

It's a brand new day. A typical day for Minseok to practice with his beloved piano. He love playing piano ever since he was a child. It gives hope, that everything will be okay. Like the melodies he's making with the piano. That everything will be in its right place and make a perfect music, a perfect life for him.


"Is there someone who will occupy the other piano room in here?" Minseok asked his butler.


"I guess sir, but we could care less about that, let's just continue to practice."


Minseok continued to practice, a beautiful melody can be heard all over the practice house, making it feel like there's no perfect place but the house itself.


Little did he know, there's a new car parked adjacent to theirs. A man stepped out of the driver's seat, made his way to the passenger's seat and opened the door.


A young lady steps out, her butler guiding her. She made her way to the practice house. She has a pale skin, her body is petite, her hair is black and wavy, she has this beautiful doe shaped eyes, looking like it is a gift from heaven. But there's something about it. She can't use those beautiful eyes, for it decided to shut itself and block her from seeing the beautiful things in front of her.


Just like now.


Minseok while swallowing those small round white objects is also walking at the hallway, they met halfway. Minseok took a glance at her but the latter did not do the same thing because she can't see him.


As Minseok reaches the end of the hallway, he decided to go back and see the new soul in the house, but he was taken aback by the girl's strict butler.


"You're not allowed here kid. You have your own practice room" the butler ordered Minseok coldly and shoved him away.


The next day, Minseok decided to ask his butler the name of the girl inside the practice room parallel to his. He asked him why the butler of the girl hurting is her, and he also asked if she is blind.


His butler only told him to keep quiet.


But Minseok decided to be hard headed. After his practice he headed inside the mysterious girl's practice room and sat beside her in front of the piano.


The girl was shock to feel Minseok's presence, and did not move for a second.


But as Minseok presses the piano keys. It's like there's this spark that she felt and she is confused because she never felt it before. She joined Minseok and they played the piano together, their hands we're in sync creating beautiful melodies but it was cut short when they heard footsteps, Minseok stood up and went to hide at the back of the piano just in time before the girl's butler appears.


"Is there someone with you in here?" The strict butler asked.

"Th-there's no one in here but me." The girl lied as she stuttered. After that the butler left. Minseok popped his head out at took a glance before he completely revealed himself again.


He sat beside her again and asked her.


"What's your name?" 




"Hmm. It suits you." Minseok smiled, and eyes full of sincerity.


But then he remembered something.

She can't see me.


Then suddenly he felt something weird. He felt a pang in his heart. He thought it's because he's sick, so he decided to take the transparent cylinder with a white cap and opened it. He took one of those small round white objects and then he swallowed it.


"What are you eating?" Yoojung asked.


"Oh.. it's just a candy" Xiumin responds and then he saw the glass container at the top of the piano and luckily it has candies. He took one and asked Yoojung to eat it.


As he fed Yoojung, the tips of his fingers brushed against the latter's lips.


And then there is it again. The weird feeling, he felt it again.


But he brush it off and smiled.


Days passed by and the two of them became closer, they learned many things about each other, They would talk when their butlers can't see them.And tell everything about each other. 

Except for their true feelings.


But one day, Minseok decided to end all of it. They sneakily headed to the backyard of the practice house.They sat on the bench, the fresh air welcomed them, autumn is a really nice season. Both of them love it.


"I want to know what you look like.." Yoojung muttered out of the blue.


"Oh.. well, then.." Minseok took her hands and then placed it on his face for her to feel his facial features.


She smiled as she studies Minseok's face.


He is perfect, he has this soft cheeks, tall nose, his eyes are big but at the same time its chinky, and his soft lips felt just right. She thought.


"I want you to see something" Minseok muttered.


"Huh?" she asked, how is she able to do that if she's blind?


Minseok took her hands and he placed her palms into his chest for her to feel his heartbeat.


"You are able to visualize my face right? It doesn't matter if you can't see me. Because I believe that what you feel is more important than what you see. So.. can you feel it? Can you feel my heartbeat? It's beating so fast right now. It actually hurts, so bad.But at the same time, it felt so right. I don't want to end this, even if it means that the pain will be a lot.. Now can you imagine why is my heart like this? Can you imagine who's making it beat so fast? Can you see... who's inside of it?"


