Ground Rules

Drabbles on LJ

Title: Ground Rules

Pairing: Sehun/Luhan

Rating: PG

Genre: Fluff

Word Count:

Author's notes: inspired by Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone in the latest Spider-Man movie~ It's when they're taking time off (but not really hehe). Quite speech heavy (?)


(And what ground rules are we talking about here?)




"So..." Sehun turns his face towards Luhan, who’s lounging on the bed beside his own as he scrolls through his phone. He waits for him to continue, but after a solid minute of silence, it seems that Luhan’s not saying anything else.


“Yes?” Sehun prompts, nudging Luhan with his toe.


“We’re going to need to lay down some ground rules,” Luhan blurts out, dropping his phone onto the bedsheets with a soft thud.


“Huh?” Sehun didn’t see this coming, he had thought that they would be all lovey-dovey now that they were promoting together, and weren’t separated by an ocean.


“The managers said that we should take some time off..." Luhan trails off, gaze fixed on Sehun's unamused expression, "time off! Not break up or anything!” He panics when he sees Sehun glaring at him, his eyebrows scrunching together. “Just, you know, so that our shippers or whatever cool off for a bit.”


“And what ground rules are we talking about here?” Sehun isn’t fully appeased, irritated that his time with Luhan had to be dampened with something as stupid as ground rules.


“Li-like-- Uhm--” Luhan’s ears were reddening at the tips, embarrassment clearly getting the better of his vocal chords.


“Like what?”


“That thing you just did would be a good start,” he mumbles unintelligibly, fumbling with the bedsheets.


“What did I do?”


‘The poking thing.” Oh.


“You mean this?” Sehun decided that he might as well have his fun, before Luhan really enforced those ground rules of his. He lifts his leg, reaching for Luhan’s bed again and pokes Luhan’s with his big toe.


“Sehun…” Luhan’s voice has a hint of warning, but it wavers, showing just how much it was affecting him.


“What?” Sehun plays innocent, moving to trail his toe down Luhan’s bare thighs (they were both wearing shorts).


“Stop!” squeals Luhan, grabbing his pillow and throwing it at Sehun’s face.


“Okay, you didn’t have to do that,” Sehun grumbles, rubbing his face with his palm to soothe the slight tingling. “But fine.”




“But then you have to stop doing that thing,” Sehun adds with a smirk.


“Wait, you’re not allowed to do that either.” Luhan puts his hands up to his face, covering his eyes.


“What did I do now?!”


“That lopsided smirk? Yeah that.”


“No fair, you’ve given me two ground rules and I haven’t even given you one--”


“Make that three, you’re not allowed to do the pout either.”


“Let me speak!”


“Actually no, make that four because hearing your voice---”


“No more until I lay down a few ground rules!” Sehun huffs, jumping over to lie down beside Luhan. He covers Luhan's lips with his large hands, grinning when Luhan just stares at him, horrified at being silenced. “One, you’re not allowed to look at me with those forever sparkly eyes of yours,” he says, turning Luhan around so that he was spooning the older.


“But!” Luhan manages to remove the hand, only for it to return to it's position just seconds after.


“Don’t interrupt, that’s not very polite. Two, you’re not allowed to do that adorable laugh of yours. Make it look ugly, sound more annoying, maybe like those hysterical old ladies?”


“But my laugh is already ugly, you’re being ridiculous.”


“It’s not, it’s the most wonderful thing ever when I see you laugh, I can feel your happiness radiating for miles.”






“What’s next?” Luhan's blush darkens, so he tries to change the topic.


“Oh yeah. Three, no more of that blinking business.”


“Are you telling me that I’m not even allowed to carry out a natural body mechanism--”


“Can I just add that you were about to ban me from speaking--”


“Because your voice does things to me--”


“And your excessive blinking makes me want to jump you.”










"You get one more ground rule before it's my turn again," mutters Luhan, shifting backwards slightly to snuggle against Sehun.






"This is the most important ground rule, so promise me you'll never break it." Sehun's suddenly gone serious, the teasing mood from earlier dissipating. His hold on Luhan tightens, and he buried his head into the crook of the smaller's neck.


"What is it?"


"Four, the ultimate ground rule: You are absolutely never allowed to not love me, even if we lay down all these ground rules." There is a silence as Sehun waits for Luhan to respond, but the smaller is frozen in his arms.


"My turn. The next rule is--"




"The next rule is..." Luhan persists, rolling over so that he's facing Sehun again.


"Hyung." Sehun leans forward, resting his forehead on Luhan's, still waiting for an answer to his question. "No more ground rules, just answer me. Please."


"You're an idiot," whispers Luhan, his eyes fluttering shut as he closes the small distance between them, pressing his lips on Sehun's. The younger is a little shocked, but kisses back anyway. He could never refuse. Not for Luhan, not ever.


In between their slow kisses, Luhan pulls away to give the younger his answer.


"You beat me to it, honestly. The last ground rule was going to be that you love me for as long I love you, and I know that I'm not stopping anytime soon. You have to love me even though my laugh makes me look like an old man with wrinkles--"


"You're my old man--"


"Shut up, you're ruining the moment."




"And for whatever restraint we need in front of fans, to abide by our ground rules, make up for it when we're alone, in the privacy of our love."


"Does that mean..."


"Don't say it, Sehun."




"Oh my god, I'm embarrassed enough as it is, basically declaring for you to me harder."




"That's it?"


"Haha aww, don't be mad, hyung. Let me get to the making up part," Sehun smiles as he dips his head down to place wet kisses on Luhan's collarbone.


And they spent the night with no restraints, holding what the rest of the EXO members would call an opening ceremony for the beginning of SeLu's ual frustration during promotions, and loud evenings that would leave them all begging to vacate the dorms for the two lovebirds..



That's it haha~ Find me on and leave me prompts/messages/questions here ---> link

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2451 streak #1
LittlePhantom #2
Chapter 2: ohmygod...i really feel in love with daycare cute...especially part when kyungie say shuss...and pat kai sweet...i really wish this story can be continue with another cp too ...O_Ov..
nightingalesatnight #3
Chapter 3: Ok parent Krisho, baby Kaisoo and Selu are just the cutest things on the planet.
Chapter 3: Yep!! The daycare!au is really cute!! Please continue it!!!
Chapter 3: OMG you should continue the daycare!au it's too freakin' adorable <333