Not Meant To Be

Drabbles on LJ

Title: Not Meant To Be

Pairings: onesided!Baekhyun/Kris, onesided!Baekhyun/Jongdae, implied!Kris/girl!Kyungsoo

Genre: angst?

Rating: g

Summary: baekhyun doesn’t have the best of luck when it comes to crushes, they’re more like crashes.

Word Count: 800~ words

Author’s Notes: two short drabbles (baekhyun-centric) that i was planning to make into a full fic with all baekhyun pairings (and endgame chanbaek) but then yeah… I dropped this wip so posting what little I’ve written.



baekhyun x kris (onesided)

baekhyun doesn’t know when it started. maybe it was year 9, maybe it was later, maybe it was earlier. all he knows is, one day, it just hits him. he had turned to face kris, and his heart rate sped up, and he was feeling nervous. it wasn’t exactly the first time that he had a crush on someone. but it was the first time that it had lasted this long. two years to be exact. yes, two years. and that’s just the amount of time that he had actually realized his feelings for the older boy. they say that a crush that lasts longer than six months isn’t really a crush anymore, but it’s blossomed into love. but baekhyun isn’t sure if what he’s feeling is actually love. does love hurt this much? seeing kris ask someone else out to prom, later going out with said person. Said person who was much cuter than himself, who looked perfect next to kris. said person who was a girl, who could wear a pretty dress to prom, who could stand next to kris and look like they were part of a magazine shot of couples. but what hurts more is how he acts with baekhyun. it wasn’t that he was mean, in fact, it was the complete opposite. it would have been easier if kris wu was a jerk, but he wasn’t. he was an outgoing guy, who charmed everyone with his smooth voice. he was popular with boys and girls alike, his basketball skills earning the boys’ respect and the girls would swoon as he played. he was nice to everyone, baekhyun included, so it wasn’t as if he was special. but there were moments that gave him hope, when kris gave him that lopsided grin that he rarely gave, when kris would randomly sit beside him for class, saying nothing as he bumps shoulders. and the more daring moves included openly flirting with baekhyun, his ears flaming red beneath his black locks. but to kris, it must have just been a fun game, whereas baekhyun’s heart was wrenched from his grasp. the saddest thing is probably the fact that baekhyun still can’t stop himself from liking kris, not until they had graduated, moving away to different colleges; and even then, he occasionally thought about him in the first year, wondering whether or not those ‘i’ll miss you’s and ‘it’s not going to be the same without you’s meant anything.


baekhyun x jongdae

before kris, he remembers being confused about his feelings. baekhyun was naturally someone who took a while to open up (even if he gives off the vibe of an outgoing person, he’s actually got quite a lot of trust issues), so he was only close to his best friend, jongdae. he knew that jongdae’s been harbouring a crush on him for the past year, it tends to happen when you spend most of your time with someone. but baekhyun wasn’t sure, what exactly was he feeling? was it just feelings between close friends, or actual love? and when jongdae had asked him (over msn no less) baekhyun was momentarily swayed, flattered that someone, anyone, actually liked him. so he said yes, smiling goofily to himself as he signed out. but it was all too good to be true, and jongdae broke up with him the next day (once again over msn). baekhyun couldn’t understand it. jongdae had been the one to make the first move, and then he goes ahead and backs away like baekhyun was a contagious diseases. ‘it’s not you, i just think that it’d be weird if we started going out, you know, since we’re like best friends… and i don’t think i’m actually gay’ was his excuse. lame. but baekhyun wants to bash his head on the computer screen, because he had agreed to it, much like a fool. that day, he cried his heart out, cried his heart out to luhan, who he knew would never betray him like jongdae had (mostly because luhan was a girl, and baekhyun was a hundred percent sure of his uality… unlike jongdae). he remembers crying as he typed rage texts to luhan, because he wasn’t coherent enough to hold a telephone conversation. maybe it was because of that whole fiasco (which lead to jongdae being on his ignore list) that made baekhyun crave a crush in the form of kris wu. some might say he’s weak, for craving the attention of another, but baekhyun can’t fault himself. because who doesn’t want to be liked? he just wishes that he had been smart enough to like someone who liked him back.

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2456 streak #1
LittlePhantom #2
Chapter 2: ohmygod...i really feel in love with daycare cute...especially part when kyungie say shuss...and pat kai sweet...i really wish this story can be continue with another cp too ...O_Ov..
nightingalesatnight #3
Chapter 3: Ok parent Krisho, baby Kaisoo and Selu are just the cutest things on the planet.
Chapter 3: Yep!! The daycare!au is really cute!! Please continue it!!!
Chapter 3: OMG you should continue the daycare!au it's too freakin' adorable <333