
Little Puppy

It was another boring Sunday in the afternoon, and Taehyung was wandering around the city. The members were all taking advantage of the weekend and empty schedule, and sleeping in. So Taehyung decided to take a walk & enjoy some time alone.


As he was walking, he passed by a pet shop. He heard a squeak and stopped. He looked down and saw a little furry puppy tied to the door of the shop. It looked at Taehyung with its cute big watery eyes, & he couldn't control himself and picked it up immediately. 


"What's wrong, buddy?" Taehyung cooed the little puppy while patting its head. 

"Sir? Is that your dog?" One of the shop's staff asked Taehyung as he came out.

"Uhh.. No, actually, I just found him here." Taehyung answered while rubbing his neck & smiling awkwardly.

"Ahh.. I guess someone left him here then. It's been here for almost an hour."

"Oh! Really? So it's not for sale or anything, right?" Taehyung asked excitedly. 

"Yeah. It's not ours. You can have it if you want." 



Taehyung looked at the puppy, and the puppy gave him that ridiculously unbearable cute look that would let anyone give in. He thought about what the other members would think, and how his manager would get angry at him, and how they might not be able to take care of him properly. But taking one glance at this little adorable creature, Taehyung gave in & decided to take the puppy back to the dorm. 




Taehyung got back to the dorm and tried his best to walk as slow and as quiet as he can, not to wake the others up, & sat in the living room.


"Hmm.. So, you're a girl, huh?" Taehyung smiled as he whispered to the little puppy on his lap. "What should I call you?" He tapped his chin while he was thinking. "Oh! Maryam! That'd be a perfect name!" He raised his voiced excited. 


"Taehyung? What is that?" Taehyung raised his head & saw Jin in front of him, rubbing his eyes.

"Oh.. Hyung.. Uhh.. Well.. I couldn't help it.." Taehyung kept on stuttering. 

"Is that a puppy?" Junggook ran from behind Jin, towards Taehyung. "You got a puppy? I've always wanted one!" He picked her up and patted her happily.

"What's going on?" The other members all gathered in the living room looking at the puppy. 


"Well.. I passed by a pet shop, and saw her tied to the door. Apparently someone left her there. So, I decided to take her."

"The manager is gonna get pretty angry about this.." Rap monster said while taking her from Junggook's arms. 

"I'll talk to him, it's okay."


The puppy was being moved from arm to arm, member to member, slowly getting annoyed by the constant, uncomfortable hold of the boys. It finally growled lowly in Suga's arms, and he instantly gave her to Taehyung, afraid that it might bite him. 


"Heyy little Maryam.. What's wrong? You're tired?" Taehyung asked her cutely. 

"Damn I thought it's gonna cut my finger off." Suga chuckled. 

"Yeah it looks like it's going to kill someone." J-hope said. 

"You called her Maryam?" Jimin asked.

"Yeah. I thought it really fits her well." Taehyung smiled. "I should probably give her something to eat." He while walking to the kitchen. "What do you want to eat, Maryam?"

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