Ice Queen

I was almost 7 months pregnant and I decided to return to Korea, I was tired of not being with Jaejoong, and I knew it was difficult for him also, I hated leaving my job and my house, but right now there are other things to think about, I was at the airport waiting for Jaejoong, he was late and I needed to go to the bathroom, where is he? 10 minutes later I saw him running to where I was, his face was so funny.

- I’m so, so, so, so sorry jagiya, please forgive me!!!

- yeah whatever, wait here with my things, I need to pee- I almost ran to the toilet, it felt so good, some minutes later I went to where Jaejoong was, now that I could breathe I kissed him- I’ve missed you- I told him with a smile.

- I missed you too, both of you…the baby’s room is almost ready

- Really! I can’t wait to see it.

- How was the flight?

- It was ok…a little uncomfortable…but ok…so long…I’m hungry. Can we go and eat on the way home?

- Sure, what do you want to eat?

- Uhmmm…I don’t know, anything-  he looked at me and raised his eyebrow

- What?- he smiled and returned his view to the road.

- the last time you told me that we ended up fighting because you didn’t like the food of the place I took you.

- I didn’t feel like eating Chinese

- And what you don’t feel like eating now?

- Lets go to McDonalds!

- What! Are you crazy?! You’re supposed to eat healthy food.

- oh don’t be so exaggerated, is just once…I haven’t eaten there since so long, please, please, please!!!

- Fine, but no more.

When we finally found a McDonalds he got out of the car and went to open my door and helped me to get off the car, we ate and talked about many things, I ate too much and I was feeling sleepy, so we decided to go home, Jaejoong took the bags, I brought so many things, and there are a lot more in the U.S that Kristen will send me.

Once inside our house I went straight to bed and started to play with Jiji, such a cute cat, Jaejoong came inside with tea, he put it on the side table and laid next to me, he tried to play with Jiji, but he just ignored him.

- every time you are here he doesn’t pay attention to me.

- Don’t worry, I pay attention to you- I told him kissing him- I need a shower- I was going to get up when Jaejoong stopped me.

- Wait here, I’ll prepare the bath for you.

- ok…

20 minutes later he called me, the bath was full of water and bubbles, he helped me with my clothes and to get in the bath, I told him to join me and he did it, he helped me washing my back and hair…it feels so nice…almost an hour later we decided to finish the bath and go to bed, it was late, and we both were tired.

--         --         --         --         --         --         --         --         --         --         --         --         --

- WHAT! What do you mean with next week? Why would you do that to me Hanna?! Why are you in such a hurry…are you pregnant…oh my god you are!!!

- No, I’m not…we had the date set since a long time _____, and we never change it, is not our fault you got pregnant.

- such a sh*ty friend you are…you know it would be horrible for me…I can’t drink, I can’t dance, I have to take care with what I eat and I’ll spend half of the time in the bathroom.

- Stop complaining and just be happy for me…- she said standing from my bed and walking to the bathroom.

- I am happy for you, but…I wanted to enjoy your wedding, and with this I won’t be able to do it- I was folding some baby clothes, I think I bought too many things, Hanna was helping me to finish the baby’s room, Jaejoong has been full of work and also has been helping Junsu with the wedding things. Hanna came back from the bathroom.

- I know, but I’m sure you’ll have a good time, right?- she looked a little sad.

- Of course, don’t pay attention to my complains, is the pregnancy, it will be the best night ever.

The week went by so fast and today was Hanna and Junsu’s wedding, I can’t believe my best friend is getting married, she was just like me, enjoying life, but never thinking about having a husband, that was never a topic of conversation for us, I never thought our lives would change so much, me friend is getting married today and I’ll become a mother in a couple of months…but I think both of us are happy…and that’s the only thing that matter.

- Are you ready?- Jae asked me- I think we are late.

- I’m almost ready…I need your help with my shoes- he came inside and helped me to put on my shoes and zip my dress- thank you.

- You are welcome, now come on, we ARE late!

- God, you are such a freak when we are supposed to be somewhere at a certain time, we’ve got like 40 minutes left…and I can’t run Jaejoong!! Stop dragging me!

- Fine, sorry, but hurry…- he said from the door.

- I’m carrying a baby here in case you didn’t notice it…I CAN’T walk faster! You can be so stupid sometime- I said walking past him to the elevator.

- wait!!- he hugged from behind, right now what the only way he could hug me- sorry, come- he took my hand and we walked at a normal pace.

The ceremony was so beautiful, Hanna looked like a princess and Junsu was her prince, I was about to cry the whole ceremony, Jaejoong and Yoochun laughing at me, they never thought I could be such a crybaby, and specially with weddings…but this one was special, it was my best friend’s wedding.

The party was also really nice, the food was great, all the people was having a great time, Yoochun was still dating EunMi, I love how they look together, such a nice couple, she is so sweet and relaxed, they spent almost all the time dancing, something I couldn’t do, so with Jaejoong decided to call it a night very early, I was tired, they guys understood and I promised them that after the baby was born we would have a huge party to celebrate their marriage.

The drive home was quiet, I was falling asleep, when we got home I could barely walk, my feet were killing me, so Jae helped me to take my shoes off, so I could walk better, once inside the house I changed into my pajama, washed my face and teeth and went to bed, I turn on the TV and some minutes layer Jaejoong came with some tea for me again, it was like our little ritual before sleeping, jasmine tea always helped me relax before sleeping, that’s  why he always prepared some for me.

I was sleeping when I woke up with a strong pain and I felt my sheet wet…


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miakay #1
Chapter 44: Oh gosh! This is soooo sweet!! Jae is very understanding..One jae for me pleaseeee!! kekeke
hmm...for me, I don't think a sequel is needed. This story is nicely wrap up..well, that's just what I think ^^
Chapter 46: This is an awesome story along with your other ones.I don't think a sequel is needed.It's perfect like this.Plus it would be to hard to think what would it be about.
stay awesome and I hope you write more and finish other stories(which I love and subscribed to)
Angelz0715 #3
Chapter 46: Wow!!! This story is Daebak and I really enjoy reading it :)
haftiani #4
Hi !! I just found this story, n i just will start to read this ^^
growingdaisy #6
Yes a sequel!!! I finished this fic in a day!!! Nice~~
shinsookyo #7
<3 <3 <3
just keep writing another jae fic.
love it so much <3
14 streak #8
wwaaahhh!!!! that was an awesome story!!!!!! lol you should make a sequel for this story but first you should finish fallen leaves.....
i love the fact that jaejoong and _____ have a daughter X] im so happy for them........
i like how jaejoong's parents didn't force jaejoong into an arrange marriage cause that would big time....... i also like how tiffany didn't bother them anymore when she heard about ____ pregnant and they're getting married. i thought she would think of some plan and separate them even though _____'s pregnant like the other story from other writers but i am so glad and relief!!!! >.<
Just finish fallen leaves first lol
Aneziente #10
Thanks for your story, it was a nice story and interesting!!! ;)