Sulli is such a Bother -.-

Finding Mr. Right FOR HER

Morning came.... Sulli's house 6:45am

Sulli POV

Omygosh! Minho is going to be my matchmaker! Ahihihi! This would be great! i wish he would find mr. right soon! Well, it's time to start a new day...

End of POV

Sulli made her bed, turned off the air conditioner and

Sulli picked her clothes placed them in the bed, then she grabbed her towel and went to the bathroom.

Minho's rented house

He opened his eyes and he saw the rays of the sun... he stood up and stretched his arms and legs..

that's when he remembered his deal with Sulli...

-Flashback... at the bar-


Sulli: I am serious, Minho!

Minho: Hey watch it! I have money to pay you, you know.... I am completely capable of renting that house, might as well buy it... You don't have to make it free... im telling you..

Sulli: Hey! this is not for your sake! it for me! Please?? pretty please? im sorry if i was mean to you.. but please!

Sulli even put her hands together and made puppy eyes that Minho found cute....(he doesn't like her yet, though)

Minho: Okay, fine...

Sulli: YES!!!!! I LOVE YOU!

She stood up and formed her hands into fists and waved them in the air.... people started notcing her...

but after she realized what she just said, she put down her hands slowly and..

Sulli: I.. I am sorry...

Minho: It's okay... 

Sulli: Maybe we should go now.. its already late...

Minho: yeah, true...

Sulli: waiter? Bill please...

End of flashback

Minho POV

Ohboy! Sulli is such a bother! she knows im a doctor! im always busy! then she"ll going to make me find her "partner?!" uhhh!! Sulli! but, fortunately i already have a guy in my mind who is fit for Sulli. Wait, i think it's time to dress... my first clinic starts at 7:30 am...

End of POV

After they dressed, they went outside and saw each other...

they greeted the other and proceeded to their cars..

Minho drove his car and Sulli started the engine...




Sulli's side

Sulli is driving while the radio is playing Hyorin's One Way Love when suddenly, her phone rang

It was her high school bestfriend Krystal...

"Krystal! its been a while since you last called! any news?" Sulli was ecsited to talk to her again...

" Hey, sulli, do you want to meet?" Krystal asked her, waiting for confirmation

" Where? when?"

" I will go at your house, tomorrow... I"ll bring food!" Krystal happily suggested


Sulli ended the call and continued driving....


Shin Attorneys Alliance

in Sulli's office

" Well, Mrs. Baek, are you still willing to try another chance with your partner? as a battered wife, this is really a big

decision to make, but you are the one who said he already changed.... and , if you separate what about the kids?

It's not that i am favoring your husband, but i think your relationship deserves a second chance. There is always

time for marital problems and crisis, and i think you are facing it now.... as your legal professional consulatant, i am

suggesting that you reconsider things and put them into their proper placces, right?" Sulli said 

" Well, i know i've got to think about it, after all, I love him still..." Mrs. Baek shared

She said thank you to Sulli and left the office.,

Sulli POV

I hope they reconcile.... but, did i give a good tip? my mind is over something else... i was thinking about what guy Minho got for me.... ohgosh! I still have 4 clients and one meeting until afternoon!

end of POV



Minho's side


Well, i better call my pal when i was in college... what was his name again? 

Oh yeah! i got it! Chanyeol! Park Chanyeol! Good thing i have my colleagues' contact!

so he dialed the number and good thing he picked up...

Chanyeol: hello? Minho! Long time no talk! Do you want to meet up! or are you busy?

Minho: hey bro! 


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varhalaela #1
Chapter 31: huwa....benar benar pasangan yg sangat serasi..MINSUL Jang..aku menunggu moment moment minsul seperti ini...heeheh..romantis.. :)
DreamOfAMirage #2
Chapter 20: Since watching 'To The Beautiful You' I started shipping Minho and Sulli. And now can't help the feels. This is daebak! ;)
claribelmiranda #3
Chapter 32: Awww......great stooory! Looove their love story, kekekeke, anyways done reading this one <33333
afelhojas #4
Chapter 32: hahaha naughty minho but still they're inlove tnx authornim pls update your new story again it....
nana4ever #5
Chapter 32: Awwww... I'm so glad that our couple is doing good and have a little girl. Minho is still teasing Sull lol.

I hope Krystal and Jong in will get married soon.

Thank you for the update. I miss this couple.

Looking forward to the next story ...

Take care and enjoy the weekend.
nana4ever #6
Chapter 31: So they are trying but not yet :). MinSul will be good parents but I'm glad they had time together as a couple
kimipuys #7
Chapter 31: Oh minsul so cute before married their want have a child after 2 years but after married they hope child soon.i hope sulli will pregnant soon. Cute and sweet couple minsul married life kekeke.thanks autornim
miezamasrew #8
Chapter 30: Minsul will be upcoming parents .. This was my first time read your fanfic , and i would say this story is the best . Thanks for update it authornum..
I will wait for another update .. :)
Fairyness #9
Chapter 30: Upcoming parentasss, kekeke... Actually anything u write about minsul, we'll like it :)
nana4ever #10
Chapter 30: All 3.... Hehe

So excited that they finally married. I wonder if they will make it to 2 years before Sulli get pregnant :)

Seriously.... I would prefer to have the baby born. Just so I will know the gender and the name they selected.

Thank you for the update my dear.