Façade chapter 2


Façade chapter 2-

Sungmin stared straight into Kyuhyun's eyes, his eyes hard and cold. He searched deep in Kyuhyun's soul, searching for an answer. An answer as to why he was helping him.

Sungmin was just another homeless, helpless man. What made him so special, so much so that Kyuhyun wanted to extend help to him?

Kyuhyun stared right back, his eyes formed into crescents as he meekly grinned. Sungmin tightened his hold on Laugren as if Kyuhyun was a e serial killer, and started contemplating. It’s actually a pretty good deal, just by cleaning and helping around the café, he would be provided with food and shelter. Besides, he was desperate. Resources were running low, he couldn’t afford to raise Lauren without this man’s help.

But the problem lies with the toddler. She was just a young seedling of life, a vulnerable, frightened being. Sungmin wasn’t sure if he had the capability of protecting her if that man ever does anything to threat both their lives.

“It’ll be a lot more dangerous if you continue to stay homeless.”

Sungmin hummed to himself. That man’s voice was smooth, he noted.

As much as he would like to deny that man’s help, it was actually very true. He couldn’t bear to let Lauren out in the cold again.

“fine.” He whispered and struggled a little with both his backpack and the weight of the sleeping toddler.

Kyuhyun smiled slightly when he realized that was the very first time he heard Sungmin’s voice.

“I’m Cho Kyuhyun.” He chirped as he hopped to the front door, beckoning for Sungmin to enter. “What’s yours?” Sungmin shrugged and ignored Kyuhyun.

The smile never faded from Kyuhyun’s face, at least Sungmin was responding physically now.


It didn’t take Sungmin long to settle in, he merely dropped his bag on the floor and plopped on the bed Kyuhyun asked him to lay Lauren on. That was when Kyuhyun realized that Sungmin was far too protective of his sister. Something horrible must have happened to him to make him so protective and…distant. Kyuhyun could still see a tiny spark of childishness in Sungmin’s brown orbs, and it made his tummy flutter in unknown happiness.

Sungmin refused to move away from a 3 meter radius from the bed Lauren was sleeping on, and it totally demolished the chances of Kyuhyun getting alone time to know him further. The raven was really interesting to Kyuhyun ; he looked tough, vulnerable, scared, cold, innocent and really cute at the same time. The actual reason for his kind act was so that he could know him better, and that he was sick of living alone, and he needed help in the café. And that he unconsciously wanted to let Sungmin know the real meaning of ‘home’ that he looked like he missed out on.


Kyuhyun cocked his eyebrow in confusion.

“My name is Sungmin.”




Sungmin absolutely refused to move and Kyuhyun huffed at his stubbornness. Of course Kyuhyun knew what Sungmin wanted, but he didn’t want to give in, not this time. He didn’t want Lauren to destroy his moments with Sungmin again.

“She’s more than safe with Kibum around.”

Sungmin ignored Kyuhyun again and leaned on the wall, arms folded, not bulging from his hold on Laren till Kyuhyun gives in.

Kyuhyun glared. Sungmin glared too. Lauren didn’t know what was happening so she started to glare at Kyuhyun too. Kibum just sat there chewing his lips nervously, sensing the impending doom.


a/n: a short one sorry! Will update soon! 

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ExoMsKungfuPandaTao #1
Chapter 2: SUPRISE MUTHA A! SUPPLIES MUTHA A SOME FRIES MUTHA A DISGUISE MUTHA A! Lol /dies/ good chapter! Lol Lauren sounds so cute!! <3
PeekyDoll #2
Chapter 2: Kyuhyun seems kind... I hope Sungmin will feel better, and that he won't need to worry so much about his sister...
kelly_kyu #3
Chapter 2: How nice to have a brother like Sungmin :x Kyuhyun seems to be genuinely kind here :) thank you for the update!!!!!!!!
ExoMsKungfuPandaTao #4
Chapter 1: UPDATE SOON!
elf88 #5
Chapter 1: This seems nice !
Chapter 1: I want a brother like Sungmin really...
I hope Kyuhyun don't kick min and his sister out ..
PeekyDoll #7
Chapter 1: Oh, I'm so curious right now! ^^
Min is just a sweetie, like always...
I'm still trying to understand kyu's character, though, but he seems nice (don't make him kick Minnie and his little sister out...)
Waiting for your update.. *-*
PeekyDoll #9
This seems interesting... :3