Is that a cat in your backpack or are you just happy to see me?


Title: Is that a cat in your backpack or are you just happy to see me?

Pairings: Xiulay ft. Chen (of sorts)

Rating: PG-13

Genre: I'm sorry!

Length: One-shot

“Pssst hey kid” Lay heard from the bushes. “Yea kid i’m talking to you, come over here” He followed the voice into the bushes expecting to find some dodgy drug dealer or petty criminal when all he found was a chubby little ginger cat. “Huh that’s strange” he said out loud to himself, “I’m sure someone just spoke to me”

This is for my lovely friends Lay fic giveaway which you should all enter!

(wtf is this? who knows)


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Chapter 1: Kyaa!!sequel please..
Chibi_ #2
Chapter 1: omg this was so cute and good
pleaseeeee make a sequel
u cant stop here QAQ