You Know Them Alright

Finding Mr. Right FOR HER

''Mom?! D-dad?!'' 

Sulli's reaction was priceless... Her parents caught her red-handed.... 

There's a man inside her house...

Sulli's mom looked at Minho from head to toe

''Minho? What are you doing here? It's nice to see you again!'' 

Minho just smiled

Sulli looked at her mother... 

'' Sulli! You didn't tell me you and minho are dating! Me and your father came here because we thought you have some problems and probably needed some sort of comfort... But it seems like we were wrong'' Sandy explained

Sulli is still dazed...

She was just standing there like a rock that can never be moved....

''Sulli, my dear?'' Sulli's father, Eugene snapped


'' Sulli, won't you tell us what happened and let us enter in your house? It's pretty cold even if it's spring....'' Sandy suggested

Sulli guided them in...

Good thing Minho cleaned the living room before checking out who the visitor is a while ago.

Sulli got prepared some biscuits and kimchi in the kitchen..

Minho was about to help her but Sandy and Eugene insisted that he should accomodate them instead...

While they were sitting in the living room sofas

Minho POV

Remember Minho, 

First Impression Lasts

End of POV

''What were you two doing here, Minho?'' Eugene asked intrigued

'' We were just eating some chocolates and watching television, uncle'' Minho answered

'' Do you do that often?'' Sandy asked

'' Well, we do that in my rented house next door.. We do  some chats in my house even before we became together...'' Minho smiled

''It all started because I inquired the house beside Sulli's... And I didn't know that she is the one who owns it...'' Minho added

He was about to add some more details when Snady interrupted

''If you knew that Sulli owns the house, will you inquire about it? You were rivals right? I can never forget you, Minho because your mother and I were good friends..'' Sandy said

''Well,if I don't have any place to stay.. then i should just stick with the big house..'' Minho said


Sulli's side

''Maybe I should let them have their own time first'' Sulli thought


''And then while we were drinking in the nearby bar, Sulli offered me a deal... The deal is I need to find her a guy,... then i could leave in that house for free.'' Minho said

''Then that's when all the feelings started... I never imagined that we can go this far...'' Minho revealed

''I always looked at her as my beloved rival'' Minho confessed

''God is very wise indeed.'' Minho finally said

''That was interesting..'' Eugene commented

Then Sulli came out of nowhere and announced that it's eating time...

They proceeded to the dining room and Miho rushed to Sulli who is busy with the dishes from the kimchi preparation

Sulli felt a warm feeling in her abdomen...

Some backhug won't hurt, right?

''It tickles me..'' Sulli smiled

''Well you better be ready...and prepared... When we get married, every time I see you washing the dishes i'll do this to you..'' Minho looked at her eyes from behind

''Hearing that from Minho gives me goosebumps and butterflies in my stomach....'' Sulli thought

Minho kissed her left cheek before proceeding to that table to chat more with Sandy and Eugene


After they ate, Minho left the residence...

He felt very shy because of the sudden visit of Sulli's parents


Guest Room

''So you 2 will sleep here for 3 days and 2 nights?'' Sulli asked again for verification

''Yeah, what's wrong with that? Why?'' Sandy asked

''Why? Is there some sort of Minho's scent in the bed?'' Eugene was half kidding half serious.. He smirked


''Shouting at your father even if you are already 30 years old? Is that called manners and all?'' Eugene mocked and joked her

''Hey, hey, hey... You 2, stop that now... it's already 11 in the evening.. it's time to sleep....Sulli, my baby, can't you just sleep here with us?'' Sandy asked

''Want me to get a sofa bed and some pillows? I really missed you mother! ....... Dad, I didn't miss you! Hmph!'' Sulli crossed her arms...

Then she smiled

She got the blue sofa bed and 2 pillows and a blanket..

''Sulli, you know what, you caught a great man'' Sandy said

Sulli just blushed

''I like him... But I don't fully trust him yet..'' Eugene said

''Awwww,,,'' Sulli unconsciously said

''Sulli!'' Sandy shouted

''What now, mom?!''


After a while.....



Minho's side...

Minho is already in his bed and the air condiotner is on...

Minho POV

Did I really leave a good impression..I wish so....:]

I really love Sulli...

And I want to tie the knot

After we marry, I want a peaceful life...

I don't want some in-laws nagging at me....IN THE MORNING!

Imagine that?!

But anyways....

Let's just wish for the best...

Oh wait...

I didn't thank Krystal yet!

I better call her first thing in the morning tomorrow..

If it wasn't for her.....I should be in Aregentina now...

or I should be in the airplane now....

And I never should have confessed to Sulli

I think we should be married as soon as possible... we don't need a long realtionship like seven years...

Because both of us kniw the bad and good side of each other... we became classmates in middle school... and ENEMIES in high school... we know each other so well...

End of POV


Hello guys!

Just 1 or 2 chapters left!

Thank you for the support and the comments...

i will never forget you, my dear subscribers!

A million thanks!

I love you all!

One last favor:

Can you comment for this chapter and for the remaining chapters? THank you in advance!







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varhalaela #1
Chapter 31: huwa....benar benar pasangan yg sangat serasi..MINSUL Jang..aku menunggu moment moment minsul seperti ini...heeheh..romantis.. :)
DreamOfAMirage #2
Chapter 20: Since watching 'To The Beautiful You' I started shipping Minho and Sulli. And now can't help the feels. This is daebak! ;)
claribelmiranda #3
Chapter 32: Awww......great stooory! Looove their love story, kekekeke, anyways done reading this one <33333
afelhojas #4
Chapter 32: hahaha naughty minho but still they're inlove tnx authornim pls update your new story again it....
nana4ever #5
Chapter 32: Awwww... I'm so glad that our couple is doing good and have a little girl. Minho is still teasing Sull lol.

I hope Krystal and Jong in will get married soon.

Thank you for the update. I miss this couple.

Looking forward to the next story ...

Take care and enjoy the weekend.
nana4ever #6
Chapter 31: So they are trying but not yet :). MinSul will be good parents but I'm glad they had time together as a couple
kimipuys #7
Chapter 31: Oh minsul so cute before married their want have a child after 2 years but after married they hope child soon.i hope sulli will pregnant soon. Cute and sweet couple minsul married life kekeke.thanks autornim
miezamasrew #8
Chapter 30: Minsul will be upcoming parents .. This was my first time read your fanfic , and i would say this story is the best . Thanks for update it authornum..
I will wait for another update .. :)
Fairyness #9
Chapter 30: Upcoming parentasss, kekeke... Actually anything u write about minsul, we'll like it :)
nana4ever #10
Chapter 30: All 3.... Hehe

So excited that they finally married. I wonder if they will make it to 2 years before Sulli get pregnant :)

Seriously.... I would prefer to have the baby born. Just so I will know the gender and the name they selected.

Thank you for the update my dear.