Yoojung felt everything.

Yoojung can visualize it.

Yoojung can see who is it.


"Can that someone... perhaps.. is me?" 


She questioned Minseok, she want to know if she's right. She want to know if she can really see it despite of her inability to see his entire emotions.


Minseok smiled his heart felt like it's going to burst out from the happiness he is feeling, but even before he can answer her question he felt pain.


His heart is in pain.

Like there is someone who is squeezing it and at the same time stabbing it. He gripped Yoojung's hand so hard. Before he can even reach the transparent cylinder in his pocket using his other hand, someone grabbed him.

And in just a snap his hands felt cold for he is no longer holding Yoojung's hands.


He peered at the two men who grabbed him, seconds passed and he is being dragged away from Yoojung, their grips are so tight, but he tried to flee away from them, but he can't. His heart is in pain. He didn't notice that the container wherein those little round  white objects is placed fell from his pockets, because he is busy screaming Yoojung's name.


But Yoojung felt it.

She know something fell.


She searched it, she didin't mind if her hands get dirtied by the ground, she searched and searched blindly until she felt something, a cylinder. The plastic container.


She grabbed it and clutched it like her life depends on it.


But she didn't know, a certain butler wearing a glass is looking at her through the window of the house.


The next day, she waited.


She waited for Minseok... she clutched the cylinder while waiting. The door opened revealing her butler.


"You are not allowed to see him again." Her butler ordered.


"B-B-ut why?" She felt like crying after hearing those words.


"He's not for you. He would just leave you alone." The butler said coldly, but there is something behind those cold facade and if you listen carefully you can tell there is a tone of sympathy in it.


The door closed and Yoojung was left all alone by herself again.


But despite of what her butler said. She waited patiently.


If she can't be with Minseok, maybe... just maybe.. she can hear him play the piano. She can hear his melodies. And she is more than grateful that even though she's blind her ears works properly.


By that she can feel him.

She can see him.


But the day will be coming to an end, yet there is no sign of Minseok. She is losing hope. What if he doesn't come back? What if, he doesn't really want me? What if.. I'm not the one who's making his heart beat so fast?


But before she lose the last strand of her hope..


The piano played.

The house is filled with melodies.


She smiled.


He came back.

He didin't left her.

He's right there, doing what he love.

And she's here hearing it.


Maybe this is enough.

Maybe this is what they are destined to be.

Maybe this is just the right melody.

The right life for them.


But she heard something.

It's not a melody.

It's something that is not right.

It's not the right piano keys.


She waited..

Maybe, he just pressed the wrong piano keys.

Maybe he just didn't practiced it very well.


She kept telling herself.


But everything is not as perfect as it seems.


Because she didn't know, that those off- tuned sounds, the sounds like death, is the last music she can hear from Minseok.


Because while playing the piano, he is crying. He know he can't see her again. And there he felt so lonely. He played the piano for her. So she can hear the melodies he made. So she can feel what he feels. His heart ached so bad. He felt the stabs again, his mind told him to take those small white objects.. they call it aspirin. They told him they prevent heart attacks. But he doesn't want to stop. He doesn't want to stop playing the piano. He doesn't want to stop telling her how perfect she is. His heart beats so fast, it hurts so bad, but he wanted to feel it, because his heart beats for her. And if he swallow those aspirins, he's afraid he can't make melodies again. He's afraid that he won't feel the rapid beating of his heart anymore.


But it hurt so bad he can't take it anymore, and there he lost his consciousness. 


His butler saw him, he carefully stares at his master. Then his face started to be gloomy, and his eyes are now glassy. 


He carefully carried his master and then left the practice house, knowing it is the last time he and his master would step on it.


Yoojung is still waiting. Not giving up, and full of hopes in her heart. She wanted him to continue playing his melodies.


Then she heard it.

The melody.

She smiled and listened contently.


This is enough for her.

She could live like this.


Little did she know, it is her butler playing the piano piece Minseok made for her.

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Chapter 1: you have good writing skills authornim~ It's exactly how the mv visualizes it :) DAEBAK~