours, of course. Well, I suppose if solely your pride is on the line, I guess you could do it again. Heh.”


Seunghyun felt his hackles rise. Whoever the was doing this, for whatever reason, was somebody who knew him well enough to be familiarised with the fact that Seunghyun rarely cracked a facial expression unless especially provoked to do so. But who? Who the hell did he know who would do something bat insane like this?


“Wait,” Seunghyun froze, realisation striking him over the head like a baseball bat. “You’re…You’re not a stalker, a-are you?” He stuttered without meaning to, but fear hindered his speech. If he’d been captured by one of those wacko, completely ed up stalker girls who followed those famous pop stars like they had de Clerambault’s syndrome, well, . He was a goner. God knows what they’d do to him next. He’d probably be forced into demeaning, belittling involving blood tattoos and activities not dissimilar to , with his entrails ending up splattered all over his doorstep within the next fortnight.


“Ew.” The voice seemed genuinely disgusted and insulted. “As if. No, don’t be sick. Gross.”


Seunghyun couldn’t help but let out an angry bark of laughter. “Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.”




There was a hissing sound, moments before thick, dark smoke began to quickly flood the room. Even before the foggy substance had risen, Seunghyun found himself spluttering and desperately gasping for purified air.


“Holy-Holy ing shi-!” Seunghyun coughed, his eyes tearing mercilessly as he felt his lungs closing up in on themselves. He frantically grasped the windows in hope of finding some sort of handle to open the window, but his efforts were fruitless as there appeared to be none in sight. Seeing no other choice, he knew he would have to smash the glass with his bare fists. However, no sooner than he had drawn his arm back to pummel the window, steel blockades immediately fell from outside the building and swamped ever last inch of the mirrors to the outside world, consequently stealing all the light in the room.


“Come, now,” The voice cooed as Seunghyun fell to the floor, at loss without his sight. However, his coughing subsided as the smoke seemingly cleared. “I’ve been fairly nice to you this entire time. Don’t make me tighten my purse strings any further, hm?”


Seunghyun coughed one last time, and swallowed. “The do you want with me?”


“To stay here, within this room, for the rest of your life.” The voice replied straight off the bat.


“You sure you’re not a stalker?”


Without any warning whatsoever, the temperature suddenly dropped by twenty degrees. Seunghyun gasped as though he had been doused in ice water. He involuntarily shivered, clutching his arms to his chest in an attempt to retain some body heat, even as the temperature continued to creep lower and lower. Had Seunghyun been able to see, he was pretty sure he’d be seeing his breath puff out in little frozen gasps.  


“It was a joke, !!” Seunghyun panted, almost choking on his own saliva.


“You want to hear a good joke?” The voice calmly asked as the temperature slowly returned to non-arctic temperatures.


Seunghyun blew on his hands, frenziedly rubbing them together. “What?”


“Daesung being trapped here too.”


A slightly fuzzy image of CCTV suddenly appeared in a flash on the wall, projected from the camera. Daesung was sat in a room not dissimilar to the one Seunghyun was currently in. In fact, Seunghyun managed to notice, along with the shadow cast over Daesung’s face, there was a very familiar looking door on the mirrored side of the wall.


“What the hell?!” Seunghyun scrambled to his feet, barely managing to keep himself from charging at the wall and the image of Daesung, sat all alone, staring down at his hands with his face frozen in a heavy, blank gaze. “What the ?! DAESUNG?! Why is Daesung here too?! What the have you done to him?! Don’t you dare touch him! I’ll-I-You can do whatever the you want to me, but let him go!! LET HIM GO!!!”


The voice sighed deeply. “You’re quite the demanding little primadonna, aren’t you? Really…you do realise he’s in the room next door, yes?”


Seunghyun stood, rooted to the spot and motionless for a split-second, until all hell broke loose. Illuminated by the projection, he rushed to the door and viciously yanked on the handle, but to no avail. Again, he drew back his arm and prepared to punch through the window. However, steel barriers did not attempt to prevent his actions. This time, it was merely a thoroughly entertained snicker.


“Don’t bother, seriously. You’ll only wear yourself out. It’s not glass, you utter imbecile. You’ll break your fist sooner than you’ll break a wall of pure diamonds, moron.”


Seunghyun immediately halted in his tracks. “What the fu-“


“It’s soundproof, too. Cost quite the pretty penny. But worth it, hm?”


Seunghyun slumped. On his knees, all the way to the floor. He sighed heavily, defeated. “What do you want?” He asked wearily. “You clearly want something, so just tell me what it is and I’ll do it. Then just let us go. Daesung and I both.”


“What do I want you to do?” The voice wondered aloud. “All I want you to do is sit back, relax and enjoy the show. You’re merely passive bait; nothing more. Daesung’s the real star of the show here.”


Before Seunghyun could even question would that meant, the CCTV showed a fairly hefty stranger entering Daesung’s room. Seunghyun immediately stiffened, his eyes narrowing at the thought of a threat, not dissimilar to that of a guard dog. However, the brawny figure merely handed Daesung a briefcase, but only after the latter had slipped on a pair of black leather gloves.  


“Wh-What’s happening?” Seunghyun’s eyes never left Daesung, as he stared in confusion and worry. “What are you doing to him?”


“What am I doing to Daesung?” The voice repeated, almost mockingly. “Nothing. But what he’s doing…or will be doing to your friends Jiyong and Youngbae, well…”


. Of course. If Daesung had somehow been roped into this, of course the rest of the group were somehow involved. Just what the was this nutcase doing?! Seunghyun shook his head violently from side to side. He couldn’t lose his cool again. Nothing good would come of it-


“WHAT THE IS GOING ON?! WHY THE HELL ARE YOU GETTING JIYONG AND YOUNGBAE INTO THIS?! WHY ARE DAESUNG AND I EVEN HERE?! THIS IS SUCH BULL! YOU’RE ING SICK! JUST LET US OUT OF HERE! WHAT THE IS WRONG WITH YOU?!” Seunghyun screamed. Seeing Daesung on the screen, when he was possibly no less than a matter or metres away from him was literally driving Seunghyun insane, and there was no way in hell he was going to hold it in, even if it was giving the sicko controlling the camera major satisfaction. Maybe there was even a chance Daesung would hear him. Realising this, Seunghyun opened his mouth again to howl the angel’s name, but found himself shortly cut off by the voice once again.


“TOP-hyung, if you don’t calm down, I may just have to do worse to your lover here.”


There were only three other people in the world who knew about Seunghyun’s relationship with Daesung, and the other two had already been supposedly crossed off the list. It was this clue, along with the odd phrasing of Seunghyun’s underground rapper stage name, which immediately tipped off the identity of the perpetrator.


“S…Seungri?!” Seunghyun whispered, his voice hoarse from a sickening mixture of horror and fear.


“Yes? What is it?”



That's it for tonight. Goodnight.

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Chapter 2: Wait... Evil Seungri? Yes, I lovee it. This is really interesting. Please update soon.
Loljkjk #2
Chapter 2: I knew it was Seungri! Maknaes these days. Wtf does he want?!
Chapter 2: OmG!! fangirling!!!! update soon please!!!
tarepandasan #4
Chapter 2: I knew it!!! Lol